MTL - Adopting and Raising the Male Lead and the Villain-Chapter 102 Huo puppy

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Zhong Yuhuan was hard to get Zhong’s inspection. When the inspection was completed, there was a staff member who came over and shouted at her: “Zhong Dong, someone outside wants to see You are not your loved one."

The staff said, frowning.

Who else is Miss Ren’s loved one? Isn't Mr. Ding Jia Lao, Mr. Lang, and Huo and Li Shao? Where else is there? These people are really daring and dare to confess their relatives!

Zhong Yuhuan is also puzzled.

Her loved ones?

Her relatives can call her directly.

No, I don't even have to call her, I can come in and wait for her in the lounge.

Zhong Yuhuan had to leave the Zhongshi Building. She walked out and scanned the door. Who was like the so-called "love to see her relatives" in the staff's mouth.

"You, are you Zhong Zhonghuan?" There was a middle-aged woman in a purple blouse who was blessed and walked in front of her.

The bodyguard immediately stopped in front of Zhong Yuhuan.

Although Zhong Yuhuan also doubted her identity, she was still polite and asked: "Excuse me?"

"I am Huo Chengming, his aunt! Really!" The middle-aged woman patted her chest and pulled out her identity card.

Zhong Yuhuan glanced at her ID card, Huo Damei.

Zhong Yuhuan almost laughed and said, Huo Chengming will have a name when he was a child, called Huo Puppy?

Zhong Yuhuan looked at Huo Damei and asked: "Is there anything?"

Huo Damei reached out and wanted to catch Zhong Yuhuan: "You are Huo Chengming, brother and sister, right? You want to call him a brother, right? I heard people say, he is very good to you, it hurts you. I beg you, beg Go and tell him, let us go, ah, let us go..."

"What?" Zhong Yuhuan.

"He is going to kill us! We are all his loved ones! How can he do this? I beg you, you go and tell him, let us go..."

When Hu Dayi shouted, several more people came around.

There are old and young, but all look down and tired. The top of the old lady was also patched. Who else is wearing patched clothes this year?

"I beg you..." The few people spoke together, and even some people wanted to give Zhong Yuhuan a sigh.

Zhong Yuhuan stood there and slowly frowned, and for a time he was still a little helpless.

They looked very pitiful.

But pitiful, she will not take care of this matter.

Especially after listening to Huo Chengming's previous experience before he went to the orphanage.

It happened that Ling Lan just came down from the car at this time, she came to find Zhong Yuhuan. Still not approaching, she saw a group of people around the bell to beg for mercy.

And Zhong Yuhuan stood in the encirclement of the bodyguard and was unmoved.

Ling Lan was poured down by a cold water in her pocket. She hit a stun and suddenly woke up.

Is Zhong Yuhuan so embarrassed?

Ling Lan bit his teeth and turned back into the car.

Regardless of whether Zhong Yu is happy or not, the key now is not only Huo Chengming, but also Li Jinyuan. In the original book, the two most powerful people are already by her side.

If she is hanged again, what will happen? Will she get what she wants? Or... is it the same as those who begged for mercy?

No, she can't fall into this kind of end.

Ling Lan re-composed the original story in the brain.

Finally she had to admit.

The plot has gone too far from the original, and when it comes to this step, even if she goes to the original plot to Raider them, it has lost its effect... What should I do?

Ling Lan looked at the window with a blank look.

Is she born again, isn’t she just going to be a person?

Zhong Yuhuan did not know that Ling Lan had come, and was scared back by the miserable appearance of Huo Damei’s family.

Zhong Yuhuan looked at the person who had smashed the ground. The bottom of her heart was also stirred up. She was impatient and said: "This is the master of Huo Chengming. Can I persuade him? What's more, I took the compensation and then put it. The children who are driven away by the children are not you? Are you not happy enough for so many years of happiness? When you have spent the money to take the fault, do you know that you are crying?"

"What compensation?" Huo Damei shook his head again and again, crying with a nose and tears: "I don't know at all..."

Zhong Yuhuan certainly believes that Huo Chengming will not lie, and that lies only Huo Damei.

Also, those who have done something wrong will never admit that they have done something wrong.

"What do you want?" Zhong Yuhuan asked in a hurry.

Huo Damei raised her hand and touched a tear: "He has let us go nowhere. My eyes, delaying the operation, I am going to be paralyzed. My son is still in the hospital. His uncle uncle, the rice bowl is also lost. We It’s all his loved ones. Now I can’t even eat a meal. I don’t even have a place to let him return the house to us...”

Zhong Yuhuan immediately lost all patience.

She turned her head and told the security guard to drive them all away. A car was parked at the door of the Zhong’s building. The door opened and Huo Chengming walked down from the top with a sullen face.

"I want a house? Why don't you come directly to me?" Huo Chengming said.

