MTL - After 20 Years of Trickery, I Entered the Thriller Game-Chapter 459 : How is Mr. Chen?

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Gu Yehan trembled, as if experiencing something unbearable, and did not respond.

However, Lin Chen could see that Gu Yehan's problem was his appearance, and his aura hadn't weakened, which meant that he hadn't absorbed Yang Qi, and nothing indescribable happened last night.

Seeing this, everyone stepped forward to ask, either curious or concerned.

But Gu Yehan was unwilling to say anything in front of the crowd. He only opened his mouth when he mentioned the task, and gave a reply: "50% favorability."


"Fifty percent in one night?"

"how did you do that?"

Everyone was shocked.

They didn't suspect that no matter what Gu Yehan said, he would not use the task to fool everyone.

Lin Chen also said with a smile: "It seems that Laogu's temperament is quite attractive to prostitutes. I guess tonight, you and Lao Zhou's mission should be able to complete together."

Everyone congratulated Gu Yehan and Zhou Geng.

In the dungeon mission, it seems that one oiran mission is equal to ten small missions, but everyone understands that the oiran mission is an advanced mission, and the score obtained after completion will definitely be far higher than ordinary missions.

Therefore, it is inevitable to be envious.

Of course, they wouldn't say much. The relationship between Zhou Geng and Lin Chen was irreversible. The first time Gu Yehan saw Lin Chen, he offered to support Lin Chen.

However, they rejected the proposal for their own seven-star road, and now they are completely satisfied with Lin Chen's help and protection.

At the six-star stage, the wit, intelligence, EQ and IQ are far beyond ordinary people, and it is not too much to say that they are human, so naturally they will not be so stupid that they will have gaps and opinions because of such things.

"Continue to complete the task today, just like yesterday, come to me when the favorability is about to reach the standard."

Lin Chen said.

Everyone nodded, and then dispersed.

In the morning, Lin Chen spent most of his time in the room and did not go downstairs to inquire about the news, but not long after, all the players rushed over.

Shocked and hasty, they said anxiously, "I heard from the prostitute that a war is taking place on the frontier! There are barbarians invading, and six cities have already been destroyed."

"What kind of barbarians are barbarians at all. Nothing in the dungeon should not be underestimated. It will definitely have a certain connection with us, especially now that the news is very clear. The barbarians have ambitions and signs of occupying the ancient city, so we will definitely contact them. Let's meet up." The tomb old man said.

"We must complete the mission quickly and leave the instance before the barbarian army arrives." Jiang Chen said.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy to evade."

Everyone pondered. These days they have been focusing on improving the favorability of the native ghosts and completing small tasks. They were not at peace when they just heard the news.

From their point of view, this army of barbarians must have come to clear the map, and if there is a conflict, the ten players, they are likely to be in danger.

Chen is strong, but can Chen be stronger than the ghost army at the same level?

In the silence, Lin Chen suddenly chuckled, attracting everyone's attention.

Lin Chendao: "I have known this for a long time. The barbarian army will inevitably come to the ancient city, and the progress of the barbarian army's appearance is most likely related to the completion of your mission. When you all complete the tenth time During small tasks, the army of wild ghosts will come to the city."



Some people were shocked, some people gasped, showing sudden expressions, obviously they had guessed before.

And more people couldn't help becoming anxious, their faces were pale, and cold sweat flowed down.

"What can I do, the difficulty of this dungeon has increased again."

"No, the mission has to be put on hold. During this period, we must first find a shelter."

"This is a dungeon, there is no hiding place at all, and the entire ancient city was turned into a dungeon because of the fall of the barbarian army. I'm afraid we can only fight against it."

There was a lot of discussion among the people. Although they didn't have a good solution, they all wanted to put the mission on hold to ease the emergence of the barbarian army.

Lin Chen coughed lightly, raised his hand to suppress everyone's doubts, and said, "If you think too much, the task cannot be shelved, because the army of wild ghosts will appear sooner or later, there is no point in hiding the ears and stealing the bell. Although it can delay the time, it cannot be changed. this situation."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's expressions were stagnant, but they gradually calmed down.

There is no point in panic in a crisis.

Seeing this, Lin Chen smiled and said, "You can continue to complete the task, and I will leave this so-called barbarian army to me."

Everyone was shocked, and stared at Lin Chen with wide eyes. Seeing that Lin Chen didn't mean to make any jokes, they couldn't help being even more surprised.

