MTL - After 20 Years of Trickery, I Entered the Thriller Game-Chapter 495 : 0 li solitary grave, that man has been here.

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Xu Renfeng looked at Lin Chen in shock. He naturally guessed that the ghost in the next room was a member of the so-called God Group.

Lin Chenzai had just told him about the God Group.

But after seeing the improvement effect of those ghosts, he still couldn't help showing surprise.

These are just three red-clothed ghosts. After drinking a cup of holy water, their ghost powers have been promoted to two small ranks. Among them, the strongest ghost is close to the evil spirit, and after drinking the holy water, it exudes a fierce aura!

Lin Chen was also stunned.

He didn't pay much attention to the group of gods.

But I also know that the group of gods has begun to take shape, and even the Yinyue Dynasty has paid attention to the group of gods.

It's just that he really didn't expect that the group of gods had developed to this point.

Even the ritual of drinking medicine came out.

"I said big brother, are you sure you are not an enemy? This promotion is too scary."

Xu Renfeng couldn't help but speak.

"The medicine is in my hands. This improvement is just a dream. The more members of the God Group, the faster the horror world will be destroyed."

Lin Chen is indifferent and authentic.

Xu Renfeng nodded. He understood what Lin Chen meant and knew the efficacy of the so-called holy water. He was just surprised when he saw it for the first time.

"Go downstairs."

Take Xu Renfeng out of the house.

The bandage ghost, who was already approaching the ferocious god, was surprised when he saw Lin Chen appearing.

Lin Chen smiled slightly, and threw her a space prop, which contained certain ghost power fruits.

Although the ghost slave at the beginning was not of great help to him, it was a kind of hard work to keep watching the store.

The bandage ghost quickly thanked him, smiling so hard that his eyes narrowed, he didn't have the gloomy look of a ghost at all. For her, the boss who comes once a month is almost what she looks forward to most every day.

Of course, if Lin Chen knew that she was judging him like this in her heart, she probably wouldn't even give her a ghost power fruit.

Once a month?

What are you boss?

Didn't spend much time in the restaurant.

Lin Chen took Xu Renfeng and left together.

The first time he came to the horror world, he had activated the disguise technique.

This is impossible.

With his face, his popularity in the horror world is no less than that of Lan Xing. If he went out with his original appearance, he would probably scare a lot of ghosts to death.

The two of Lin Chen walked around the city first.

Lin Chen is to observe the ghosts in Yancheng, whether there are any changes, and also check some news to see how ordinary ghosts view the group of gods.

Xu Renfeng's face was full of curiosity, and he had a sense of seeing Grandma Liu visiting a big manor.

"Brother ghost, I heard that the group of gods is making a lot of noise recently, do you have any opinions?" Lin Chen leaned over to the side of several fierce gods.

Those fierce gods looked back at Lin Chen and Xu Renfeng vigilantly, then turned and left with cold eyes.

Didn't make any sense at all.

However, when Lin Chen released a breath of ghost king level.

The fierce gods immediately turned their heads.

"Master Ghost King, the current situation of the God Group is unknown, and we don't know much about it either."

Although they laughed flatteringly, they answered quite officially, which made Lin Chen feel helpless, so he had to use his mental power to induce them himself, and then the ghosts spoke out.

"It's really hard to say how the group of gods will be determined. He can quickly increase ghost power, which is absolutely true. A friend of mine entered the group of gods. In just a few days, the ghost power is much higher than mine. .”

"Yes, but the group of gods seems to be very dangerous. That holy medicine, which is what they commonly call holy water, was designated as the most terrifying evil medicine by the Yinmoon Dynasty."

"It is said that it can control the minds of ghosts, so it will do things for the group of gods wholeheartedly. If it does not get holy water for a long time, it will be covered with black hair, lose its mind, and be full of ominous breath. This is too scary for ghosts. "

"at least

Code, we are not interested in it, and we will not contact it if we can. "

After the questioning, Lin Chen did not kidnap them in broad daylight, but let these lucky ones go.

After that, I tried several different ghosts.

It was found that these ghosts had similar thoughts, and they were somewhat resistant to the God Group. Only a few ghosts were curious about the God Group.

In this regard, Lin Chen just sighed.

It has to be said that the reaction of the Yinyue Dynasty was too fast, and it was quite successful in resisting the group of gods.

"Go to the City Lord's Mansion and meet King Yan."

Lin Chen pulled Xu Renfeng up and quickly arrived at King Yan's mansion.

And use mental power to transmit sound to Yan Wang who doesn't know.