Not waiting for him to approach, Huo Damei followed the electric, the limbs twitched, shivering, the tears in his face, the throat was blocked, and half of the words could not be spit out.

Huo Chengming walked to the side of Zhong Yuhuan, and stopped her behind her, and then frowned in disgust: "Is it still?"

Huo Damei is very afraid of him.

I am afraid of dying.

If it was last year, she dared to stand up and say no. But now, give her 10,000 courage, she does not dare.

Huo Damei’s face couldn’t be rubbed, and even the belt ran away.

And the other family members who came with her, all of them, like the ghosts, scared and ran quickly. There is an old lady who even lost her cane, so I don’t dare to marry.

Zhong Yuhuan looked good and funny.

This is a group of people!

Huo Chengming opened the door, grabbed the waist of Zhong Yuhuan, took her to the car, and then stuffed it into the car.

The bodyguards were shocked and were about to keep up.

Zhong Yuhuan turned back and said, "Let's go back to the clock directly."


Zhong Yuhuan bowed his own seat belt and adjusted the window. Huo Chengming quickly landed in the driver's seat. His face was still not very good-looking. He slammed his fingers and hit the steering wheel twice. Shen Sheng said: "You just heard what you said to you." Huo Chengming’s throat moved: "Are you also? I think I am too embarrassed to start?"

He never wanted her to know what he did in his back. That is, the side that does not want to be dark is exposed to her. But since that time in Turkey, Huo Chengming has broken a bit.

Now, when I open my mouth, I can't help but feel awkward. There is a thick tone in the tone. "You are refuting me." "You are not saying it is okay."

Zhong Yuhuan couldn't help but laugh.

Huo Chengming’s face is darker: “...What are you laughing at?”

Zhong Yuhuan looked at him helplessly: "It is not the most normal thing to have revenge. Is it why I blame you for being too embarrassed? Only you have the right to say that forgiveness is not forgiven. Others are not qualified to dictate."

Huo Chengming’s face suddenly looked a lot better. He said: “Yes, you are qualified. What do you say, I will do what I want.”

Zhong Yuhuan’s face was red.

She didn't look at the window.

what happened? Has Huo Chengming recently studied with Li Jinyuan? Talking is getting more and more unstoppable.

Huo Chengming started the car and said coldly: "I thought they would learn to be smart. I didn't expect to find you here."

"Probably think that my girl, thin face, bully."

Huo Chengming sneered: "There must be some instigation behind, or how they understand the close relationship between me and you... knowing to come to you." Huo Chengming said that when he said the relationship, he deliberately vaguely listened to his ears. It's like having nothing to do with the relationship.

Zhong Yuhuan frowned.

Is it Linglan?

Does she have such a skill?

"You don't have to worry about this matter, I will check it." Huo Chengming said.

Zhong Yuhuan nodded.

Huo Chengming followed suit and said, "Are you thinking about it?"

The two sentences before and after are basically two topics in the South.

Zhong Yuhuan was suddenly picked up by his own saliva: "...what, what?"

Huo Chengming said faintly: "It doesn't matter if you don't think about it."

Zhong Yuhuan grabbed his fingers unconsciously and his breathing was tense.

Huo Chengming asked again: "That can still be like the last time..."


"Kiss you?"

Zhong Yuhuan’s head became a big tomato.


You have to kiss, you will kiss!

What are you asking?

Zhong Yuhuan raised his hand and lifted his hand, his heart beat faster, and a word in his throat could not be spit out.

Huo Chengming suddenly stepped on the brakes and held it at the seat of Zhong Yuhuan. He leaned over and kissed her.

The last time was Zhong Yuhuan, who had a strong kiss under the anger, so the action was rough. This time, Huo Chengming deliberately let go of the action and wanted to leave a good impression on Zhong Yuhuan.

But when he had a soft lip, he unconsciously grabbed her and grabbed her lips with force.

Then their windows were ringing.

Huo Chengming frowned and released Zhong Yuhuan, turned his head and turned the window.

The traffic police stood outside the window: "Hello, parking illegally, a fine of 150 yuan."

Huo Chengming’s money was very pleasant.

Zhong Yuhuan can't wait to put himself in the bottom of his seat.

She raised her hand and covered her face, and did not talk to Huo Chengming again.

Huo Chengming was in a good mood and frequently talked with her.

Seeing that the car was about to go outside the villa door, Zhong Yuhuan rolled his eyes and asked: "Your aunt is called Huo Damei. Did you have a name called Huo Puppy when you were a child?"

Huo Chengming said that he couldn't finish his happiness. When he stopped the car, he really went down and said, "...that is your dog."

Zhong Yuhuan covered his face again.

Li Jinyuan came out of the villa door, and he raised his hand and knocked on the window, interrupting the conversation between the two.

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