MTL - Adopting and Raising the Male Lead and the Villain-Chapter 66 (one)

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When the second phase of "Travel Time" was broadcast, it just happened to catch up with the cobbleV literary exploration program. After the program was broadcast, it immediately rose again. A wave of Hanfu, Zhong Yuhuan's performance in the show, just happened to be invisible in this program. Even the advertisements don't have to be bought specially. The photos of Zhong Yuhuan wearing Hanfu once again spread throughout the network. Even many official media mentioned the recent Hanfu tide, and they put photos of Zhong Yuhuan.

There is no exaggeration, and there is no malicious pull on others' hard-boiled manuscripts. Zhong Yuhuan has a more beautiful posture, brushed his face in front of the public, and brushed his feelings.

The comment area under each Weibo immediately boiled.

"I am happy to go to the official media! Ah, ah, my treasure can't hide! The whole world will know how happy Huanhuan!"

"LS+1, Li Didi and Xiao Huo should think this way too. _(:зゝ∠)_"

"Zhong Yuhuan is really beautiful! I beg her to take a costume drama! It must be especially good-looking! Li Jinyuan plays Xiao Wangye, Xiao Hu is always a teenager general... I can't do it, I have to be killed by my own brain! Ah! !"

"I want to buy this dress on Huanhuan! I want to enter the pit! I beg the old driver to take me!"

"When is the third phase broadcast? QwQ didn't have to watch it!"

"I think that Zhong Yuhuan and Gomei wear a small skirt, a red and a white, a rotten girl, a beautiful royal sister, is there a special feeling of cp?"

"The care of LS! You say this, Li brother and Xiao Hu will kill you!"

"The above stupid? People have explained that it is a family. Zhong Yuhuan and who has a sense of cp, Guan Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming?" "You are stupid? Do you want to control your sister? The more family The more I don’t like Zhong Yuhuan being pulled cp? Don’t come back to me, don’t have a few show IQs.”


As of this time, Zhong Yuhuan's Weibo fans have broken through the 3 million mark.

At this time, Zhong Yuhuan, Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming were sitting together in the dining room of the villa for breakfast. Then Zhong Yuhuan received a call from Han Yingying.

Han Yingying has always been a special gossip, especially after playing the clock to record the "Travel Time", Han Yingying began to pay more attention to the wind on the network. A lot of posts related to Li Jinyuan, Zhong Yuhuan and even Huo Chengming were sent to her by Han Yingying.

When I received the call, Zhong Yuhuan couldn’t help but smile.

Most of the time there is something gossip.

Huo Chengming got up early in the morning and got a little bit of getting up.

Nothing else, because he found that Zhong Yuhuan called Li Jinyuan to get up, but did not come to call him. Although this is just a small movement, it doesn't mean anything to wake him up, but Huo Chengming has a subtle loss.

In this way, Huo Chengming’s heart sank to a deeper place.

Because he found that his situation has become more and more serious recently, he will always care about every move of Zhong Huan...

And this moment is the same.

When he noticed that Zhong Yuhuan was seeing a mobile phone caller ID and showing a little smile, Huo Chengming’s brain was like being thrown with Mantos sugar and cola, and it suddenly became very hot.

Huo Chengming unconsciously grabbed his lips and looked up at Zhong Yuhuan.

Who is she calling?

Huo Chengming thought.

Li Jinyuan was bowing at this time, slowly adding jam to the toast in front of him. At first glance, nothing looks wrong, but if you look closely, you will find that his movements are somewhat mechanized, the hands are moving, but the whole person It is in a state of distraction.

Even the jam spilled over the edge of the toast and slipped down from the white porcelain plate. He didn't pay attention.

Instead, Zhong Yuhuan noticed this.

Zhong Yuhuan said something to the other side of the mobile phone: "What new things are you going to tell me?"

I handed a piece of paper to Li Jinyuan.

However, Li Jinyuan did not raise his hand to pick it up.

Zhong Yuhuan had no choice but to hold the paper towel and handed it over, and posted it on the back of Li Jinyuan's hand.

Li Jinyuan suddenly grabbed the hand of Zhong Yuhuan and quickly released it.

Li Jinyuan seems to have returned to God. He put down his knife in his hand, looked up and screamed at the clock, then grabbed the paper towel and said warmly and softly: "Thank you for your joy."

