MTL - After 20 Years of Trickery, I Entered the Thriller Game-Chapter 464 : My name is Awen.

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The latest website: In the fifth realm of the physical body, Lin Chen awakened this ability, or supernatural power.

Because this meat magic skill is too extraordinary.

It's not just a simple enlargement, but a high degree of improvement in various functions.

It can be said that Lin Chen is at his strongest state only when the ability of Fatianxiangdi is used.

It was originally only tens of meters high, but now it has been increased after upgrading the sixth and seventh realms.

Already more than two hundred meters.

Standing there, like a **** descending, even the extremely huge Zhenyuan King, who relied on dungeon rules to transform, was a head lower than Lin Chen, a little short.


The battle of gods begins.

King Zhenyuan's **** eyes were emotionless, and his consciousness had disappeared at this time. Even though Lin Chen had undergone thousands of changes, he still felt no fear.

Today's King Zhenyuan acts only on instinct, and this instinct is bloodthirsty, cruel, and wants to destroy everything.

"What is it called!"

Lin Chen slapped it directly with his mouth, without the majesty of a god, and his hands were extremely rough, as if he was beating a ghost at one star.

Slapping ghosts is his instinctive method.


There was a loud noise, like a thunderclap, the collision of two behemoths, the sound was too loud, deafening, and audible, creating a sense of transparency.

And King Zhenyuan couldn't help but took two steps back, one can imagine the severity of this slap.

"Has he always beaten ghosts like this?" Someone asked Zhou Geng dumbfounded.

I thought what kind of attack Lin Chen would unleash when he transformed into such a body, but in the end he gave the opponent a big mouth when he came up. This kind of fighting method is really rare.

"Although I rarely see it, I heard it's about the same..." Zhou Geng said with a dry voice.

"Anyway, I'm forced to admit it." The old man laughed loudly.

Lin Chen continued to gain the upper hand, which made all the players extremely excited.

Even the people in the ancient city on the city kept cheering for Lin Chen.

As for Xuanmu, she did not surprise Lin Chen and others. She also changed at this time. She looked at King Zhenyuan worriedly and distressedly, and wanted to help her many times, but the ancient city was her ban, and she could not leave the city at all.

Two behemoths in the air are fighting, and neither side is ordinary. Although there are strong and weak, but for the time being, there is still a back and forth.

However, almost all of King Zhenyuan's attacks were met by Lin Chen using various methods, but Lin Chen's mouth never stopped, and he slammed at King Zhenyuan's left cheek.

At this time, the barbarian ghost general who had been beheaded by Gu Yehan recovered his body and looked at Gu Yehan coldly.

Gu Yehan whispered the sword in his hand, and said calmly: "I have already understood your reality, the next strike, I will attach an upper boundary symbol, cut off your connection with the dungeon, and kill you."

The ghost general's face changed drastically. He never expected that after becoming a ghost, he would meet so many powerful players in the dungeon.

Doesn't it mean that to be a ghost is to become a higher creature and look down on human beings?

Under the fear, the ghost changed his mind sharply. Seeing that King Zhenyuan had fallen into a rampage and lost his mind, he took a deep breath and shouted: "All the barbarians obey the order and attack the ancient city. As long as the ancient city is broken, the love ghost can leave City, then we will win!"

Hearing this, the army of thousands of ghosts who had been standing still roared loudly one by one, and galloped towards the ancient city with the sound of horseshoes filling the sky.

In the ancient city, there are also guards ready to fight. Although they are also ghosts, they have not recovered. Everything is within the rules, so it is natural to guard the ancient city.

However, comparing the two sides, the ancient city side is too weak to withstand the two rounds of barbarian attacks.

At this time, Lin Chen in the air suddenly spoke, and said, "I wanted to make you feel better, but since I'm looking for trouble, I can't blame me."

Lin Chen turned into a giant, his voice was like a bell, even if he spoke softly, he could still be heard clearly.

The next moment, Lin Chen slapped King Zhenyuan away with a slap, and at the same time moved his fingers lightly,

A red flame appeared in the palm and waved downward.

Immediately, endless flames fell from the sky like heavenly fire, and concentrated on each barbarian precisely.

Those who were burned by the flames, whether they were phantom-type ghosts or real palace-level ghost soldiers, were all melting rapidly and being burned continuously.

Among the attack methods, fire is always the strongest and fiercest type. Like thunder, it is called a T1-level spell, and Lin Chen's fire has been promoted to an extreme.

Fire source.

This is an ability that even the ghosts of the sky are shocked and envious of. It is also Lin Chen's only acquired ability to advance to the red rank. The power is naturally terrifying. With his current strength, he must have it even if he is a real king.

