MTL - Adopting and Raising the Male Lead and the Villain-Chapter 82 Do you like this?

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Zhong Yuhuan wore a Bluetooth headset and watched the entire interview video with a blank expression. The brow wrinkled a little bit.

She found that she could not understand the actions of Li Jinyuan.

In the interview, he almost did not avoid his closeness with her.

Including that he never mutes, set up a special ringtone for her, and Zhong Yuhuan knows this. And these, Li Jinyuan can speak out generously. That shows... that he has no other meaning?

Idols can't fall in love. If he really has that kind of mind, how much should it converge?

But he specially asked reporters to shoot, and specifically said these words in front of reporters...

It also seems to be deliberately telling others that he is close to her, like an act of sworn sovereignty.

Zhong Yuhuan wants to think more and more.

Just when she was upset, she received a call she thought she would not receive.

"Yu Huan, I am Wen Yuchen." The male voice at the other said softly: "I have something to talk to you, is it convenient to have a meal together?"

Upon hearing the words of Wen Yuchen, Zhong Yuhuan instinctively looked up and looked at Huo Chengming.

Huo Chengming is also watching her.

Zhong Yuhuan suddenly had a somewhat inexplicable guilty conscience.

If Huo Chengming knows who is calling, will he use Wen’s head to explode?

Zhong Yuhuan gave a low voice: "What?"

She thought that Wen Yuchen was a smart person. After feeling her cold and alienated, she would not have any more action.

"Related to Li Shao."

Zhong Yuhuan wrinkled his eyebrows.

"Have you seen the news?" Wen Yuchen asked.

Zhong Yu thought about it, didn't answer his question, but said directly: "See you tomorrow."

Huo Chengming heard this sentence and his face changed: "Who will you meet tomorrow?"

Zhong Yuhuan remembered this and agreed to eat with Huo Chengming and go to the company for a full month.

Zhong Yuhuan frowned and frowned, said to Wen Yuchen at the other end: "...forget it, I am not available tomorrow."

"When are you free, I have been in the sea market recently."

"That... next month?"

Wen Yuchen: "..."

Wen Yuchen tried to calm down the unwillingness and anger of the bottom of his heart. He whispered, "Is Huo always beside you?"

Zhong Yuhuan did not respond positively, only "ah".

"Do you not eat, do you see a face?" Wen Yuchen said warmly.

Zhong Yuhuan looked at Huo Chengming, and she really wanted to hear more from Wen’s mouth. Zhong Yu Huanhuan said: "Just for a while." Zhong Yuhuan said, and reported an address: "Is it convenient?"

Wen Yuchen immediately said: "convenient."

Hanging up the phone, Zhong Yuhuan got up and was ready to go.

Huo Chengming immediately put down the signature pen in his hand: "Where?"

"Go and send something to Han Ying Ying."

"What to send?" Huo Chengming tried to restrain himself, not to bring questioning and unpleasant tone. But even if this is the case, he said that it is still hard. No way, Huo Chengming is really not happy. He is still waiting for the paparazzi to shoot him. As a result, the next day, the headline is still Li Jinyuan!

Is the topic on my body insufficient?

I knew that I was a star.

Huo Chengming thought about it more than once.

When Zhong Yuhuan was afraid of Huo Chengming’s thoughts, he whispered and said, “She is in the swimming pool, she is coming to the aunt. I have to give her something to go, or I will blood the pool for a while.”

When it comes to girls, Huo Chengming’s eyelid jumps, of course, it is inconvenient to ask, so he quickly changed his tone: “Do you want my driver to send you?”

Zhong Yu Huan shook his head: "I took a taxi, use your driver, Han Yingying, then I know that I am with you, Han Yingying is thin, afraid that others will know this."

Huo Chengming thinks too.

His driver went, and he must wait for Zhong Yuhuan to come back together. He is next to him, Han Yingying is definitely awkward.

He didn't want to offend the friend of Zhong Yuhuan, and he let go of his mouth: "Well, let's go back early."

Zhong Yuhua nodded and took the bag downstairs.

On the other end, Wen Yuchen hung up the phone, and the frowning brow did not stretch.

The agent opened his mouth indefinitely: "Yes, it's really something..."

Wen Yuchen quickly adjusted his expression and said: "When I first entered the program group, I thought that one of them was a boyfriend of Zhong Yuhuan. Later, I clarified that it was a family... I didn’t care. But actually, from that At the beginning, Li Jinyuan deliberately showed him closeness with Zhong Yuhuan in front of the camera. Now, it is in the face of the media to answer the phone, obviously declares sovereignty. He does not want Zhong Yuhuan to be with me, this is let me Retreat with difficulty."

The agent frowned and said: "How long does Li Jinyuan enter the circle? The means is quite deep."