His voice just fell, and there was a bang, and the sound of the glass falling, the pieces splattered, and the milk spilled over the ground.

Zhong Yuhuan was shocked.

Zhong Yuhuan quickly removed the mobile phone and turned to look at it.

Seeing Huo Chengming sitting there firmly, the milk cup at hand was gone, and he was looking down at the ground, his face showing an unhappy expression, his brows were wrinkled and looked a bit fierce, but Look closely, it seems that there is a little inexplicable grievance.


Zhong Yuhuan is a bit puzzled.

Because I broke the breakfast milk, do I feel wronged?

...Is the original villain growing up, is it still so cute?

Zhong Yuhuan quickly turned his head and the maid nodded and signaled the maid to change the milk.

Several maids took the scorpion to wipe the ground and took a new cup and milk.

And Zhong Yuhuan pushed the chair away and turned to go upstairs. While walking, he continued to speak with Han Yingying at the end of the phone.

In places where she did not notice, Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming stared at her back and looked different.

Waiting until Zhong Yuhuan disappeared from the stairs, the two talents put their eyes on it.

"Calling..." Huo Chengming opened his mouth first.

"It seems to be Han Yingying." Li Jinyuan said.

Huo Chengming’s heart suddenly felt falling.

He also didn't understand why he had such a big reaction.

Huo Chengming frowned and opened the chair, turned and went upstairs.

Li Jinyuan did not move in the position.

He has been immersed in the entertainment industry and is more sensitive to network messages. Li Jinyuan has seen all kinds of remarks on the Internet, including fans saying: Zhong Yuhuan and Gemei, one red and one white, a rotten girl, a beautiful royal sister, also very cp.

Li Jinyuan suddenly stopped.

There were various speculations on the Internet before, even Zhong Zhonghuan and him, and Huo Chengming pulled into cp.

This is not uncommon. When you walk into the camera, there will be fans who will arrange for you and cp according to their preferences. But when I saw those words, Li Jinyuan’s heart was not fluctuating. Until Zhong Yuhuan and other people are brought together, even if the other party is also a woman...

Li Jinyuan’s eyes darkened and he got up and left.

The tranquility was quickly restored in the dining room.

Waiting for the maid to clean up the debris and milk on the ground, and then take a new milk, and the table is no longer visible.

The maid was a little confused.

How is Huo Shao?

First, I licked the milk cup myself, and then got up and left inexplicably. Then, is this milk still or not?


Zhong Yuhuan speaks upstairs with Han Yingying.

Han Yingying said excitedly at the other end: "You are too hot too fast. You can't take the flying arrows so fast! It's all a topic! When are you going to record in the third period? I want to hurry up to see the third. period!"

Zhong Yuhuan couldn't help but smile: "What is this good-looking? When we went to school together, did you see that I haven't seen enough?"

"That's not the same. Who wants to see your face? What I want to see is that your family and three love each other love and hate love! Yin Qiqi is actually quite interesting. More than a girl! Back to want to bully you all Contrary to bullying, more simple, more miserable, more to give people a smile! Gu Yuling is also very interesting, and Li Jinyuan fried cp not, under the lens began to quietly hooked Huo Chengming. My joy, how do you I don’t want to learn some tricks from people? Hey, how big is this, I haven’t made a boyfriend yet, and I’m not in love, you can’t even catch the last bus of the morning...” Han Yingying’s thinking is very divergent. At that end, I kept talking, and after a while, the topic was pulled from one end to the other.

Zhong Yuhuan quickly yelled a stop: "Wait a minute! How is it like my mother?"

Han Yingying has a tone: "Do not mention this. In the end, a few guests in your program group are not fuel-efficient lights."

Zhong Yuhuan said: "Well? How?"

Han Yingying continued to say: "Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming will not say it, no matter whether they are not fuel-efficient, they are all with you. Anyway, that Gu Yuling, it looks very pleasing, actually There are more hearts than Yin Qiqi, but it is not as inferior as Yin Qiqi. Do you know what I got a letter? It’s funny to say it. Gu Yuling’s team wants to buy you a manuscript...”

"Wait, buy me a manuscript?" Zhong Yuhuan couldn't help but say anything.

