MTL - After 20 Years of Trickery, I Entered the Thriller Game-Chapter 529 : Lin Chen's Shock

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"So you want me to join hands with the Emperor Realm of the Horror World in the future, and first solve the common enemy Yuan?" Lin Chen asked a key question.

"It's all up to you, I'm not in control." The elder took a sip of tea, and then said: "It's just that your strength has reached this point, and I should tell you about some situations. Yuan's strength, preliminary estimates, even if it is all Even if we join hands with the Emperor Realm, there is no certainty of victory."

The war between Blue Star and Horror World, whether it is Yuan's dominance or the hatred between humans and ghosts, is unavoidable.

But beware of the snipe and the clam fighting for the fisherman's gain. This is a reminder.

"I see." Lin Chen just nodded without showing any attitude.

It was originally the haze that shrouded the horror world, and it was also the haze that shrouded his head.

His road ahead continues to grow, whether it is the true path of reincarnation, or a breakthrough in his own strength, he will inevitably collide with Yuan.

So he knew it in his heart.

But it is impossible to join forces with the Emperor Realm of the Horror World.

The existence of these emperor realms, it is better to sell them all into **** crystals to increase his strength, then maybe the chances of winning will be greater...

Skip this topic.

The Great Elder told Lin Chen about the difference between ghosts and gods and emperors.

"The reason why ghosts and gods are called ghosts and gods is because their strength has reached the level of gods. At this level, both humans and ghosts can be called gods.

And the exclusive ability of a **** is divine power, which is born with its own divine power and replaces the original ghost power. When all the ghost power is transformed into divine power, then it is the peak of ghosts and gods.

The subsequent Emperor Realm is to master the power of rules, create rules, annihilate rules, and even create a world. Of course, there are no living creatures in this world, and most of them are relatively barren. After all, even the Emperor Realm is still a ghost. , It is impossible to reincarnate from the dead, but through transplantation, it is still possible to make the world full of vitality, enough for people to live. "

Lin Chen wrote down one by one, and then asked some key points.

The systems of humans and ghosts are all ghost powers, so many of them are interoperable. In addition, the Great Elder was originally a human being. From him, Lin Chen can learn a lot of useful things.

And the Great Elder knew everything about Lin Chen.

As soon as we talked, we talked until it was dark.

"I've finished what I need to say. It's getting late. Although we don't have to rest normally, it's always a habit to close our guests at night." The elder said with a smile.

"One more thing." Lin Chen said hastily.

"What's up?"

"Do you sell the fragments of your reincarnation platform?"

"Not for sale!


Back in the room, Lin Chen sighed slightly.

The shards of the reincarnation platform on the elder's body are not small, and they are of great use to him. No matter how important the treasure is exchanged by Lin Chen, the other party is not willing to do it.

Because this thing is also useful to the Great Elder.

The Great Elder finally said that after awakening all the ghosts he could find and helped them regain consciousness, they would give them to Lin Chen for free.

The advance is when Lin Chen can reach the Emperor Realm.

The shards of the reincarnation platform are of great use, and the Great Elder knows it in his heart.

Lin Chen's consciousness sneaked into the ghost domain and unblocked the town monument.

"You're here." The Zhenyu Monument fluctuated, and a pleasant voice came out.

"The method of awakening the memory of the past life has been obtained, you can try it."

"Really!" Town Monument was very excited.

Lin Chen nodded, and then circulated the power in his body to activate the reincarnation platform fragments in his body.

Regarding the mastery of the fragments of the reincarnation platform, he is actually better than the great elder. After all, he is walking the true path of reincarnation. As long as he collects all the fragments of the reincarnation platform, he can become the master of reincarnation.

It can be regarded as the half master of the reincarnation platform.

It's just that I don't do much research and pondering at ordinary times, so I don't know much about some skills.

After the elder's suggestion, Lin Chen immediately grasped

this ability.

The fragments of the reincarnation platform descended into the ghost domain, emitting a dazzling golden light.

Generally, the yin objects that are related to ghosts emit a deep and dark light, and the golden color is very rare.

It can be seen that the fragments of the reincarnation platform are basically things that have escaped the restrictions of the nether world.

The golden light shrouded the town monument, conveying mysterious energy fluctuations, and the aura of reincarnation emanated from Lin Chen's body.

In another room, the great elder closed his eyes and opened his eyes, and looked in the direction of Lin Chen in surprise.

"The breath of reincarnation, is he restoring the memory of a certain ghost? No wonder he asked me how to restore the memory."

