MTL - Adopting and Raising the Male Lead and the Villain-Chapter 92 I want to be with you

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Huo Chengming’s interview has already caused a storm on the Internet. But when Li Jinyuan’s interview followed, the Internet’s rise was not just a storm, but a huge wave.

"Lee brother and Xiao Huo always online battle?"

"My mother! Xiao Huo's boyfriend is max! God knows how many times he spent in Turkey, how many times I circulated crazy!"

"I also want to dance QwQ with Li Didi."

"LS don't dream, you dance with LJY, you will only step on LJY's foot! @予欢, when did you owe this dance to ah! @极速路官博 can arrange it!"

"This interview will be broadcast, will Xiao Hu and Li Jinyuan fight? After all, the secret diss is very obvious in the interview!"


Under the voice of the broad masses of the people.

In the fifth period, Guan Bo arranged for Zhong Yuhuan.

When Zhong Yuhuan received the news: "..."

After hanging up the phone, Zhong Yuhuan carefully examined the interviews of these two people from the beginning.

Dancing this thing... she really forgot.

Zhong Yuhuan’s heart was a bit awkward, but he couldn’t tell the shame. After all, Li Jinyuan said in front of the camera, it is like cutting his heart out and showing it to people all over the world.

The other end.

Li Jinyuan participated in an event in Nancheng, along with a men's team coming out of the talent show and a women's team.

After attending the event, Li Jinyuan did not bring an assistant, nor did he bring Wei Jie. He walked alone to the dressing room and walked away while preparing to take out his mobile phone to call Zhong Yuhuan.

"Li Shao."

The sound is a bit familiar.

Li Jinyuan looked up and saw it...what is this woman called? Li Jinyuan paused and then remembered that the other party seemed to be Ling Lan. I participated in "Travel Time" together. Although the other party is as good as Zhong Yuhuan and Huo Chengming, there is a lack of presence.

"Is there anything?" Li Jinyuan asked a courtesy.

Ling Lan has a lot compared to when he participated in the reality show.

Li Jinyuan vaguely remembered that when she appeared in the first period, she was still somewhat rustic, and it was obvious that she was in a hard shape.

But now, Ling Lan is wearing a tailor-made light yellow long skirt, which has a bumpy appearance and a temperament. The smell on her body is unique, and it can be seen in the entertainment circle.

However, Li Jinyuan only looked at it and removed his gaze.

Ling Lan has been paying attention to the reaction of Li Jinyuan. When Li Jinyuan looked at her, her heartbeat was fast and fast, and she was in the chest.

She also only recently learned...

She turned out to be a character in the book!

But probably because she used to eat too much bitterness, so she cares for her. She turned out to be the heroine in the book!

There is a female aura to add!

After being familiar with all the plots, Ling Lan quickly began his own counterattack. First, when Yin Qiqi and Gu Yu Ling Yu, they gained a good reputation in "Travel Time" and some loyal fans. Following her signing to Wen Yichen's studio, she soon became the most promising young female artist in the studio. Most of the resources for the actress in the studio were tilted to her.

She looked at the fans and went up a little, and she was very satisfied.

To this day, she listened to the meaning of the agent and married the friend's heat.

So coincidentally, I met Li Jinyuan...

Ling Lan knows that this person is the actor in the book!

In the inside, the other party will be surprised when she sees her dressed up. She feels that she is completely different from other actresses in the entertainment circle.

But Ling Lan looked at it so much, Li Jinyuan removed his gaze, but his manners were cold and alienated. Obviously in his eyes, she is no different from others.

"What's the matter?" and Li Jinyuan has frowned. "If it's okay, please don't delay the time."

Seeing that he is leaving.

Ling Lan’s mind was hot and he still thought about the plot. She didn't want to reach out and grabbed Li Jinyuan's arm: "I, I have something to say to you..."

Li Jinyuan is too familiar with this set. After he arrived at the Zhong family, Zhong Yuhuan bought him new clothes and took him to cut his hair. After that, he did not encounter such a scene in his life.

