MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 476 About your ideal, I only have 1 comment

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Vormir Star.

Unlike the Conte Akshaya star that Cao Gui has been to, there are several stars, stars, and satellites around the Vormir star, a complete galaxy.

It's just... I don't know why, the star shining on Vermir's star was blocked by a celestial body. From a distance, it was not a sun, but an aperture, and at least part of the light at the edge was emitted from the star.

Not only that, but even weirder is the Vormir Star.

The other positions of this planet are normal, just like other stars, but in the upper hemisphere, a huge nebula shrouded the Vormir star, extending from the surface of the planet to the outer periphery of the planet.

In the nebula, there is even a rainbow light running through the sky, from a distance it looks like a thin toothpick stuck on a lollipop!

"This is Vormir Star..." The blue light flashed, and Strange and Cao Gui appeared in the empty space, looking at the distant planet and said faintly.

At this moment, a strange wave emanated from the nebula, and then a blue-white light shot up into the sky, dyeing the nebula into a brilliant blue-white in an instant.

"He got the Soul Gem!" Strange's face changed suddenly, and he couldn't help crying.

"Let's go, meet the overlord of the universe!" Cao Gui chuckled, the space gem in his palm lit up, and the blue light flowed along with the smoke to enclose the two of them and disappeared into the void.

Vormir Star!

Thanos slowly opened his eyes, his big purple face was covered with tears, and he rarely showed a sad look.

The method of obtaining the soul gem is very simple, but it is also very difficult. It requires the acquirer to sacrifice the person he loves.

For his own ideal, Thanos reluctantly sacrificed Gamora, his favorite daughter.

With a bang, Thanos straightened up, only to find himself lying in a shallow pool. The warmth and serenity made him not discover where he was at the first time. This was not an ordinary pool.

Perhaps because he felt something in his heart, perhaps because he noticed something strange, Thanos subconsciously raised his right hand, and on the palm of his hand, the soul gem lay quietly, exuding an orange-yellow light.

Like this pool, warm and peaceful...

"Oh... Gamora..." Thanos stared blankly at the gem in his palm, he got the gem he wanted the most, but... he wasn't happy at all.

Not far away, a burst of blue light accompanied by smoke suddenly appeared on the silent planet of Vormir, and Cao Gui and Strange came together.

Seeing Thanos immersed in grief, the two stopped involuntarily and did not attack immediately.

But soon, purple light extended from the handle of the hammer, filling Cao Gui's eye boy instantly, and the sadness disappeared instantly.

Beside him, Strange did the same, green light flashed by, and clarity appeared in his eyes again.

"It's you..." Thanos stood up slowly, and the soul gem in his palm was embedded in the infinite glove: "I think, Ebony Maw and Deathblade have already died in battle."

Cao Gui and Strange looked at him blankly and nodded slightly.

"The price I paid on this day is really too high..." Thanos sighed slightly, his eyes showing sadness again.

The warriors who fought side by side died, and the beloved daughter sacrificed. Even if his will was as firm as him, and he was as ruthless as he was, he couldn't help but feel sadness and pain in his heart.

"However, they barely managed to complete the mission." Thanos looked at the three gems on Cao Gui's body and nodded slightly.

"Perhaps not?" Strange said sternly: "The one standing in front of you is a master of secret arts!"

"So what?" Thanos' eyes flashed with determination, and his sadness turned into fighting intent:

"I have fought for so many years, tyranny, killing... I have never mixed personal feelings, just for one thing, there are too many lives in this world, and it will destroy this universe. What I want to do is to save the universe in which I live. ."

Cao Gui "???"

Where have you heard these words...

"In my hometown of Titan, there are too many people who need to survive there. Everyone needs food and everyone needs living space."

"But Titan has been unable to support them. They killed each other for food, the son killed the father, the father killed the son, and the son can eat each other, and finally the entire planet was destroyed."

Cao Gui rolled his eyes. He was very familiar. If he guessed correctly, he will hear it once in 2023.

"This world can't go on like this, no one can stop me, I'm just..."

"I am destiny!"

Cao Gui's face was solemn, his voice was lowered, and it was instantly transformed into a deep magnetic bubble sound, and he said firmly before Thanos.

Thanos: "…"

"Is that so?" Cao Gui asked with a smile.

"As for your ideals, I only have one comment..."

Cao Gui tidied up his clothes, and suddenly changed from a black suit to a white suit, leaning forward, his mouth pursed, and his chin stretched forward:

"Shit you!"

Strange: "…"

I'm ashamed to say that, when he was treating his hands, he learned some knowledge in the East, including some simple Chinese, but only later did he realize that the Chinese he learned was actually Cantonese. It was a coincidence that he could understand this sentence. .

The changing look on Thanos' face slowly froze, and then gradually became gloomy. He didn't know what this sentence meant, but it didn't mean that he didn't understand what it meant.

"I have fought for so many years, and I have never met someone who dared to talk to me like this, dare to insult my ideal like this!"

Thanos slowly grabbed the Infinity Glove on his left hand, and the orange-yellow Soul Gem began to light up a little bit.

"Huh? Didn't I see it today?" Cao Gui sneered, making a move out of thin air, and suddenly a purple head appeared.

"Gene Era"

Thanos and Strange's expressions suddenly changed. In Cao Gui's hand, he was holding a human head. The face was exactly the same as the one in front of him, and the lines on the folds were not a bit different!

"You... this... what is this?" Strange almost dropped his jaw.

"It's just Thanos, it's not that he hasn't killed him." Cao Guidandan said, "Your head will become my second collection!"

"If that's the case... then come on!" Thanos shouted, the orange light shone brightly, and an invisible wave suddenly erupted.

Strange shouted loudly, raised his hands and took a picture, the space barriers reflecting the colorful light spread in all directions, and instantly swept over the bodies of Cao Gui and Thanos.

As for Cao Gui, this is Ziguang and generous, not only the high-level armed color domineering, but also the energy of the power gem.

"Mirror space..." Thanos looked at the surrounding environment and said a word, and he saw Strange's spell at a glance.

After the battle with Ebony Throat, Strange finally knew the benefits of having a good location.

This do nothing, first pull Thanos into the mirror space, no matter what others are here, he can only exert his strongest fighting power here.

However, Cao Gui and Strange quickly discovered that something was wrong, they only saw their bodies lighten up, and the world in front of them was rapidly regressing.

Not only that, but one of himself and two of Strange appeared in his sight.

Cao Gui's face changed suddenly, his soul was out of his body, and he was beaten out of his soul by Thanos.

Strange also responded quickly. The first time he saw Master Gu Yi, he was beaten out of his soul by her.

"An invulnerable bug." Thanos said, "Where did the confidence come from beheading my head?"

With that said, Thanos stretched out his hand and grabbed the Eye of Mjolnir and Agamotto, it's time to collect the gems!

Cao Gui's eyes flashed: "System, equip [Character Card: Charlotte Lingling]!"

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