MTL - After Becoming a Male God, I Broke Three Big Guys-Chapter 72

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"Operation White Tower" was released for nearly a month, and it took 2 billion at the box office. With the blessing of variety shows, Qiao Yu's Weibo fans are also approaching the 10 million mark, and various clips are also starting to swipe in major video software. The degree of discussion remains high, and it is really a well-deserved traffic darling.

The fashion brand endorsement here is still negotiating. Over there, Sister Hong accepted an invitation from Authen, one of the top five fashion magazines in China, to shoot magazine inserts. As January approaches, the cover of the annual magazines of major magazines has already been selected, and the cover character of Authen is a Chinese actress who has recently won an award at an authoritative film festival.

After all, Qiao Yu is a fledgling, and the traffic has not ushered in an outbreak period, so the resources that can be obtained are limited. However, Sister Hong also spoke directly, and Qiao Yu was booked for the cover of the quarterly magazine in March.

Of course, Sister Hong said this with confidence. It is not easy for movie actors to be out of the circle, but TV dramas have created countless traffic. After "He Comes With a Lantern" will be broadcast in February next year, the combination of Shu Xinyi and Qiaoyu will definitely be the king. At that time, his traffic can reach a peak, and the top position is scheduled. The quarterly publication in March is just a small milestone.

The photographer Duan Yi, who was in charge of the shooting this time, is well-known in the circle. He is known for his fusion of Chinese style and modern elements. He has collaborated with countless big-name artists.

The interpolation shooting this time is also in the Chinese style, and the shooting location is selected in a Chinese garden. The overall architectural tone of the garden is very dark, with vermilion and crow green as the main tones. It rained lightly last night, the blue tile eaves were damp, and the clouds were bleak.

Duan Yi also saw Qiao Yu himself for the first time. Among the layers of the crowd, a tall and beautiful young man wearing a gilded black robe caught his attention at once.

He had seen Qiao Yu's two ancient costumes, one was Shengxue in white, like an exiled immortal; But this time he didn't plan to continue these two styles, he designed a high ponytail hairstyle for him, matched with a black iron epee, and dressed in black to kill.

When Duan Yi originally designed it, he thought that Qiao Yu's outfit would look good. Now, when he sees him wearing this outfit, it is still a rare moment of surprise in his heart.

I really have to sigh that Chen Hong, this woman is really vicious in choosing people. From Du Feifei, who was brought out in the past, to now Qiao Yu, they are all beautiful and talented. I don't know how many people are envious.

Sister Hong saw Duan Yi coming over and smiled and said hello. As soon as Duan Yi grabbed a lot of resources in the fashion industry, he didn't know how many little stars who wanted to climb the bed because of the little stars in his hands, and no one in the circle would lose face to him.

They are all old foxes in the circle. Of course, Duan Yi is also a good man. In addition, Qiao Yu is in his eye, and he is usually quite arrogant and rarely praised.

The filming process was also enjoyable. As expected of an actor, Qiao Yu knew what Duan Yi wanted to express, and he could perfectly express that indescribable feeling. Duan Yi kept pressing the shutter, and the inspiration burst out in his mind.

The model Ye Dang of this time is a newcomer, with a very Asian face, classical and advanced.

Qiao Yu's initial action was to rest her head on her thigh and bend her knees to look at the jade pendant in her hand. Duan Yi took a set and then asked them to change their movements. In front of the screen, Ye Dang turned to the camera to make tea, while Qiao Yu knelt on the other end with one hand on his lap and the other holding the scabbard.

This group of shots can give people too many associations. The young general drank the last cup of tea made by the favorite princess before going to the battlefield, or he met the princess of the enemy country or not. When this group of portraits has a sense of story, it succeeds.

On the night of the filming, Sister Hong invited her to dinner. Of course, Duan Yi happily went to the appointment. She also called and invited several friends from the circle, including Lin Ling, the editor-in-chief of Authen.

Most of the visitors brought their female companions, and Ye Dang naturally sat beside Duan Yi. After three rounds of drinking, everyone's chatterbox was opened. From two traffic niche students tearing resources to first- and third-tier actresses secretly buying invitations for fashion week, it is really enough to eat melons.

Qiao Yu had a sore throat and sat in the room to drink a sip of tea. It was raining during filming in the afternoon, and she felt a little dizzy afterwards, but she didn't make a sound if she didn't come to dinner.

After a while, she whispered into Sister Hong's ear, "Sister Hong, I seem to have a fever."

Sister Hong put down her chopsticks and touched his forehead. It was really hot, and she immediately said: "Go back to the hotel first, and I will let Xia Xia take care of you."

The fashion circles let them go naturally and generously, allowing Qiao Yu to go back to the hotel to sleep first.

She should have asked the driver to help buy some medicine, but she was dazed along the way and finally did not think of this. When I was in the restaurant, I could hold it, but now I can't hold it back at the hotel, and I swayed and fell on the big bed, so I could only wait for Sister Xia Xia to come over.

The physique of this body is not good at all, and it was only after she came here that it improved, and now it can no longer withstand the rain for a while.

