MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 466 I'm ready

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A sword cry suddenly sounded in the void, and the suspended space sharp-blade mountain shot at the dense pile of Strange like a tsunami.

"Good job!" Strange shouted loudly, waving the magic whip in his hand and lashing towards Cao Gui.

However, Strange noticed something was wrong as soon as he launched the offensive. Those space blades were surprisingly fast, and in the blink of an eye, they shot on his clone.

Puff puff puff!

The sky-filled Strange burst like a bubble, turning into a little starlight and disappearing. Before the attack of the magic whip could affect Cao Gui, it disappeared completely with the shattering of the clone.

In an instant, the shape of Magic Aynke was completely defeated. Except for Strange's body to use a magic shield to block a few sharp blade attacks, all the clones were defeated and destroyed.

"This guy... the attainment of space magic is so high?" Strange muttered to himself, he may not be as good as others in other magic, but in space magic, he has great confidence, Unfortunately, his confidence was shaken in this competition.

"Brother, have you seen what's going on?" Thor asked in a low voice. He tried his best to reduce his sense of existence. After Loki's reminder just now, he already knew who Cao Gui was.

I feel a little ashamed in my heart, and at the same time I regret it very much. It would have been great if I could have made good friends with him at that time. Both Vorstager and Fandral would not leave, and I could have one more person to fight with... Unfortunately, there is no if in this world.

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In fact, Cao Gui also thought so at the beginning. If you make good friends with the Prince of Asgard, maybe you can get some points with his object Sif... Cough, Cao Gui is talking about Odin's treasure house.

It would be nice to be able to go and mix in there. Ancient Winter Coffin and Eternal Fire, no matter how you look at them, they are both fragrant, um... Miss Sif is also quite fragrant.

It's a pity that the Prince of Asgard didn't take him seriously.

Hearing his brother's question, Loki was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "I can see... He should have also applied magic to those space blades, but I can't see any magic."

In the air, countless invisible space blades were inserted into the magic shield in front of Strange, but the attack frequency was getting smaller and smaller, and it should be coming to an end...

However, just when she removed the magic shield, her face suddenly changed.

I saw the space gem in Cao Gui's palm in front of him lit up, grabbed the void and pulled it hard, the space around Strange was rapidly compressed, and the distance between the two was also rapidly shortening.

Preemptive strike!

Strange's eyes changed, and the magic cloak behind him rattled, and the whole person turned into a phantom.

"Hey... Gu Yidu may not dare to fight me in close combat..." Cao Gui sneered, his right fist clenched tightly, and the purple flames flowed around, and the high-level domineering was instantly in place.


There was a flash of lightning, and Strange cut down with his long knife, but he only caught a wisp of air that smelled of scorched lake.


A fist with purple flames shot out from the void, punched Strange in the face, and Strange flew out.

After the last experience, the magic cloak swelled and opened, and stabilized Strange's figure in an instant.

"Ah... you might as well let me fly out..." Strange's mouth was bleeding, and as soon as he recovered, he felt the strong wind whistling in his ears.

If you guessed correctly, it should be Cao Gui's attack.


The two **** teeth flew high, and Strange rolled his eyes and flew out again. This time, the magic cloak was smarter. He didn't think about helping Strange stabilize his body, but let him fly.

However, the characteristics of Raiden are not only powerful destructive power, but also extremely fast speed. No matter how fast Strange is, it cannot be faster than Cao Gui, not to mention that since his debut, Cao Gui has been known for his speed.

With a flash of lightning, Strange changed the direction of flight again...

Bang bang bang bang!

The crisp sound of blows continued to sound in the mirror space, accompanied by splashes of blood, saliva and stomach acid from time to time, causing Thor and Loki to feel numb in their scalps.

"Brother, wait a minute, we won't do the same, right?" Loki gasped for a while as he watched Strange who was being beaten in a fancy way. It was too scary. There is no place to die.

"But... Maybe." Thor swallowed his saliva and said with a little trembling in his calf. The earth is so dangerous, and it will never come again next time. It's really terrible.


There was another muffled sound, Strange's nose was bruised, his face was swollen, and he was physically fattened for a full circle. If it wasn't for the comfort of close combat with Kama Taj's mage robe, it would be relatively loose, otherwise Clothes are torn.

"Um... I'm fine!"

Cao Gui clapped his hands with great satisfaction, then took out his camera and gave Strange an all-round close-up, front and back, up and down, focusing on the gloomy uncle's swollen face.

Seeing this, Strange's face twitched. Damn guy, it's too hard to attack.

An emerald green light lit up on his chest, and a green halo glowing with magical runes enveloped his body, moving up and down.

After a while, the whole person returned to normal, and there was no injury on his body.

He could actually use white magic to heal his injuries, but the treatment required a process and time, so it was not as convenient as a time gem.

The reason why he was able to get to this point in half a year is because the time gem stretches for a long time to provide him with time to practice.

So regardless of how he achieved such magical attainments in half a year, the actual time he spent was only a lot more than others.

Cao Gui didn't stop him. While checking the photo of the camera in his hand, he asked, "Strange, tell me, why are you looking for me?"

"It's alright..." Strange said sullenly with a slight trembling on his face.

Not long after entering Kama Taj, he heard Cao Gui's name from Wang's mouth, and Cao Gui's name from Casillas' mouth.

In the end, before Master Gu Yi retired, he warned him to try his best to have a good relationship with Cao Gui. This man is not weak.

Strange had the idea of ​​visiting Cao Gui for a long time, but Cao Gui went to another world, and when he returned from another parallel world, Kama Taj's dimensional array sounded the alarm.

Master Gu Yi knew about Cao Gui's shuttle between the two worlds for a long time, but... the problem is not big, Cao Gui did not bring people in, nor did he take people out. It can only be described as dimensional travel, not dimensional invasion.

So Master Gu Yi didn't pay much attention to Cao but Strange was different... He was floating, so he wanted to talk to Cao Gui about his life.

As a result... From today onwards, Strange has gained a little more insight into life, and has become humble and peaceful, and treats people politely.

His spiritual understanding realm has been improved once again, and he is one step closer to the ancient master.

Cao Gui smiled without saying a word. If the new Strange Mage is no longer sensible, Cao Gui would not mind letting Kama Taj change another Supreme Mage.

As long as this thing can be used in ancient times, Strange waits for it, but I can't be someone Cao?

But unfortunately, before the idea of ​​Cao Gui arises, Strange expresses the improvement of his realm very wisely.

Therefore, Cao Gui did not embarrass him any more.

"What about these two Asgardian friends?"

Strange pointed to the distance, the half-brothers asked.

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