Li Jinyuan interrupted her directly: "I know what you want to say. You don't have to say it."

He intends to keep a face to the other side. Without confession, he will not be too shameful.

Ling Lan shook his head and said, "No, you don't know."

She decided to try the original story!

Install fans!

Ling Lan reveals the look of longing for love. She took a breath, like a shy little girl, whispered, "I am your fan, you have been powdering for many years, many years, many years... you used to When I was a model abroad, I liked you very much. When we recorded the reality show together, I was crazy. But I was afraid that under the lens, it would have a bad influence on you, so I have never revealed it."

"After you quit the show, I have always missed you. I didn't expect to meet here, it really has a fate. So, I think... I should try to be bold and tell you these words."

Li Jinyuan’s face slowly cooled down.

He had a little bit of color on his eyes.

She thought... Is he really like a gentleman on the screen?

Ling Lan said that she thought that she was very heart-wrenching, but when she finished, one second, two seconds, three seconds...

Forty-nine seconds passed.

Li Jinyuan in front of her still looked at her with such awkward eyes, and said nothing.

Ling Lan suddenly has no bottom.


He is Li Jinyuan!

It is the actor in the book!

Why... Why can't she attack her? Shouldn't the male and female protagonists in a book be a natural pair?

For a long while, Li Jinyuan opened his mouth: "Are you finished?"

Ling Lan couldn't figure out his thoughts and could only go down and say: "I finished."

"Then please let me go, you block my way to the dressing room." Li Jinyuan's gesture is cold, even called indifference.

Ling Lan has long known from the plot that the male protagonist is originally a gentle face, black and indifferent inside. It is in line with the preferences of current presidents and readers.

So she saw Li Jinyuan revealing such a side, she did not feel strange.

But... strangely, is she not the heroine? Li Jinyuan is so strange to her that she is exposed to this side!

Ling Lan thought, if this character is used as the target of the game, then there may be a good progress bar, right? The reason for this result may be that the progress bar is not enough...

Ling Lan reluctantly let the way out, then bowed his head and began to ponder new ways.

And Li Jinyuan who walked over took out his mobile phone and dialed the number: "Hey, Huanhuan..."

The name got into Ling Lan's ear and it was a bit harsh.

Zhong Yuhuan...

The cannon fodder in the original plot!

She is just a female partner...

How do you have more than her?

Ling Lan’s head is lower.

Also, many, not all Cinderella women's mainstays counterattack, and finally the daughters of the wealthy family who came out of the giants fell sadly?

This is just the beginning of the plot. Of course, there are more things in Zhong Yuhuan’s hands than she does.

Ling Lan’s mind flashed countless thoughts.

Including the latest news, Li Jinyuan is the son of Jinghua Group...

She has already experienced the feeling of being rich in advance, and she feels more famous, has fans, and completely escapes from the poverty and dignity of the past. So the name of Li Jinyuan, for her, is not only for her. It is the male lead, and it also represents the peak of another famous, and the peak of wealth!

What is her own thing, how could she let go?

Since Li Jinyuan ignores her now, she is not in a hurry. She can go to the original male No. 2 and male No. 3.

Do the male protagonists find their feelings, not always relying on men to promote?

Zhong Yuhuan still doesn't know that the female host has already acquired the original story, and has already developed rich associations in her brain.

The female host has begun to plan, how to punch Huo Chengming, kicking the bell to joy.

Zhong Yuhuan is on the phone with Li Jinyuan.

"I'm sorry." Zhong Yuhuan whispered.

"Huan Huan and I said sorry for what?" Li Jinyuan's smile passed through the handset.

"Sorry, I forgot what I said before I want to dance with you." Zhong Yuhuan apologized.

"It doesn't matter." Li Jinyuan said: "In my case, you can never say sorry, you have nothing to do wrong."

Zhong Yuhuan was shocked to hear it here.

