MTL - After Becoming a Male God, I Broke Three Big Guys-Chapter 86

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The college entrance examination is imminent, in order to let Qiao Yu better review the cultural class, Sister Hong did not give her any new dramas. But in order to maintain the popularity, the team took over a new variety show for her, Jiangcheng Satellite TV's "One Day with My Best Friends"

This variety show has no so-called resident guests, and a total of 12 episodes have invited six pairs of celebrity friends. The content of the show is as simple and clear as the name, which is to record the day the two artists spent together.

The show has now aired for seven episodes. Friends of same-sex artists and friends of opposite-sex artists have been invited, providing material for countless CP fans.

In the last two episodes, at the request of the majority of fans, the program team plans to spend a lot of money to invite Qiao Yu and Ji Weitong for the final recording.

It's really not an easy task for Qiao Yu and Ji Weitong to be invited to the show together. Not to mention the schedule conflict, the pay is really high, but for the final ratings, the three-show group can only bite the bullet.

In order to live up to this sky-high salary, the program team released news early on to warm up. Under the official blog, without exception, all CP fans were crying bitterly, and their joy was beyond words.

A day with my best friend V:

"A Day With My Best Friend" is coming to an end. The last pair of star friends are about to start recording, and quietly send a picture, are they the ones you like?


The poster shows the silhouettes of two tall and thin boys, bound together by the red thread of fate wrapped around them.

[Fuck, f*ck, are the two I thought of! ? 】

【Hug your sister! It's really them[/tears]]

【I mean what I say, Xiao Jiangjiang is my father today】

[嘤嘤嘤Xiaojiangjiang Mama will never scold you again, Mama loves you for a lifetime[/tears]]

[Today we are all Jiang Weibing[/doge]]

Qiao Yu went to participate in the medical examination before recording "One Day with My Good Friends".

The medical examination site designated by the school was in the hospital where Luo Huilan worked, and Qiao Yu received a call from her the night before. Luo Huilan's tone is not very good, but she is very cautious, "Remember to leave early before checking the last item, put your ID card in my office drawer, and I will help you enter it."

Qiao Yu understood what she meant, and only said that he knew.

She has not been home for a long time. Sister Hong took care of all the matters of buying a house for her. After a little decoration, she moved in and became a neighbor with Ji Weitong.

Although they live close together, she and Ji Weitong can't see each other for the most part. She has been in the crew for a long time, and Ji Weitong has been running for a long time to announce that they are very busy with each other.

But occasionally when the two of them are together, Ji Weitong will definitely come to visit. Qiao Yu may not have time to talk to him. She is currently madly supplementing cultural lessons, and she will invite teachers to come to her home for supplementary lessons.

Ji Weitong didn't care. When Qiao Yu was in class, he sat quietly and played games with headphones. When the game was almost finished, he went back to his house. When it was time for dinner, he brought takeout for two to her for dinner.

Therefore, if the program team really wants to film the day when Qiao Yu and Ji Weitong get along with each other in a very documentary, chances are that it will be boring and uninteresting.

In general, the physical examination is carried out in the same class, but Qiao Yu's identity is special. If she is really crowded with so many people, the physical examination will cause a commotion, so the school is very considerate and said that it will notify Qiao Yu when there are fewer people. Go for a checkup.

The physical examination time for Class 7 was in the afternoon. The students in the class thought that Qiao Yu would come back to the class with everyone today, but the physical examination was half over. Qiao Yu has not arrived yet.

Lao Li: "Why did Qiao Yu come so early? He's going to have a medical examination today, so he can just hold a fan meeting."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the small bags of the female classmates, "In order to find Qiao Yu's signature, I also specially found a bag to carry a notebook and pen, are you tired?"

The students who were teased were full of faces, let alone their class, who did not know that Lao Li had been chatting in the circle of friends for three days before the signed notebook sent by Qiao Yu.

Of course, it was not only Lao Li who got the notebook, but the teachers in the whole class had a copy, each with Qiao Yu's signature and blessings written on the title page, full of sincerity. Not only the students in Class 7, but also the other thousands of teachers and students in Chongming were completely sour.

The students in several classes have almost completed the physical examination according to the procedures, and Qiao Yucai was long in coming.

Today, many people are staring at the seventh class, but Qiao Yu has never come. Everyone thought that Qiao Yu would not come. After the physical examination, they all returned to school first, but Qiao Yu did.

Several classmates who were one step ahead of the class all got on the bus back to school. The car was about to start, but suddenly heard an exclamation from the window, "Qiao Yu is here!"

The people in the whole car were lying on the side of the window, and sure enough, they saw Qiao Yu walking down from a commercial vehicle parked on the side of the road.

Qiao Yu was wearing a gray sweater today, and the black fisherman hat covered his eyebrows, but it was still recognizable at a glance. Both assistants followed behind him, following him straight to the hospital building.

Others were still exclaiming that the ghost was ready to get out of the car, and the accompanying teacher quickly blocked the door and stopped them, and told the driver to leave the car quickly.

The students in Class 7 also had almost completed their physical examinations. As soon as Qiao Yu walked into the building, he ran into two classmates.

The two boys looked at him and opened their mouths, "Qiao Yu! You are really here!"

