MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 564 Fan 2 18. Gu Qingzhu is missing

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Han Hao is black and face, feelings are waiting for him here. He thinks that his daughter has learned badly. As for the reasons for learning bad, it is still necessary to think about it. I was thinking about waiting for Hao Hao to leave the hospital, and I must clean up this stinky boy!

The fruit is not afraid of Han Han's black face. "Dad, I like him, I like it very much."

Han Han’s face is darker, and his body is full of resentment. “Fruit, there are so many good men in the world. The big forest is waving to you. Why do you stop in front of a tree? Go out and see other scenery."

The fruit is blinking, "Hey Haoge is not a tree."

Han Hao is cold, and hooking his daughter is a tree!

"Dad, I have grown up, always want to fall in love, you can't let me never marry forever?"

Han Yu is a stiff, if he can, he would rather raise his daughter for a lifetime, as long as he thinks that his daughter is going to be abducted by other men, his heart will hurt.

The fruit hugs Han Han’s arm. "Dad, I really like you, and you think about it. I grew up with my brother, I know each other, and I know each other. The two are also knowing the roots. I don’t know if I go outside. Okay?"

Han Han frowned, it seems to be very reasonable, but this is not a taste in this heart, looked at the daughter sideways, "He is so good?" This is not married yet, it helps people to speak.

Guo Zheng focused on the head, "Yes, he is very good, very good."

Han Wei looked at her daughter's bright eyes, and she sighed in her heart. She was a stupid daughter of her own family. She couldn't help but bite her teeth. Waiting for him to leave the hospital, he must find Hao Hao to "drink a glass of wine."

Han Hao’s heartfelt resentment is not willing to go to the ward anymore. When he saw it, he saw that he was angry in his heart. “Take me back to the hotel.”

The fruit looked at him with a look of difficulty. "Dad, if you go back first, I want to go back to the ward."

The cold air of Han Yu’s body screamed out, and the squeaking of the roots squeaked, and he snorted heavily, and his head did not return. What do you say about raising a daughter? This elbow is hurting the heart of an old father.

Going back to the hotel, I called Yu Xiaotong, who was filming. Yu Xiaotong expressed an accident about the fact that Guo Guo liked Hao Hao. I also had some regrets in my heart. Why is it not An An, hehe!

"You talked about whether I raised her in white, and left me alone in the hotel." Han Wei said that she was very sad.

Yu Xiaoying scorned, "She is twenty-four, and other girls have long been in love for eight hundred times. She likes what personal surprises are there."

Han squatted on his chest and was distressed. "That's the baby I hold in my hand, so I was abducted. I still don't allow me to be sad?"

Yu Xiaolan rolled his eyes. "You don't plan to raise her for a lifetime. Sooner or later, I have to marry someone. If there is anything wrong with it, I know it well. I think it is good."

"I didn't say that he is not good." Han Han grievances, he just can't bear her daughter!

"The female university is not staying, staying and staying to stay in the enemy, she likes to be jealous, and she likes her, but it is best. After waiting for the discharge, we will discuss with Chenxi and get married."

Han Han’s expression is cracked. He came to talk to his wife about grievances. Why did he get involved in her daughter’s engagement? He has not agreed yet.

"Yu Xiaotong, I don't agree." Han Han's face was blue.

It’s enough for Yu Xiaotong to give him a big white eye. From the young Han Yu, the little boy is not allowed to be close to the fruit. For fear that people will turn his baby daughter away. She once worried that her daughter can’t get married. Now I have this. A suitable person naturally agrees.

"What do you disagree with? Is it that people are not good enough or are they not good enough? Or are parents not working?"

It is not natural for Han Yu to support me.

"Han Han, if the daughter is too big, she should marry, and it is not a distant marriage. The two families are so close, and they have been driving for less than an hour. What are you unwilling?"

Han Hao complained, "Wife, I have raised her for more than 20 years."

