MTL - After Becoming a Male God, I Broke Three Big Guys-Chapter 75 Repo③

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The undercover agent was eliminated, but Qiao Yu, who was the adjudicator, did not have a happy expression on his face, but Ji Weitong, who was eliminated, smiled. Even the late subtitles began to help the audience unfold the plot-【My position makes me have to betray you, but my bullets will protect you in my place. 】

CP fans are crying, what kind of an earth-shattering, sadistic romance is this eight o'clock plot!

The show came to an end, followed by a minute and a half of commercials. During the waiting time, many Wei fans who were unhappy with Ji Weitong's elimination had already withdrawn, but the cp fans did not cut it out, but started discussing directly in the barrage.

[I'm dry, from the first issue to now, Tong Tongzhen never shoots Xiaoyu. 】

[He could have escaped, but he stopped after seeing his brother...]

[The labor and management have put their words here today, even if the heavenly king and Laozi come, the encounter is also love! 】

[Don't analyze it, I can hear it for ten miles now that I'm crying so much]

[Tongtong just got shot twice by his brother and didn't look back, but when he met He Bing, he shot directly. Love makes people double standards. 】

[Hahahaha I remembered that they met He Bing in the first issue, Tongtong grabbed his brother's hand and turned around and ran hahaha]

[Harm, Xiaoji Lao double standard]

The ad break is over and the show continues.

The lens is still on the side of the encounter. Ji Weitong asked Qiao Yu how he discovered his undercover identity before he left the game, and Qiao Yu replied, "When the game first started, I asked you who you think is the undercover in this game, and you said that it seems that everyone is not. But ordinary people are not. The players didn't even know there was an undercover in this game."

Back in time. In the shot before getting into the car, Ji Weitong and Qiao Yu walked side by side to the school gate for a ride. When he saw the black SUV parked at the door, he slightly distanced himself from Qiao Yu, probably wanting to take a car alone. But Zhou Heyang and He Bing were faster, and he was forced to stay with Qiao Yu.

But what Ji Weitong didn't know was that his every micro-movement fell into Qiao Yu's eyes. That's why Qiao Yu opened his mouth to test who he was undercover in this game.

Everyone suddenly realized that Ji Weitong died because Qiao Yu knew him. If it were any guest, Qiao Yu might not be surprised, but because he knew Ji Weitong, he could decipher the information sensitively.

Ji Weitong came off, and then Qiao Yu and Chu Xinghan joined forces to form a leading group, intending to solve Wu Liya first. The undercover Chu Xinghan was in charge of attracting attention, while Qiao Yu broke in, making a perfect match.

The grandfathers of the audience looked at it and thought that the leading CPs were not bad, and the flying barrage suppressed all the luck parties for a while. I'm so angry, but the main master has left, so what else can I do?

At this point, only Xie Chuanliu was left in the cat team, and the mouse team who survived all won the match point.

It's a pity that the top party hasn't been complacent for a while, the game resurrection point has opened, and Qiao Yu left Chu Xinghan and went to the resurrection point alone. The mouse team is in good shape, and no one is eliminated, so who will Qiao Yu resurrect? The Opportunity Party felt alive again.

The resurrection point rule requires that you hit ten rings to get the resurrection quota, one shot and one paintball, but unfortunately Qiao Yu failed to hit even five shots. Originally, everyone had fewer bullets, and many viewers felt that it was too wasteful. After playing all the bullets in this way, they may not be able to get the resurrection card. For a while, only Ji Weitong's fans hoped that Qiao Yu would continue to fight.

But Qiao Yu didn't seem to care about these losses at all, and without blinking an eye, he directly loaded another magazine and continued to shoot like a broken vessel.

【Please select the player you want to revive. 】

The program group did not release Qiao Yu's answer, but all the audience knew that he came for that person, and he would definitely choose him.

The lounge opened, Ji Weitong walked into the darkness, and the beautiful young man with a gun outside the door casually looked over and handed him the three paintballs in his palm.

"Return to the original owner," he said.

【Ah ah ah it is really Ji Weitong! ! Chance szd! ! 】

【One day my unparalleled hero will not hesitate to waste all the bullets | The bullets will also step on the colorful clouds to save me woo woo 】

[Fortune is locked, I swallowed the key]

[Great, they can fight side by side again, I cry so loudly]

However, the times were quiet here, but the situation in Building A changed suddenly. Xie Chuanliu staged the Prince's Revenge, and eliminated Chu Xinghan and He Bing with his own power.

After getting the information, he got Chu Xinghan's paintball and entered the battlefield. Then Chu Xinghan and He Bing have already been eliminated, where is Zhou Heyang?

The picture was sent to the small cubicle of the public toilet, and Zhou Heyang's affectionate call came from inside: "I'm in the women's toilet on the 1st floor of Building C, where are you? Come and save me!"

[Fuck, is it too hard? my **** laugh cracked]

[Women's toilet: I'm **** dirty. 】

[Hahahahahaha I laughed until I could only live with hearing aids in a ten-mile radius]

[Zhou Heyang is really smart and dead]

The camera followed Xie Chuanliu running all the way to the first floor. He quickly turned out of the stairs. However, a gunshot sounded along with him. The paintball from the second floor hit his abdomen accurately. Take a kill.

VJ's camera zoomed in, facing the handsome boy with a gun on his back, his obsidian eyes calm. But it is precisely because of the calmness that makes it even more thrilling.

