MTL - Adopting and Raising the Male Lead and the Villain-Chapter 104 Fan Wai Yi Lang Jinzhi

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The mobile phone that Lang Jin’s seat on has been shaken several times.

The subordinate next to "Mr.?" cautiously said: "Your mobile phone..."

Lang Jinzhi did not move, continued to talk about the issue of Xiaze County, waited until the problem was finished, and finalized the final plan. Lang Jinzhi got up and said coldly and warmly: "Today's meeting is here, hard work."

After that, he walked out and picked up his mobile phone to check. This time his movements are much faster, and even bring an anxious taste.

[Former brother brother! 】

[[Image] It's fun here. 】

[Yes, the contact information of Dr. Qian I sent it to you yesterday, have you received it? 】

[After sending it again _(:зゝ∠)_]

[Whether you can't go, my cousin remembers telling me. I bring the gift back to you, =3=]

Lang Jin’s unconsciously hooked his lower lip.

But soon, his face sank again and looked a bit cold.

For a long while, he lowered his head again and began to type slowly against the reply box, which was comparable to the elderly.

【received. it is good. (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~】

The first half of the reply was filled with the style of a middle-aged old man, and the second half was overdone. Put together, can't tell the violation, but with a little cute.

Langjin’s mobile phone was quickly put into a new round of work.

When it was late, he got off work on time.

Secretary Cheng was responsible for driving and driving while saying: "Miss Zhong has been very happy recently."

"Yeah." Lang Jinzhi heard it here and felt so happy. This is exactly what he has been trying to achieve. He hopes that she is happy, and will not think of the coldness and injury she had suffered in her childhood.

Secretary Cheng couldn’t help it: "...What about you?"


Lang Jinzhi looked at the scenery swiftly passing by the window, without opening.

He doesn't know how to be happy.

His happiness is probably that the cousin can be happy, the grandfather can be healthy, and the work is not wrong.

Secretary Cheng did not speak again.

He stopped the car: "It's here."

"Yeah." Langjin pushed the door open and quickly returned to his bedroom.

After returning to the bedroom, Lang Jinzhi took out his mobile phone.

He first looked at the gossip news on the Internet, and it will be related to Zhong Yuhuan.

Going to watch the recording of Zhong Yuhuan before, the fourth phase of the speed road that was broadcasted now, while giving Zhong Yuhuan an increase in the amount of play, he has not forgotten to send two barrage.

Then I returned to the previous dialog box and read the news from Zhong Yuhuan again.


It’s coming to the weekend soon.

A new guest came to the psychological clinic.

This is something that Lang Jinzhi never thought about and never wanted to do.

- He sat in front of the money doctor.

He is tight in his muscles, like a beast ready to go.

There is a pen in his jacket pocket.

Just after Dr. Qian’s opening, he took the pen down and squatted in his hand, gently rubbing his fingertips.

Dr. Qian glanced down and smiled and said, "Does this make you feel more powerful?"

Lang Jinzhi did not speak.

So Dr. Qian changed the subject: "Is this sent by someone else?"

"Yeah." Lang Jinzhi paused: "Sister sent."

The smile on the doctor's face is gentler.

She found another breakthrough.

The whole conversation lasted for more than an hour. At the end of the day, Dr. Qian suddenly asked: "If it is convenient, the next time you should bring your mother together. Compared with you, her psychology needs more treatment. Many children in the family have more or less psychological problems, and their problems are often caused by a bad environment in the previous generation... we should try to start from the roots."

Lang Jinzhi did not nod and did not shake his head.

When it was over, he quickly left.

The next day, the psychological clinic ushered in a guest dressed in extravagance.

The guest is about forty or fifty years old. She took off her sunglasses and said to the doctor, "I hope that you will not see my son again in the future."

Dr. Qian was slightly surprised and asked: "Why?"

"How can he have mental illness! He is excellent! His self-discipline, the request for self, does not explain his excellence? Does this need to be healed? Absurd!" Ding Qiuyue slammed the table.

Dr. Qian frowned.

Sure enough, more hopeless, is the woman in front of me.

After half a year.

Lang Jinzhi will go to the clinic to have a chat with Dr. Qian.

And the next day after he left, Ding Qiuyue will go to the clinic to make a big noise.

The image of Langjin is like a diary, and will be sent to Zhong Yuhuan.

[Going today. 】

[I have also gone today. 】


In the beginning, I just listened to the words of Zhong Yuhuan and made an attempt.

Later, Lang Jinzhi found the money doctor is very interesting. She will teach him how to communicate better with Zhong Yuhuan.

After half a month, the information content sent by Lang Jinzhi has finally changed a lot.

