MTL - After 20 Years of Trickery, I Entered the Thriller Game-Chapter 512 : feed the dog

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The glamorous and incomparably beautiful proprietress looks like a peerless stunner, arousing the desire and flames in her heart, but her actions are extraordinarily ruthless and decisive.

The strength is powerful, and with just one blow, he successfully killed a legendary ghost in the first stage of good fortune!

Immediately frightened some of the weaker ghosts present were shattered.

"The pinnacle of good fortune."

In the arena, there was a ghost with sharp eyesight, who saw the strength of the proprietress, and said every word clearly.

The four ghosts walking with the old man ghost reacted the most violently. They were so frightened that their souls froze, and they even screamed in horror, bursting out with the ghost power of a real king, for fear that they would be the next to be attacked.

The old man ghost they regarded as their backer died suddenly, which completely panicked them.

"Shh, you don't meet the requirements of that distinguished guest, so I won't take action against you, and this ghost brother is dead, you four ghosts, separated by two, it conforms to the rules of our shop."

The proprietress put her fingers on her red lips, and her voice was gentle like a big sister next door.

Of course, this was without looking at the head that was being lifted by her other hand.

On the face of the old ghost, there was still fear and anger that had not dissipated.

Seeing this, the four ghosts all shut their mouths while they were terrified.

It's not that they don't have any resentment, but they are completely frightened and stupid. The old man ghosts at the fortune level are all dying in an instant, and they only have one thought at this time, and that is to survive in this ghost market.

"My guest, I have shown our sincerity. Why don't you take a step back and make friends? Even if I give this ghost to you, the previous conditions are still the same. We will terminate the transaction together. As long as you nod, None of this would have happened.”

The proprietress smiled at Lin Chen.

The little ghost Leng Ying didn't say a word. After pulling away, he immediately took the corpse of the old man and walked towards the kitchen.

Lin Chen followed Leng Ying's direction, glanced at the kitchen with his mental power, and found that there was also a mental power that could cut off the vision and probe, and then looked at the proprietress:

"I thought you would attack me next."

"Brother Gui is also a fortune-telling ghost, but you are the customer who proposed a deal, so how could I trade your things with you?" The proprietress laughed.

Lin Chen released the aura of the good fortune ghost. Although it was only the first stage, it also proved his "powerfulness".

"So, if other ghosts propose this deal, you will take action against me, because I am a tenant living alone, and I don't fully comply with your store's regulations."

The proprietress smiled without saying a word, and did not respond, but her performance had already expressed her meaning from the side.

"The interesting thing is that it is very similar to the dungeon in the horror game I heard. If I didn't know, I thought I was selected as a ghost player and entered the dungeon."

Lin Chen gave a thumbs up, seemingly casually sighing, but in fact, he was knocking on the sidelines.

"This is a dark area, and the ghosts here are more vicious than each other, so absolute order is needed to maintain a weak peace." The proprietress said very calmly.

Lin Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and then he said: "If there is no accident, all the food in your inn must be eaten downstairs, otherwise it is a violation of the rules here."


This kind of innocuous question, the proprietress settled it casually.

Ghost restaurant...

Lin Chen took a silent breath.

Can't help but think of the first copy in my life.

A dungeon with many rules, a slight touch will immediately cause ghosts to attack.

The meals and the scary ghosts that may appear at night, after careful consideration, are completely similar.

The only difference is that the Ghost Restaurant operates in a copy of the horror game, and here is a "reality" area in the horror world.

"Okay, if you make a move today, then I will give you a face, I will not terminate the transaction, but I can give you a

In one day, tomorrow morning, I will see the rest. "

"no problem."

The face of the proprietress became more and more brilliant. Anyway, this is a big business. She came to Lin Chen and sat down, and a strange fragrance came.

She put away the bracelet full of 200 billion ghost coins on the table, and the depths of her eyes were full of greed.

A ghost who is a permanent resident in a place like the ghost market has an incomparable desire for ghost coins that other ghosts can't match.

Although this proprietress is mysterious and powerful, she is no exception.

Under that charming skin, there are endless desires and sins.

Lin Chen could clearly see that the resentment on this woman was the highest in the room!

"Where is the guest officer from?" The proprietress took the initiative to start a conversation, as if she had become more interested in Lin Chen because of a big deal.

This is normal, rich guests are very welcome everywhere.

"I'm just an ordinary casual cultivator with no background." Lin Chen said casually.

The proprietress was startled, then she suddenly smiled and looked around, as if something new had happened, and then suddenly closed it, as if something new had happened.

"I didn't expect a ghost like you who had conflicts with our merchants from the very beginning, to hide yourself sometimes. In fact, in the ghost market, no matter whether you are from Dynasty, Jidao Sea, Time Island, etc. The place of detachment still comes from some evil organizations hidden in the dark, and here they are all treated the same as ordinary ghosts.