"Then my parents have raised me for more than 20 years." Yu Xiaotong replied, "Oh, don't talk to you more, come to me immediately, hang up." Finished, hang without hesitation Turn off the phone.

Han Wei looked at the black screen and touched the nose. His life was so bitter, his wife not only did not help him, but also wanted her daughter to marry earlier, hehe...

Fruits naturally do not know that her old father's heart has been broken into glass slag, at this time she is taking care of Hao Hao in the ward.

After Hao Haogang finished the operation, he can only eat liquid food now. The fruit is feeding him a thin porridge. For this bowl of gruel, she has a lot of waste.

"Do you still eat?" After feeding a bowl, the fruit asked softly.

Hao Hao shook his head, his appetite was not good, this bowl of porridge was barely drinkable.

"Han Shu is there..."

Fruit does not care, "Nothing, my dad will figure it out quickly, he just can't bear me." It's not good, she still has her mother, her mother will definitely stand on her side, her mother is, she Dad agrees that it is a matter of time.

Hao Hao actually understands Han Han’s mood. If he is Han Han, he is also heartbroken.

"When I am better, I personally went to the door to explain to Han Shu." Hao Hao said.

If the fruit nods, this is a must.

She fixedly looked at Hao Hao, and Hao Hao raised her eyebrows. "What happened?"

The fruit has a reddish ear. "Hey, I am your girlfriend right now?"

Hao Hao is funny, "You don't want to?"

"No, I am willing." Fruit said immediately, she hoped that this day has been a long time, how could she not want to.

"Then we can say it well, you can do my boyfriend can not regret, never change." Fruit quickly interface.

"That can't be done." Who knows that Hao Hao shook his head. "I don't want to be your boyfriend for a lifetime. I want to go into the church together."

The heart of the fruit suddenly jumped a beat, bowed his head and said nothing, but the tip of his ear was hot.

Hao Hao looked at her and her eyes were tender.

After a while, until the heat on her face subsided, she looked up and looked at Hao Hao. "I went to get some water." Then she got up and left the ward.

Hao Hao looked at the back of her departure, and when she was about to leave the ward, she said, "Do you have a water bottle without water?"

After the fruit's footsteps, he quickly turned back and took the kettle, then escaped from the ward.

Hao Hao laughed, this silly girl.


One week after the successful operation of Hao Hao, Fu Yixuan returned to China, and the fruit was left in the country to take care of Hao Hao.

After leaving for a while, the company’s affairs piled up into mountains, and Fu Yuxuan worked overtime for three nights to get the job done.

Once again, with the starlight coming out of the company door, Hao Hao received a call from Lin Jing, "Quiet."

"宸轩, have you slept?" Lin Jing’s voice came from the end of the phone, exhausted.

"I just got out of the company, is there something?"

"Is there time tomorrow? See you, my parents asked me to bring some specialties to my uncle and aunt. Come over and take it."

Fu Xuan Xuan thought of Lin Jing back to his hometown some time ago. "Are you back?"

"Well, I just arrived today, you will come over from work tomorrow and take it down. If I am not at home, let me simply give it to you."

"it is good."

After hearing the exhaustion in her words, Fu Yixuan hesitated and said, "Quiet, are you okay? I seem to be tired of hearing your voice?"

Lin Jing bent his lips and said, "I am fine. It is estimated that the time spent in the car is too long. It is a little tired. I am not telling you, I will go to bed early this evening, goodbye."

Fu Yuxuan's brow is light and wrinkled. Today, Lin Jing's reaction is very strange. But I didn't think much.

Lin Jing hung up the phone, frowning her eyes, the tired color of her face, she didn't even take a shower and slept. After sleeping until midnight, she didn't know what she dreamed. She was sweating and her face was pale, and she suddenly woke up. Come over, she breathed the air with a big mouth, and after a long time, she got up and walked out of the bedroom.

