MTL - After 20 Years of Trickery, I Entered the Thriller Game-Chapter 7 : Anomalous copy

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Can this girl say anything?

Sure enough, he is a good-tempered ghost, and he is good at talking!

Everyone was envious.

Lin Chen was also a little surprised.

big brother! You are flirting with female ghosts as girls!

However, the bandage ghost is still the same sentence: "It's OK..."

Lin Chen nodded, then wrote the menu, turned around and walked towards the back kitchen.

When he came to the kitchen, Lin Chen handed in the menu and said, "Come and take some cucumbers."

In the kitchen, there are human players serving as vegetable washers, and there are also ghosts cutting and frying all kinds of food.

It's just that the treatment of these players is much worse than that of the lobby.

Seeing Lin Chen's arrival, a chef ghost with a fat body and a fleshy face walked out.

In the kitchen, there were human players who saw Lin Chen coming to pass the dishes, and they were no longer optimistic about Lin Chen, because the fat chef ghost who came out was the most vicious and cruel one in the kitchen.

They all thought that Lin Chen would definitely be troubled by this fat chef ghost.

The Fat Chef Ghost's expression was originally very fierce, but when he walked in front of Lin Chen, his expression suddenly changed, and he said with a pleasant face: "My brother looks very kind, he is a new human player who has come to participate in the horror game, everyone is here. It's my own, tell me anything later, don't be polite!"

As soon as these words came out, the human player who was washing vegetables inside was stunned on the spot!

Is this what the devil said?

If it weren't for the fact that they were being harassed by this fat chef in every possible way, they really thought he was a warmhearted good man!

At this time, the fat chef's face was calm, but his heart was pounding. He had bullied the dishwasher just now, and he almost forgot that a red-clothed ghost was suspected to have died in the hands of a certain waiter.

Lin Chen was also a little confused. Whether it was the bandage ghost or the chef ghost in front of him, he always felt that his attitude was a little too good, making him embarrassed to take out the black sack.

With a smile, he handed the menu to the chef ghost. After the chef ghost took it, he couldn't help but blurt out: "Pa... Cucumber?!"

Then he looked at Lin Chen, who was calm, and the chef ghost's face turned bright again, saying:

"Cough! Cough! It's wrapped around me, look!"

This time, even Li Qun, the guide who was picking bones from his hands, was stupid. He had also experienced many dungeons. It was also the first time he saw a ghost with this attitude!

Is it because the dungeons I have experienced are all fake, or is this ghost suddenly blisters!

Just now, how enthusiastic is the attitude towards the fierce chef ghost?

What about discriminating?

The fat chef ghost got into the kitchen, picked up a fresh cucumber in front of a crowd of dull-looking human players, and started to operate it crackling.

When the fat chef ghost brought the cucumber to Lin Chen, his expression was even more enthusiastic.

"Brother, I've made more for the weight of this dish. You can try it. I'll come over and tell my brother when I'm hungry later, don't be polite."

The fat chef ghost patted Lin Chen's shoulder, a good brother, and even handed a ghost cigarette while talking.

After Lin Chen took it, he thanked him with a smile, picked up the dishes and left.

After Lin Chen left, the fat chef ghost wiped the sweat on his head, turned and got into the kitchen, looking at the dishwashing staff who were sluggish and forgetting to work, and said angrily:

"What the **** are you looking at? If you don't hurry up to work, whoever wants to wash the ingredients in their hands is damaged or not clean, then your own organs will be replenished for Lao Tzu!"

In the restaurant, a plate of fresh cucumbers was placed on the bandage ghost's table under the strange eyes of everyone.


Lin Chen smiled.

The first customer was solved, and he also received praise from the bandage ghost,

At the same time, the voice of the system sounded in my mind:

[After receiving a full-point evaluation from a guest, the player's Uncle Chen's score in this dungeon has been increased, and will be settled at the end of the dungeon. 】

Xu Qian frowned slightly, walked up to Lin Chen and said, "You were too reckless just now, that is, you were lucky enough to meet a good talker, otherwise you could make your head move with just the beauty you said. If you can live until tonight, I will find an opportunity to train you alone."

individual training?