"Look, this is what you don't understand? If people buy a manuscript for you, it will blow your beauty and prosperity, will play with other people's feelings, can easily please all men, and blow you what national goddess, Who is the crush, who is the role of which drama should be played by you... that others can not care whether these drafts are sent out by your will, it will definitely offend a large number of people, the reputation on the Internet will come The worse... People must say you, not the entertainment industry, there is no work, but also come to the entertainment circle to stir the crowbar..." Han Yingying a Bara.

Zhong Yuhuan: "..."

The bend in the head here, she immediately understood.

"Fortunately, I have money." Zhong Yuhuan said.

Han Yingying: "..."

Han Ying Sakura: "... Of course, the words are also back. You have money, you don't rely on this line to eat, how about the Internet, not the same thing you still have to use your Zhong's things, visit your Zhong's shopping mall, give you Send money to make you earn. That Gu Yu Ling eyelids is still shallow."

"But it's also very funny. Gu Yuling's public relations team just found the company of my ex-boyfriend and asked them to come forward to do this. Didn't I have been taken online before I took a photo with you? Then who is not? I know that I am a friend with you? They got the information on the other side and called me immediately. Then I let them refuse. They are also very smart, and they have also explained to other companies with good relations. Anyway, anyway. No matter who Gu Yuling is looking for, he will not do it.” Han Yingying snorted: “You have to let Gu Yuling know that you are not a person who can provoke anyone!”

Zhong Yuhuan was a little surprised when he heard it, but he couldn’t help but move.

To a greater extent, she is actually treating the world as a place for a holiday.

She and Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming have been living together for a long time, and finally they no longer simply treat them as characters in the book. Han Yingying, Yang Sen and others, as for her, are friends, but they also lack a certain sense of reality. Until this time.

"But this is what your ex-boyfriend did. Wouldn't it make you owe it?" Zhong Yuhuan asked.

"It's okay. I want to find a compound for me. I'm just rushing to sell it. This is what it is. Don't care about him." After Han Yingying finished, she jumped back to the show: "Gome also intends to show you that you found out? She is more sophisticated. I must have seen that you are not very common. I listened to Yang Sen and said that this person looks good and has few writings. She is black, but the black material in the circle is actually quite a lot. Oh, is that Linglan a good person?"

"Yeah." Zhong Yuhuan responded.

"This person is the deepest in the heart." Han Yingying said, "Hey," he said: "This person looks at the tepid, actually has a plan. Before she wants to take a blockbuster route. I made a good show in the show, but I didn’t expect you to take the lead. She also knows how many people can’t make two dazzling characters, so I immediately changed the routine.... Anyway, you can remember it. I don’t have to worry about anyone."

Can you not be deep? After all, it is the original woman.


"Yeah." Zhong Yuhuan responded.

She is always very useful for the care of others.

Han Yingying smiled and said: "And, is Wen Yichen interesting to you?"

Zhong Yuhuan stunned and carefully recalled: "No. He just wants to invite me to his studio, so that if I want to enter the entertainment circle in the future, I must give priority to him."

"Hey. Tell me about it!"


"Wen Yuchen must have seen you, he likes to engage in office romance. His girlfriends are his studio. But in addition to this, he is also good in other aspects. The gentleman knows how to advance and retreat. Grand prize, good word of mouth, talk about love is good..." Han Yingying commented on the experience of a veteran.

"Where is this?" Zhong Yuhuan laughed and laughed.

"Isn't this worrying? Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming are following you, and more delaying you. It's clear that there is nothing in the relationship. You can pass it outside and you can come and go between two men. Doesn't this delay your development of peach blossom?" "Han Yingying whispered.

This made her say in Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming, that is not to dare. Not to mention it is now, even if it is a few years ago, I dare not. They have witnessed how Li Jinyuan had married the younger brother of Ning Xiao. Not to mention the latter, I also watched it with my own eyes. How did they both fight and fencing? After a punch, Han Yingying felt that her head could fly.

Han Yingying just said this, the bedroom door behind Zhong Yuhuan heard a low "Oh".

The door opened.

Zhong Yuhuan turned his head and looked at it. He saw Li Jinyuan standing there.

Li Jinyuan smirked at her, Wensheng said: "Happy Huan, just the program group called to inform, saying that they are ready to leave tomorrow morning."

