MTL - After 20 Years of Trickery, I Entered the Thriller Game-Chapter 5 : I don't want your body too much, right?

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? Soon, she fixed her gaze on Lin Chen and asked in surprise: "Did you go to the wrong team? No, you are not on the list of new players, who are you?"

Others quickly moved away like a snake and scorpion.

Everyone has heard a lot of ghost stories. Suddenly there is one more person in a team. No matter how you think about it, it is a ghost!

For a time, some people were like a big enemy, some were so scared that they covered their mouths, and some even wanted to turn around and run away.

Because of such a change, this temporary team instantly appeared disorganized.

Seeing that Lin Chen was almost panicking, he said with a speechless expression: "Miss, what kind of training are you talking about? Why haven't I participated in it? Did you count the number of people before? Why didn't anyone inform me?"

"You didn't attend the training?"

Xu Qian was surprised at first, and then suddenly realized: "I see, you are the player of the invitation letter No. 59!"

Lin Chen nodded and said, "That's right. Could it be that No. 59 is a very special existence, so the organization deliberately didn't train me?"

Xu Qian's face was dark, but she still regained her composure. She ignored Lin Chen and said loudly, "Everyone, follow me to the dressing room to change clothes."

Seeing this, Lin Chen did not chase after him and continued to ask.

Whether it is a thriller game or other human players, including three "guiders" with ghost power.

He has already understood the general idea, and then there is time to learn about the thriller game, and there is no need to pester Xu Qian to answer him.

?? The ghost restaurant is very big, and even the locker room is reserved for the waiters. After everyone came, Xu Qian took a few ladies and walked into the ladies locker room. Before leaving, she just said:

"Speed ​​up and get dressed as soon as possible."

Lin Chen took a few glances at the black suits hanging on the clothesline.

The black suit looked a little red and had an unpleasant smell.

Lin Chen sighed: "As expected of a horror game, the work clothes worn by these waiters are all soaked in blood, and I'm getting more and more excited."

After many years of catching ghosts, and catching ghosts can sell for money and become stronger, Lin Chen has no fear of ghosts at all, and even the more bizarre and terrifying the scene, the more excited Lin Chen is.

No one from the other ordinary players noticed the abnormality. They only thought that there was no ventilation for a long time, and there would inevitably be an odor. They could only endure the nausea and quickly changed them one by one.

Lin Chen stood on the spot and looked around intentionally or unintentionally. At this time, he felt a ghost exuding yin energy, hidden in some corners of the dressing room, but he didn't know where.

This ghost hides deeply.

"Looking at it this way, it's at least a red-clothed ghost, otherwise it's impossible to hide from your own eyes!"

Lin Chen thought to himself.

Seeing that he hadn't changed his clothes, the other waiters thought that this newcomer who had not participated in the training was frightened, and couldn't help but chuckle.

This is how people are. When negative emotions are very heavy, and suddenly they find that someone is not even better than themselves, they will naturally relax.

These people are, unknowingly, their nervousness has dropped slightly, as if someone is giving them a backing, even if they die, this kid who doesn't know anything will die first.

Lin Chen glanced at a few people, noticed the change in their expressions, and understood a little in his heart, and couldn't help but sneer.

He picked up a piece of clothing that was about the same size, and changed it for a while.

At this time, everyone's clothes had all been changed. They got up and glanced at Lin Chen, who was still changing, and all turned and left indifferently.

Lin Chen still changed his clothes without any rush, without any rush. After the clothes were changed, Lin Chen walked to the mirror humming a little song, looked in the mirror, and arranged his hairstyle.

It looks very offbeat compared to the rush of others.

He was waiting for the hidden ghost to appear.

"Your companions are gone, aren't you afraid?"?

Behind him, an ink-like black figure emerged from the shadows on the ground. This was a male ghost covered in oil. He was wearing a worker's clothing, and his skin was covered in oil, so he couldn't see it at all. original appearance.

However, in the dark oil, a bright red pocket fluttered in the air, but it showed that this ghost was a red-clothed ghost.