The Great Elder shook his head, and after sweeping away the mental power on Lin Chen's body, he took it back, and even took the initiative to help Lin Chen's position by casting an additional mental barrier.

half an hour later.

"How is it, has the memory recovered?"

Lin Chen asked.

At this time, the fragments of the reincarnation platform have been collected by him.

In the ghost domain, the three little ones looked at the town monument curiously. A few seconds passed, and the town monument did not give any response.

"My operation is not wrong." Lin Chen was slightly taken aback, and then continued to ask: "Has your memory recovered?"

The town monument remained silent.

This time, Lin Chen frowned suddenly. Is there something wrong?

It shouldn't be.

Just as Lin Chen was about to continue asking, the gloomy light emanating from the town monument suddenly subsided, as if the existence inside had disappeared, or fell into a deep sleep.


what's the situation.

Lin Chen, who was originally curious about the world of Taoism, planned to inquire about the woman in the Zhenyu Stele after she awakened.

As a result, after the other party recovered his memory, he restrained himself for the first time, as if he had closed himself off.

"Stop pretending to be asleep, what's the matter with you?" Lin Chen condensed one hand and patted on the town monument, as if knocking on the door.

After a long time, there was another movement from the Zhenyu Monument.

"Leave me alone..."

have to!

Sure enough, he was autistic.

Lin Chen shook his head and had no choice but to give up temporarily. After blocking the perception of the outside world from the town monument, he withdrew his consciousness from the ghost domain.

"It's time to take stock of the harvest." Lin Chen's eyes showed excitement.

In a sense, this trip to the ghost city is like going through a copy.

The harvest is extremely rich.

There are three ghost realm spirits.

Eighty fixed-point teleportation symbols.

Fifteen Tongtian ghosts, fifty Good Fortune ghosts, and three hundred True Kings. There are also countless ghost coins, as well as various talisman ghosts, treasures of heaven and earth.

"The ghosts were fed directly to the iron pot. Unfortunately, Ming San and Ming Er did not find any ghost-level ghosts. Otherwise, the level of the iron pot would have gone up a long time ago. Pot, it is estimated that the power will increase a lot.”

With a thought, the iron pot materialized out of thin air.

One after another, priceless ghosts in the eyes of other ghosts were sent into the iron pot.

As for some low-end or special-effect ghosts, Lin Chen kept them. Although he didn't need them, he could prepare them for Lan Xing.

It was the same as the case of Lin Chen's ghost domain absorbing mental energy, with so many ghosts, it was impossible for the iron pot to digest them instantly, and it took time to warm them up.

Take the pan back.

Lin Chen expectantly took out the three ghost domain spirits.

With these three new members, the growth rate of his ghost domain will be greatly increased, and perhaps he no longer needs to worry about the problem of excessive power and slow refining in the center of the ghost domain.

Lin Chen, who had already refined three ghost domain spirits, began to refine them with ease.

Two days later.

A baby boy, a baby girl, and a humanoid, but unknown creature covered with scales, with a small tail and fluff appeared in the

In Lin Chen's ghost domain.

The two little dolls are like golden boys and jade girls, and they played with Linger and the others as soon as they appeared.

The giggles continued.

And that little guy with weird looks looks very timid, which doesn't match his appearance at all.

He was the last one to break out of his shell. After he appeared, he hung on Lin Chen's body all the time, holding Lin Chen's clothes with his small hands, unwilling to let go.

"It's a strange little guy, don't be afraid." Lin Chen showed interest as he stroked the fluff on his head.

He had never heard of or seen such a creature.

In other words, this little guy is not a creature from the Blue Star and Thriller worlds.

"Father..." the little guy uttered a human voice, with a friendly tone and fear of the world.

The spirit of ghost domain is also called Yintai, which is an abandoned life. In the vernacular, it is an aborted baby, formed in a special environment and wrapped in mysterious energy.

Each one is chosen by God, unique and cannot be copied. Each one comes from bad luck.

Therefore, the spirits of the ghost domain have different temperaments, ranging from childish innocence to resentment or fear of the world. Their personalities are determined by the refiner.

If the refiner is evil, then the spirit of the ghost realm is evil.

If the refiner is good, then the spirit of the ghost realm is good.

"Don't be afraid, you will be the sixth child in the future. There are many brothers and sisters here." Lin Chen comforted him.

For ghosts, he has always struck hard, but for these poor little guys who depend on him, Lin Chen retains great kindness.

"En." The childish voice sounded, and the little guy nodded, with natural obedience and trust in Lin Chen's words.

"You are all the same life, don't bully each other, understand?"