The shooting location was in Jiangcheng. Sister Xia Xia and Brother Hang did not attend the dinner and went home early. Both of them lived far away, and it was still a while before she came over, she was about to fall asleep in a drowsy state.

[host, host]

[I have a special cold medicine here]

what sound? very noisy. She frowned and just wanted to sleep.

[Host, wake up and take medicine first]

Don't talk, let me sleep. The heated suite was warm and comfortable, and she didn't want to get up at all, and she didn't have the strength to get up.

Before consciousness was about to fall into a deep drowsiness, a familiar voice came from the mobile phone in his hand - "Hello? Brother?"

Ji Weitong? She frowned, but still didn't want to speak at all, her fingers reluctantly fumbled to hang up the phone.

The voice over there began to be puzzled, "Brother? Xiaoyu? Is something wrong? Why don't you speak?"

So annoying this man.

"I have a fever." So you can't answer the phone, so hang up.

The voice on the other end of the phone was hoarse and low, but Ji Weitong could still hear it clearly. He said he had a fever.

"Xiaoyu, where are you now?"

The phone hangs up.

He called again, but no one answered. He paced the room, his teeth clenching his lower lip unconsciously. On the other end of the phone, "Hello, the call you dialed is temporarily unavailable..."

The agent who was arranging the documents looked over and said, "Wei Tong, who are you calling?"

Ji Weitong paused for a moment and said quickly, "Brother Xian, do you have the phone number of Qiao Yu's agent?"

Qiao Yu woke up again because she felt that someone was moving her. But after a long time, she barely opened her eyes to recognize him, "Ji Weitong?"

"Well, it's me. Take the medicine first when you wake up." With that, he lifted Qiao Yu's head against two pillows to make it easier for him to drink water and take medicine.

After sleeping for a while, she was barely awake. She leaned on the pillow and her mind became clear. She asked him in a hoarse voice, "Why are you here?"

Ji Weitong gave her saliva, "You are smart and know that no one took care of me and called my call for help."

Did I make a call? no? She barely remembered.

[Host host, I played it. 】

Oh, the case is solved. She pursed her dry lips, "How did you get in?"

Ji Weitong was helping her to stir the cooling potion. Hearing this, he replied, "Swipe your face to find the room card requested by the front desk."

Just when he couldn't get through to his phone, he went to his agent and asked for his agent's phone number to ask about the situation. His agent said that the assistant would arrive soon, but Ji Weitong was still worried, and finally arrived at the hotel room where he and the front desk came together.

Sister Xia Xia, who came after him, also arrived, bringing a bag of fever medicine. Xia Xia went to dispense the medicine first, and Ji Weitong helped Qiao Yu take off his coat first, and took his temperature with an electronic thermometer. Finally, in order to give him medicine, he planned to help him raise his pillow, and after some tossing, Qiao Yu woke up at this time.

Seeing that Qiao Yu's eyes became clearer when he saw the messy hair in front of him, Ji Weitong also breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still not very happy, "I told you to move in and live with me, but you won't come, now you're sick and almost no one cares, right? "

Qiao Yu took another sip of the medicine following his actions, "Isn't it the same as staying at your house? You won't be back soon."

"I have a lot of time at home. If you are sick, I will fly back at any time." He sniffed the medicine carefully and frowned, "This medicine feels so bitter, don't take it yet, I Go and buy you a bag of candy."

"I stopped taking sugar when I was two years old." Qiao Yu looked at him and smiled, "You can't eat granules after you go to elementary school, right?"

Ji Weitong: "You are spreading rumors and you will be imprisoned for retweeting more than 500."

Qiao Yu was very calm, "Really? I'll buy a hot search for you tomorrow."

At this time, Sister Xia Xia walked in with a freshly boiled kettle, her tone full of guilt: "Xiaoyu, I'm sorry, I'm late for the traffic jam on the road."

Qiao Yu shook his head, "It doesn't matter, you can't fly over to buy medicine for me."

Ji Weitong was not good at interjecting, so he just put the medicine in her mouth and gave her a drink, and then brought warm water to her to clear her throat.

Sister Xia Xia glanced at the thermometer, "It just measured 39 degrees, which is a bit high. I sleep in the next room at night, and I'll come and take a look in two hours."

"Trouble you." After she finished speaking, she looked at Ji Weitong who was cleaning up the bedside table, "I also trouble seniors."

"No trouble, this is what the seniors should do." Ji Weitong filled her two cups with water, "You can give me the best reward for being alive tomorrow."

Qiao Yu turned to look at him and sighed with a smile: "Senior's hobby is selfless."

"I also think it's quite selfless." Ji Weitong put down the kettle and stood up, "but your voice is hoarse, you should say a few words less."

Qiao Yu was stunned for a moment, is she being scolded by Ji Weitong?

But in order not to consume her voice, Ji Weitong really stopped talking to her. Leaving the night light behind, he walked to the door and turned off all the hanging lights for her, and said softly, "Good night."

"Good night."

Cp not sure! Not sure! Stop anywhere!

But the setting and performance of the male protagonist will indeed affect the story line, so some male protagonists have more scenes and some will have less scenes.

Read The Duke's Passion