MTL - After Becoming a Taoist-Chapter 903 banquet world

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   Chapter 903 Banquet to Heaven and Earth

  Li Dandao didn't think, why so many people came.

  Why are there not many people here?

  Li Dandao cloned himself to invite a few comrades, including apprentices and friends, to gossip about each other, and when they heard that they were going to play the Donghai dungeon, they all came to watch the fun.

  The first ones to eat melons belonged to the overseas Sanxian of Mishima and Shizhou.

   They are the closest, and Mishima and Shizhou is another "square market", and various factions may have a station here, so naturally they come one after another.

  Li Dandao saw this, he opened his mouth to make a "flowing water banquet" to reward the immortals for their help.

   It just so happens that there is still a lot of dragon meat here, which can be used as a raw material.

  Yaya was the most happy and gave Li Dandao a hand.

Li Dandao originally wanted to discuss the Dao, but think about it, so many people have to discuss the Dao, I am afraid that the differences will be greater, and it is better to seek common ground while reserving differences, whether you are the pre-Qin or the two Han Wei and Jin Dynasties, or a contemporary cultivator, you will have deep feelings when you eat, drink and drink. .

  Li Dandao's cooking is like alchemy, and he can pursue the freshest ingredients. Because he is near the sea, he uses seafood more.

  Although we cannot reproduce the previous "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea", we must also be able to "innovate".

   First, the "脍" was made from the dragon loin, and it was roasted on the ice and jade cold plate, so it was crystal clear.

   Then there is the cold "dragon skin". The Prince of Hualong is a "young" dragon, and the dragon skin is very elastic and tender, like the skirt of a turtle.

  Li Dandao is boiled in boiling water, and seasoned slightly with seven-eating salt and five-flavor pepper, poured with hot oil and mixed, it is very delicious.

  The four claws and dragon tail are braised, and the dragon claws and tail are very tough.

However, Li Dandao first fryed the candied color with the honey from Baihuaxianzi, then poured the treated dragon claws and tails into it and stir-fryed, and then added the strawberries, cinnamon, star anise, fennel, basil, and pepper. Stir fry until fragrant, pour in Dongyaochi peach blossom wine, monkey wine, Dukang wine, three kinds of liquor, and then simmer over high heat.

  The aroma filled the air, and Yaya smacked her lips: "I was wrong, that loach is definitely not only three dishes and one soup in my brother, but at least eight dishes and one soup."

   Braised dishes and set aside.

  Li Dandao took off the dragon rib, chopped it into shape with one, and started to prepare the marinade, which is exactly what he wanted to fry the ribs.

The    oil is used to boil the "dragon paste" on Cing's stomach.

   The boiled dragon fat has a fragrance.

   After the ribs were marinated, they were deep-fried in a small fire, and then they were picked up and fried again. The aroma quickly permeated the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

   Donghai Dragon Mother was furious when she saw her son's body being made into vegetables.

   Seeing this, Ao Bing's Primordial Spirit was almost scared to death: "Fortunately, the soul didn't fall into his hands!"

  The Dragon King's eyes were gloomy, and it was more than Li Dan's way of eating dragons. In the Heavenly Palace, whenever there was a banquet, the dragon would be slaughtered for a banquet, and even the Dragon King had to make offerings every year.

   However, part of it was that the Dragon King tricked the dragons who "jumped over the Dragon Gate" into making dishes, and part of it was that the Dragon King of the East China Sea excluded his actions, such as bribing Wude Xingjun, and sent many dragon species for him to eat and drink.

   But when this matter fell on him at this time, he was naturally very aggrieved and his face was cold.

   "He is like this today. From now on, he will eat a pair of virgins and virgins every day, and he needs to donate them himself, otherwise there will be no rain." The Dragon King of the East China Sea said coldly.

   Mother Dragon scolded: "Do you dare to fight with them with real swords and spears? Back then, the Eight Great Dragon Kings, the Four Yin and Four Yang, crossed eastward to the Central Plains, and I followed you because I was blind."

