MTL - After Becoming a Male God, I Broke Three Big Guys-Chapter 17 Fix it

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Fang Qiubai is a man who is like a spring breeze. He is pampered all the year round, and has participated in the decision-making of the Guanghe Group for many years. He is decisive in the business field, but he does not have the arrogance of the superior when facing Qiao Yu.

In addition, his warm and jade-like appearance makes it easy for people to have a good impression of him.

Moreover, Qiao Yu felt that Fang Qiubai treated himself as a child.

He asked Qiao Yu about her studies, and also asked her if she was used to filming and whether she would be nervous in front of the camera. Like an elder who cares about the younger generation.

This made Qiao Yu a little curious about whether his age was really enough to be her elder.

The Guanghe Group is very careful about the privacy protection of the leadership. To some extent, there are only some press releases mentioning his name, but there are no photos of them, so that she recognized him so late tonight.

"I heard that you are not yet eighteen." Fang Qiubai took a sip of tea, "What month is your birthday?"

"April." Qiao Yu took over, "I went to school early, about a year younger than my classmates."

"So, when you were in elementary school, I had already graduated from college."

Qiao Yu made a quick calculation in his heart, Fang Qiubai was about thirty-two years old this year. However, this is the golden age of a man, and he is not old, on the contrary, he has become more elegant due to the tempering of this time.

Sister Hong also joked at this time: "If this is the case, Xiaoyu should call you uncle."

"It's really a big difference." Fang Qiubai smiled indifferently, and looked at Qiao Yu again, "In terms of seniority, I have to give you a big red seal for the New Year."

"Then thank Uncle Fang in advance." Who doesn't love big red envelopes.

A house can be described as happy.

After the reception, Sister Hong took her to a hotel for one night. This was what Qiao Yu asked himself, saying that it was time for her mother to go to bed now, and she didn't want to disturb her.

Qiao Yu was also tired after getting off in the evening, so he got into the car and started to take a nap.

The commercial vehicle is driving in the bustling metropolis, and the window of the car is passing the light outside.

Sitting next to Qiao Yu, Sister Hong looked at her young and beautiful profile, thinking of Mr. Fang's words and deeds tonight.

Mr. Fang was too talkative tonight.

Guanghe Media is only one of his industries. Although there is a dedicated office for him on the top floor of Guanghe Media, the middle-level members of Guanghe Media rarely meet this big man.

That's why she had a rare chance tonight, and she brought Qiao Yulai to get acquainted.

After being immersed in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry for many years, Sister Hong has long since cultivated to perfection. But Mr. Fang's idea was unusual, and she didn't dare to think about it.

It is said that Mr. Fang has taken his heart away a few years ago, and there is little absurdity. She hopes that it is true.

Qiao Yu took the flight back to Haiyang City at noon the next day and continued shooting.

The four-episode unit drama was filmed in a hurry for more than half a month. With the completion of Qiao Yu and Song Qingmeng, the filming of the first season of "Guilty" has truly been completed. The crew also specially prepared a small banquet and invited all the main creators who are still on the crew.

Everyone had almost eaten, and the waiter pushed up a big cake with the words "Happy to finish."

The director asked everyone to gather around and took a photo together, and the filming of "Guilty" officially ended.

The director uploaded the photo to Weibo, and the official Weibo and creators of "Questioning Crime" all forwarded it one after another.

Qiao Yu also forwarded it, using her official account.

This is her first official Weibo.

Qiao Yu's Weibo account has more than 100,000 fans, and it is a fan that has grown since the official announcement of Guanghe Media and her signing.

There are basically two kinds of fans, Yanfan and Zombie Fans from Zhalang.

She hadn't posted a single selfie before, but when she reposted this Weibo today, there were dozens of comments in an instant.

【Happy brother! ! I'll watch on the computer on time! 】

[I recognized my brother at a glance in the group photos of dozens of people, please praise me! 】

[Do you want to send a selfie to celebrate when it's finished? [dog]]

She chose a few comments to reply, and grimly rejected the little fan who asked for a selfie:

[I refuse [dog]]

The fans who were flipped underneath were very happy, and they all replied that she should have a good rest after work.

The little angels are so nice.

Soon, not only her fans, but also her classmates knew about it.

Early the next morning, Qiao Yu woke up after being bombarded by a message from his mobile phone. Not only personal messages, but also the group was bombed.

[Fuck, Qiao Yu is going to play "Guilty"! ! 】

【? ? ? Is it the "Question of Guilt" I'm chasing? 】

[Really, the final photo was posted on Weibo, the third one from the left is! 】


[Can I ask for a spoiler? 】

Even Ye Xiguang sent the picture of the finalization, and specially circled her head in red.

【Is that you? 】

Isn't this stupid kid knowingly asking?

[Well, I just finished the process and returned to Jiangcheng. 】

There was no movement over there, and Qiao Yu clicked to open the class.

[I just came back from "Questioning", thank you for your concern [laughs and tears]]

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, the main lord came, and the group became more active.

【Can you spoil it? Can it be spoiler? 】

[Brother Qiao is awesome, next time I put a movie in the class, I will put "Question of Guilty"]

【Is acting fun? 】

[What is Chen Tianhe's personality like? Similar to Yu Ge? 】

The screen was swiped too fast, she couldn't read the questions at all, she could only see which one replied which one.

[I only have the script for the fourth unit, and the previous ones are really spoiler [laughs and tears]]

[Brother Tianhe himself and Yu Ge are actually very different. He is very humble in private, has a good personality, and takes good care of newcomers. 】

Some students below asked her if she would take part in the summer make-up classes. The summer vacation time of the second semester of Chongming High School is only in the early 20s, and the rest of the time will be scheduled in advance.

But Qiao Yu couldn't go. She was going to Xiacheng to audition for a police and bandit movie the day after tomorrow.

However, in that film she was not auditioning for the messenger of justice, but the young master of the smuggling/smuggling group, a little pervert with violent tendencies.

She pondered with the script, and suddenly realized that she hadn't played any good people since she came to this world.

Either a cold-blooded tyrant or a murderer, each one is darker than the other, and now it may be necessary to add a little pervert.

Do I really look like the bad guy?

Qiao Yu rubbed his chin in thought.

Anyone who wants to see the role of the female lead can come up with them, and I can also refer to them.