"Is it early?"

"Well, this time flying to Italy."

Zhong Yuhuan lazily responded: "Well, let me go. I will pack things for a while."

"I will help you." Li Jinyuan said, and entered the door from the good.

At this time, Han Yingying asked at the end: "Who is talking to you? Is Li Jinyuan still Huo Chengming?"

"No, I will come by myself." Zhong Yuhuan said quickly and Li Jinyuan.

There is really no maid.

This is not the time in the UK.

Li Jinyuan’s face showed a disappointing expression: “I used to help you.”

"It's not the same." Zhong Yu thought about it, but reminded Li Jinyuan: "We have all grown up."

Han Yingying is right.

It is not that they have blocked her peach blossoms. The more important question is that after people outside have misunderstood her relationship with Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming, isn't that still preventing people from finding their girlfriends? Even if the other half of Li Jinyuan is not the original female owner, then there must be other people?

This thought made a circle in Zhong Yuhuan’s mind.

Li Jinyuan lowered his gaze, making his handsome and pure face look a bit pitiful.

Zhong Yuhuan didn't open his face. He whispered and said on the mobile phone: "Li Jinyuan is coming over, don't say it first. I won't record it after I finish this period. Next time I will eat together?"

Han Yingying responded: "Good." Then he reacted violently: "You are not recorded?"

"Yeah." Zhong Yuhuan said, hanging up the phone.

It's not like anything else, it's too tired. There are various restrictions in the program.

It’s not fun to be a star.

Thinking of this, Zhong Yuhuan couldn't help but whisper again in his heart.

Fortunately she has money!

Wait to close the phone.

She turned her head to see Li Jinyuan, and she saw that Li Jinyuan had changed her face.

She thought that Li Jinyuan would ask why he did not record it.

Who knows that Li Jinyuan opened his mouth and asked: "I just called Han Yingying?"

"Yeah." Zhong Yuhuan is unknown, so he has nowhere to go.

Li Jinyuan’s expression was obviously relaxed a little. He asked warmly: “Is it too tired to record a program?”

"One point."

"Then it will not be recorded." Li Jinyuan said softly.

At the beginning, he was very happy to see online fans discussing him and Zhong Yuhuan. He wanted to let everyone see Zhong Yuhuan and his closeness. Li Jinyuan even brushed the comments of the netizens and brushed it in the middle of the night. But the show aired until now, Li Jinyuan slowly realized that people on the Internet were not only limited to him and Zhong Yuhuan, but also Huo Chengming and Zhong Yuhuan, and even Gomei, even Wen Yuchen and Yang Sen were pulled together. Have passed. They will also talk about the charm of Zhong Yuhuan and express their love for Zhong Yuhuan...

Li Jinyuan felt sad again.

He will also watch the video. Every time he looks at it again, he has an impulsive impulse to rush into the camera and hide it.

Zhong Yuhuan stunned, but did not expect Li Jinyuan to agree so quickly.

She nodded: "Well."

"Huan Huan is still going out today?" Li Jinyuan asked.

"Yes, go to the company." Zhong Yuhuan whispered.

"Okay, see you that night." Li Jinyuan quit, and called Wei Jie to go to an event.

Zhong Yuhuan went to the company to check the account and left.

When she came back, she found that her bedroom door was hidden.

Before leaving, Zhong Yuhuan married the maid to pack her luggage. Anyway, her identity has already been exposed. It is impossible for someone on the Internet to marry her two upstarts, or a big lady. Even if the cameraman took this scene, it doesn't matter.

Zhong Yuhuan stared at the door, thinking, is it still not finished?

When Zhong Yu thought about it, he pushed the door and went in, and then there was a person who went out.

Zhong Yuhuan fixed his eyes and looked at it, Huo Chengming.

Huo Chengming wore a white shirt and three buttons were not buckled, revealing a small piece of chest, and the muscles underneath were clearly visible.

His body is still wrapped in a vapor.

It seems to have just come out of the bathroom.

Zhong Yuhuan's line of sight moved up and saw the hair that Huo Chengming softened after being wet.

Huo Chengming probably didn't think that Zhong Yuhuan would suddenly come back, so he was there.

He tightened his lips and his face looked more angular.