   "Stay calm and don't be impatient, isn't his Primordial Spirit still there? The big deal is to seize a dragon egg, turn it around and repair it, and when the world gathers, we will fight together again!"


   On the shore, Li Dandao fry the remaining dragon meat and make soup.

   A few more dishes.

  I saw these dishes, some of which emit golden light, some emit red light, some are three-colored, and some are multicolored, all of which belong to the immortal cuisine.

   And each has an effect.

  I went to the banquet after the dishes were finished, but for a while, I seldom moved my chopsticks.

   Too many people, too few dishes, no one is embarrassed.

   After watching Li Dandao cooking, all the immortals have heard the name of Li Dandao's chef more or less, and now they have taken out their treasured ingredients.

  Li Dandao did not refuse anyone who came, after all, he invited him to deal with the world.

   Now there are hundreds of rare treasures from all over the world in the hands of Li Dandao.

  Li Dandao simply separated his incarnations and cooked separately.

   itself specializes in red cases, all kinds of meat dishes.

   Monk Li Dandao cooks various vegetarian dishes.

   Confucian scholar Li Dandao worked as a carver and made white desserts.

  The incarnation of Qinglong Li Dandao is responsible for handling all kinds of ingredients.

   Qinglian Li Dandao is responsible for spitting out the true fire of Samadhi and adjusting the firepower of each channel.

  Taixuan has Chang Siming Tianjun Li Dandao, who is responsible for "blessing" each dish.

   It can be said that he has played tricks, fully reflecting the cultivation of the sun god, and using distractions.

   Actually made 81 stir-fried dishes, 72 steamed dishes, 64 cold dishes, 36 kinds of pastries, and 24 soups.

   and three mountains and five mountains, three islands and ten continents, five lakes and four seas, thirty-six caves, seventy-two blessed places, and a large platter of various types of spiritual fruits.

  Li Dandao is to cook these dishes, which can be said to be the ultimate embodiment of "self-direction".

   contains the idea of ​​"the unity of the three religions" and "the Dao is not far from people".

   As soon as these dishes are finished, the aroma fills the sky, which once again alerted the East Chef Ming Tianjun to the lower realm.

   "Hahaha, why are you cooking in the East China Sea again?"

   East Chef Ming Tianjun included some of the dishes in the recipe.

   These dishes were originally created by Li Dandao, such as "a mass of harmonious soup", reflecting the idea of ​​the unity of Buddhism and Taoism.

   "I was going to have a fight with the Dragon King of the Four Seas this time, so as to suppress their arrogance, but I didn't expect to come here so much. I thought that the visitor was a guest, so I naturally wanted to entertain." Li Dandao explained.

East Chef Ming Tianjun nodded: "So it turns out, it's not bad, dishes have a hundred flavors, and life has a hundred flavors, three thousand avenues, you can integrate the avenues, the insights of life, into the dishes, and achieve the realm of harmony between man and nature, already You can become a master chef, and even this gentleman's vision has been opened up by you."

   After saying that, he waved his hand and reproduced the "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea" that Li Dandao did last time.

   "You have entertained Wanxian, but there are two others who have not been invited." The East Chef ordered Tianjun to say: "If you entertain the two of them first, your path will naturally follow." The three shackles of catastrophe on your body can also resolve one for this. "

   "Which two of you, with such a powerful ability, can save me from a catastrophe?" Li Dan asked curiously.

   "Heaven and Earth."

   "Heaven is the way of heaven, the emperor of heaven, the earth is the way of earth, the mother of earth." East Chef Si Ming said: "If you invite heaven and earth, heaven and earth have spirits, and you can help you become an immortal."

  Li Dan got a point and was grateful: "Then put down the Temple of Heaven and the Temple of Earth", and use this "feast of ten thousand immortals" to worship heaven and earth, and then reward all immortals.

   "Hahaha!" East Chef Ming said, "It's so good, I might be able to borrow your Dongfeng to go further."

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion