MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 425 good news and bad news

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The Admiral in the Marvel Universe Chapter 425 Good News and Bad News


In the jungle, in a dam.


Captain America, the Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Locomotive... oh no, it's Captain America, Sam, and they're waiting anxiously in a dirty, dim room, waiting anxiously for Agent Hill's call. return.


"Hydra... I thought they were all mice in the ditch." Hawkeye said in a daze while installing his own arrow.


When Steve and the Winter Soldier heard this, their eyes became cloudy at the same time.


The two of them have missed their best years because of the Hydra for decades, and the other has been controlled for a long time, has no self-awareness, and is forever in a state of ignorance, not knowing how many people they have killed.


"S.H.I.E.L.D. is a bunch of trash, I'm going to destroy Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D.!" Steve gritted his teeth.


"Uh... I understand the truth." Black Widow raised her hand and asked, "But who is this guy?"


She pointed to Sam and asked, although he was strong, he was not someone she knew.


"Airborne, veteran." Steve said, "We and Hill were able to get here because of his help."


The Winter Soldier nodded to him and expressed his gratitude. With their current identities, as soon as they appeared under the surveillance cameras, they would be discovered by the people of the God Hydra, and what followed... was a group of armed soldiers, even if Their physical fitness is stronger than normal people, but it is impossible to beat so many soldiers.


As super agents trained by S.H.I.E.L.D., they know too well the combat effectiveness of modern soldiers when facing humans.


Unless you can discharge and fly like Thor or the Masked Man, otherwise... once you get entangled in a modern soldier, don't try to get rid of it easily.


Not long after, Agent Hill came in through the door with a small box.


Everyone's eyes suddenly changed, hoping that Agent Hill could bring some good news.


"One good news, one bad news." Agent Hill put the box on the table, rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Tell me, which one do you want to hear?"


"Good news." Hawkeye said, "Don't wait to hear even the bad news."


"Anything, it's fine, let's talk." Steve urged.


"Okay." Agent Hill looked around and opened the box, revealing three thin chips inside: "The good news is that we have a way to deal with those three air carriers."


"This is a blade chip. Insert these three chips into the three motherships, and we can control their positioning systems."


"You can only control the positioning system?" The Winter Soldier frowned. After a long time, that's all?


"Yes, only the positioning system can be controlled." Agent Hill nodded and said, "We can target the three motherships to be attacked by the mothership, and let them kill each other to achieve the purpose of destroying the mothership."


"So that's what it is." The Winter Soldier and Steve's expressions softened a little, and the most difficult issue of the Insight Project had a solution.


"What else?" Black Widow asked, wouldn't Nick Fury just leave these things?


"No." Agent Hill shrugged: "This is the bad news."


"I only have a way to deal with the Insight Project, but no way to deal with S.H.I.E.L.D. The only good news is... I found a secret base left by Nick, where we can hide."


The veins on Steve's forehead jumped violently. He never imagined that after sixty or seventy years, the Hydra would not die even after death!


"Then make everything public!" Steve gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Make everything about Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. public, and hand over these people to the Federation and the United Nations!"


"I don't believe it, with such a good chance, would the five big rogues annex S.H.I.E.L.D.!"


In the dark corner, Cao Gui was speechless for a while, and I had to say that Steve's move was indeed ruthless.


He pulled the salary from the bottom of the pot and flipped the table directly. Everyone finished playing together. It wasn't his thing anyway, so I didn't feel bad.


Everyone was silent for a while, you look at me, I look at you, there is some hesitation, the benefits of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s existence are great, and all superhuman affairs are handled by S.H.I.E.L.D.


But once it's in the hands of the lords in Congress...they only think about one thing: beheading and kneeling down to be a dog!

They don't even want to invite guests!


In the eyes of those old bastards, they rule the world, and no one can go against their will and die if they don't want to surrender. It's that simple, there is no third option.


"Do you have any other way?" Steve asked dissatisfiedly.


"Do as the captain said." Agent Hill said.


"Very good!" Steve said, "I, Bucky, Sam, are in charge of installing the chip, Natasha, Barton, you sneaked into S.H.I.E.L.D., hijacked Pierce, and made everything public!"


"Hill, you are in charge of the command!"


"Yes, Captain!" ×5


"Set off!"


Steve snorted coldly, picked up his shield and turned around to go out. He was going to change into a battle suit, a battle suit specially designed to deal with Hydra.


However, as soon as I went out...


At the end of the corridor, standing quietly, wearing a tight black combat uniform, with a short knife and dagger tied all over his body, you don't show an inch of your skin.


The Winter Soldier's face twitched when he saw this, his head and cheeks throbbed a little, and he was very unhappy.


Looking at the six people across from him, Cao Gui sighed helplessly in his heart, there is no way, there are too many people here, just letting them out like this might really succeed.


Cao Gui can only make them half successful, not completely successful, so they must lose some personnel.


The Winter Soldier and Captain America looked at each other, it was not good!


"The others go first!" Steve raised his shield, squatted slightly, and his eyes were sharp: "Bucky, Barton, you leave me and the enemy."




The three of Hill nodded, turned around and walked away, running in the other direction.


"Kill!" Steve shouted loudly, stepped on his feet, and rushed forward.


"Sure enough, the person who came here is not good..." Cao Gui sighed with emotion, I was obviously a savior, yet he killed me if he didn't agree.


Swish! Swish! Swish!


At the same time as Steve and Hill were moving, three sharp arrows shot out. The eyes, the heart, and the lower **** were all targets of Hawkeye!


"Withering bug trick!" Cao Gui snorted coldly, his wrists trembled, and several cold lights flashed suddenly, and a cold light suddenly lit up in the dim corridor.


Hanmang collided with the sharp arrow that came flying, castrated unabated, and pounced on Steve and Hawkeye.


"Be careful!" Steve yelled, with the shield in front of him, but... the target of the flying knife was not him.




Behind, Black Widow and Hill, who had not yet run out of the corridor, let out a painful cry, and the eagle-eyed Tong Kong suddenly shrank, and Natasha had a dagger stuck in both palms and one calf.


If you don't handle it properly, you may not be able to fight in the future.


And it's not just Natasha, Hill is the same, but Hill is better, only with a knife in the foot.




Hawkeye's face was extremely ugly, the bowstring in his hand was continuously released, three strings rang, and three sharp arrows were fired again.


Drop drop~


Immediately after that, there was a rapid alarm sound.


Cao Gui's eyes flickered, and he flicked his hand, and another sharp blade shot out. At the same time, he stepped back a little, and his figure suddenly retreated.


Boom boom boom!


The strong fire and shock wave exploded, causing Cao Gui to retreat again and again.


However, before the fire went out, Steve and Bucky suddenly appeared in front of Cao Gui at the same time, clenching their fists and punching them fiercely.




Cao Gui was kicked out of the corridor by him, and fell weakly into the 100-meter-high dam. He waved his hands weakly, only touching the faces of Steve and Bucky, and could not cause any damage.


"Damn bastard!" Steve looked down and cursed, Natasha couldn't fight anymore!