Zhong Yuhuan couldn't help but blinked.

The young man became a young man, and there was a smell of hormones coming from the face, the indescribable desire and the soft taste.

"How do you run me here to take a shower?" Zhong Yuhuan said, raising his hand and taking a shot of Huo Chengming's arm. Huo Chengming's arm was slightly cool.

Zhong Yuhuan accidentally touched his finger, and Huo Chengming stood there stiffly to let her touch.

"You take a cold shower?" Zhong Yuhuan was stunned.

Huo Chengming stalked his neck and said: "Yeah."

Zhong Yuhuan raised his hand and stuck his forehead, a little worried: "Do you have a fever?"

Huo Chengming's brain was once again filled with the mixture of Mantos sugar and cola, boiling, and he unconsciously stared at the face of Zhong Yuhuan. He didn't have a fever, but when he clearly felt her finger sticking to his forehead, Huo Chengming was burning all over.

"No fever." Huo Chengming whispered.

"What happened?" Zhong Yuhuan patted his shoulder and walked into the bedroom from his side.

Huo Chengming unconsciously turned around and followed up, his throat moving, saying: "Sudden nerves."

Zhong Yuhuan: "?"

Zhong Yuhuan turned his eyes and saw that the luggage on one side had been packed.

Huo Chengming noticed her sight and immediately said, "I am packing up."

Zhong Yuhuan: "Well?"

"The maid at home doesn't necessarily know what you want to bring, but I know."

"Wait..." Zhong Yuhuan interrupted him: "When you clean up, the staff of the program group are also there?"

"At the cameraman, he photographed it and said that he wants to use it as a material." Huo Chengming said, paused, and then he turned his eyes on Zhong Yuhuan: "Can't you?"

Zhong Yuhuan feels a bit strange.

She couldn't understand why Huo Chengming had taken a cold shower, but she couldn't understand why Huo Chengming's eyes seemed to be covered with a shallow mist. When I saw people, I was a little fascinated.

It is like... It is like a male peacock when opening a screen, invisibly showing its own charm.

"Well, that's hard work for you today." Zhong Yuhuan said, pushing his waist and starting to push him out: "Hurry and get a hot bath again, don't catch a cold, go off tomorrow morning."

Huo Chengming returned to this and said, "Okay."

Then I moved the steps out.

Just waiting outside the door, Huo Chengming did not immediately walk away, but turned and stared at Zhong Yuhuan.

Zhong Yuhuan: "?"

Huo Chengming's watch today is too strange.

"No brother," he said.

Zhong Yuhuan did not say good-heartedly: "Thank you, Cheng Ming, brother, Cheng Ming, brother, goodbye."

It seems that you have passed the electricity. Maybe he still needs another cold water? "Good night." Huo Chengming said in a loud voice.

Wait until the door in front of you closes.

Huo Chengming took a heavy breath.

Then his brow wrinkled a little, while the corner of his mouth slid down and his teeth closed.

When he helped Zhong Yuhuan to pack his luggage, he also helped Zhong Zhong to put on his swimsuit. Of course, this scene was not photographed by the cameraman. After all, what should be taken and not taken, the program group is still very clear.

Huo Chengming was staring at the swimsuit, and when he suddenly flashed the first episode in his mind, Zhong Yuhuan wore a one-piece swimsuit.

Then Lenovo became out of control.

The inner door that bound the devil was gently opened.

Huo Chengming slammed into the wall with a fist.

His fingers were immediately smashed by the wall and some blood was leaked out.

But Huo Chengming’s mind is completely out of here.

He felt that he was a beast, and he had a strange thought at that moment.

The door suddenly opened again.

Zhong Yuhuan probed out: "Why are you smashing my wall?"

Huo Chengming: "Practicing boxing." Then he quickly turned around, and for the first time, he lost all his grace and fled.

Zhong Yuhuan: "?"

She suddenly felt that Huo Chengming might be really nervous.

The departure was at 8 in the morning, but the show arrived at 7 am and they carefully walked into the villa with their cameras. I rarely photographed this villa carefully before. After all, more information about Zhong Yuhuan was not exposed at that time.

Everyone will and soon, after using breakfast, they will leave immediately.

The third period of recording was smoother than the second period, and there were more points of view. After three days, everyone returned from Italy.