"Have you seen the previous news? He used to be a model abroad. How clean can the model circle be?" Wen Yuchen said here, and he remembered that Li Jinyuan almost crushed his shoulder bones. Can't hold it anymore.

Wen Yuchen said coldly: "Li Jinyuan has done too much to do things. He forced to interfere with Zhong Yu’s love, and he was not rude to me. Even if I let him go, he might not let me go."

"This thing, indeed, can't make concessions." The broker paused and said: "I have already calculated this account for you. You have been working alone for two years, and there are quite a few artists signed, but really There is no one in the mix. You are also old, the TV series has won a few good awards, but the big screen awards are still too few. There are so many movie resources every year, but there are quite a lot of people staring at the cake. You pick up the "Travel Time", just want you to stir up the popularity, let the investors see your heat and appeal. I did not expect to be robbed by Li Jinyuan and Xiao Huo. Now if you can really be with Miss Zhong Of course, resources will not be worthwhile in the future..."

"Golden boy and girl, it is not bad to fry a cp."

"In any case, Li Jinyuan has torn his face. Li Jinyuan is only adopted, there is no blood relationship, there is no property division right, and there is only nothingness in his hand. If you offend him, he can't take you..."

"Maybe you can still shape it. In order to pursue Miss Zhong, you can ignore everything... Girls, they like this infatuated man..."

The agent whispered a lot.

Most of Wen Yuchen listened to her ears.

He also felt in his heart that in this world, there is no more suitable girl for him than Zhong Yuhuan.

"I will see her later, and then explore her attitude." Wen Yuchen said.

The agent nodded and smiled and said, "Wait for your good news."

Wen Yichen felt relieved when he thought that he would not be accompanied by Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming.

Although he is not willing to admit it, he has to say that these two men are in big trouble. As long as they are on the side, he is destined to be afraid.

At 3:20 in the afternoon, Wen Yuchen arrived at the address... a tea house.

This tea house was set up in a private villa area.

When Wen Yuchen entered the door, the eyelids jumped.

He is also a big star, and he has a lot of money. But still can't afford to buy an inch here. I heard that I can live here, not only have money, but also have status.

Wen Yuchen really realized that this lady who mastered Zhong’s power had the money to what it was.

And because of the filming, taking the endorsements, and the stars who have become rich, they are more like nouveau riche.

The tea house is opened in the villa, like a private one to entertain friends.

Wen Yuchen’s heart suddenly felt a little different.

This shows that Zhong Yuhuan is not completely rejected by him...

Where does Wen Yuchen know that Zhong Yuhuan is not wanting to be photographed, and even this news does not want to be introduced into the ears of Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming.

Free of Wen Yuchen was beaten.

Also avoiding her going home and facing two angry men.

Wen Yuchen was introduced by the door, and then he saw Zhong Yuhuan sitting inside.

Zhong Yuhuan did not look at him even when he looked up. He only said one sentence: "Sit."

Isothermal 坐辰 sat down.

Zhong Yuhuan licked his mouth and raised his head and asked: "Can Mr. Wen speak now? What about Li Jinyuan?"

Wen Yuchen suddenly found that after leaving the camera, Zhong Yuhuan looked not only a giant, but also a boss of Zhong’s power.

Her posture is so high that she has a feeling of not being able to climb.

Wen Yuchen moved his lips, or directly said: "He likes you."

Zhong Yuhuan feels a little embarrassed.

It’s a bit strange how these words are spoken from someone else’s mouth.

But she didn't show her sly expression. On the contrary, she was calm and nodded. "Oh, then? What did he say to you?"

Wen Yuchen saw that she was indifferent, and she had to say everything that Li Jinyuan had said to him and what he had done.

Zhong Yu thought about it, took out a card from the wallet and pushed it to Wen Yuchen: "Mr. Wen, he almost made your arm unable to move. This is his fault. Medical expenses and spiritual damages are here, I He lost it for the first time. Thank you for telling me this."

This is completely beyond the expectations of Wen Yuchen.

He knows where, because of an ear line, Zhong Yuhuan has already guessed half of Li Jinyuan's mind in advance.

"You are not angry?"

Zhong Yu said with joy, gas.

I am almost mad.

I know where the heroine has been raised for so many years, suddenly want to abandon the original track, like me? Isn't that a ready-made La Heroine hatred? And Li Jinyuan still has a net play! It is also to delete the WeChat dialogue, but also deliberately let the reporter capture, and interview the online self-destruction... I am mad!

But it’s mad to shut you down.

Because the two generations add up, Zhong Yuhuan is very comfortable, especially in recent years, she usually does not see up and does not reveal, in fact, the temper has a growing trend. Specifically, it is manifested in short protection and attention to existing family members.

Especially after gradually separating the people around me and the paper people in the room, the feeling of truth is much more, and the symptom of Zhong Yuhuan is more obvious.

What about Li Jinyuan, that is just a matter between them.