[Brother this wave of handsome blows me up! 】

【Ah ah ah, Qiao Yu shot me in the heart! ! 】

[This cold-blooded killer is visual sense, awsl]

【say it one more time! Brother, I can (shout out my throat!)

Xie Chuanliu continued to flee, but Ji Weitong made up his gun but was countered by an army. He had more than three lives! Without retreating, Ji Weitong then counterattacked, Qiao Yu arrived with a gun and hit Xie Chuanliu in the back.

Xie Chuanliu went up to the second floor, stretched out the gun from behind the wall, pulled the trigger and started blind shooting.

The stairs were too narrow, and Qiao Yu's black boots were scratched by the paintball, but he continued to move forward as if nothing had happened, and the hearts of the fans were hanged. Fortunately, Ji Weitong grabbed him in the next second, preventing Qiao Yu's suicide attack.

Ji Weitong frowned at him, looking a little angry, "Why didn't you hide just now?"

Qiao Yu was casual: "I have six lives."

Ji Weitong looked serious like an old father, "What should I do if I get shot in the eye?"

Many Raindrops had no feelings for Ji Weitong at first, but now after hearing his "blame", they couldn't help but feel a little more favorable. Because Ji Weitong is really good to his younger brother, he doesn't care if he fights by himself, but he will never let his younger brother take risks, so that the raindrops feel that they can safely hand over their children.

[My brother is ignorant, thank you Tongtong for taking care of you]

[Haha where, this is what Tongtong should do as a senior]

[Ji Weitong is really a boyfriend max! 】

[Xiaoji protects his brother so well, I'm sour]

A small speaker appeared in the top corner of the screen, the program group broadcasted a notification, and the scope of the poison circle narrowed. Zhou Heyang began to run poison, and was eliminated by Xie Chuanliu who broke out three times, and took away the golden cheese. Qiao Yu and Ji Weitong continued to chase, but let him rush out of the building one step too late.

In front of the screen, the fans of all the guests of the Rat Team sighed. Some people also began to complain that the younger brother left his teammates in order to save Ji Weitong. As a result, the original advantage of the Rat team was so great, and Xie Chuanliu was still allowed to turn against the wind. Of course the raindrops quit, my brother is very strong, but is your family just trash? Only the younger brother will not be eliminated? The barrage was arguing and the battle started directly.

Xie Chuanliu dashed all the way to the back school gate holding the box, but suddenly braked suddenly. The audience outside the screen hummed suspiciously, and saw that he opened the box tremblingly, and a piece of paper with a smiling face fell out of it.

Xie Chuanliu was tricked!

But how? The show quickly answered.

The sniper battle just started, and before Zhou Heyang went out with the box, Qiao Yu suddenly whispered two words into his ear. The audience could only vaguely hear the phrase "civet cat for the prince", but Zhou Heyang obviously heard it clearly and did it.

So back to the time just after Xie Chuanliu stole the box, when he came upstairs, Zhou Heyang squatted down and took out the small piece of golden cheese from his pocket. Outside the screen, I don’t know how many audience members sat up straight, clapping their hands and shouting NB.

[Brothers, hit the public screen on the powerful]

【Team Rat really has the chance to win from the beginning】

[Fuck, I thought Xie Chuanliu was capable of turning the tide, but it turns out that everything is under the control of the Rat Team]

[Whoever the younger brother really forms a team with will win, too strong]

Here Xie Chuanliu chased outside the playground, and Ji Weitong walked out of the shadows with a gun and stood in front of him. High in the sky, the young man looked down at the brightly lit city and smiled.

No more wiggle room. In this game, the Rat team won.

All the guests gathered on the stage of the playground. The director team did not expect that anyone would revive the enemy team members. In the end, only four prizes were prepared. Fortunately, Ji Weitong didn't care.

Of course, Qiao Yu didn't care, so he just shoved the prize to Ji Weitong.

The director's team started to pick things up when they saw that they were still enjoying themselves, "Wei Tong, do you have anything to say about the Cat Team?"

Ji Weitong cleared his throat: "I was wrong, I will dare next time."

Xie Chuanliu exploded on the spot, holding the box to smash over, Ji Weitong smiled and dodged behind Qiao Yu. An Xin Yun shouted "traitor" and raised a gun to come over to beat Ji Weitong. Qiao Yu reluctantly kept people behind and played eagle and chicken with them, but she still didn't hand them over.

This issue ended successfully, and #遊會# was on the hot search for the second time. It's just that this episode contains too much sugar, and it's also very touching. Although I stand on the opposite side, I still don't want to betray you; and even though you betrayed me, I still want you to come back to me... The warlord master X loyal dog is undercover, whoever kowtows on the head!

The scenes of Qiao Yuduan sniping with guns and sitting on the helicopter, and the scenes of Ji Weitong walking out of the shadows and raising his head were all made into GIF animations and widely circulated on various platforms, attracting a wave of fans.

There are endless analysis posts in the post bar of luck and super talk, and every micro-expression and small gesture of the two can't escape the magnifying glass of Sherlock Holmes.

Knowing the topic [Which moment makes you feel that the encounter must be real? ] 2 million page views, accumulating hundreds of answers.

The more CP fans analyze, the more they feel that the encounter can't be real anymore. I just hate that the compatibility of same-sex couples in the society is not high enough, otherwise the encounter would have been officially announced.

I still remember that when I was a variety show cp, every time there was an episode, some sisters posted a frame-by-frame analysis. I couldn't beat it, and I just wanted to send them to marriage.

Read The Duke's Passion