MTL - After Becoming a Male God, I Broke Three Big Guys-Chapter 9 into the group

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Qiao Yu met another Director Jiang the next day, signed a contract, and joined the group next Thursday.

She has few scenes, and the shooting time is only about ten days.

I went to ask the head teacher for leave, and the head teacher was also surprised.

He knew that this student was an art candidate and would be admitted to the film school in the future. Besides, it would be a waste for her not to go to the film school because of her appearance, but he didn't expect that she would go to acting while she was still studying.

Chongming's long vacation is not easy to take, and Qiao Yu also went to the grade director to stamp it.

The principal knew that she was going to act, called her to the office, and kindly told her not to waste her homework while filming, and at the same time to act well to win glory for Chongming.

Luo Huilan is now the deputy director of the hospital. It is difficult to ask for leave. She just packed her luggage and drove her to the train station.

She has no assistants and does everything by herself. Fortunately, except for some child stars who play the youngest son of the State of Yan, she is the youngest actor in the crew, and there are not many famous actors who play with her. Everyone is equal and takes good care of her. her.

Half of her roles are played as a faint and cruel, drowsy king in the wine pool and meat forest, and the highlight is only four or five scenes.

When she finished work late today, Director Zhang specially let her watch a highlight of Yan Qi, saying it was to help her understand the role more deeply.

Only when she climbed the city wall at night did she know that this was the play of Yan Qi's childhood when the previous King Yan Huan "fired a gun".

King Yanhuan was the crystallization of a consanguineous marriage. He was cruel and unkind since he was a child. He took pleasure in killing people.

On that day, a little doctor surnamed Xie collected a lot of cannonballs from the people and presented them to King Yanhuan. King Yanhuan then led his ministers to the tower, and called his sons, so that the ruler and his ministers had fun together.

The cannons flew into the sky and exploded the grand fireworks.

But King Yanhuan felt a little boring, so he thought of a good way to add to the fun.

He asked someone to bring a lottery tube with the names of his children in it. Anyone who was shaken would be tied to a cannonball to see if he would explode like fireworks.

As soon as these words came out, some sensible sons collapsed to the ground, and some even ran downstairs desperately, but were caught by the servants and **** with guns under the instructions of King Yanhuan.

The brothers who played with them on weekdays were sent to the sky by cannonballs, and they were scattered like a firework.

The young Yan Li finally understood what it means to "fire a gun battle".

King Yanhuan held the wine cup and shook the lottery holder in the other hand, and laughed when he saw his children's faces turned pale, almost scared to incontinence.

A sign fell out, and the waiter picked it up and presented it respectfully.

"Which lonely child is named Yan Li, come out and let the father see."

Yan Li was stupefied by this shock. He didn't want to die, at least he didn't want to be bombed with no body like Yan Si's brother. He wanted to escape, but he couldn't afford it.

His only perception came from the warm hand of his brother Yan Qi holding him.

Warm hands pulled from his palms.

Yan Li was terrified, and he looked at his brother in disbelief.

His brother-in-law stood up, trembling, and walked towards their father.

Yan Li wanted to scream, but the old servant who served them all the year round tightly covered his mouth.

His last memory was that his brother, who was tied to the cannonball, smiled and told him silently:

Ali, don't be afraid.

This play took more than a dozen scenes back and forth, but every time Qiao Yu could sink into that kind of emotion, she was already in tears when the director called "ka" at the end.

In fact, Yan Qi had already died long ago, and the surviving King Yan Zhao was nothing but an empty skin and a walking corpse.

He hated this royal city, the Yan Kingdom in his eyes was sinful and dirty, and one day, he would destroy it with his own hands.

In this way, he will save the soul of his brother.

Director Zhang handed her a tissue from the side, "Is the scene in Shaofu tomorrow more exciting?"

Qiao Yu wiped away the tears on his face, "I see, thank you Director Zhang."

The days in the crew passed quickly, and Qiao Yu went back to school before he could play.

For a time, all the students in the school knew that Qiao Yu was going to film, whether it was outside the window or the people around her desk after class, there were an order of magnitude more.

Zhang Lun specially printed a stack of her photos, took a marker and asked her for an autograph, all from the post bar.

It is said that she signed in advance, and she will be too lazy to squeeze with other people in the future. If she really becomes a big star, she can sell it on a certain treasure.

Of course Qiao Yu didn't sign, let's not say that if he signed a precedent, he would have to sign off, and then he only played a small supporting role, and he started signing autographs before it was broadcast.

It's too expansive.

She explained the truth to Zhang Lun, and promised that she would be the first to sign for him in the future, and finally sent the other party away.

Ye Xiguang has been quietly writing homework after class, and it seems that no matter how noisy the surroundings are, he can't be disturbed at all.

But if someone carefully observes, they will find that he has written the homework for so long, and his first reading has not yet been selected.

He has been thinking about Qiao Yu, this time back, she is even more dazzling, and there are more and more people around her...

She is the dazzling sun in the universe, attracting countless stars around her.

He doesn't know why he cares about these issues. Maybe the other party is his deskmate, so he pays more attention. Maybe he wants to compare with her, so he pays more attention. Maybe... He is also one of those countless stars, so Unconsciously attracted, I want to surround her...

Qiao Yu didn't know the twists and turns in Ye Xiguang's heart, and while everyone was scattered, she took out a box of cloud peach cakes from her bag and put it on his table.

This is said to be a specialty of Beishi.

In fact, she didn't know much, because she had been filming at the film and television base and had no chance to go out. Finally, she saw someone put up a sign in front of the high-speed rail station for sale, and she brought a few boxes back.

It's not easy to distribute this thing, mainly because it's not enough. She didn't plan to distribute it to her classmates, and only left a box for her roommate.

Things are not precious, what is precious is the friendship between the same table.

Ye Xiguang looked at the box of cakes and said, "Is it for me?"

"Yes." She smiled, "Is it touched?"

This is the first gift my grandfather has received since his death.

Putting the box of pastries under the table carefully, he said softly:


The inspiration for this passage was a tyrant I saw in "Tongjian of Zizhi" before. When he killed his son, he called the harem to watch it together, which caused a huge psychological impact on me when I was young.

So there are such kings as King Yanhuan.

Read The Duke's Passion