MTL - After Becoming a Male God, I Broke Three Big Guys-Chapter 47

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"Operation White Tower" has recently been set, and Qiao Yu, as one of the leading actors, needs to go to various road shows.

The roadshow location of Jiangcheng is set at Xinhong Square. Qiao Yu came back to Jiangcheng in the early morning yesterday. After putting on makeup this morning, he came to the square and entered through the side door surrounded by security guards.

The news of the roadshow was announced long ago. The organizers, including Qiao Yu’s team, naturally knew that they would attract some fans, but they didn’t expect the swarming raindrops to surround the mall, and even the railings on the second and third floors of the venue were lying on the ground. full of people.

Qiao Yu went on stage wearing white clothes and black trousers under the guards of the security guard. After greeting the fans in the audience, he also waved to the fans upstairs.

"Hello everyone, I'm Qiao Yu, and I'm very happy to meet you here." She paused and looked at the second floor, "Everyone upstairs pay attention to safety and don't press on the railings."

The fans upstairs stood up obediently, and the fans in the audience shouted his name with excitement and restraint. Here, the host in suits and ties was speaking a series of words. Qiao Yu held the microphone with his hands crossed and smiled from time to time, until a loud male voice suddenly came from the second floor - "Qiao Bao! I love you!"

Qiao Yu was stunned for a moment, but before he could answer, an equally loud female voice on the second floor replied for him: "You go—"

The host was also amused, took the microphone and asked, "Xiaoyu, is there anything you want to say to the male fan just now?"

Qiao Yu looked calm, "Don't love me, it won't work."

The fans in the audience all laughed kindly.

After the joke, the host looked at him and said, ""Operation White Tower" is about to be released in major theaters across the country. Let me introduce the plot to everyone in one sentence."

Qiao Yu tilted his head and thought for a while, "I'll pick a fan to answer for me."

"Okay, it's time to test whether you are true fans." The host handed down the extra microphone, "The fans who answered correctly will receive a small gift prepared by the mall."

Many fans in the audience and upstairs raised their hands enthusiastically, and many people just started using Baidu.

Qiao Yu glanced around, "Just the girl in the yellow hat at the back who is about to jump up."

As soon as Qiao Yu's voice fell, the girl who was drawn immediately covered her mouth, and even wondered if she was hallucinating. She is not very tall, and she is in the back row. In order to raise her hand, she can only jump up on the spot. She never expected that she would really attract the attention of her younger brother with this posture. Shame and excitement.

She took the microphone brought by the security guard, her cheeks flushed with excitement, she tried to hold back her nervousness and said, ""Operation White Tower" tells the story of a police fighting against a criminal group to solve a large-scale smuggling/smuggling case. "

The host said: "Is Xiaoyu satisfied with this answer?"

Qiao Yu nodded, "I have read the preview and introduction very seriously."

The girl held the microphone excitedly, "I watched the preview of the movie many times, and Amway gave it to many classmates!"

"Thank you for your liking." He spoke indulgently and heard the fans around him screaming wildly.

The host continued: "Can you briefly introduce your role in the movie to the fans?"

"The character I played in the film is called Bai Xi, the young master of a smuggling group, and a villain in this film." Qiao Yu nodded slightly.

"Wow - I didn't expect Xiaoyu to play such a villain in the movie this time." The host's tone was surprised, "In my impression, this is not the first time you have played a villain, what is the difference between this time and previous roles? different?"

Qiao Yu pursed his lips and thought for two seconds, "The villain I played before was always bad for a reason, but Bai Xi is a pure anti-social personality and has a tendency to violence. It can be said that he is bad in his bones. of."

"Sounds like a tough and ruthless character." The host continued to ask, "Does Xiaoyu gain anything from this role in this play?"

Qiao Yu smiled, "It's the first time I filmed a fight scene and a gun battle, it's very interesting."

"Can I share with you what the movie has to offer?"

"Well, there are a lot of things to watch. Intensive gun battles, Brother Chuanliu's fighting scenes, and the plot of fighting wits and courage." She paused and said, "And me as the villain."

The host also laughed: "I think this wave of Amway fans must be happy to accept it."

The fans nodded and screamed wildly, they were more than happy, even for the villain, it was not a problem to play ten games!

"Does Xiaoyu have any emotional scenes in the movie?"

Um? good question! Fans pricked up their ears.

"Well... this character has no emotional experience." It's just that there are a lot of physical relationships.

Girlfriend fans and mother fans listen to it, no emotional drama is good! Although they are just characters, they are still inexplicably relieved.

The roadshow time was actually very short, and the host asked a few more questions before starting the fan questioning session. Qiao Yu casually ordered a boy in a baseball shirt.

The boy took the microphone and said, "I would like to ask Qiao Yu brother, you are not yet an adult, and you have relatively little acting experience. To play such an important role in a big-budget movie like "Operation White Tower", do you think you can Can't give the audience a satisfactory answer."