Is there such a good thing?

Lin Chen looked suspicious and said, "Do you have any special thoughts about me? I'm still a virgin."

Xu Qian said with a dark face: "Nima, do you have a serious brain problem? Can't you see what's going on? This is a horror game, and people will die at any time!"

As soon as Xu Qian finished speaking, Lin Chen received a notification from a thriller game in his mind.

"Human players, Donald Duck has been eliminated."

Donald Duck is the name of the game that players take.

Xu Qian apparently also saw this notice, her face became a little gloomy, she whispered:

"This is just the beginning, someone has already died, you haven't participated in the training, and you don't know much about this place, but in this world full of ghosts, the level of danger is not too high."

"You are a member of my team, so I have an obligation to remind you that if you continue to die, then no one else is to blame. I guarantee that the next ghost you encounter will never be like the one just now. He talks like a bandaged ghost!"

Just then, another ghost came to the door.

This is the burn ghost who will hurt people during the player protection period when he first enters the restaurant.

It's just that the burn ghost at this time looks completely opposite from the previous one.

He had a smile on his face, a smile full of goodwill, but it made him look even more sinister.

After seeing the burnt ghost, Xu Qian said, "This ghost is a very vicious ghost. Next, you can see how others treat these ghosts."

Lin Chen nodded thoughtfully. He was not scared by Xu Qian's words, but also realized that something was wrong. The bandage ghost and the chef ghost looked too good indeed.

Did they find out when I caught the oil ghost?

The burn ghost entered the door, and Wang Ge, who was in charge of the guide, walked in front of him and said in a nervous tone, "Welcome, please come inside."

This ghost is definitely the most impressive one for many players.

After all, this is the first ghost to attack humans!

The ferocity is evident!

The smile on the burnt ghost's face grew even more terrifying, so frightened that Wang Ge couldn't help but take two steps back.

But the burn ghost said hoarsely, "Thank you!"

With this thank you, UU reading made Wang Ge stunned, and dazedly guided the Burning Ghost into his seat, but he didn't respond until other players were arranged to be in charge of ordering the meal.

Why doesn't the burn ghost seem as fierce as before?

The player in charge of serving the Burning Ghost table didn't see anything. At the beginning, he stepped forward with a bitter face and ordered food for him. Because of his nervousness, the player even collided with the table in front of the Burning Ghost.

However, the Burning Ghost didn't mean to be angry at all about this, and instead offered two words of condolences very politely.

In this regard, the waiters in the hall were completely dumbfounded.

So weird!

Xu Qian's small mouth opened into an "O" shape, she turned her head to look at Lin Chenzheng with a suspicious look on his face, and her pretty face suddenly turned red and said:

"There is a conspiracy, there must be a conspiracy! It's so wrong!"

Lin Chen didn't continue to tease Xu Qian, but put his eyes on the burn ghost, thoughtful in his heart.

At this time, although the burn ghost was sitting motionless on the dining table, it was not difficult to see what the ghost was looking for with his eyes wandering around!

Could it be that when he was catching the oil ghost, was he noticed by some existence?

It's not right. If he was really discovered by ghosts, he caught the oil ghost, but there is no need to be so "friendly" to all the waiters.

The bandage ghost's eyes were clearly fearful, and the burn ghost's attitude was completely opposite, which was indeed unusual.

"Bandage ghosts and burn ghosts were very friendly to all the waiters, suggesting they were just afraid of the waiters, but it wasn't clear who they were."

"But how do these ghosts know?"

Lin Chen frowned slightly and said inwardly.

Being able to think so much is not because of how wise Lin Chen is, but because of his guilty conscience.

Read The Duke's Passion