MTL - After 20 Years of Trickery, I Entered the Thriller Game-Chapter 517 : sin and evil

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The road is paved with mud, and the bones are piled up.

It was as if he had stepped into **** in one step.

Even Lin Chen couldn't calm down in his heart, an emotion called anger welled up in his heart.

It's not that he hasn't seen tragic scenes, but this is the first time he has encountered such a **** place where people are raised like livestock.

"A three-star player? Yes, these people are nourished by ghost power. There are quite a few three-star players. Just pick one."

After the middle-aged male ghost explained the needs to the ghost in charge here, he smiled at the convenience and opened his mouth.

They talked and laughed happily, as if they were trading animals.

The middle-aged male ghost then chose one, and the ghost in charge walked up to it and smashed the black crystal with one punch.

A naked woman fell out of countless rubble.

The invisible Lin Chen clenched his fists.

At this moment, he really had the idea of ​​being desperate and directly saving people. When ghosts and gods came, he would go to the mining area to shake people, and then turn the whole ghost city upside down.

When he was away, he didn't see the crime and blood here, and he couldn't take care of it, but now that he is here, as a human being, Lin Chen has the responsibility to rescue these tortured and suffering people, and there shouldn't even be any more people. People die in front of him!

But when he saw the woman's situation clearly, he was stunned.

The woman's face was dull, looking at the many evil spirits, a silly smile appeared on her face soon.

This mental state is very abnormal.

"This is the previous species. She has given birth to many species, but she has gone crazy and committed self-mutilation and suicide more than once. Yuanyuan also lost money because she had too many children, so she was treated as a flesh human."

The responsible ghost commented.

She is crazy!

The words of the responsible ghost also showed the evil here again!

The people in these black spar are all flesh people.

In order to provide a continuous supply of human goods, these ghosts are still being cultivated to allow those humans in captivity to reproduce.

Look at the woman's expression and appearance.

Lin Chen moved his fingers slightly, and the ghost power in his body stabilized.

Is it really meaningful to save such a person?

She is more like a walking dead than a human being. Even if it is possible to restore her sanity if she is rescued, the other party may find it difficult to accept her past.

Human beings have feelings and dignity when they are alive, which is different from those ghosts who are willing to give everything to survive.

And listen to the words of the ghost in charge.

Not all the human beings in this place are placed here.

There are other humans in this dark underground space.

Even if Lin Chen wanted to save someone, he had to find out this before thinking about it!

As for the woman in front of me...

It was useless, and she herself had no hope of surviving.

After the woman was taken away.

Not long after, a scream came from where the woman left. The sound was shrill and full of fear.

For the sake of the exquisite plate-setting art, these evil spirits have to use their means to subject them to various tortures, and when they finally show their satisfied expressions, they will be beheaded with a knife.

Let that look of despair and fear be fixed on that face forever like a work of art!

The middle-aged male ghost took out a black coffin, put the woman in it, and left with the woman.

But Lin Chen didn't follow directly, and stayed here wearing an invisibility cloak.

He is not in a hurry to leave, there will always be ghosts coming over to "buy goods", and there will be an opportunity for him to leave later.

Lin Chen flew around in this space, in order to control the blown wind, he was not fast.

But in the end, Lin Chen was sure that all the people here were sealed.

I did not see the so-called race of people, that is to say, there is another space.

Seeing this situation, Lin Chen did not move around indiscriminately.

Although he is invisible, even ghosts and gods can see

I don't know his existence, but there are some traps here. Once touched, it will sound like an alarm. Even if he escapes invisibly, it will attract the attention of these ghosts, and the next action will be even more troublesome. .

There are quite a few ghosts patrolling here, and among them are three strong ghosts of the heavenly level.

For such an important place, the ghost market will naturally have solemn guards.

But Lin Chen's target is precisely these guard ghosts.

Only they can know where the other group of people are hiding.

Lin Chen had plenty of time, so he waited patiently.

He thought that there would always be a time when these ghosts left to inspect another place where humans were stored.

However, Lin Chen was not idle.

Instead, he looked at those black crystals very seriously.

This kind of spar has never been seen before.

But judging from the feeling it gave Lin Chen, it looked like it was made of ghost power.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen gave up the idea of ​​using mental power to penetrate into it and communicate with the insiders.

If these crystals are the ghost power of a certain ghost, no matter how subtle his mental power is, he will still be sensed when he penetrates the crystals.

at this time.

Three ghosts escorted ten prisoners-like people into the cave.

Those three ghosts are all good luck-level ghost powers.

As for the ten humans, their auras were very unstable, both male and female.

They all looked dull, without any light in their eyes, as if they had lost hope in everything. The three ghosts led the crowd to Tongtian, a young man with a soft complexion, and respectfully said: "Lord Ling, these people are crazy, they have tried suicide many times, and they have hurt others. Please use ghost skills to seal it up."