The grievances and grievances from the outside world will never be brought into the ghost market. Even if you are the mysterious and terrifying high-level executive of the God Group who suddenly appeared, in our eyes, you are just a normal guest. "

The other ghosts also nodded secretly.

This rule is indeed something that all ghosts in the ghost market know.

There are only interests here, and there are no permanent enemies.

The grievances and grievances of the outside world cannot enter the ghost market.

So in a sense, this ghost city is an excellent refuge for some notorious ghosts.

However, Lin Chen suddenly laughed softly, and his face suddenly became serious: "Then if I say I am Human Chen, don't you care?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the ghosts froze.

Even the lady boss's smile froze on her face.

In the inn, an inexplicable strange and quiet atmosphere reappeared.

But soon, the thoughtful proprietress burst out laughing. She covered her mouth and smiled foolishly: "Chen's words may be excluded."

Lin Chen's face darkened slightly.


In this horror world, he is the one who is not welcome anywhere.

"Actually, humans are not excluded here. If there are humans who are not afraid of death, and have ghost coins, and are willing to take the initiative to come, we will definitely welcome them, but you know that people are not ghosts or ghosts, and their talents are terrifying. And unpredictable, even the ghosts and gods are in his hands, this kind of existence that breaks the common sense, no one wants to encounter it, especially his characteristic of causing harm wherever he goes, makes us afraid to avoid it. "

The proprietress explained the ghost market's "tolerance is great", and then said: "However, the guest officer also likes to joke. As far as I know, after the battle of the death of the second ghost, Chen successfully returned to Blue Star and never again. I have never left, and the ghost market is in Blue Star, so they have eyeliners."

Blue Star is a huge cake to any ghost.

Ghost cannibalism can be increased additionally.

These profit-seeking ghosts in the ghost market looked at Blue Star with blood-red eyes, so they naturally sent ghosts to enter Blue Star.

"What you said makes sense, but as far as I know, Human Chen doesn't like ghosts talking about him behind his back. If he hears your words, he will definitely retaliate." Lin Chen said with a half-smile.

The proprietress just smiled and didn't care.

Hearing the words, the good fortune ghost next to him finally couldn't help but speak: "Chen is not here, so it doesn't matter if you say a few words about him.

That morning is indeed narrow-minded, and has an extreme hatred for ghosts. In fact, even if we don't talk about him, he will definitely not let us go when he sees us. "

Lin Chen couldn't help but glanced at him again.

Chen's news is hot everywhere, even in the ghost city's inn, talking about Chen has caused many ghosts to gossip.

Following the opening of the good fortune ghost, other ghosts couldn't help talking.

"There are so many ghosts and ghosts in the horror world, why can't even a human being be dealt with? Chen's growth rate is too fast. If left alone, with his unreasonable combat power, he will definitely become a real serious problem in the future.

"In the current Blue Star, there are rumors that humans are invading the horror world in reverse."

"Reverse invasion? This is just a joke, but his strength is indeed terrifying. I heard that in the battle between him and the prince of the **** of the underworld, Chen, who was in the early stages of good fortune, defeated the peak of good fortune with just one blow, and is about to step into the underworld of ghosts and gods." Prince Shen, if it wasn't for the fact that he didn't leave immediately after the morning incident, and instead continued to slaughter the city, Ming San might never have met him at all, and the tragedy of ghosts and gods falling would not have happened."

"It's unlucky for the ghosts and gods of the underworld. They happened to be visiting the prince of the **** of the underworld. Otherwise, they wouldn't have appeared so soon. They were murdered by Chen Ge. I don't know how Zhan killed the third prince of the underworld. I heard that three people went to him later. Ghosts and gods, and they are all strong among ghosts and gods, even so, they did not leave him behind, this person is indeed terrifying."

What the ghosts said made Lin Chen understand a lot.

In fact, it didn't take long for him and Hades to settle the battle after the ghost power erupted and caused panic that day.

When massacring the city, his mental power enveloped half of the ghosts in the city, and he was automatically sucked into the iron pot. It took only two minutes before and after.

Then Ming San suddenly appeared under the bright moon above his head.

Originally, he thought that it was the speed of ghosts and gods that was too fast.

So in a flash.

But now that I heard the words, I realized that it was a coincidence that Ming San appeared so quickly.

As for the appearance of the first-class ghost Ming, it is probably the same.

It took five minutes for Lin Chen to enter the mining area, sell ghosts and deal with ghosts. If Ming San had reported to Ming Yi and the others as soon as he saw him, it would be completely in line with the time.

As for the appearance of Ji Yun and Shi Si, they may also be nearby.

Otherwise, there are so many ghosts and gods in the horror world, and these three will not be the only ones that will come that day.