King Yan, who was wandering in the yard, was overjoyed when he heard the sound transmission. After blocking all the ghosts, he came to Lin Chen.

At this time, Yan Wang already had the ghost power of the temple. Even though the god-level ghost raw stone is far inferior to the **** crystal in the mining area, the number of the two parties has been greatly improved for him.

"Congratulations, King Yan, you have achieved the palace." As Lin Chen spoke, he released a wave of ghost power, although he restrained it for only a moment.

But King Yan's expression still changed.

"Master, have you broken through to good fortune?"

He couldn't help but be shocked. A few days ago, when Lin Chen became the real king and intercepted the ghosts and gods who entered the world, he was still horrified. After all, when he and Lin Chen parted.

Lin Chen is nothing but a palace.

Unexpectedly, within a few days, after meeting again, Lin Chen would directly become a fortune-telling ghost.

This speed, anyone who looks at it, will be shocked to the point where it cannot be added.


Lin Chen nodded and asked with a smile, "How is the development of the God Group?"

"The scale is very large. The holy water you gave me last time is almost gone. In fact, I was planning to contact you." King Yan showed excitement on his face, and told Lin Chen in detail.

After he returned to the horror world, he met Xu Sheng, a member of the original God Group, and other ghosts.

After learning that King Yan was also a member of the God Group, Xu Sheng and others were both surprised and excited, and with their joint efforts, the God Group spread like a raging fire.

Today, from the red-clothed ghost to the ghost king in the group, there are about 5,000 team members at each stage, about 1,000 members at the ghost-lord level, and about 1,000 members at the hall-level level.

These ghosts understand the corporate culture very well, and they are all useful talents.

Of course, this refers to the original strength of these ghosts. King Yan knew that the promotion of holy water is illusory, and Lin Chen can return to reality at any time if he wants to.

Therefore, when reporting performance, he also talked about the original strength.

It would be an exaggeration to say that after the improvement, the overall improvement can be more than 0.5 times to 1.5 times.

And this is because Lin Chen deliberately confessed that the main purpose of developing members and expanding the group of gods is not because of improving the strength of members.

Xu Renfeng was shocked when he heard this.

The size of the God Group completely surprised him.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chen was able to entrap so many ghosts in the horror world without saying a word in Blue Star!

Lin Chen was also very satisfied when he heard this.

"The performance is good. I will give you the five-party god-level ghost rough stone first. I will calculate the commission of the specific price according to the follow-up situation, but you can rest assured that I can't do without you."

With a wave of Lin Chen's hand, the last part of the god-level ghost stone obtained by Bian Huahai was thrown to King Yan.

King Yan was pleasantly surprised and quickly took it.

"Can you get in touch with every team member?"

"Yes, we have a strict and complete system. Through the connection between the upper and lower levels, it can be said that even members of the red-clothed level can be contacted by me." King Yan nodded, very confident.

"The next step is to vigorously expand the **** group. The most important thing is the development of the true king class and the good fortune class. At present, there should be no good fortune class in the group except me." Lin Chen asked.

"Judging from the enhanced strength of holy water, the current

The strongest one in the past is only the real king, there are five in total. "

"The five true kings, please summon them, I want to meet them."

"You can arrive in the afternoon."

King Yan handled things very neatly, which made Lin Chen somewhat satisfied, so he walked forward and looked at the internal environment.

But after that, Yan Wang seemed to want to say something, but his expression became a little hesitant, hesitating whether to speak or not.

Lin Chen didn't look back, but he could feel King Yan's expression.

"Just say what you have to say."

King Yan looked at Xu Renfeng.

"Old Xu, take shelter for a while." Lin Chen said.

Although Xu Renfeng was curious, he could still tell the difference, so he retreated temporarily.

"Go ahead."

Lin Chen cast a mental barrier.

King Yan coughed lightly, and said in a tentative voice, "King Mu... also drank the holy water and joined the group of gods."

Lin Chen's face was startled, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and then he turned his head to look at King Yan.

"He doesn't know that I am the founder of the God Group."

"I don't know, he doesn't even know my identity, but before joining, he came to me for a drink. I tried to persuade him, but I didn't persuade him. Mu...Mu Yun's death hit him hard. is his only daughter."

King Yan knew about the relationship between Lin Chen and Mu Yun, but he couldn't figure out what Lin Chen was thinking, so he was a little hesitant when he said this. It was a bonus item if he agreed, and Lin Chen would be disgusted if he failed .

Just out of various considerations, he couldn't help but say it.

"Hmph, did you join the God's Group and drink the holy water to improve your strength and avenge his daughter?" Lin Chen snorted coldly.