The whole house was quiet and simple. She had already slept. She opened the refrigerator and took out a few beer from it. She sat on the sofa and slowly drank.

This time I went back because of the mother’s mandatory order. After returning, the mother and daughter had a big fight. If it were not her father, I am afraid that she would not come back this time.

She understood that her mother's temperament changed because of her brother's death, but that was not her fault in the past. Why did she push her mistakes to her? Her father asked her to understand her mother, but who would understand her? She is also wronged.

Because of her brother's death, her mother regarded her as an enemy. For so many years, who knows how painful she is, she is not crazy, but she is psychologically strong.

Lin Jing alone finished drinking a few cans of beer in the refrigerator. Her alcohol consumption was not good. She didn't take long before she was dizzy. She stood up and swayed back to the room. She thought it should be able now. Fell asleep.

The next day, when Fu Xiaoxuan came to get a special product, Lin Jing was not at home, and the family was only a simple person. Simply give a big bag to Fu Yuxuan. "That's all, it's Lin Jing's preparation for your parents, the specialty on their side."

"Thank you, quiet?" Fu Yuxuan took it and set it aside.

"I still work, I have to work overtime these few days, yes, if you have time, give her a call. She is not in a good mood. I was still drinking alone last night." She also saw her after getting up in the morning. The wine bottle in the trash can was discovered.

Fu Yuxuan heard the words, frowning, "Drinking wine? What happened?"

I simply shook my head. "I don't know. She didn't tell me. If you really care about her, ask her."

She simply yawned. She slept very late last night. She was busy for another day during the day. She was sleeping before Fu Xiaoxuan came. It took her great perseverance to get up and open the door for Fu Xiaoxuan.

When Fu Xuan saw it, he left with a very interesting thing. He thought about it and called Lin Jing. "Quiet, things got, thank you."

Lin Jing warmly said, "No thanks, it’s all my father... Mom prepared, you give it to your uncle and aunt, if you like to bring them next time."

"Well, if we have time tomorrow, let's have a meal together, lunch and dinner will follow your time."

"I have no time in these days. I went back for a while and worked a lot. Waiting for my work to be completed." Lin Jing refused. Her mood was obviously wrong these few days. She didn't want to bring negative energy to Fu Yuxuan, but she didn't want to. Let him know his wolverine.

"Well, call me when you are free." Fu Yuxuan said.

Lin Jing hung up the phone and continued to work hard. Now only work can divert her attention.

Fu Yixuan returned home and handed those specialties to the aunts at home, and then saw his dad return, "Dad."

Fu Hengyi nodded and looked at him with a certain degree. He always looked at Fu Yuxuan’s hair and recovered his gaze. Then he went upstairs without saying a word. Fu Yanxuan’s face is inexplicable. He didn’t do anything today. How did his father look at him like this?

Fu Hengyi went to find Shen Qingyi, Shen Qingyi was trimming the flowers on the plants on the balcony, "Clear." He called.

"Well, come back." Shen Qingqi did not even lift his head, it has been more than 20 years, and naturally can not be as excited as seeing people returning home just like getting married.

"Gu Qingzhu is missing." Fu Hengyi said quietly.

Shen Qingyi’s action on the hand, put the scissors on one side and looked at him fixedly. “What do you mean?”

Fu Hengyi licks his lips.

The last task was Gu Qingzhu’s last mission. She was lurking for four years and had reached the final stage of collecting the net. At the beginning of the transaction, it was very smooth. When the two sides traded, the police appeared and the two sides of the transaction were arrested. One is in the process, in this process, Gu Qingzhu’s organization, the three-headed family, did not know why he arrived. Seeing that he could not save the big master, he went to Gu Qingzhu, but he did not save her, but killed her. In the process of chasing, Gu Qingzhu disappeared.

"I was taken away by the three masters?" Shen Qingyi twisted his eyebrows.