In the expectation of the fans, the third phase was also broadcast soon.

They still don't know, this time the content of the program is relatively large, and how much information is huge, and burst!

The "Travel Time" recording took three days, and the entire show played only two hours.

When the program was broadcast in the early hours of the night, Zhong Yuhuan searched on the hot.

Everyone feels numb to this. Some people even laughed that every three days after the night of Saturday, Zhong Yuhuan is a hot search. Although she is not in the entertainment circle, she is a legend of her. !

Clicking on the video of the third issue of "Travel Time", before entering the title, there is a dense curtain of the past.

"Sit waiting!"

"Ah, my love is finally here!"

"Li Jinyuan, Xiao Huo, Wen Yuchen, I am here!"


At this time, the camera swayed, first cut into Gome's home, then Wen Yichen, Gu Yuling, etc., live to them to pack their luggage, get on the next day, rush to the airport, then switch to the next The body of the guest.

Generally speaking, after Gu Yuling passed, Li Jinyuan was gone, but today he has not been there.

The barrage suddenly became violent.

"How come without me?"

"What do the program group do?"

Following the lens, it was a blue ceiling, and then the camera slowly moved down, entering a room with a Mediterranean-inspired look.

The large cloakroom, the beautiful dressing table, and the limited edition makeup on the dressing table, which is densely packed with girls' hearts... It is obviously a girl's home.

Then into the mirror is a middle-aged woman dressed as a maid.

At the same time, the subtitles are marked next to it: "Zhong Yuhuan."

"It’s because the identity of the Internet has come out, so I’m finally hiding it!”

"Sure enough, I have money, ah, I am crazy!"

"This dressing table! This cloakroom! This maid! It's just what I dreamed of!"

"Miss Zhong is not at home today?" The staff asked outside the camera.

"Well, no, I help the lady to pack things." The maid said.

The maid’s words were just finished, and the footsteps were close. Someone asked, “What about Huanhuan?”

"Miss went to the company." The maid said.

The person following the conversation entered the room and of course entered the lens. He wore ordinary gray home clothes, and his home clothes were soft, and his edges and corners were soft. I faded my suit and put on my fluffy slippers, which looked extraordinarily contrasting.

The barrage also blasted the pot at that moment.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, my mother is crazy! Who is this! Huo Chengming!"

"I am a small Huo, ah! How is Xiao Hu always? The trough program group has to be big!"

“Why is Xiao Hu always wearing rabbit shoes! This is not overbearing the president! But what do you like more?”

"Screaming Huanhuan! I have called it many times before in the show, but..."

"Take the article, but this time it sounds more intimate. It won't work, it's really not..."

"Really not cp?"

“Give the baggage to Huanhuan?” Huo Chengming asked.

The maid nodded: "Yes young master."

"I am coming." Huo Chengming said as he walked over and squatted.

The barrage was blown up again.

"When you put on a suit, you are the overbearing president. If you take off your suit, you are a good man at home. This person set me up!"

"Wear a suit = little wolf dog, wear pajamas = little milk dog!"

"I personally clean up my pajamas, tVt is just a brother, I am also exploding, I also want to have such a brother."

"Only I found out how good the waistline of Xiao Huo is?"

"The back muscles are also beautiful! Even though I can't see them through the clothes now!"

The maid retreated to the side.

Huo Chengming also really started packing.

Outside the camera, the staff coughed and asked, "Can you interview Huo Zong?"

“Yeah.” Huo Chengming responded casually and always focused on the things in his hands.

“Huo always knows what kind of luggage does Miss Zhong need?”

"Know, I have packed her up many times before."

“When in the UK?” the staff immediately asked.


"Huo is really intimate." The staff exclaimed.

"It should be." Huo Chengming replied briefly, and the movements on his hands were not affected at all.

Then the camera moves with his movements.

The barrage did not stop for a moment.

"Product one! I have packed her many times before, many times! This is a peerless brother!"

"No, if it is a brother and sister, why is a surname Huo a surname?"

"Cousin? Dry brother?"

"I don't have a brain anymore. I don't want to know that they are a relationship. I just want to see such a scene ten thousand times!"

"Small Huo is really good, it looks particularly fierce, a wolf! But the collection is so meticulous, even the pillow towel is brought..."

