MTL - After Becoming a Male God, I Broke Three Big Guys-Chapter 51

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The rules of the game for darts draws require that players must be three meters away from the big wheel. Qiao Yu stood in front of the white line holding three darts and watched Ji Weitong slowly turn the big turntable.

In the first round, the dart hit the submachine gun accurately.

The bartender service NPC glanced at them resentfully.

Qiao Yu: "I'm sorry, my hand slipped."

In the second round, it was the smoke|bomb they wanted.

The bartender's suit was tangled up in whether to blow Ji Weitong away.

Qiao Yu reassured: "Don't worry, I will give him a motorcycle in the next round."

Third round, 10 bullets.

Every time Ji Weitong turned their goal to the top, Qiao Yu quickly threw the dart in his hand and hit a hundred hits. The bartender server NPC on the side had given up struggling and handed over the reward obediently.

In the last hour of the countdown, the two selected a base with defensive facilities in advance, waiting for the arrival of other players. In the end, the scope of the safe area is not only the base, but also the small mid-mountain. The director team has begun to sprinkle lime powder around to draw a clear line.

No one came to the base for a long time, so Qiao Yu and Ji Weitong leaned against the wall of the fort to enjoy food supplies. As a boy group idol, Ji Weitong has strict weight requirements, so he only drank some water. Qiao Yu didn't have so many scruples, and opened the box of small biscuits and ate them gently.

Looking at Ji Weitong's resentful eyes, she handed him the biscuits without thinking, "Do you want to eat?"

Ji Weitong shook his head, "I'm in the fat reduction period, so I can't eat it."

"What a pity." Saying that, she slowly took a bite of the biscuit.

"Didn't your agent ask you to do body management?"

"Of course there are requirements." She tilted her head, "They think I should gain five more pounds."

Ji Weitong looked at him carefully, the young man in front of him was indeed a little slender compared to his peers, because he was too beautiful, and he had the beauty of being weak, he really should eat more meat to look healthier.

So he pushed a bunch of snacks towards him, "Eat more."

The first person to arrive was Chu Xinghan, who was driving a large off-road vehicle. The two heard the sound of the car engine from far upstairs.

Seeing Chu Xinghan walking towards him, Ji Weitong lay on the windowsill and beckoned to him, "Brother Xinghan, come and play together."

Unexpectedly, Chu Xinghan spread his hands, "Okay."

Chu Xinghan, who received the invitation, was about to continue to march towards the bunker. In the next second, a throwing gun was thrown not far from him, and Ji Weitong's submachine gun was already firmly set up.

Chu Xinghan: "You asked me to come and play!"

Ji Weitong: "Can you take your polite words seriously? This is my brother and I's love nest! Please walk away!"

Chu Xinghan: "..."

Qiao Yu: "…"

The surrounding shelter was invisible under the bunker, so Chu Xinghan took his small slingshot and went into the woods.

Qiao Yu looked at Ji Weitong, who was beside him: "Do you think the soldier king is still on Brother Xinghan?"

Ji Weitong frowned, "Not necessarily, if he was still on him, he wouldn't approach us. But we don't have stickers on it now, so we can't verify our identity."

Qiao Yu stood up and looked out the window, "It doesn't matter, we have a total of 18 paintballs now, and there are four of them. We can verify them one by one."

The remaining three guests came very quickly, but according to the rule of losing one paintball in five minutes, An Xinyun, who came on a tricycle, lost one paintball, and Zhou Heyang, who was sliding on a cart, lost two. Ice loses three.

If they didn't get more paintballs through the game, then the four of them would not have more paintball BBs than Qiao Yu and Ji Weitong. They can now be said to be the big army in this game.

The bunker has been occupied by Qiao Yu and Ji Weitong, and Anxin Yun looked very envious when she rode a small tricycle, "Brother Weitong, Xiaoyu, can I come with you?"

If Anxin Yun's identity has not been replaced, then she should be an officer, and Ji Weitong can raise her level by sniping her. But the two have no plans to change their identities for the time being. They are an officer and a soldier. They can attack and defend. What they have to do now is to watch them compete with each other.

It is not impossible to join forces with An Xinyun, but it is not necessary. The alliance between Qiao Yu and Ji Weitong is strong enough, and there is no need for another unstable factor that may turn against the tide at any time.

"Xinyun, go to Brother Xinghan, he is in the woods now." Ji Weitong suggested.

An Xinyun sat on the tricycle and said, "But I think Chu Xinghan looks bad. You guys look like a good guy!"

Ji Weitong was unmoved, and even sighed, "Xinyun, know the person and the face and the heart, you can't blindly trust me and my brother just because we look good."

An Xin Yun: "…"

She pursed her lips, and was about to say something when Zhou Heyang had already come in a car, looking at the three people who were facing each other and greeted friendly: "Hello everyone!"

As soon as An Xinyun heard his voice, she turned back with the gun, with a baby face, she would pull the trigger without saying a word.

Zhou Heyang hurriedly said: "Don't, auntie, you don't know my current identity, don't waste your bullets!"

An Xin Yun had to put down her gun angrily.