Qiao Yu greeted them with a smile and asked, "Are you checking on the second floor?"

A boy nodded excitedly, "Yes, I'll show you the way!"

There were no more people in the various inspection departments. After the two boys took her to the first project, they ran to inform the rest of the seventh class.

Qiao Yu checked three items without queuing at all. The classmates who had not left all stood far away and looked at her, and Lao Li also got the news.

Qiao Yu was going to take a chest X-ray, but now he saw the head teacher also stopped and called the teacher respectfully.

"Xiaoyu just came?" Lao Li couldn't hide his smile. "Are you still filming recently? You can't miss the culture class after the college entrance examination!"

Qiao Yu nodded, "Well, I know, I have been taking cultural lessons recently."

Old Li looked at her with satisfaction, "You can go back to school to see your classmates when you have time. You can say cheer up is better for them than anything else."

Qiao Yu said without hesitation, "Okay, I know."

Lao Li patted her on the shoulder, "That's good, you go for a medical examination, I'll take them all away."

The students who were watching here watched as they finished chatting and were planning to rush forward with a pen and paper. As a result, Lao Li turned around and changed his face. Inhumanly, they asked them to go downstairs to gather after their physical examination. .

isn't it, sir? Come and take care of us when you're done talking?

Old Li took them downstairs like he was chasing chickens. "What are you worried about? I have made an appointment with Qiao Yu. I will definitely see you before the college entrance examination. Don't delay other people's physical examination now."

Qiao Yu went upstairs from the elevator on the other side. Now that the students have not finished walking, there are a few girls in the elevator who were planning to go down the second floor. When he saw him, he instantly stopped his steps towards the door and pushed him to the end. Make room for him inside.

Xia Xia and Brother Hang naturally first entered the elevator to separate her from the girls, and Qiao Yu stood at the outermost and pressed the 4th floor.

Just a second before the door closed, someone rushed outside the elevator door and pressed the button.

The door opened, Ye Xiguang was still pressing the button with one hand, he looked at her closely, sadness and happiness mixed in his eyes.

"Ye Xiguang? Do you want to come in?"

Then he withdrew his hand, approached the elevator and stood beside her. The elevator door was closed again, and Qiao Yu reached out and pressed the button, "Which floor to go to?"

"…Just like you."

The fourth floor arrived quickly, Qiao Yu took the lead out of the elevator and looked at him, "Have you finished the inspection yet?"

Ye Xiguang pursed his lips, "No."

Qiao Yu asked: "Is it also a chest X-ray?"

"No." He had already checked it, but he had been waiting for him with a small hope, but how could he tell him with such an inability to tell anyone?

Qiao Yu sometimes felt that Ye Xiguang seemed to depend on her a little bit. When she was still in Chongming, she probably felt that he was isolated from the class, so she had more sympathy and care for him.

But this child seems to be too lacking in love, and because of her casual care, she has been identified, and she just wants to be friends with her alone.

Even though he has cut his bangs short now, the outside looks more sunny and cleaner, but the inside doesn't seem to have changed.

After a stalemate for a while, she still spoke: "If the inspection is over, then go and gather."

Ye Xiguang bit his lower lip, and just as he was about to deny it, he heard the man say, "Is it cut bangs? It looks much better."

"That's good, you can make more friends at school."

He slowly lowered his head, and it took him a long time to resist the sourness of his nose and replied, "Yeah."

Seeing that they had finished talking, Sister Xia Xia reminded softly, "Xiaoyu, let's go."

All the inspections went well. In fact, even Qiao Yu was not afraid of the last item, but she still needed to follow what Luo Huilan said. After all, Luo Huilan was the only person in the world who knew her true gender.

"Sister Xia Xia, Brother Hang, please wait for me in the car first. My mother asked me to go to her after checking this item."

Sister Xia Xia nodded. She rarely heard Xiaoyu mention her mother, but she always felt that calling "mother" was a bit alienating.

When Qiao Yu went to Luo Huilan's office according to her memory, she was waiting for her. Qiao Yu and the mother who "restored memory" really had nothing to say, and they planned to leave after putting down their ID cards.

Luo Huilan looked at her with a gloomy face, and when she spoke again, her tone of resentment reached the extreme: "If it wasn't for you, it would be your brother who is standing here for the medical examination."

"Qiao Yu, why didn't you die?"

Qiao Yu held the doorknob's hand for a while, "So what do you want? Kill me to pay for his life?"

"But Mom, I've already died once."

"Qiao Yu's life was already given to Qiao Yu."

The residual suffocation that came from the depths of the soul came up again. Qiao Yu thought that his heart should not fluctuate, but in fact, the second he opened the door and walked out, a hot teardrop fell on the ground. superior.

The scarf private message subscription record receives 520 limited extras, what!

Babies, hurry up and come to me duck, since it is a festival, there must be a sense of ceremony[/doge] After 521, it will not be sent again unless there are special circumstances.

Thanks to the gold master fathers who threw the mines: can you, Jinliang, 1 ball that loves puffs (my baby on the list 1st and 2nd really loves me so much π^π Everyone saves the money of smashing thunder to buy milk tea drink!)

Read The Duke's Passion