The sound of the oil dripping from the body on the ground was very scary in the dark locker room.

"It's so pitiful that I was abandoned by my companions."

The oil ghost's voice was cold and greedy, as if someone who had been hungry for three days had seen a dream meal.

Lin Chen turned around slowly and asked calmly, "Do you want to attack me? In a horror game, if the player doesn't trigger any mechanism, you can't take the initiative to attack me, right?"

"You are the only one who stayed at the end, and you have offended me by looking in my mirror. As compensation, it is not too much for me to ask you for an arm?"

Looking for a mirror to kill?

Lin Chen was a little speechless. He asked just now to confirm the protection mechanism of the horror game for the human side that Zhang Wei said.

But for now, this protection mechanism...that's it.

After the oil ghost said this, he rushed over excitedly, with a grin on his face, but when he was just in front of Lin Chen, he was about to grab Lin Chen's hands, and when he wanted to tear the arm off, he saw Lin Chen. Morning suddenly moved.

He could only faintly see Lin Chen's hand lifted, and suddenly felt a huge force coming from the top of his head, and he was directly beaten to the ground.

The oil ghost lay on the ground and was stunned on the spot. This is the power a person can possess. ?

Lin Chen grabbed the oil ghost's hair and raised the other's head. He smiled and replied with the other's original words: "You want me and my arms, I want your body, isn't it too much?"

The oil ghost, who had been stunned and fell into self-doubt, suddenly changed his expression when he heard this, and said in a panic: "Brother, I'm a man, and I'm full of shit!"

Lin Chen's face darkened: "Who wants this from you, I'm going to sell you to mine in the black mining area!"

Oil Ghost: "??"

Immediately, he saw a black cloth bag appearing out of thin air in the young man's hand, and then photographed it directly above his head.

Immediately, there was darkness in front of him.

Lin Chen gathered up the cloth bag, and after shrinking it, he put it back on his body and left the locker room.

For the average person, there are crises everywhere, but for him, those crises often represent money and resources.

"System, sold him to me."

[Successful reselling, get 1000 **** coins]

[Balance of God and Stupid Coins: 1000]

Seeing the price sold by the oil ghost, the anger on Lin Chen's face suddenly disappeared without a trace.

This is a red-clothed ghost who has just entered the red-clothing stage, with average strength, so the price is only the lowest 1,000 gods and magic coins! ?

But for Lin Chen, it was still a big gain.

He has been working hard day and night in human society for so many years, UU reading www. has never caught such a valuable ghost.

When Lin Chen walked out of the locker room, there was no one in front of the door. I thought that all the players had already left and went to the staff hall to wait for assignments.

Lin Chen had no choice but to follow the signs in the corridor and walked to the staff hall. ?

At the moment when the oil ghost was successfully resold by the system, all the ghosts, big and small, in the entire restaurant were stunned for a while. At this time, they had already received the information in the ghost channel in their minds.

"Ghost player oil ghost has been eliminated."

These ghosts were immediately shocked. The ghost restaurant dungeon has been opened so many times. This is a time when a red-clothed ghost has been eliminated!

"What's the situation, the oil ghost is in red, who can beat him among these novice players!"

"Is it the hand of the guide?"

"Those three guides, but with dozens or hundreds of ghost power and Tsing Yi's strength, they are not the opponents of the oil ghost!"

"Could it be that there are experts among human players? Just kidding, I've never heard of a novice player who can kill a red-clothed ghost."

"I met the oil ghost just now. He said he was going to the locker room to try his luck. This time he really hit his luck."

"Anyway, people who can kill the oil ghosts in the early red clothes are not to be underestimated. We have to be careful, don't find fault for a while and shoot them on the iron plate."

"The petrol ghost went to the room where the waiter changed his clothes, so the person who killed the petrol ghost is likely to be one of the waiters. I'm a chef, supervising the dishwashing staff. There are masters hidden in the waiter, and it has nothing to do with me."

"That's right, I'm supervising the cleaners. It's okay."

"I'm going, I'm in charge of being a customer, and the game experience is extremely poor!"

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