Zhou Geng said: "Boy Chen, are you serious? This is a six-star dungeon. The ghosts that appear will basically not be lower than the palace. The army of barbarians...can you handle it?"

Lin Chen nodded and said, "It's done, so don't think too much, just complete the task as soon as possible."

Everyone was still in shock.

Lin Chen is strong, this strength far exceeds their imagination of six-star players, but they still think it is a bit unrealistic to say that Lin Chen can deal with an army of fierce ghosts by himself.

Unless Lin Chen has achieved seven stars.

But this is less likely than the former.

It's not easy to achieve seven stars at all. It can't be achieved simply by increasing ghost power. Otherwise, among the players of Blue Star, there are already seven stars.

Especially not long after Lin Chen broke through to six stars, they didn't believe that Lin Chen would improve so quickly.

But Lin Chen didn't explain much, but issued an order to evict the guest: "This matter is under my control. You don't need to take care of it. You just need to continue to complete the task. I can guarantee one thing, as long as you can Clear the mission, and I will definitely be able to take you back to Blue Star, and I can block all dangers."

The players left feeling restless.

After all, their mentality changed somewhat, and no one completed the task of favorability until the evening.

The task ghost that appeared in the fifth round was even more powerful. Just the explosion of ghost power made the player who completed the task feel like an enemy.

But in Lin Chen's hands, it was still the kind of understatement that he fell to the ground.

"Ghosts of this level are nothing to me. No matter how many they come, they will not pose a danger. I don't want to explain the army of wild ghosts to you in advance, because I don't want to delay the process."

Lin Chen gave an explanation, which boosted their confidence.

At night, Lin Chen threw one billion ghost coins again and won the fifth oiran.

Lin Chen glanced at Luo Jin, and found that his friendship with Luo Jin had already reached 70 due to his large spending. He thought that tomorrow, this fruit could be picked.

Luo Jin retreated and said with a smile that she didn't want to waste Lin Chenchunxiao's precious moment.

In this regard, Lin Chen just smiled, turned and opened the door.

The oiran was named Bai Shao, and she was wearing white clothes. At this time, she had taken off her veil, revealing a cool and beautiful face.

She was lying on her side on the incense bed, her expression was calm, and she looked a little cold, but her eyes seemed to be able to speak, and she was looking at Lin Chen affectionately.

The long fair legs were rubbing against each other slightly, and the figure was perfect. Compared with his cool temperament, it gave people a sense of contrast intertwined with ice and fire, which aroused people's desire to conquer.

"My son..."

Bai Shao spoke, her voice was magnetic, and it was particularly pleasant.

Lin Chen nodded and praised, "What a stunning woman."

The corners of Bai Shao's mouth were fine-tuned to draw a perfect arc, which made people feel more comfortable. After all, making such a cold beauty smile would subconsciously satisfy a man.

Of course, no one will notice that this kind of smile is one of the secrets of Bai Shao Oiran conquering men.

"Yesterday and the day before yesterday, Bai Shao had already heard about the actions of the young master who spent a lot of money for his friend's competition for the oiran, and admired him for a long time. I didn't expect that today I got my wish and met with the young master." Bai Shao said.

Coldness is only on the surface, as a prostitute,

She can come up with such comforting words of compliment.

Lin Chen did not approach, but sat on the table, poured a glass of wine and drank it, saying:

"The oiran among the oirans has a famous reputation throughout the ancient city, and seeing her true face today, her reputation is indeed well-deserved."

Bai Shao smiled slightly and said, "Master, is it just for meeting?"

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "Of course it's not just about meeting."

Bai Shao's face remained unchanged, and she looked at Lin Chen with a smile.

Lin Chen continued, "I still want to chat."

"Chat?" Bai Shao was taken aback, she didn't expect Lin Chen to say such a sentence.

In her eyes, there are no men who are not lecherous, and she has always hated lecherous men.

Although she is a prostitute, she also has her own senses and opinions.

Bai Shao has always been very displeased with those men who covet her body and beauty, of course, this is just her idea.

Whether it is Lin Chen or her past guests, she will not show such emotions. A trace of disgust rose in my heart.

But what she didn't expect was that Lin Chen was just chatting with her, and during the conversation, she found that Lin Chen had an excellent conversation without any nasty words.


Early the next morning, Lin Chen walked out of Bai Shao's room.

Seeing Lin Chen leaving in the dark, Luo Jin walked to Bai Shao's room immediately, and said with a smile, "Sister, you are helping my sister to check, how is Mr. Chen? How amazing?"

