MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 484 The gun of eternity? Outrageous!

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Hearing this, Cao Gui sneered: "Really? Why am I a little disbelieving?"

The voice has not fallen, and the voice has become empty in an instant.

Hela's eyes changed suddenly. She knew that Cao Gui's terrifying speed had erupted, but because she was the Lord of Asgard, Asgard had already fed back the enemy's position to her mind in the next instant.

Gungnir turned the muzzle of the gun in an instant, and the tip of the gun shot out a brilliant golden light.


The thunder light exploded, the bright golden light and the thunder light collided in the void, and after a loud noise, the two canceled at the same time.

However, Hela did not have the slightest hint of joy, and did not condense the offensive, but reversed the muzzle and stabbed in the other direction.


Purple energy exploded, and an iron fist suddenly appeared beside Hela, and then punched Hela fiercely in the face.

Hela, like the previous two times, smashed to the ground with a bang, and a mountain was gone.

He flew back with a swoosh, golden light floated on his miserable face, and another mountain was gone.

"Surrender, I can spare you not to die." Cao Guidandan said.

Until now, it was impossible for Hela to not know the difference in strength between herself and her.

"Don't think about it!" Hela gritted her teeth and glared at Cao Gui, and shouted: "Even if Asgard is completely destroyed, you don't want me to bow my head!"

The sound was like thunder, and it instantly spread throughout Asgard.

On the ground, the expressions of everyone watching the battle changed suddenly, and the expressions of all Asgardians who heard this also changed abruptly.

The same is true for Cao Gui, his face turned gloomy in an instant, he can defeat her, but if you want to keep Asgard, you must separate this woman and Asgard.

"Troublesome woman..." Cao Gui couldn't help scolding.

This sentence is exactly the same as what the British said at the beginning: Even if the three hundred million people are all killed in battle, the British Empire will never surrender to Germany!


The blue light and tears of the space gems are starting to light up gradually. Cao Gui wants to knock her out of Asgard, and then kill this woman completely!

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Hearing a buzzing sound, Gungnir, the eternal spear in Hela's hand, and Miaoernir in Cao Gui's hand trembled at the same time, and then completely lost their light, falling to the ground like mortal objects at the same time, booming. slammed into the ground.

Seeing this, Thor and Loki ran to the two places where the gods fell at their fastest speed. However, when the brothers picked up Gungnir and Mjolnir, the two things reacted a bit. I don't give it, it's dark and colorless, like a handicraft.

Miao Ernier is even more incredible, because there is no divine power to maintain, it directly changes back to the shape of fragments, no matter how you look at it, it does not look like the two artifacts that are famous in the nine worlds.

"Do not-!



Thor once again raised his head to the sky and cried out in grief, and the mournful voice screamed to the sky, making those who heard it sad and those who heard weeping.

"Damn, how could this be?!"

Above the sky, Hela's face changed suddenly, and her expression was extremely frightened. For the first time, the pretty face that was very beautiful, and at the same time had always been confident and conceited, showed panic.

"Hahaha, interesting!"

Compared with Hela's panic, Cao Gui laughed: "It seems that Asgard has given up on you, and your support is gone hahaha..."

He doesn't mind losing Mjolnir, the source of his strength is not Mjolnir, but his own fruit ability and domineering, um... and Infinity Stones!

"Damn... it's all your fault!

"Hella squeezed a word out of her teeth, staring at Cao Gui with the utmost ferocity.

Cao Gui raised his eyebrows in surprise. What happened to this woman? He beat her face off just now and didn't see her so angry. What kind of disease is this now?

Does it seem to her that power is more important than face?

Cao Gui shook his head, as expected of Hela, it was really incomprehensible.

"Boy, I'm not a queen, I'm... the goddess of death!" Hela shouted, arms crossed in front of her, and black magic flames rose and burned on her body.

The silent momentum erupted, and even Cao Gui in the distance felt the pressure emanating from Hela.

In the sky, little black light began to emerge, the black light flickered, and sharp blades began to take shape rapidly.

Long swords, long spears, short swords, short spears, knives, halberds, axes... Countless sharp blades are densely packed throughout the sky.

Countless swords floated up quietly, and the tip of the blade was aimed at Cao Gui. In the dim sky, countless cold lights flickered, making people terrified.

Even without Asgard's favor, Hela still exerts such a terrifying offensive!


