MTL - After Becoming a Male God, I Broke Three Big Guys-Chapter 36

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Qiao Yu also brought the gift he had bought for Teacher Chen in the afternoon class. It was a silk scarf from a luxury brand.

The price of more than 1,000 yuan is not expensive for her now, and it is enough to represent her heart, so Teacher Chen accepted it logically.

As Qiao Yu's acting teacher, she has seen all of Qiao Yu's recent new dramas, and her performance can be said to be remarkable. From the first day she directed Qiao Yu, she knew that this student had talent, but she was still surprised by the performance in "Question". She saw infinite possibilities in this student.

Long time no see, Teacher Chen planned to keep her for dinner in the evening, but Qiao Yu had already made an appointment with the basketball team in the class, so she had to decline.

Zhang Lun also sent a message saying that they had decided to eat Haidilao, and they were already at the door of the hot pot restaurant.

Qiao Yu sent a message asking them to order food first, and then hurried to Xinhong Square. When we arrived, there was already a queue at the door. Fortunately, the boys of the basketball team had all come down from the upstairs video game city in advance to occupy their seats. Now they have already ordered their dishes, and they can cook just waiting for Qiao Yu to come.

Because of different personal tastes, the boys discussed and ordered Si Gongge. When Qiao Yu came, only the dipping sauce was left to make.

The table on which the dipping ingredients were placed was near the gate. She adjusted the dipping ingredients, turned around and was about to go back, but at this moment, Yu Guang caught a familiar figure at the door.

She put down the dipping sauce in her hand and approached the boy who was staring blankly at the sign at the door, a little surprised.

"Ye Xiguang?"

The person in front of her suddenly turned her head, and when she saw her face clearly, she took a small step back helplessly.

When Qiao saw that he didn't seem to have any family or friends around him, he wondered, "Are you here to eat alone?"

"Yes..." Ye Xiguang rubbed the hem of his clothes, his eyes quickly passing over Qiao Yu's face.

Qiao Yu looked at the frightened look on his face, pondered for a while, and finally smiled: "Then do you want to eat with us?"

"Yes, can you?" He tried to suppress the unbelievable excitement in his tone.

"Of course, everyone is in the same class, and they won't mind."

The five boys were chatting and waiting for Qiao Yu to come back, when they saw Ye Xiguang following her, the atmosphere was a little inexplicable, and Zhang Lun asked, "How did you meet?"

"I met him at the door, and he happened to be alone for dinner, so I just brought him in to eat together." Qiao Yu motioned Ye Xiguang to sit next to him, and smiled: "Everyone is a classmate, so it happened that I invited him together for this meal. "

Several boys looked at her. In fact, there was no such thing as asking Qiao Yu to treat guests. Everyone prepared AA money. Although it was possible that Qiao Yu had planned to treat guests, it is estimated that he said it at this time to reduce their resistance to Ye Xiguang.

To say how much the boys in the class hate Ye Xiguang, it's not necessarily true. Ye Xiguang is not gregarious, but in the end, they are all members of the seventh class, and they have never been enemies. Now that Qiao Yu has brought people, they can only express their welcome.

The hot pot was boiling hot, and several boys threw off their arms to eat, not being polite to Qiao Yu at all. Zhang Lun also opened a topic from time to time, and the atmosphere was still very warm.

Most of them were chatting about the recent events in the school, complaining about the dean for a while, and scolding the school cafeteria for a while. Qiao Yu had been out of school life for too long, so he couldn't speak at this time, and only echoed a few words when the cue came to him.

"That night, the self-study Lao Li showed us the web drama you played, and after watching it, he praised you for your good performance."

"Old Li also watched?" She raised her eyebrows.

Zhang Lun frowned: "No, you are the future star of our class and the card face of our seventh class, and you must be supported from top to bottom."

Qiao Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Thank you so much then."

The atmosphere on the table was strong, Ye Xiguang turned his head to look at Qiao Yu under the bright yellow light, and squeezed his chopsticks tightly.

In fact, he left the classroom long after school in the afternoon, but when he got home, he took his mobile phone and took a taxi to Xinhong Square.

He heard that they wanted to eat here before, so he walked on this floor to try his luck, but he didn't expect Qiao Yu to suddenly appear in front of him.

Ye Xiguang didn't know why he came here, but he still came.

He was obviously worried that Qiao Yu had forgotten himself, but he still wagged his tail like a puppy when he invited him.

He has a lot to say to Qiao Yu, but there are always so many people around him, but he doesn't seem to have time to listen to him anymore, but he always comes and goes... He can't reach him.

The dishes ordered on the table were almost eaten. Qiao Yu saw that the boys were still growing up, so he guessed that they were not full, so he greeted them to order more dishes.

Zhang Lun leaned over to the boy who ordered, "Isn't the new way of eating Haidilao very popular on the Internet recently? Just the gluten shrimp slippery, come and try it."

The dishes were served quickly, and Zhang Lun declined the waiter's help to get busy.

First, mix the egg liquid and shrimp slips together, then poke a hole in the gluten, pour the stuff in and you can put it in and cook.