Guan Wenyu Chen’s fart.

"Yu Huan, this card you take back, I don't need compensation. I just want to tell you, I have been caring about you. Just because Li Jinyuan and Xiao Huo always defend me like an anti-wolf..." Wen Yuchen Smile bitterly: "But I still have to tell you, I really like you, want to pursue you."

Zhong Yuhuan really touched the card back.

Don't worry about it anyway, it will save her a sum of money, and she can buy a new pen for her cousin. How many years have been used before, it should be changed.

Zhong Yuhuan put the card under his hand and looked up and said, "I have to tell you, Mr. Wen, you have too many people, I don't like this..."

Wen Yuchen’s face was stiff and instinctively asked: “Is there not much thought in Li Jinyuan? His mind is more than me.”

"Can that be the same? He is my brother, are you my brother?" Zhong Yuhuan was a little impatient.

"Because it is a younger brother, so I can condone, and his love confession is unconditionally accepted?" Wen Yuchen blurted out: "Can you break the shame and morality?"

Who said that she was tolerant of Li Jinyuan, on behalf of her to accept Li Jinyuan?

This person is simply sick.

But Zhong Yuhuan did not intend to tell him what he thought.

Which character does he count? Has her thoughts been analyzed for him?

Wen Yuchen soon realized that he had made a mistake. He immediately smiled and said: "Sorry, I really like you, so I have no choice." He paused and quickly packed his face and said: "I am willing to help you, even if you don't like me. If you want to get rid of this taboo love. So rapid love is a good choice... Others may be afraid of Mr. Lang, Xiao Huo and Li Jinyuan their questioning and blocking. But I won't be afraid. I can match you if you want."

"Let your mother's fart." It's the coldness of an adult male, and the sound of a suffocating voice rang in the room.

Zhong Yuhuan looked up and saw Huo Chengming.

On the way to the road, the wind was a bit big, and Huo Chengming’s hair was blown backwards, and his forehead was revealed. So his appearance looks like he has returned to the past few years, like a lion and a beast, awkward and overbearing.

Wen Yuchen's face was black. He didn't expect to kill a bit of gold in the middle of the road. He was on the way back and thought about all the words that persuaded each other.

Huo Chengming’s eyebrows pressed down and filled with anger.

The next moment, he grabbed Wen Yuchen's neckline and directly smashed his whole person.

"啪", that is not the voice of Wen Yuchen, but because the action is too large, Huo Chengming's shirt button collapsed, his suit jacket was originally open, the button collapsed, the muscles underneath the slight uplift revealed Come out.

It’s totally different from Wen’s work out of the gym.

His muscles are tight and powerful, with a suffocating one.

Huo Chengming’s mind is like electricity, numbness and pain.

Quickly in love?

with you?

Lao Tzu is not fucking!

Still hiding and holding back, I can't show my mind in one sentence.

What kind of dog thing do you dare to dare to go up?

Huo Chengming put Wen Yuchen's head on the pot of tea.

Zhong Yuhuan gave two steps to the conditional reflection.

Don't let the water splash the skirt!

When I let go, Zhong Yuhuan suddenly remembered.

No, I have to pull a rack.

Such a brainstorming effort.

Huo Chengming has already grabbed Wen Yuchen's tea bowl and poured the tea into Wen Yuchen's face. Huo Chengming has not been so aggressive for a long time, and a young boy has passed.

He sneered and said, "Is you awakened your brain?"

Wen Yuchen was stunned, and he was poured over by hot water, hurting and losing face. When he opened his eyes, he noticed that his left eye seemed to be bloody. Wen Yuchen is also angry, he is also sneer.

Huo Chengming said that when I was in Turkey, I couldn’t understand you and wanted to break you down.

You **** that you can't take you back to the rule of law society, right?

Huo Chengming knocked the tea bowl directly on the nose of Wen Yuchen: "Don't wake up? I will wake you up."

Wen Yuchen’s sneer was blocked.

Huo Chengming squatted and slammed the soft-ribbed.

He grabbed the tea bowl and knocked on his nose.

In this line, eight of the ten stars have crossed their noses.

Wen Yuchen's nosebleed immediately flowed down, and a strong soreness made him shed tears in an uncontrolled manner.

"Do you repeat what you just said? Um?"

Do not wait for the temperature to open.

Huo Chengming suddenly turned his head again. He was smashed. When he looked at Zhong Yuhuan, he asked: "A muscle gym is practicing, and the face is full of hospitals... Do you like this?"

Zhong Yuhuan looked at his anger and looked fierce. Huo Chengming, who was even more fierce than the last time he pulled the gun, turned his head and turned his face again, and pressed his anger and suffocation.

Zhong Yuhuan: "........."

Zhong Yuhuan swallowed and shook his head into a rattle: "... Of course I don't like it."

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