MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 432 The scumbag rolls over (below)

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The Admiral in the Marvel World Chapter 432 The Scumbag Overturns (Part 2)


The intersection of California and Nevada, on Route 66.


The formation of the four motorcades was galloping. Inside the car, Cao Gui rubbed his brows, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. When he thought of the two women in his family, his scalp tingled, and the car rolled over. This time, the car really rolled over! If I knew earlier, I couldn't let them get too close.


We have to find a way to calm this matter down!


"Sir, we are getting closer and closer." A young white man shouted in the back seat of the car, "But we couldn't detect the specific location. We didn't have the technology to understand at that time."


"It's alright, Fizz, keep moving forward." Cao Gui glanced at the sky, he could sense the gradually gathering energy in the sky.


"Oh..." The white young man scratched his head, he was the officer, and he had the final say.


Cao Gui glanced at him, but did not speak. This young white man was a member of the Coulson team in the original book. Responsible for providing technical support.


He also has a favorite object, Sister Simmons. Later, in order to save people, he even went to an alien planet. I have to say that this young man is still very powerful.


"Okay, tell everyone, get ready to stop." Cao Gui said to the driver, the rainbow bridge in the sky has come down.


As soon as the voice fell, with a swoosh, a colorful light shot down into the sky, and with a rumbling sound, the Route 66 suddenly flew into dust.


The surging dust filled the air, the beam of light slowly faded, and a woman with long hair and a shawl, holding a sword and shield, and wearing a battle armor slowly appeared.


"Everyone, put down the guns, that's not the enemy." Cao Gui shouted, his voice reaching everyone's ears along with the headset.


"Sir, we don't know whether she is an enemy or a friend..." Fitz yelled quickly.


"Do as I say!"


"OK, who made you the chief." Fitz shrugged helplessly.


On the opposite side, Sif frowned slightly as she looked at the four cars in front of her. She didn't like the feeling of being surrounded by people and was very upset.


But his eyes flashed and he saw the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on the door, and his brows suddenly loosened.


The Midgards are the middle court. Unlike other kingdoms, although they are under the jurisdiction of Asgard in name, Asgard does not have any troops stationed on Midgard, nor does it interfere with the normal development of human beings.


The reason is probably related to the Celestial Group, which Odin may know.


Therefore, if you want to complete the mission on Midgard, you can only choose to cooperate with them. According to Thor, although this organization called S.H.I.E.L.D. has average combat power, it is still good in other aspects, at least they are looking for Good people, found Loki.


"Are you S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Sif asked in a deep voice, holding her sword and shield.


"Yes, S.H.I.E.L.D. level five agent, Cao Gui." Cao Gui said.


"I'm Ms. Sif from Asgard. Your earth is facing a huge crisis." Sif said solemnly.


"Get in the car first, let's go back to the base." Cao Gui raised his eyebrows, there are not many people who are called a crisis by the Asgardians... well, there are quite a few.


But Cao Gui still intends to take a look. After all, the Asgardians even sent Sif.




New Jersey community, in the basement of a villa.


Beth had a bruised nose and a swollen face, half-dead, lying on the ground with her **** up, with half of her teeth falling out.


"Okay, don't play dead!" Gwen kicked Beth and said angrily, "Get up, I have something to ask you!"


Beth rolled her eyes, the flames surging on her body, and after a while, all the injuries completely disappeared.


He stood up like a normal person, except for a little messy clothes and hair, there was nothing wrong with him.


"Tell me, is there any other woman in that bastard?" Gwen clenched his fists and cursed bitterly. He even had an affair. I won't kill you!


"No more." Beth rolled her eyes and said.


"Impossible, if you have one, there will be a second." Gwen hummed, "He still has the ability to teleport anytime, anywhere, it's impossible not to."


"If there is... a pervert will definitely put me and her on the same bed." Beth spread her hands and said helplessly.


Gwen: "..."


Sounds like it makes sense...


"That **** is not strong enough to cheat on me alone, otherwise it wouldn't be just me who was beaten." Beth said one after another.


"Shut up... Damn it, I'm going to find that bastard. I won't be relieved if I don't fight!" Gwen said angrily.


She strode out to look for the phone. Beth smiled and followed quickly. Fortunately, I wasn't the only one being beaten.


But just as he walked into the living room, the landline suddenly rang.


Gwen frowned. The contact information of the landline was rarely given out. As far as Gwen knew, only her parents knew.


Beth saw Gwen's doubts, and she felt the same doubts in her heart, what happened?




"Gwen Stacy?" A baritone came from the other end of the phone.


"It's me..." Gwen felt a little uneasy in his heart, what happened?


"I'm Gaspar Sitwell..."


Gwen's heart suddenly tightened. He was Cao's adoptive father, godfather, and a senior member of S.H.I.E.L.D. Cao often helped S.H.I.E.L.D. solve some problems that they couldn't solve.


Seeing this, Beth hurried over and pressed the speakerphone of the landline.


Gwen glared at her, but said nothing.


"I want to tell you something, Gwen." Sitwell said in a deep voice, "Cao is being controlled!"


"What?" Gwen and Beth suddenly exclaimed, how could Cao Soqiang be controlled?


"It's like this..." Sitwell sighed, ignoring the two voices on the phone, and continued:


"A few hours ago, the Asgardians came to earth, and she was chasing a prisoner named Lorai Lei."


"That is a charming demon from Asgard. No male can resist his charm. It is said that Thor, the **** of thunder, can't resist. Cao... has been controlled by that woman."




Gwen and Beth immediately slapped up, and Pengdi made a loud noise, which made Sitwell on the other end of the phone shudder and almost threw the phone out.


"This **** is actually bewitched by women!" Beth said angrily, she was just enjoying herself. Cao Guizhen dared to find another one, but she was the first to disagree.


"Treading the Stars"


"What kind of control method?" Gwen asked in a deep voice.


"Twist his will." Sitwell said in a deep voice, "He remembers knows everything, but he will be loyal to that woman named Luo Lailei and obey him, there will be no any resistance."


"Even if the woman told him to kill me, he would not hesitate."


"..." Gwen and Bess were silent for a while, things were in trouble. Not only was their man taken away, but he might return to kill him.


"Where is he now? Let's go right away," Gwen said.


"I don't know, we're looking for it." Sitwell said: "According to the Asgardians, this woman named Lorai Lei likes gold, palaces, and she wants to build an army, conquer... Wait, you? "


"Yes, besides me, Cao has a second girlfriend." Gwen said depressedly.


Bess blushed and was a little embarrassed. Gwen's eyes widened and her fists clenched. Beth immediately lowered her brows and pleaded with her eyes. She felt wronged and did not dare to say more.


"Oh... I found it." At this time, Sitwell said in a deep voice, "In Las Vegas, he was riding that witch on a motorcycle."


"Damn it!" Gwen gritted his teeth, and I didn't have this kind of treatment: "I know, let's go and let everyone from SHIELD withdraw."


"Beth, get your private plane ready, let's go to Las Vegas."


"Oh, okay, I'll call right now."




Chapter error

Read The Duke's Passion