Lord Ling nodded, and after taking a look at the ten people, he tore open their clothes with a wave of his hand, and even washed them with water-type ghost magic.

Then, a ghostly power was condensed and turned into a black water curtain.

This ghost power is solid and thick like mud.

This is the method of sealing, using this kind of ghost power to seal up those people, and constantly nourishing the body with these ghost powers, so that those people can increase their strength and become more advanced players in the sealed state, so that they can be sold. Better price.

However, just when the ghost power was about to rush to those human beings, accidents happened suddenly.

Ten human beings with dull faces suddenly burst out, and ten special ghost powers erupted.

This kind of ghost power is dark golden, not pure ghost power.

It should be mixed with another force.

And the explosion of these ten people also caused many ghosts to change color immediately.

"Haha, ghosts, your grandfather has been waiting for this day for too long." One of the old men had tears in his eyes, but he laughed loudly. He mobilized his ghost power and blasted towards Master Ling who was close at hand.

Their power is not simple, the ghost powers of ten people actually have a feeling of fusion, boosted by each other, bursting out extremely powerful power.

Even the three creatures who escorted them took two steps back.

Master Ling's expression was indifferent, and he waved his hand without showing any surprise from the beginning to the end.


The power of Tongtian is the best in the audience.

In just an instant, the joint attack of the ten people had turned into light spots and dissipated in the air.

And those ten people also fell to the ground because of exhaustion.

They had regrets on their faces, but they were not surprised by the result. Instead, they immediately wanted to destroy their hearts, very decisive.

It's just that in front of Tongtian, they are too weak and have no room to resist.

The eyes of Tongtian moved slightly, and the invisible force imprisoned the ten people, making them unable to mobilize the energy in their bodies and take any actions.

"Offending me is already a capital offense, but the value of eight Creation-level humans is still very high." Master Ling said calmly.

"Hmph! Evil ghost, even if I die, even if I am divided into countless parts and enter the stomachs of other evil spirits, my will will last forever, and I will watch you from a place where you can't see me.

You, sooner or later you will have our day! "The old man snorted coldly, not hiding the hatred in his eyes.

"Weak and ignorant human beings, you quietly broke the seal in your body, killed your own people, and pretended to be crazy, just to ridicule me?"

"I want to kill you! And the people of the same race we killed, they are no longer human beings, they are walking corpses driven crazy by you!"

"Stupid, if I were you, I wouldn't choose Tongtian as the target, because it's floating and shaking the tree, and the three creations who escorted you may still have a chance."

"You have no shortage of good luck. The genius will make you feel pain. Even if there is only one ten thousandth possibility, I will try it. This is the only function of my broken body." The old man's eyes were fierce, his face was crazy, Compared with Lord Na Ling, his appearance at this time is actually more like a ghost.

But this is completely forced out.

Everything he showed was caused by the grief and despair in his heart. The more madness on his face, the more painful his heart was.

Such a debt! Only by biting the evil spirit can it be repaid.

It's just that his expression froze. Like the other nine people, Lord Ling lost interest in chatting with them, and with a wave of his hand, he sealed them with ghost power.

The one who described Xu Huazhong's behavior towards scholars

After the three escorting ghosts made a salute to Mr. Jiang, they turned and left the mine.

Seeing this, Lin Chen followed without saying a word.

The three ghosts did not leave the burrow, and walked around in the passage. After a while, they came to a huge iron gate.

When there were still a hundred meters away from the iron gate, the steps of the three ghosts became weird, and each step seemed to be carefully placed.

Seeing this, Lin Chen followed up at the same pace.

He came to the iron gate smoothly.

The front door opens.

An aura of strangers rushed over, and the internal environment finally came into Lin Chen's eyes.

Sure enough, another group of people were imprisoned inside!

Lin Chen took a deep breath, walked into it, and stared at everything inside.

This is compared to the previous burrow. More like a prison.

The iron cages wrapped by the power of rules are arranged neatly one by one. In each cage, human beings are imprisoned, ranging from one to ten people. Both men and women, old and young.

Their expressions were gloomy. In this place full of despair, UU Reading Lin Chen didn't see any smiles.

There are many iron cages of this kind. If you look around, there are tens of thousands of them!

Fifty thousand people!

At least 50,000 people were imprisoned here.

Lin Chen felt a little heavy in his heart, and walked towards the inside step by step.

He didn't see anything **** here.

But the evil here is far greater than the previous cave.

What are they kept in captivity for? Nature is reproduction!

Perhaps for animals, random breeding and mating is a very common thing.

But if this happens to humans with moral values ​​and advanced cognition.

That kind of crime is unimaginable.

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