King Yan dared not respond.

"Like I said, I have nothing to do with him. If it wasn't for Mu Yun, with Mu Wang's past actions, he wouldn't be able to survive now. If he seeks death by himself, then don't blame me."

After Lin Chen said something, he turned around and continued walking forward.

"'s not aimed at you. When he drank with me, he hated his incompetence and powerlessness more. In fact, even now, he hasn't come out of Mu Yun's death, and he has built up for Mu Yun. The father-daughter relationship between King Mu and Mu Yun is extremely rare among ghosts." Lin Chen suddenly turned around, stared at King Yan and said, "Mu Yun has a tomb? Where is it?"



After hearing the news about Mu Yun, Lin Chen felt a little uneasy in his heart. After settling down with Xu Renfeng, he quietly left in Yancheng.

Yancheng is connected to Mucheng, so the distance is relatively not far.

Lin Chen restrained his breath, and his speed was extremely fast. Both space and Leifa were blessing his speed. It didn't take long for him to arrive at the boundary of Mucheng.

On the way, he saw the former Changyin Mountain, which had been reduced to flat ground by the explosion.

A ghost domain restricted area exploded without any obstruction, causing great power. Until now, the landform here has not recovered, and it is still like a wasteland.

It is full of other shore flowers.

The bright red color is a beauty that is extremely difficult to see in the dark horror world.

The mysterious flower that runs through the two worlds of life and death should have a symbol of life, but this sea of ​​flowers seems to be full of death.

a grave.

Huahai appeared because of the grave, but it still felt a little lonely. The grave was clean and there were no black weeds in the ghost world. It was obvious that someone had been taking care of it.

There is a stone tablet on the grave.

Engraved with Mu Yun's name.

There is a lonely grave in the dry land, and there is nowhere to talk about desolation.

Lin Chen landed in front of the grave, dazed and dazed. The cold wind blew past his body, which could not be frozen even by ten thousand years of ice.

The other shore flower swayed gently, which seemed to represent Lin Chen's restless heart.

Emotional turmoil, but I don't know how sad or guilty.

have done for a long time,

He sat down slowly, and took out the hair strands stored by Shenjing.

He opened his eyes, and found through the dirt and the coffin that there was only a red dress left inside, but what Lin Chen didn't expect was that there was a phoenix crown and Xiapei on top of the red dress.

This is different from Mu Yun's red gauze dress.

On the contrary, it is more like a red wedding dress.

"King Mu..."

Lin Chen whispered, realizing that he had underestimated Mu Wang, then he shook his head slowly, and came here, he didn't want to think about other things.

A sea of ​​flowers, a ghostly tomb, and a single person are inevitably a little desolate.

He was whispering, but no one could hear him.

I don't know if it's saying missing words, or apologizing to the woman who ended up in the most gorgeous scenery, or maybe making some kind of promise.

Maybe there is a sympathy between heaven and man.

Fog slowly rose around and became extremely humid. When the rain fell, Lin Chen did not open any barriers to resist, but let the rain water his whole body.

After an unknown amount of time, the rain stopped slowly, and Lin Chen also stood up at this time.

"There are thousands of purples and dry reds here, and the colors are different. You like to wear red clothes and love red, so let's change the color of these flowers."

In a single thought, invisible fluctuations enveloped the entire sea of ​​flowers.

The next moment, all the Bianhua flowers that had not yet bloomed bloomed, white, purple, blue, and the Bianhua flowers of all colors turned red in an instant, like the most beautiful sunset glow, and like the nirvana of a phoenix.

He has been created, and this ability is just a thought to him.

In the end, the space swayed, and Lin Chen's figure disappeared out of thin air, as if he had never appeared before.

Not long after, another figure approached. He was dressed in white, and his originally tall and straight figure was slightly bent now, making him look a little depressed.

His face was tired and dull. He was originally handsome, full of confidence and the charm of a middle-aged man, but now he looked more like a downcast old man.

He is Mu and he is flying fast in the sea of ​​flowers.

The change in Bianhua's face made him very anxious, and he was only slightly relieved when he saw that there was no change in his daughter's tomb.

He looked around and found nothing, but when he lowered his head, his eyes widened slightly.

The rain made the ground moist, and a pair of extremely clear footprints appeared in front of his eyes.

In the mind, thoughts react.

The Bianhua flower that suddenly changed color, and the footprints that appeared inexplicably, it was not difficult for him to guess the person in the end. With a smile on his face, he caressed the name on the stele.

"He has been here, daughter, although I don't approve of him, it seems that your choice is not meaningless..."

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