Lin Chen said this to all the little guys.

After his words fell, the other little guys nodded again and again, looking at the kindness on the faces of Lao Liu, who looked completely different from them.

Regardless of appearance and type, they are all of the same race. After the sixth child was also included in the ghost domain.

Lin Chen felt his strength increase again.

Amplified by seven ghost domains, big and small, this kind of power is by no means comparable to ordinary Babel.

And for the first time, he also felt a feeling of heaviness in his body.

"It's true that the spirit of the ghost domain can't be refined too much. Although it's not up to the limit, if it goes on too much, the effect may be counterproductive." Lin Chen whispered.

His world ghost domain is improving, and the six little guys are working together, and the refining speed of the mind has indeed accelerated.

"One big ghost domain, with six small ghost domains attached to it, is connected to each other. It looks like a kind of reincarnation." Lin Chen smiled and withdrew his thoughts.

The next item is the ghost on hand.

Lin Chen cut off all of these ghosts, even those who wanted to.

These waists have successfully allowed him to increase the Yijinjing and Daoyuan Zhenjie by another layer. Although his strength has not reached the middle of the sky, it has also improved a lot.

In addition to these two big heads, Lin Chen's remaining waist was increased by Lei Fa.

Lei Fa is his ability that is closest to the red product, so it is natural to focus on improving it.

As for ghosts, Lin Chen did not go to the mining area and ghost body laboratory.

The goods and money on both sides have not been paid, so there is no rush.

As for the cold and unparalleled Master Yu, we can deal with it first.

After all, this is Miangui City. Under consideration, Lin Chen first entered the different space, and opened the god-like descending in the different space.

All Heavens Clubhouse.

Lin Chen's figure appeared again.

Through Qingxiu ghost, he contacted Xinghe, the male ghost in flowered clothes who had traded with him before.

After Xinghe saw Lin Chen, he immediately smiled, obviously looking forward to Lin Chen for a long time.

Just about to compliment Lin Chen, Lin Chen took the lead and said, "This time it's a top-notch one, you may not be able to eat it, it's best to call a ghost at the peak of ghosts and gods to discuss, no

Yes, it is better to be in the imperial realm. "

Although Yu lost the boost of the dungeon, with her strength close to the emperor's realm, it is estimated that something will happen to the general ghosts and gods at their peak.

"Emperor Realm?"

Xinghe was startled.

Lin Chen's words made him question his ears. The powerhouses of the Emperor Realm are superior, what level can the powerhouses of the Emperor Realm show up and trade in person?

"However, I brought a female ghost."

"What?" Xinghe was confused on the spot.

The words "female ghost and god" almost made him jump up on the spot, with an incredulous look on his face.

"Chen, are you kidding me!"

"Do you think I'm a joker? I'm joking with someone from the Emperor Realm?" Lin Chen said angrily.

However, he also understands that after all, Xinghe is only at the Creation level, ghosts and gods are two ranks higher than him, and their strength is vastly different.

It's like a canteen at the entrance of a village suddenly received hundreds of millions of orders.

There will be a sense of unreality.

Especially not long ago, Lin Chen made a deal with him as a palace-level ghost.

" really caught the female ghost." Xinghe reacted, seeing that Lin Chen didn't seem to be lying, he couldn't help but gasped, then his face turned red with excitement, and he turned around and said:

"I'm going to call the supervisor above me..."

"What realm are you in charge of?" Lin Chen hastily stopped him.

"Ghost and **** high-level, don't worry, my supervisor is very unusual, not to mention that I am already an advanced level, even at the same level, there are opponents." Xinghe said confidently.

"What I caught was the peak of ghosts and gods, even close to the emperor's realm. The ghosts are special and powerful, and they are not comparable to ordinary ghosts. Are you sure there is no problem?" Lin Chen reminded.

"Peak of ghosts and gods?" Xinghe was shocked again, but after twitching for a moment, UU Reading still said: "Then I'll call my supervisor the supervisor..."

Obviously, the supervisor of this supervisor is an emperor.

After Xinghe left, it took a full three minutes before reappearing.

These three minutes also made Lin Chen feel very painful.

And when Lin Chen saw the supervisor of the supervisor who appeared with Xinghe, his expression changed suddenly.

An indescribable shock and an incredible look appeared in his eyes.

"Impossible!" Lin Chen exclaimed.

Beside Xinghe, a beautiful figure moved in lotus steps. The red gauze skirt on her body was swaying in the wind, her white skin like creamy skin was looming, and she was walking slowly towards Lin Chen.

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