[Happy, I want the painting you gave Huo Chengming. 】

[? Cousin? Where is the second picture of the painting? The second one is a fake. 】

[Happy Huancheng to Langjia guest? 】

[Okay, okay, come. 】

[I am cooking for you. 】

[... That’s still a bit of a slap. 】

When Lang Jinzhi saw the rejection, he did not feel sad and angry. On the contrary, he also felt comfortable.

He slowly learned to express himself and found that it was not uncomfortable.

"The smile on Mr.'s face seems to have increased." After Secretary Cheng gave him a piece of information, he suddenly said.

"is it."


Lang Jinzhi handled the matter at hand and got up and went to the bathroom.

The mirror in the bathroom is large, and the mirror clearly shows what he is.

His five senses don't know when they have relaxed unconsciously, no longer like the tension of the past.

Lang Jinzhi wiped his hands cleanly, bowed his head and took out his mobile phone, and sent a message to Zhong Yu.

[Happy. 】

【Ok? 】

[I am a little happy. 】

[Hey cousin, are you guessing that I bought you a new gift! 】

Lang Jinzhi did not guess.

But he felt like he was getting happier.



Ding Qiuyue can finally sit in front of the doctor.

Psychotherapy is a long process, but despite the long process, Ding Qiuyue has finally recovered a moral conscience. She understands why Lang Jin is disgusted with her, understands why she is getting more and more lonely, understands what she has done, cultivates a good son, and brings him the embarrassment that will be corrected in his life.

The more you understand, the more pain Ding Qiuyue feels.

She has clearly and unambiguously realized over and over again that all of today is caused by her own hands.

It rained a lot this day.

Ding Qiuyue finally set foot on the Lang family that she has not been to for many years.

A car quickly approached, the door opened, and Cheng secretary walked down and glanced at her in surprise.

Followed by Lang Jinzhi.

"Jinzhi..." Ding Qiuyue followed up.

Lang Jinzhi passed her directly.

Ding Qiuyue did not have an umbrella, and the heavy rain fell to wet her whole person.

"Jinzhi..." She couldn't help but yelled again.

At the time of the Lang family's door, I also ran out of a person. She held an umbrella: "Cousin! I will pick you up... fast, fast..."

It is Zhong Yuhuan.

Zhong Yuhuan moved the umbrella to the head of Lang Jinzhi and frowned at Ding Qiuyue.

Ding Qiuyue resisted the urge to retreat and anger, and wanted to mend the relationship.

Lang Jinzhi finally looked back at her. He said faintly: "I said before, I will not support you. I will run here to rain, and whoever looks bad." ”

Ding Qiuyue opened his mouth.

But I don't want to be cold and eager to support...

Lang Jinzhi took over the umbrella from Zhong Yuhuan and leaned in the direction of Zhong Yuhuan. Then they crossed the gate and never looked at her again.

"I know that I did something wrong in the past, Jinzhi, I already know it now, I am willing to correct it. Can't you give mom a chance?"

"The lost, can't come back. So you have to grasp the moment. You can't have a moment of indulgence. This is what you taught me."

The door of the Lang family was closed and Ding Qiuyue was kept outside.

Ding Qiuyue took a nap. She licked her chest and felt that her heart was terribly unbearable.

She blindly compares with others, compares her husband, compares her husband and son, and compares the money in her own hands... She has lived for so many years, and once I found out, no one is still in the same place. She is gone.

Lang Jinzhi walked into the restaurant, and there was a little haze between the eyebrows.

Zhong Yuhuan gave him a big box and patted it and said, "New gift."

The haze between Langjin's eyebrows dissipated, the box was opened, and two boxes of more than 10,000 pieces of puzzles were taken out from the inside.

"Cousin, you one, me one. I, you, help me fight together."

Lang Jinzhi: "..."

In the evening, Lang Jinzhi completely broke his past work.

He spelled a three-hour map and looked up at 1 am.

Lang Jinzhi gave up and frowned.

So he turned on the computer and began to brush all the variety shows he had beaten, and he tirelessly knocked on the screen:

[Huo Chengming is stupid. 】

[Li Jinyuan is also very stupid. 】

[Happy and lovely. 】


Lang Jinzhi spent the first weekend in the country called salted fish.

He finished the video in day and night, and read the online post. By the way, I also touched other gossip stickers, and I looked at them a few times.

Unconsciously, one day and one night passed.

When Lang Jinzhi got up for dinner, he wore a pair of dark circles.

Grandfather was shocked to see him.

Lang Jin was tired, pinching chopsticks, staring at the food on the table, but laughing unconsciously.

He had the first indulgence in his long life.

He also finally took the first step from the embarrassment that has been trapping him for many years.

Learn to be a person who is not so step-by-step, but happier.

The author has something to say: When you meet a parent who has strong control, you should actually ask them to see a psychiatrist. _(:зゝ∠)_ But most parents don't feel that they need to see a doctor. It’s just that the cousin is just a little happier, and there won’t be a cousin’s cp. That's it!