Finally, Huo Chengming finished the thing.

The lens also cut to Ling Lan, Yin Qiqi over there, the barrage is still asking at this time, why not Li Jinyuan.

The video of the show has been edited for a long time, and of course it will not change because of their barrage. The video continued to be broadcasted, and it was soon to the next day. This time, the photographer recorded more carefully, from the door to the villa, the entire villa into the camera, and then enter the door, walk through the small garden, into the living room.

When the cameraman heard the footsteps coming downstairs, they immediately raised the camera.

First, Zhong Yuhuan in high heels, holding a bowl of strawberries in his hand.

"Would you like to come?" Zhong Yuhuan asked the staff.

The staff shook their heads and unconsciously stepped back. The face is reddish.

More beautiful than the strawberry, bright and dripping, is Zhong Yuhuan, she is wearing a gradient knee-length dress, the skirt is overly to the twilight, like a big flower.

She draped her hair, changed her hair and made a guided tour, and turned into a lazy and beautiful, really like a treasured person who was held in the palm of his hand.

Zhong Yuhuan handed the strawberry to the side of the maid, went to the table and sat down, then slowly began to eat breakfast.

"Zhong Yuhuan is too good? Why is it getting better and better?"

"People look better than strawberries... I am sour."

"It’s really a big lady, how can I like this girl?"

It didn't take long for a footstep to sound.

The camera turned to the past.

Li Jinyuan took the coat down with one hand, and the one that did not match his image, and a pair of socks on the left hand, brick red, looks fluffy.

"Happiness, no socks." Li Jinyuan reminded, then he walked to the front of Zhong Yuhuan.

The barrage is really crazy now.

"Ah, ah, Li Jinyuan is also here! I am dead! Ah, ah!"

"I want to be a fan of Zhong Yuhuan! The tires she cast are too good! I am crazy and envious!"

"So it’s because everyone broke out, so they’re completely released, not afraid to be photographed!”

"It’s really a family like this!"

Li Jinyuan walked over and looked at the milk that Zhong Yuhuan brought with her lips. He whispered: "We still have time to eat another small cake."

Zhong Yuhuan: "Well, give me the socks."

Li Jinyuan squatted down, kneeling on one knee: "lifting his feet."

Zhong Yuhuan’s face:? ? ?

"He lifted his feet." Li Jinyuan repeated patiently and patiently, saying that he added another sentence: "Hurry up, happy." The language is soft, straight into the heart of the person.

Everyone didn't know if Zhong Yuhuan in the video was poked, but they were poked.

"Son knees! Wear socks yourself! Ah, ah! I am already only ah!"

"Love beans are wearing socks on one knee, and I can squat on the spot."

"I am a lemon essence! Is the coat also for Zhong Yuhuan?"

"The tone is really gentle, and Li Jinyuan is really a man who can't resist the charm..."

Zhong Yuhuan raised his foot and let Li Jinyuan wear a pair of socks, then he twisted uncomfortably and bowed his head to finish the cake.

After a while, another step was close.

Huo Chengming walked down with two boxes. He wore a white shirt on his upper body and a white shirt. So everyone could clearly pass the lens and see the muscles under the sleeves of the shirt.

"I really admire! What kind of fairy life does Zhong Yuhuan usually spend at home?"

"This figure... I really... I can!"

“Is it safe to have a small iron at home?”

"I am eager to be an actor, and I am a tyrant, I can love to die!"

"Hahahahaha, I only noticed that Xiao Huo’s box, Li’s brother wore socks, did Li’s brother take advantage of it?”


"Okay, eat together." Zhong Yuhuan said.


Two tall and tall young people, then sat down.

The barrage brushed again: "The color can be eaten." "What kind of meal do I still have for this face?"

The three people had breakfast very fast. After the meal, Zhong Yuhuan took a call, but the content of the phone was not disclosed in the video.

Then everyone went out of the living room together.

The barrage is still reluctant: "I can see a hundred years of breakfast!" "Can't you have more? This is really good!" "The three people are in the same box, all of them are delicious!"

Out of the villa, and then walked out of the small garden to the door of the villa.

Everyone saw a car coming over and the camera shook, only to have time to photograph that the car was black. Soon the car stopped, the lens pair

Read The Duke's Passion