Fu Hengyi shook his head. "No, the three masters died on the spot. The police and our people searched the place once and did not find her." In fact, he suspected that Gu Qingzhu fell to the cliff, not far from the trading location. Three kilometers away is a cliff with a height of 100 meters, and there are traces of people's activities and struggles.

Shen Qing’s face is a bit ugly. “Do you know a lot about this thing?”

Fu Hengyi shook his head again. "The police executives who have been responsible for this matter and I know her identity. Others only think she is a fugitive and carry out a search."

"Three parents want to kill Gu Qingzhu, her identity is exposed?" Shen Qing's brows are very tight.

"It is very possible." Gu Qingzhu is very prestigious in that organization. The relationship with the three-headed family is also good. If it is not the identity, the three will not do so.

That is troublesome.

"Do you need my help?" Shen Qing asked.

Fu Hengyi shook his head. "There are a lot of people searching for and saving, you don't want to get involved." He just said to Shen Qingyi, let her have a psychological preparation.

Shen Qingyi nodded and looked very dignified.

At dinner, the husband and wife went downstairs, and their faces had recovered calmly. They did not see Fu Yixuan as a strange look.


Lin Jing called Fu Xiaoxuan three days later. At that time, Fu Shuyi was sitting in his office. "Well, see you after work."

Fu Shuyi looked at his brother curiously. "Brother, who do you want to meet?"

"Lin Jing, wait for me to have a meal with her, go home first."

Fu Shuyi’s eyes turned and turned, “Brother, I’m going to go, the family’s meals are tired, I want to cook.”

"You just didn't want to let the aunt give you a steamed fish at night?" Fu Yanxuan ruthlessly broke her.

Fu Shuyi is not awkward at all, smiles. "When the steamed fish can be eaten, your meal is not."

Fu Yuxuan helpless, when did he become so smashed?

"Brother, or do you want to date her? I am not convenient?"

"What nonsense, is to have a meal with friends, you have to go." Fu Yuxuan scorned.

Fu Shuyi laughed, but the light in the eyes flashed, friends, some people didn't think so.

Fu Yanxuan took her sister to pick up Lin Jing. Lin Jing just wanted to open the front passenger's door and saw Fu Shuyi. She looked at her with a smile. Lin Jing made a slight meal and opened the back door.

Fu Shuyi turned his head and smiled. "Lin Jingjie, don't you mind if I come to eat rice?"

Lin Jing chuckled, "How come."

Fu Shuyi is satisfied, "Brother, I want to eat boiled fish."

Fu Yixuan did not agree, but asked Lin Jing's opinion, "What do you want to eat?"

"Just eat boiled fish, I can do anything." Lin Jing Wen Yan opened.

Fu Shuyi grinned, no strength.

When I arrived at the restaurant, Fu Shuyi was sitting next to Fu Yuxuan. Fu Yuxuan looked at Lin Jing. "You went back, how did you lose so much?" It seems to be two or three times thinner than the last time I saw it. .

Lin Jing laughs, "I am losing weight."

"Lin Jingjie, you are already thin enough, you don't have to lose any more, and then you have become a white bone." Fu Shuyi inserted a sentence.

"Women, where would you be too thin?"

"Book art is right, you are too thin now, don't lose it, affecting health." Fu Yuxuan said, Lin Jing looked like this is a bit embarrassing.

Lin Jing smiled and said a good voice.

At the dinner table, Lin Jing’s words are rare. Basically, Fu Shuyi is talking to two people. Most of them are talking to Fu Yuxuan. “Lin Jingjie, you are almost as big as my brother. Do you have a favorite?” Fu Shuyi seems to open unintentionally.

Lin Jing gave a slight meal and shook his head gently. "Not yet."

"Lin Jingjie, there should be a lot of people like you who are so good people. Isn't there one that will make you feel excited?"

Lin Jing shook his head. "I am not interested in falling in love at the moment. I just want to do my job well."