"I got this role after the interview. I am also very grateful to Director Wang for his trust in me. I can give such a heavy role to me as a newcomer. I think I also repaid him in the best state. trust." Qiao Yuwen said, "As for whether the audience can be satisfied, it needs to be evaluated after watching the movie."

"Okay, thank you for your question." The host motioned to the staff to take the microphone away, "Then please come and draw the next fan."

Qiao Yu swept around and watched a baby being held in her arms by her parents, waving her little hand to attract her attention, "That girl holding the baby."

Seeing that her daughter successfully attracted the attention of her younger brother, the young mother was overjoyed, "Hello brother, I have liked you since "Question". But the endings of the characters you played are not particularly good, when can you play some What about the sweet drama?"

"'He Came With a Lamp' might be a little sweeter." She pondered.

Fans who have read the original work have refuted "Brother lied!" ""Lantern" is not sweet at all!" ""Lantern" is full of knives! Cut your mouth!"

Qiao Yu was also very helpless. She counted the films she was broadcasting, the ones that were finalized, and the films she was about to receive. One was more abusive than the other, and it would be good to have a happy ending.

The next one was a girl with two ponytails, who was shy after taking the microphone, "Brother, my mother asked me to ask you this question."

Qiao Yu corrected his expression and waited for the next paragraph.

The girl continued: "When will you marry me?"

Qiao Yu has seen male artists answer this question many times before, but she never expected it to be her turn, but the experience accumulated over the years is enough for her to calmly say at this time: "I still have four or five years to reach the legal age, Don't worry."

"It's okay! I'll wait for you!" The girl pursed her lips and smiled.

Host: "Okay, go in line with your favorite number plate."

Qiao Yu chuckled and continued to draw the next fan. Her eyes swept across the last row, and suddenly caught a familiar figure.

She was stunned for a moment, then hesitantly said: "The last row..." Before she could finish her sentence, the familiar person had already lowered his hood and walked away in a panic.

Frowning her brows almost invisible, she continued, "The last row... boys in army green jackets."

On the way back to the hotel, Qiao Yu was about to send a message to his mobile phone [I seem to have seen you just now, is the school on holiday today? 】

She could be sure that what she saw was Ye Xiguang, but today is Wednesday, the school day, he shouldn't be there, and he shouldn't run away after seeing her.

There was no reply from the chat interface for a long time, and Qiao Yu put away the phone.

[I seem to have seen you just now, is the school on holiday today? 】

Ye Xiguang had read this line of words silently, but he couldn't type any words while pressing his fingers on the keyboard.

He did see him, and the school is not on holiday today. He asked for sick leave because he had a fever and went to see a doctor.

He knew about Qiao Yu's return to the Jiangcheng road show three days ago. In order to see him today, he took a cold shower the night before and opened the small window of the bathroom and blew the cold wind for half a night, until he felt that he was there. He returned to bed when he had a fever.

In order to catch up with the road show, the head teacher dragged his heavy body to the office to ask for leave as soon as he arrived in the second class. Although he was a little late, he was fortunate to catch up.

Because of the night wind, his head was hurting, and his body was so exhausted that he wanted to fall asleep on the spot, but when he saw him on the stage with the stars holding the moon from a distance, Ye Xiguang felt that he was all healed all of a sudden.

He watched him silently at the back of the crowd. He thought he wouldn't be noticed, but he seemed to have found himself... Ye Xiguang's last bit of rationality told him to leave quickly and not let him find himself.

But he was still found.

What will he think?

Will he discover his deformed feelings for him?

Will he hate him for that?

His head hurt even more, his whole body lost strength, and his consciousness became more and more sinking... The last picture in front of him was the anxious face of the taxi driver.

When I woke up again, there was a snow-white ceiling in front of me.

Ye Xiguang tilted his head to the right, facing the sight of the dreamer.

He was fully armed with a mask and a peaked cap, but his beautiful eyes sparkled, "Ye Xiguang, are you awake?"

Am I still dreaming?

Seeing his confused expression, Qiao Yu shook his hand in front of his eyes, "Are you conscious?"

Ye Xiguang didn't answer, just stared at him like this.

"You didn't burn out, did you?" Qiao Yu tried to pinch his cheek.

The moment he felt the pain, Ye Xiguang woke up instantly, dodged his hand, and struggled to sit up, but he really had no strength, and his arm couldn't support it and fell down.

"Why are you here?" he said hoarsely.

"You fell into a coma on the way to the hospital. The driver unlocked the lock with your fingerprints and gave me a voice call." Qiao Yu dipped a cotton swab in water, "I just came after work."


"It's okay, you take care of yourself." Sister Hong happened to call her at the door, and Qiao Yu stood up, "My agent is waiting for me outside the door, I'll go first."

OK, roundabout clarification doesn't work anymore.

In short, not married, not pregnant, not having children, the mother and child are single until now.

It is the article, not the author, that is difficult to give birth.

Also, if you have more babies in the comment area, please stop your scumbags from speaking.