Qiao Yu had never seen such a way of eating before, and watched Zhang Lun's operations with great interest.

Zhang Lun made two and handed over all the ingredients. Qiao Yu also tried one, which tasted unexpectedly good, but she still prefers to simply eat shrimp slips.

Seeing her expressionless face, Zhang Lun asked, "How is it? Is it delicious?"

"Okay." Qiao Yu gave him a compliment from afar.

She asked for the plate and ordered another shrimp slip, but when she looked down, she saw two extra shrimp slip gluten **** in her bowl and Ye Xiguang's hand just about to withdraw the colander.

Qiao Yu was stunned for a moment, but still smiled: "Thank you."

"...You're welcome." He seemed very happy, and his eyes that were always deep like Gujing showed a bit of vigor.

The shrimp slip was also served, and the waiter used the chopsticks to divide it into small strips. Qiao Yu watched the waiter's skillful movements attentively and took a sip of lemonade.

At this moment, a girl squeezed to the side of the waiter with her mobile phone in her hand, and looked at her with bright eyes: "Excuse me, are you Qiao Yu?"

"Hello, what's the matter?" She put down the cup and looked at the girl beside her.

"Well, I'm your fan, can you take a photo with me?" The girl bit her lip nervously, and kept rubbing her thumb on the phone case, "I really like your role as Chen Yi!"

Qiao Yu nodded with a smile, wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, and stood up beside the girl.

Ye Xiguang made way for her, standing aside to watch the girl holding her phone and taking pictures side by side with her.

"Well... the shape of her face seems a bit strange." In the photo, her face turned into an awl, and her skin was overexposed.

"I'm sorry! I turned off the beauty!" The girl took the phone with a blushing face, deleted the photo, and turned on the original camera.

The girl was wearing flat shoes, and in order to accommodate her height, Qiao Yu stood behind her and bent slightly.

The brother she liked bent over to take a picture of herself, she could even touch him when she tilted her head, and the girl felt like she was going to explode in situ.

How about which fan circle girl has her own blessing?

After seeing the photo, Qiao Yu handed her the phone. Under the original camera, the beautiful young man's skin was as smooth as white porcelain, which made her yellow and white skin almost invisible. But it doesn't matter, brother is good-looking enough!

The girl left with her mobile phone contentedly, and Qiao Yu returned to her seat.

However, this scene just inspired the team members who shaved their heads. When the girl left, he immediately suggested that everyone take a photo together.

The photo was taken by an employee of Haidilao. Ye Xiguang was sitting beside Qiao Yu. Everyone was looking at the camera and smiling, but he couldn't help but look away from him.

"Ding Zhongyuan" finally progressed to the part where Yan Li set off a gun battle in Shaofu on Friday night. In order to pass the trial, this section was actually shot in a very freehand style. It was obvious that no **** pictures were released, but the audience could still see it from the roaring, crying background sound and the little blood flowers on Yan Li's white jade-like face. cruel.

The final shot is of Yan Li leaning on the back of the small couch, surrounded by slaves crawling, and in front of him is the purgatory on earth, and the imperial guards in iron armor stand on both sides, guarding the tyrant.

This film-level composition has amazed many audiences, and the marketing account has also advocated a wave of aesthetic design of "Ding Zhongyuan".

And as the plot progresses, the audience has a deeper understanding of Yan Li.

[I thought Yan Qi was pure bad at first, but in today's episode I feel like he still has a story. 】

[Has the minister surnamed Xie hurt Yan Qi before? I feel that Yan Qi is getting revenge. 】

[Qiao Yu's younger brother played very well, Yan Qi's emotional level in this scene can be said to be progressive.]

[I feel that Yan Qi's final back is a little sad. 】

The drama "Ding Zhongyuan" has been prepared for a long time just from the script. There is no sloppy plot. What can appear on TV is the necessary plot and foreshadowing. Not even a single line is nonsense. It is worth thinking about. Therefore, many drama critics have exaggeratedly stated that "Ding Zhongyuan" is a TV series that can't be blinked, because you don't know which episode you missed.

Of course, such a large-scale discussion is a favorite of the producers, and they will also guide the audience to discuss on the Internet to increase the popularity of the TV series.

As an actor, Qiao Yu also gained a lot of traffic through Yan Li's rare appearance.

The appearance of her teenage tyrant is undoubtedly beautiful, so that it confuses the black and white of many audiences. There will always be fans who sigh with emotion, "The villain's facial features determine my three views." While swearing at Qiao Yu's face.

But so far, the audience's only goodwill towards Yan Li is due to his beautiful appearance and splendid temperament, and this kind of goodwill actually stems from his actor Qiao Yu, not Yan Li. Yan Li's character image is still not full.

In the eyes of most audiences, he is just a cannon fodder, a tool man, all his brutality and murderousness are just to make the king of Chu Yan more conform to the will of God.

So Qiao Yu is very much looking forward to the impact that the following plot will bring to the audience.

Thank you little angels for the mines and nutrient solution. You are my driving force _(:з」∠)_

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