Qiao Yu, who was watching the fire from the other side, looked at Ji Weitong, who was on the side, "Brother He Yang spy on An Xin Yun?"

"It should be." Ji Weitong frowned, "Then Anxin Yun is now a soldier, and Zhou Heyang is an officer. The only officers who can snipe the king of soldiers are you and Zhou Heyang. If Chu Xinghan is no longer the king of soldiers, then it is very likely that Zhou Heyang was killed by Zhou Heyang. sniped."

"If Brother Heyang is really the king of soldiers..." Qiao Yu paused, "then there is only me on the field now."

"My identity information was obtained by Brother Xinghan. If he wants to get back his identity as a soldier king, he will attack me." She continued, "He doesn't want other competitors, so he will not tell my identity for the time being. other people."

The only thing Qiao Yu needs to guard against now is Chu Xinghan.

"Unless the soldier king voluntarily gives up his position, he must become an officer if he wants to become a soldier king. But now there is only one officer position, and everyone will focus on me in the end."

"Before they start, you must replace me."

When the last player, He Bing, reached the safe zone, today's sniper battle officially began.

He Bing's game was miserable. He couldn't find any different props. He was chased by NPCs and ran up a mountain in the middle. The only gain was to play the game and get a slingshot and five easter eggs. The last safe zone was also far away from her, and she still lost three bullets all the way.

After walking into the safe area, she and the other three made the same choice and walked into the woods.

Minions won't lose their level if they are sniped, and she is very relieved to go all the way. The mountain is not big, and she met An Xin Yun not long after walking.

An Xin Yun looked at her and said straight to the point: "Sister He Bing, let's form an alliance!"

He Bing thought about it carefully, and felt that Anxin Yun couldn't do anything to herself, but she was still a little hesitant, "Then who will be the king of soldiers in the end?"

An Xin Yun did not hesitate: "We can rock paper scissors, and the one who wins will be the king of soldiers!"

Although sloppy, it is always good to form an alliance first.

He Bing simply said: "Let's exchange clues first."

"I was an officer in the beginning, but now I am a soldier because I was killed by Zhou Heyang." An Xinyun took the lead in sharing the information, without concealing, "The clue I got is your identity, and I know you are a soldier."

An Xin Yun was too frank, so that He Bing, who wanted to hide it a little, also put down his guard, "I'm still a soldier now, and my clue is that Chu Xinghan is a soldier."

An Xinyun concluded: "So I, you, Chu Xinghan are soldiers. Zhou Heyang, younger brother and Ji Weitong are officers or kings of soldiers."

He Bing: "Their identities may change, but not necessarily."

"But I'm sure about you." An Xinyun thought for a while, "We can try their identities with bullets."

He Bing frowned, "I have seven bullets now, so I can try one person first."

"Who to try?"

"Let's see who we meet first. We have a 1/2 chance of being able to try an officer, and the chance is quite high."

The two continued to walk deep into the woods, and the figure of Chu Xinghan stood in front of them.

He Bing and Anxin Yun exchanged glances and raised their hands to shoot.

Chu Xinghan was stunned for a moment, then quickly turned around and ran away.

He must not be a soldier!

He Bing caught up with one shot, the paintball swiped Chu Xinghan's arm, and another shot finally hit.

The director's words came from the headset: "Player He Bing, sniping error, lost a paintball."

He Bing frowned and handed a paintball to VJ, "He's not an officer."

An Xinyun was stunned, "Chu Xinghan, what the **** are you?"

Chu Xinghan spread his hands, "I'm a soldier."

An Xinyun: "Then what did you just run?"

Chu Xinghan had an expression you didn't understand, "Of course it's to waste your bullets!"

Half of Chu Xinghan's words were enough. In fact, nothing had been tried. He Bing pulled Anxin Yun in a different direction and left without looking back. They can't really confirm until they try an officer.

Chu Xinghan's current target is Qiao Yu. After being attacked by He Bing and An Xin Yun, he walked to the bunker.

He wanted to act in secret, but Qiao Yu and Ji Weitong were guarding one side of the window, and his trace was completely exposed in the sight of the two of them, and they were discovered.

Chu Xinghan, who had already been exposed, didn't panic, he stood in front of the bunker and shouted, "Xiaoyu, Weitong, come down and play together."

Qiao Yu shook his head gently, and weighed the cannonball in his hand, "Brother Xinghan, you should go and play with Brother Heyang."

Chu Xinghan was about to rush over with the slingshot, and Qiao Yu threw the slingshot not far from him.

Chu Xinghan immediately took a step back. He thought that at such a close distance, Qiao Yu would not really throw the cannonball for safety reasons, but it was obvious that he still lacked awareness of this seemingly harmless teenager.

But that's okay. He turned around and walked back into the woods, stopped in a remote corner, took out the small red door that was one finger long and wide from his trouser pocket, and put it on the ground. This item was originally prepared for the King of Soldiers, but now it can only be used.

【A serious one-way arbitrary door】—Bring the player you want to you.

"We still meet, brother."

The boy in front of him tilted his head helplessly, "Yeah, it's really surprising."

Danmei dramas shouldn't be played, but they will cooperate with Fang Baiqing in a **** movie, and the role should be a male favorite, um.