"Oh." Fu Shuyi looked at Lin Jing thoughtfully, obviously likes his brother, but he does not intend to say it. What does this mean? But this is better, she does not like Lin Jing with her brother, not that Lin Jing is not good, just think, she feels too depressed, full of negative energy, Fu Shuyi does not like to be full of People with negative energy.

Although Lin Jing is not very obvious, she is a person who is very sensitive to the emotions of others. From the first side of seeing Lin Jing, this feeling has already formed in her heart, and she touched it several times. More and more sure, but if Lin Jing is just a friend with her brother, she naturally has no opinions.

After dinner, Lin Jing went first. Fu Yuxuan looked at his sister and looked helpless. "Sugar, do you have any misunderstanding about Lin Jing?"

Fu Shuyi's face is inexplicable. "Ah, misunderstanding? No." She was misunderstood by Lin Jing.

"You don't seem to like her very much." What kind of person in his sister is still clear on the week, likes not to like it, he can see it at a glance.

"Did I have said this before? I really don't like her."

"Can you tell me why?" Fu Yuxuan did not understand, Lin Jing has always been kind to Fu Shuyi, where he offended this gimmick.

Fu Shuyi stunned and thought, "Probably the gas field is not right."

Fu Yuxuan frowned and reached out and gave her a burst of blood. "To tell the truth."

Fu Shuyi glared at his forehead and looked aggrieved. "You hit me, I want to tell Dad, hehe."

Fu Yuxuan looked at her performance quietly. He didn't use any force just now. "If you don't say it, wait until you really hit you."

Fu Shuyi grinned, "Comrade Xiao Fu, you are not right, my sister is used to love."

"You continue to be poor."

"Well, I feel that her negative energy is too heavy, haze."

Fu Yuxuan frowned. "What is your adjective?" How did a good girl come to her mouth like a witch?

Fu Shuyi shrugged. "You want me to tell the truth. Now that you don't believe it, you can't wait, well, I want to go home, send me home."

Fu Xuan Xuan drove, thinking about Fu Shuyi along the way, he did not think that Lin Jing was full of negative energy, but Lin Jing had something to mind, he saw it, no matter how well she hides, the eyebrows are always in the eyebrows. Inadvertently revealed, she seems to be unhappy.

"Brother, you and her have been gone for more than 20 years. Do you see her feeling of being a child?" Fu Shuyi was curious.

Fu Yixuan thought about it and shook his head. "I feel that it is definitely different. Time has passed so long, people will change." Lin Jing's change is still quite big. ..

"I am only a friend with her now. You don't want to yell at her in the future."

"People are not friends for you." Fu Shuyi whispered a whisper, Fu Yixuan did not hear clearly, asked a sentence, Fu Shuyi shook his head, "I said that I have yin and yang in her place, like my lovely young girl People are harmonious and friendly, how can you describe me with yin and yang?"

"Book art."

Fu Shuyi raised his hand. "Well, I know. I will be gentle and considerate to her in the future. I will smile with a smile, so I will do it."

Fu Yanxuan looked at her helplessly, did not speak again, but put her words on her heart, thinking about whether Lin Jing happened something, and asked her about it the next day.

Because Fu Shuyi was present today, Lin Jing did not eat very well, so the next day, Fu Yuxuan asked Lin Jing to eat alone.

"Quiet, do you have any thoughts?" After returning from Lin Jing, it seems to be more silent.

Lin Jing looked up and looked at him. "No, I can have something to worry about. It is probably too tired to work recently, so the body is a bit too much to eat." She thought that Fu Yuxuan said that she had lost a lot of things.

"Quiet, we are friends. If you need anything to help me, you can tell me that I can help you." Fu Yanxuan seriously opened his mouth.

Lin Jing quietly looked at his eyes, his heart was slightly sour, just intended to speak, Fu Xuan's cell phone rang, and his face changed when he was connected.

------Off topic ------

Guess who made the call?

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