MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 412 Trojan program!

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For the next two months, Gwen and Cao Gui stayed in London, the nine-star streak had passed, and London had returned to its normal state.

There is no Thor, no aliens such as dark elves, but because of that spaceship, there are some disputes between the United Kingdom and the United States.

One side believes that this is an evil tool for aliens to invade the earth, and it is also a trophy of all mankind. It should be handled and studied by the United Nations to deal with the increasingly unsafe interstellar environment.

On the other hand, one side believes that this thing is something on its own territory, and it is also the spoils of the other side's invasion of London. It should be handled by its own country, and others are not fit to intervene.

Then... Prime Minister Golden Retriever held a meeting to agree with the previous one, and received strong support from the US imperialists, but the citizens of London and the gentlemen of the old rice flag quit, and immediately demonstrated.

However, when an air carrier appeared over London, everyone shut up, the gentlemen continued to sow discord around the world, ordinary citizens should eat and drink, and no one talked about the disposal of spaceships.

Times have changed!

During the period, Sitwell also came to meet Cao Gui, and the two chatted about the current situation. Sitwell was promoted to captain, and he controlled the strategic weapon of the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. to suppress all super villains on the whole earth.

Of course, it was all right after meeting, Cao Gui continued on vacation, and Sitwell continued to work.

During this period, Cao Gui went to Kama Taj and gave the Reality Gem to Master Gu Yi.

Cao Gui can't use that thing, and he doesn't know how to develop it. It's too low to just create a fantasy world. What if the fantasy world is messed with and turned into a wine pond and meat forest? What to do if you are addicted to women's sex?

So after thinking about it, Cao Gui didn't find the proper way to use the Reality Gem, so he gave it to Master Gu Yi, who got a magic weapon and sealed it.

Cao Gui stayed at Kama Taj for a few days and learned about magic. Of course, Cao Gui is not a magician.

Kama Taj's magic all borrowed the power of others, such as the power of the elders like Weishandi, and even more so with the help of Dormammu. Nor is it easy.

But there is a price to pay for borrowing power. As for the price, we will only know when we are given it.

Cao Gui mainly studies the space magic of Kama Taj. Those space blades and mirror world magic are all very good.

After staying at Kama Taj for half a month, Cao Gui figured out the principle. Using space gems, it can basically be reproduced one-to-one, which is not a big problem.

After saying goodbye to Master Gu Yi, Cao Gui returned to London and continued to lie down like a salted fish.

Cao Gui basically doesn't do anything except for daily exposure to thunder and studying the power of space... Of course, Gwen still wants it.

After two more months, Gwen finally couldn't stand the rainy weather in London and immediately offered to go elsewhere.

"So...where?" Cao Gui asked, his brows sank, always having a bad premonition.

"Paris." Gwen smiled.

"Ah this... okay." Cao Gui nodded, pulled Gwen and flew to Paris together.

But in fact, Paris is no fun, thanks to their tough president in the 1940s.

Life in France is much better now than in England next door, at least there is no scum-like American imperial garrison in France.

But correspondingly, France also paid a lot of price. World War I and World War II lost two entire generations of Gaul youth, and they desperately needed population replenishment. The Gallic roosters were eyeing their traditional colony, West Africa.

So black people can be seen everywhere on the streets of Paris now, I don't know, I thought it was Africa or Detroit.

Therefore, many places in Paris are impossible to go, chaos, crime, and robbery are countless. The magic capital that once became the Paris of the East once expressed disgusting, disgusting and dead!

Gwen and Cao Gui, who didn't want to kill people, kept wandering around the districts of Yi, 4, 5, 6, and Cao Gui did not go to the Louvre, because he was afraid that he would not be able to resist destroying that place.

But Notre Dame de Paris is still going. After all, it is so badly burned. Cao Gui is going to see if it is broken. If it is not broken, Cao Gui doesn't mind adding a fire. Anyway, if you burn the fruit, the dog won't eat it. It's cheap. very.

But just as Cao Gui and Gwen were on a leisurely vacation, a call came in, it was Sitwell.

"Cao, I need your help." Sitwell said in a deep voice.

"Huh?" Cao Gui was shocked: "What happened? You have so many subordinates now, can no one handle it?"

"I need you to help me with a task, this matter is very important." Sitwell said helplessly.

Cao Gui glanced at Gwen beside him and spread his hands.

"Go." Gwen held Cao Gui's face: "I'm tired of looking at your face these past few months."

"Really?" Cao Gui expressed his disbelief: "Then you were still sitting last night..."


Gwen blushed pretty face, and kicked Cao Gui down with one kick: "Go away, bastard!"

Cao Gui smiled, kissed Gwen on the face, and set off for the location given by Sitwell.

However, when he got there, Cao Gui found that it was not just him, but also Hawkeye, Black Widow and Captain America Steve.

"This is... what's the situation?" Cao Gui asked in surprise.

"Hello, Cao." At this time, a middle-aged, half-bald and tough agent stepped forward and shook hands with Cao Gui: "I'm John Gatler. I've heard Gaspar tell you about you many times."

"John Gatler...?" Cao Gui looked at this man in surprise, one of the Hydras, known as Clairvoyance, but he didn't seem to be so loyal to Pierce, and made a lot of small gestures in private.

Cao Gui had heard about this person for a long time, but this was the first time he had seen it, so... Cao Gui looked around for a week. There were five people, two Hydras, two S.H.I.E.L.D., and one Captain America.

"Okay, everyone is here." John Gatler clapped his hands and said, "Because one of our members has not participated in the previous mission, I will briefly describe what happened here."

Facing Cao Gui's doubtful gaze, Gatler opened a slide and said, "This man is called He has developed a micro-nano-robot, which has powerful destructive power. , in just ten minutes, it can devour a city, and it is a weapon of large-scale destruction."

"Unfortunately, this thing was robbed, and the person who robbed it was McCarran." Gatler said: "This **** used the funds we gave to create a weapon, and then used this weapon against us."

"According to the intelligence, they will come to Paris to activate the nanorobots and destroy Paris at the same time. After they destroy Paris, they will probably use the remaining three warheads to destroy the capitals of China, the United States and Russia."

Cao Gui scratched his face and asked, "What about Britain?"

"Britain?" Gartler laughed. "It doesn't matter whether that rookie country is destroyed or not."

Cao Gui grinned, as if that was the case.

"Who is this guy?" Black Widow asked in a low voice beside her. It was the first time she had seen someone who dared to interrupt when a superior was setting up a task.

And... this person looks familiar, I should have seen it myself.

But in fact, Cao Gui has seen her many times. I can only say that Cao Gui's disguise has always been good, and this black widow has not seen any flaws.

"The godson of Chief Sitwell..." Hawkeye whispered: "Besides, he is not weak."

"It's over," Gartler said. "Then we talk about the mission. All we have to do is organize their conspiracy, but the warhead must be returned to them."

"Captain, the three of you are in charge of the battle."

"Cao, together with the warhead, as a Trojan horse to find the enemy's base."

Cao Gui's face is strange, about this... he seems to know where the enemy's base is, can he tell it directly?

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