Was she the reason she had educated them not to be too straight?

Why is Li Jinyuan so understanding now!

Every sentence is not in the embarrassment, or on the road of embarrassment...

This is simply the answer template for EQ high boyfriend.

"Hey, the program group called me and said that it was possible to make up the dance in the fifth period." Zhong Yu thought about it, but he took the initiative to talk to Li Jinyuan.

Make up, make up. Who let her owe it?

Li Jinyuan had known this for a long time, but he was surprised to say: "Really? That's great!"

Li Jinyuan is not a person who often exposes emotions, so this time when his excitement is transmitted through his mobile phone.

Zhong Yuhuan was also infected by his excitement.

She really hopes that Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming can live happily.

But... can't always cut her in half, one half in half? Then it becomes a horror story.

Zhong Yuhuan shook his head and shook this strange thought out of his head.

Soon after the fifth period of recording.

On the day of departure, Zhong Yuhuan also received a phone call from Ding Qiuyue. Ding Qiuyue asked at the other end: "Huan Huan, have you considered it?"

"Consider what?" Zhong Yuhuan asked.

Ding Qiuyue was almost vomited by this sentence.

But Ding Qiuyue was afraid that Zhong Yuhuan would hang up the phone with one hand, and did not care about slowing down. He endured his temper and said with a good voice: "There is something in the Jinghua Group."

Zhong Yuhuan turned to look at the direction of Li Jinyuan.

Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming are both sitting near her.

Zhong Yuhuan lowered his voice: "Da, don't you think about it, if I can't help you, can you count on Li Dong?"

Ding Qiuyue stunned: "Of course not, but it happened that Li Dong, who came to me, came here. I think, since it is a relative, I will tell you about it..."

Zhong Yuhuan interrupted her: "I still have something to go to the field. Wait until I come back and say."

When she finished, she hung up.

As for how Ding Qiuyue will sizzle, it will not matter her.

In fact, if Ding Qiuyue can tell her well, she will not show such a utilitarian face, she agreed in the morning.

After all, there is a saying that Ding Qiuyue did not make a mistake. She took care of Ding’s foreign industry and will give it to her cousin in the future.

Although Langjin is not rare, it is better than nothing! And Ding is the heart of his grandfather's life, if he goes downhill... the grandfather will be sad.

Zhong Yuhuan turned his mind over countless thoughts. She turned off her cell phone, then closed her eyes, put on her eye mask, and began to rest, just waiting for the plane to take off and land.

In the fifth recording, there was a Latin dance session and a two-person yoga. The interaction between teammates in these two links is the strongest.

Latin dance is in front and yoga is behind.

Zhong Yuhuan and Li Jinyuan almost met with Huo Chengming, and they arrived at the Latin dance scene in tandem.

They all dance, but the difficulty of this program has risen, not just jumping can be as simple as passing.

They still spent half an hour studying, and after half an hour, everyone started jumping.

Almost no suspense, they passed the customs.

Just waiting for the yoga level, Zhong Yuhuan can see Huo Chengming's dark face as soon as he turns back.

Zhong Yuhuan and Li Jinyuan have tried three times under the guidance of the teacher.

They skipped ballet, an idol, and of course did not learn dance. Both of them have soft limbs. But it is very difficult to get together...

Because of the yoga for two, it is too close.

Huo Chengming is on the side, and he is learninglessly.

The male star with him, his head is fast, and he is worried about how to persuade Huo Chengming to regain his power...

"Sorry." Li Jinyuan expressed apologetic expression.

The white yoga dress on his body has been soaked, and it is possible to discern the shape of the abdominal muscles hidden under the yoga clothes.

This is the fourth time it has failed.

Huo Chengming opened a mockery when he couldn’t control it: "Is Li Jinyuan deliberate?"

Li Jinyuan: "Oh."

After waiting for this sound, Li Jinyuan did not make any mistakes.

The physical strength of Zhong Yuhuan is already close to overdraft. She can't take care of anything else, just want to finish the task quickly.

Soon, they became the first group to complete the task, and quickly rushed to the final location.

Huo Chengming stared at the back of their departure, and angered from the heart, suddenly filled with the power of struggle.

The male star sighed quietly.

But this tone did not wait until the end, he found himself too naive.

Huo Chengming has no problem with hitting people, and he is very powerful. But to do yoga, it is difficult to go to the sky.

They delayed a lot of time in this link, and finally took the third place, which is their lowest score ever.

After the fifth period of recording, Huo Chengming did not ask the program group to eat up and down, and he was ready to fly back to the sea.

Some people can't help but whisper privately: "Huo always cares about losing and winning?"

Someone turned a blind eye next to him: "What do you know?"

The female staff next to me also laughed: "No wonder you are a single dog."

"Yeah, obviously, Huo is always angry because Miss Zhong and Li Shaoxian passed the customs."

The man groaned: "What kind of gas can you live for so long?"


"Is it impossible? Is there any good vinegar? Isn't it a family? Is this also vinegar?"

"It’s just adopted by Dingjia. It’s a family, it’s a family, but it’s not a family.” The female staff said meaningfully.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean by your own eyes? Let's take a look."

Everyone’s eyes are of course sharp.

If you say that the first time you are close to you, you can see it as a pure family relationship between your brother and sister and your younger brother. Then there are countless backs?

My brother and brother no longer want their girls to be stung by stinky men, and they will still give in. Because for the happiness of my sister (sister), they are finally going to let go. But these two, where is the point to let go? Before Wen Yuchen and the person Zhong Yuhuan were a little bit stunned, they were annihilated.

If this is not a psychological metamorphosis, it is love!

What kind of things are not in the entertainment circle?

What mother and daughter are co-serving, what np feast, and there is a gun to a place... What a mess? In this way, relatively speaking, it is not so challenging for humans.

Nothing is unacceptable!

Nothing is not dare to associate!

Back to the sea market, Zhong Yuhuan and Li Jinyuan said that the people of Jinghua Group came to contact her through Ding Qiuyue.

"Is it happy to go?" asked Li Jinyuan.

Zhong Yu Huan shook his head: "It is reasonable to say that it has nothing to do with me."

Li Jinyuan said with a smile: "Huan Huan can go out for me."

"They bully you?" Zhong Yu thought about it and didn't want to blurt out.

Li Jinyuan did not nod and did not shake his head.

"They found Ms. Ding. Is it just a breakthrough for Ding? Is there a problem with the Ding project recently?"

Zhong Yuhuan nodded helplessly: "You are so smart."

"Then go, the fat water does not flow outside the field." Li Jinyuan said, "They are outsiders."

Zhong Yuhuan asked with a word: "Who is the insider?" Ding Jia?

Li Jinyuan just stared at Zhong Yu’s laughter and didn’t speak, but instead, Zhong Yuhuan stared at his ear and got a fever.

The next day, Zhong Yuhuan had a hard time going to Zhong’s sway, and the result was that the Dong’s assistant was seen in Zhong’s.

Originally, people took the initiative to send the door, sent the business to Zhong, and also gave up a very lucrative profit.

Dong’s assistant was more polite than the last time. He invited Zhong Yuhuan once in person: “Li Dong would like to meet you... Can you appreciate it?”

Zhong Yuhuan asked directly: "Where is the location?"

Dong’s assistant stunned and did not expect that Zhong Yuhuan directly agreed. He quickly reported an address.

A private dining restaurant, opened by a star, has a general taste but is very private.

Zhong Yuhuan nodded: "Good. See you that night."

Dong’s assistant sighed with relief: “Okay, see you at 7:30 in the evening.”

Ling Lan has recently received the attention of Wen Yuchen.

She obeyed, acting as if it was a natural birth, and there was a point in the recording of "Travel Time", so Wen Yuchen was happy to support her.

Today, Wen Yuchen wants to talk about a cooperation, and she took Ling Lan. Several people were chosen in the Lan Ruo Cao private kitchen restaurant.

Wen Yuchen also said with a smile: "There is a blue name in the name just like you."

Ling Lan smiled.

But Wen Yuchen suddenly changed his face.

Ling Lanshun looked over the other side and saw the figure of Zhong Yuhuan. In addition to Zhong Yuhuan, there is also a character who looks like an assistant and a figure who looks like a bodyguard.

The bodyguard pushed a wheelchair, and an old man in a wheelchair, wearing a Tang suit, looked old, but the head was full.

Ling Lan murmured: "That is the owner of the Crystal Group..."

Wen Yuchen frowned: "Is he really the father of Li Jinyuan?"

Ling Lan nodded: "It is true."

Ling Lan looked at that direction and saw that it could only be seen in various encyclopedia entries, as well as in the financial news. Crystallized Group Li Dong, who was talking to Zhong Yuhuan at the moment, both of them looked free.

Ling Lan’s heart suddenly felt unhappy.

In the original plot, this father of Li Jinyuan can help her less!

Also presented the standard moves of the president's text, opened a check for her, let her leave Li Jinyuan.

What about Zhong Zhonghuan?

Does she have to leave?

Just because Zhong Yuhuan also has money?

Ling Lan was just like being soaked in the sauerkraut jar. The whole person was sour from the inside out.

Wen Yuchen is also very upset.

Although he got the compensation from Zhong Yuhuan, he always remembered that Li Jinyuan almost crushed his shoulder.

Wen Yanchen had no smile on his face. He took Ling Lan to another box.

At the same time, Zhong Yuhuan and Li used a box.

The meal was eaten for more than an hour, and actually did not eat anything. After all, Li’s age was there. He talked more with Zhong Yuhuan.

Before Zhong Yuhuan, he was more awkward to Dong’s assistant, but when it came to Li’s use, she converges. Not afraid of Li use. She just didn't want to hurt Li Jinyuan's father.

After all, is Li Jinyuan’s father?

And Li used in front of her, like a belated good father, seriously and carefully asked Li Jinyuan's growth experience, daily life, happy or not.

"I know that he is happy, so I don't want to go back with me." Li used to sigh and sigh.

Then he looked back at Zhong Yuhuan: "So I asked him what made him feel happy. I can copy this thing to Li."

Zhong Yuhuan suddenly had a bad feeling.

Li Yong: "He said, it is you, Miss Zhong."

Zhong Yuhuan stunned.

She coughed up and quickly poured two soups: "Sorry..."

Li used to slowly turn the cup of the palm of his hand, and did not say anything else. Until the meal was finished, the bell was sent out to the restaurant door, and he did not say anything else.

Zhong Yuhuan gave a secret, old fox!

Really will grasp the hearts of the people!

Zhong Yuhuan pressed the feeling of restlessness and went to the side of the road.

At this time, a car came to her and stopped. Zhong Yuhuan just wanted to say "Thank you, I don't need it", but suddenly found that the license plate number is very familiar.

The window was adjusted down, revealing that Huo Chengming’s picture was still black, and it was the same face as the declining body for three months.

Zhong Yuhuan opened the door and sat in it: "How come you pick me up?"

Huo Chengming snorted: "Who else?"

Huo Chengming said, looking out the window: "That is Li use?"

Zhong Yuhua nodded.

Huo Chengming is dying.

He couldn’t hold his voice and said sourly: "The Huo family is up and down, and only one of them can eat with you."

Zhong Yuhuan blurted out: "One will do! I will not always have dinner with his father!"

Huo Chengming said silently: "But I think."

Zhong Yuhuan’s eyes are rounded up: “Do you want to eat with his father?”

Huo Chengming: "No, I always want to have nothing to eat with you, always... keep going."

When the voice fell, he slammed the brakes.

Zhong Yuhuan’s feeling of restlessness was suddenly felt at the top.

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