Of course, Lin Chen is not worried about the loss. The people below are all native ghosts, blessed by rules, immortal and immortal, and the burning of the fire method just keeps them between half-life and half-death, suffering constantly.

"Fire source!"

Mr. Li's eyes flashed, and he was surprised again.

"How can a person with a seven-level physical body strengthened and six-star ghost power have a source of fire?"

"How can God Wutong have so many means? As far as I know, even he has never had a fire source!" came."

Lin Chen's method shocked this detached Young Master Li again.

But outside the ancient city, the situation has changed from the oppressive soldiers to the purgatory on earth. Countless wild ghosts are howling and screaming in pain, and the scene is extremely tragic.

Lin Chen unexpectedly reproduced the scene of the sea of ​​flowers on the other side unintentionally.

This scene also caused a flash of nostalgia in Lin Chen's eyes, but soon, this emotion was suppressed by Lin Chen, and at the same time, the power to beat Zhenyuan King increased again.

Fist to the flesh.

Lin Chen's seriousness made Zhenyuan King no longer able to fight back, and finally fell to the ground after Lin Chen used the power of the Eighteen Palms of Subduing Ghosts.

But Lin Chen still didn't give up, and continued to beat while riding on the body of King Zhenyuan. His fists were like a violent storm and never stopped.

King Zhenyuan's face was **** and bloody, and it kept recovering, and he was trying to resist at the same time, but at this moment, Lin Chen was like a mountain, which could not be shaken at all.

After the final decisive battle started, the wind was one-sided from the very beginning, and even the players felt incredible while being pleasantly surprised.

In the final analysis, Lin Chen is still too strong.

What they thought was the land of demons, the horror dungeon, was just a game in front of Lin Chen.

The gap is too large.

Fortunately, they caught up with Lin Chen's east wind, and they can get a lot of rewards after the dungeon is settled.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Lin Chen swung his fist and kept smashing it wildly. His fist was not only attached with strength, but also with unparalleled spiritual power, which continuously penetrated into King Zhenyuan's body.

King Zhenyuan still roared at first, but gradually, his voice became smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

Moreover, Lin Chen clearly saw that his scarlet eyes began to show a gleam of clarity.

Lin Chen's eyes were firm, and he still didn't hold back his hand, and continued to hammer Zhenyuan Wang's face continuously.

The clarity in King Zhenyuan's eyes became more and more intense, while the red light kept fading away. In the end, before his eyes, he became no different from ordinary people, and even the blue-faced fangs after transformation had disappeared.

It was as if a drunk or sleeping person was woken up by an external force.

It's just that he still didn't fight back, and his eyes were blurred, as if his mind was no longer in his body, but returned to the past.

But his body seemed to be deflated, shrinking continuously.

Seeing this, Lin Chen also maintained the same speed, and finally both returned to normal size.

King Zhenyuan's eyes were constantly bright and dark, sometimes hatred and anger flashed, and sometimes pain and sorrow emerged. In the end, all these emotions disappeared, his eyes were fixed, and Lin Chen also stopped.

"What's wrong?"


Did they win? "

"Why did you stop all of a sudden?"

Everyone is puzzled.

But Lin Chen just stopped where he was, without any response. "King of Zhenyuan" looked over Lin Chen and landed on Xuanmu.


Zhenyuan Wang spoke softly, his voice was hoarse and dry, but it seemed that he had crossed the long river of time, and came to the time when he and Xuanmu met for the first time many years ago.


Xuanmu had mixed feelings, and two lines of tears flowed down her beautiful face.

Ah Wen got up slowly, first saluted Lin Chen, and then bowed to the people in the ancient city, just like the scholar back then.

Lin Chen looked at King Zhenyuan with raised eyebrows, and asked, "Are you awake?"

King Zhenyuan nodded and said: "Wake up, it's like a dream of yellow beams, and when you open your eyes again, things are different, and you have committed a heinous crime."

Lin Chen nodded.

The sobriety he said did not mean that King Zhenyuan's runaway mode was lifted, but that King Zhenyuan, who was humiliated from the flower building and affected by the horror game, was completely sober and turned back to that Awen.

Just now, he did not simply attack, but constantly used rule reversal to defeat the power of rules in King Zhenyuan's body. Following the battle, Lin Chen discovered that the heart of King Zhenyuan had a special power of rules.

This kind of power has the same source as the regular power of the copy, but it is obviously stronger and stronger.

After thinking about it subconsciously, Lin Chen made a decision. That's why he constantly used the ability to reverse the rules and finally smashed the power of the rules. This is why King Zhenyuan became sober.