Bai Shao blushed, spat lightly, and said: "Since my sister likes it, I just take it away, why send it to my sister's room?"

Luo Jin smiled and said: "The most important thing for us prostitutes is not to violate the preferences of our customers. He has taken a fancy to you, so I can't stop him, right? Tell my sister quickly, how is Mr. Chen?"

"Nothing happened between us, we just chatted all night." Bai Shao said.

Until now, she still had a feeling of unreality. Among the past guests, whether they were Mr. Pian Pian or a rich man, they either salivated at her immediately when they came up, or they were reserved first before revealing their true nature.

This is the first time she has met this kind of person who came to visit the flower house, spent a billion yuan, and didn't ask for anything overnight.

"Huh? Strange, nothing happened between his two friends, Bai Su and Yuzhu, especially the swordsman-like man. Yuzhu immediately took a fancy to him and put down her body to get close to him, but she was refused to avoid him." Like a snake and a scorpion, Yuzhu has been complaining to me for a long time." Luo Jin said in surprise.

Bai Shao was taken aback for a moment, obviously it was the first time he heard about this matter, he was surprised and said: "Could it be that these people are as good as Long Yang and don't like women?"

Luo Jin thought about it for a while, then shook her head and said, "Probably not, maybe they are indeed a little different, such a person deserves to be treated differently by me."

Bai Shao's expression was a little dull, she didn't know what she was thinking.

And Luo Jin continued to ask curiously: "Tell me, what happened to you yesterday, is there anything else besides chatting?"

Bai Shao said: "It's all gossip, he is quite funny... He also gave me a lot of money, by the way, he ran out a few times last night..."


Lin Chen returned to the room and looked at the degree of affection between himself and Luo Jin in surprise.

The original 70% favorability has now increased to 79%.

On Bai Shao's side, the favorability also increased a little in an instant, reaching 20%.

"Strange, look at this, I should go to Luo Jin later."

Lin Chen said to himself, last night, he did not have anything to do with Bai Shao, but tried every means to increase his goodwill.

The double attack of ghost coins and language, although the progress is not fast, but after all, it has improved a little.

Moreover, he found time to leave twice, and solved Zhou Geng and Gu Yehan's mission.

After the task was over, the two of them felt as if they had been pardoned, and they breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't even go back to their room, and went back to sleep in their own room.

And Lin Chen also harvested two

Powerful ghost.

These two ghosts are very vicious, they were not lovers before they were alive, and because they are the oiran's mission, they are both very powerful.

All can be sold for a good price.

It is already the fifth day of entering the dungeon, and all the players have completed five rounds of missions within two or three days. Considering that the dungeons are given a 30-day mission time, this efficiency is not unpleasant.

A while later, after finishing the "routine morning meeting" with the players, Lin Chen went to find Luo Jin.

After seeing Lin Chen, Luo Jin was still a little surprised. Just as she was about to ask, Lin Chen took out a stack of ghost coins from his pocket without saying a word and handed it to her.

"This is..." Luo Jin's eyes widened, becoming more and more confused.

It was the first time I saw the one who gave her money early in the morning.

Lin Chen continued to take out a stack of ghost coins, Luo Jin was still surprised and didn't respond.

Seeing this, Lin Chen continued to take money, and at a faster rate, took out stacks of ghost coins from his pocket, and handed them to Luo Jin.

Soon, Luo Jin held a large stack of ghost coins in her hands.

Lin Chen still didn't stop, this behavior stunned many passing guests and servants.

It wasn't until Lin Chen threw out 50 million ghost coins that he finally stopped.

Eighty percent favorability.

Luo Jin's hesitation, surprise, and under the absolute accumulation of money, finally turned into the last shred of goodwill.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man full of resentment walked out from behind Luo Jin.

This is a mission ghost exclusive to Lin Chen, and only Lin Chen can see it.

"Hmph, this **** really doesn't worry, she actually made a new friend."

The middle-aged man gave Luo Jin a disgusted look, then turned his head with a ferocious face, trying to size up the existence that led him through Luo Jin. But the next moment, his eyes widened.

"Where are people?"

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, and the handsome man who was standing in front of him just now suddenly disappeared, which surprised him greatly. Then, before he could react, a sharp pain came from the back of his head.

The task ghost who had just reappeared as a ghost, before he could use his magical power, immediately rolled his eyes and passed out.

Twenty years of high-speed writing, I have entered the chapter list of horror games https://

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