At the same time as Hela was gaining momentum, Cao Gui's eyes also lit up with thunder, and the thunder and lightning dragons wandering in the sky swelled in an instant. In the blink of an eye, the thousand-foot dragon suddenly took shape, and the thunderous light in the sky rivaled the black light.

The thunder and lightning dragon's eyes were stern, and he was ready to go. Countless electric arcs exploded on his body, and the crackling arcs overflowed and exploded, and the huge thunder arcs that were comparable to a human waist flickered and disappeared.

"Boy, if you dare to challenge me, then go to die!" Hela slammed her hands down, her dark eyes filled with horror and hatred for Cao Gui.

Countless torrents of swords roared like a gust of wind and rain, the air was torn apart in an instant, and bursts of abyssal screams resounded throughout Asgard.

"Withering insects even dare to use an axe?" Cao Gui sneered disdainfully. The thunder and lightning dragon in the sky circling, the dragon's mouth opened, and the boundless thunder light exploded, accompanied by a thunder arc that covered half of the sky.

The thunder in the sky collided with the torrent of black swords, and the roaring sound rushed down from the sky, and the boundless sound wave after wave.

The Asgardians on the ground were stunned to see all this. They had never seen such a scene of a fight between gods. For the first time, it was the first time they knew that the power of man could reach this level.

wrong! Hela is so strong, how strong should Odin, the father of the gods, be?

Then why didn't you see him make a move when the dark elves invaded?

The people of Asgard were bewildered. On the one hand, they were stunned by the aftermath of the battle in the sky, and on the other hand, they were really stunned.

In the sky, the collision between the black torrent of swords and the thunder in the sky soon came to an end. In just a few breaths, the black torrent burst and shattered, turning into countless broken blades and falling from the sky.

Hela's face was extremely ugly, and her fair and pretty face was as ferocious as a ghost. She roared incessantly, swung her arms like a storm, and slashed towards the thunder that spread.

"Hella, the game is over!" Cao Gui shouted coldly, the thunder dragon above his head, a dragon roar erupted, and the huge dragon's tail swung violently, turning it into a long spear.

Hela's ferocious complexion suddenly changed, and the thousand-zhang long spear arrived first, and it stabbed into Hela's chest with a stinging sound.

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Then it turned into a dragon, and the fangs and dragons bit down, and countless thunder and lightning blades pierced through Hela's body.

Crackling ~~~ Boom!



Amidst the thunder, Hela wailed incomparably, proud as she was, and at this moment could not bear the pain of the explosion of the thunder.

The black magic flame burns, even if she dies, she will do her best to fight to the last trace of strength!


Cao Gui snorted coldly, the dragon began to circle, and the dragon's body was entwined into a ball, followed by countless beams of light.


The entire Asgard trembled along with it, and the air waves stirred up a gust of wind, sweeping all the way from the position of the central mountain range of Asgard to the abyss at the edge of the Asgard continent.

The Asgardian warriors below stared in astonishment, thinking about the Thor of their eldest prince, and then looking at the thunder of this man. Who is the real Thor in this world?

In the sky, the storm gradually subsided, and the thunder light slowly converged. After a while, it returned to its original appearance. The sky was clear and blue, there were no clouds in the sky, there was no Hela, and there were no sharp knives... If you ignore the damage caused by the aftermath.


[The host killed Hela, the goddess of death in Asgard, and completed a mission of "Safeguarding the Land and Peace of Mind" rewarded 180,000 merit points and 90,000 experience points. 】

"Finish, call it a day!" Cao Gui clapped his hands and let out a long breath. Asgard was saved, Hela was gone, and the world was peaceful and beautiful again.

"Then who, Thor, get ready, wash the floor..."

Cao Gui shouted at the bottom, but at this moment, a golden light whistled, Cao Gui raised his hand subconsciously and grabbed it in his hand.

"Gangnir?" Cao Gui looked at the spear of eternity in his hand with a confused expression. What does this mean?

In the next second, the golden light flowed and covered Cao Gui's whole body in an instant. Under Cao Gui's stunned gaze, a set of golden armor was instantly formed.

Cao Gui held Gungnir and blinked, a strange feeling flowed through his body, a feeling of being connected by flesh and blood, and it was connected to Asgard.

He seems to be able to use the power of Asgard just like Hela...

"It's outrageous..." Cao Gui murmured.

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