After seeing this scene, even Mr. Li from afar couldn't help being surprised and said: "How many fragments are there on Wutong God's Reincarnation Platform? How could he realize this ability... I really underestimated him back then. "

King Zhenyuan glanced back at the army of wild ghosts who were being burned. He waved his hand lightly, making all the phantom wild ghosts who were not ghosts disappear, and the field was suddenly much emptier.

And those ten wild generals were completely dumbfounded.

"King of Zhenyuan..."

A barbarian called out, watching this scene in disbelief.

"My name is Arvin."

Arvin responded. His fingers moved lightly, as if he wanted to do something. At this moment, Lin Chen said: "They are not allowed to move, I will keep it for use."

Ah Wen nodded, then turned his head, and said, "Can we stop for a while, wait for me for a day, and at this time tomorrow, I will find you."

Even though he was sober, he knew that he was still no match for Lin Chen, and Lin Chen would not let him go like this.

"Okay, just one day."

Lin Chen agreed, he knew what King Zhenyuan was going to do.

In fact, the time of the day is just right, there are more than a dozen small tasks in the flower building that have not been completed, and he needs time.

He kept King Zhenyuan and never took it away with a pink sack, and he wanted to make up for their regret, which was also to make up for his own regret.

Ah Wen looked at Xuan Mu, the love in his eyes was unreserved, the two sides looked at each other hundreds of meters away, but the friendship in their eyes seemed to transcend everything. Time, space, rules.

They are no longer in the way of them.

Ah Wen took off slowly, came to the top of the city wall, faced Xuanmu face to face, a smile slowly appeared on his face, and said, "Sorry, I'm late."

What he meant was that his heart and eyes were covered by hatred, he became inhuman, and he committed a heinous evil. He only returned now and changed back to that Awen, so he came back late.

"No, you've always been here." Xuanmu shook her head, tears were in her eyes, but there was also a joyful smile on her face.

Her consciousness is that no matter what you become, in her heart is still that Awen, so he is always by her side.

"Let's go, I'll take you to buy candied haws."

The two figures disappeared.

It seems that they have gone to their own world, and no one can disturb and destroy their peace.

Lin Chen

Watching the two ghosts leave.

Looking back, he took out the iron pot, and accepted the ten ghost generals and the wild ghosts struggling in the raging fire one by one.

The battle was finally over in the raging fire.

"Boy Chen, what did the two of them do, why did this happen?"

The tomb old man stepped forward, but he still hasn't reacted yet.

It's not that he can't understand the situation, but that the ghost affected by the horror game regained his sanity, which is too unbelievable.

"No accident, I went to do what you love most." Lin Chen thought for a while and said.

No matter how thick-skinned the tomb old man was, he was still blushing and embarrassed when he heard this sentence.

The others grinned, and the stone in their hearts was finally removed.

As long as the next dungeon is closed, you can end the reward.

"Xuanmu's heart is not with us. It's a pity, but as long as she can be happy, my heart is satisfied." Zhou Geng sighed.

"In this life, the sky, the grass, and the grass are all alone, and the soil, wood, and beans are alone, and the water and soil add one person.

Gu Yehan whispered, looking at the cold long sword in his hand and said:

"It is enough to have a sword as a companion."

Lin Chen curled his lips. These two guys haven't recovered from the influence, and they don't know when they return to Blue Star. When these two guys think about the experience in the dungeon, will they find a way to sneak in? , never come out to meet people's ideas.

You know, Lin Chen kept the video of one of the two doing somersaults like monkeys, and the other swallowing a long sword so deeply that it was almost mosaic.

The dark clouds that had covered the sky slowly receded, and for the first time, the weather was fairly clear, which made the players feel good.

And the guards and the people in the city, amidst the constant applause and applause, slowly turned into illusions, and finally disappeared completely.

It seems that their regrets and unwillingness have been filled, and there is no meaning left. Just when everyone thought the dust had settled, a calm voice suddenly sounded.

"Such a good show ended like this, and it was beyond my expectation. It made me feel unhappy after a long time..."

Everyone was startled, and turned their heads quickly, only to see an unbelievably handsome young master who seemed to have no flaws in his face and figure, who appeared behind them at some point.

"Who is he? How did he appear?"

"What a terrifying concealment ability, UU Reading unexpectedly we didn't realize it."

Everyone's pupils shrank, their hearts sank, and they felt bad. Although the figure that appeared did not show hostility, the words they said contained many special meanings.

And the timing of his appearance made everyone feel wrong.

After all, the two dungeon bosses have already left, and the sudden appearance of a third party is too mysterious and weird.

Facing everyone's questions, Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and spoke slowly, "He is Yuan."


Everyone was stunned for a moment, and they didn't react for a while.

Lin Chen continued to explain: "Yes, it is the incarnation of the will subject of the horror game!"

The person who came was Mr. Li who had been watching from the battlefield.

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