It is estimated that after Lin Chen left, another ghost came, but at that time, he didn't know it anymore.

Just as he was thinking, a strange smell came, and Leng Ying came out of the kitchen carrying a plate.

The old ghost's corpse has already been processed, and the speed is surprisingly fast.

The complete head, two waists, and two thighs were all obtained according to Lin Chen's request.

"Guest officer, please use it." Leng Ying stood aside after speaking. Although he was full of resentment towards Lin Chen in his heart, he did not dare to make a mistake after having suffered at the hands of Lin Chen many times.

And in front of the proprietress, he wanted to keep a low profile and hide all his thoughts in his heart.

The other ghosts stopped eating and turned their gazes to Lin Chen, as if they wanted to see how Lin Chen ate ghosts.

In their eyes, Lin Chen has changed from a stunned young man with unknown strength to a pervert who is at the beginning of his fortune, with good strength, but with a fierce personality and weird quirks.

You know, ghost blood and ghost body stink!

When you come to the ghost market, you don't eat people, but ghosts.

Even if they are used to the darkness and danger, they can't help calling them experts.

However, Lin Chen didn't eat at all.

Instead, with a wave of his hand, Xiao Hei was released from the body.

"Spirit of the Ghost Realm!"

The mysterious aura suddenly changed the faces of many ghosts. They knew that Lin Chen's strength was extraordinary, but they didn't expect that there was a ghost from the ghost domain!

With the blessing of double ghost domains, it can already be said to be stronger than most ghosts!

Even the face of the proprietress changed, and she couldn't help but glance at it in surprise.

little black.

"The spirit of the ghost domain, you should also sell it in the ghost market." Lin Chen asked.

In addition to the breakpoint teleportation talisman, he also has a great demand for the spirit of the ghost domain. Since he came to the ghost market, he naturally bought it if he could.

"Yes! But it's very expensive." The proprietress concluded, and at the same time hinted curiously:

"However, guest officer, although the spirit of the ghost domain is a rare treasure in the world, it is not a small burden on the ghost body and consumes a lot of ghost power. Ordinary ghosts can only refine one ghost domain spirit to achieve double ghosts. Even if the domain is the limit, you can't bear more, do you want to refine the second ghost domain spirit now?"

Her eyes were full of curiosity. If Lin Chen really had the ability to refine the second Ghost Realm Spirit, then Lin Chen's strength would have to be improved in her heart.

Shan Youyou, the spirit of the city, Lin Zhen is already stronger than the dead book, and the spirit of the ghost realm, Lin Zhen is stronger than the dead old man ghost.

Under the blessing of the double ghost domain, it is indeed an invincible force.

And the power of the Three Ghost Realms, not to mention, with the confidence to refine the Three Ghost Realms, at least Lin Chen must be in the middle of the fortune!

"Let's keep it as a backup. I also have a few good juniors. If I can't do it, I'll just train my juniors."

Lin Chen prevaricated, then patted the little gangster and said, "Eat them all."

! !

Xiao Hei, who had turned into a little black dog, widened his eyes. He didn't expect that he would go through such a big test after being released suddenly. There was a humanized disgust in his eyes, and he clearly resisted the flesh and blood of this ghost.

"It's just bad smell, taste... In short, you won't have diarrhea after eating it. How can you say that you are also a tiger. Why are you afraid of eating this?"

Lin Chen communicated with him with his heart.

It's not that I'm afraid, but that it's smelly and smelly. It's really not easy to accept. How can it be fragrant?

After Xiao Heijin explained a few sentences, he sighed helplessly. His young body suddenly grew bigger, and he opened his **** mouth, eating up all the flesh and blood, and then quickly shrunk down. Lin Chen's body was broken.

"My puppy is hungry, so I bought something to feed the dog."

Seeing the weird eyes of all the ghosts, Lin Chen said casually. Feed the dogs with 200 billion ghost coins?

Is this ghost so arrogant?

The ghosts present, UU Reading, whether it was the weak ghost king, or the two creatures, including Leng Ying and the proprietress, were completely dumbfounded.

And those four uneasy true kings felt sad and indignant when they saw the old man being so insulted, but they dared not speak out. They are lucky to be alive now.

Because of the disagreement when opening the room, he saw Lin Chen's displeased male ghost, and even the slight humming sound of dissatisfaction disappeared.

Lin Chen got up, smiled at the proprietress, and said, "Then make an appointment. Tomorrow morning, I will see the head and body of the second Creation Ghost on time."

Xiao Hei: "!!"

"No problem." The astonishment on the boss lady's face disappeared, and she continued to show a bright smile.

It was as beautiful as a red rose, but Lin Chen knew that there were extremely sharp thorns hidden under the blood-red petals.

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