MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 549 Fan 2 3. But he doesn't like me.

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"I just left for a while, how could I be bullied?" The clear male voice came from the side, with a little bit of coldness in the words.

When the fruit turned around, she saw Fu Yuxuan standing next to her. At this time, Fu Xiaoxuan’s face still had a shallow smile, but people could not feel any temperature.

When Chen Anya saw the face of Fu Yuxuan's face, the eyes flashed a stun, and even his own hands were forgotten in the hands of others.

Fu Yuxuan is too familiar with such a gaze, but there is no discomfort, and the woman's hand is opened. "Is you want to bully my girlfriend?"

Chen Anya asked, subconsciously asked, "Hannan smoke is your girlfriend?"

Fu Yanxuan looked faint. "She is not, can't she be you?"

The face of Chen Anya’s face was just a reminder of the purpose of standing here today, and suddenly the waist was hardened.

"If you are really a boyfriend of Han Nanyan, look at her, don't let her come out and hook up."

When the face changed, she wanted to open her eyes, but she was buckled by Fu Yanxuan and brought her to her arms. "My girlfriend's business will not bother you. But my girlfriend's eyes Very normal, in front of me... this little brother, I think, as long as the eyes are not stunned, the election should be me."

Ning Xiujie’s face was blue and green, and he screamed at Fu Yuxuan angrily. “What do you mean by this?”

Fu Yanxuan had no face. "I am sorry for this brother. I am just talking about things. If you think that I insulted you, I am sorry to say to you." He said that he was not sincere and would only make people more angry.

In fact, Ning Xiujie looks very good, it can be regarded as a handsome handsome guy, but in front of Fu Yuxuan is not enough to see.

Chen Anya woke up from the beauty of Fu Yuxuan and looked at him with anger. He just knew that it was very shameful to quarrel with people under the crowd, so he died and wanted to start thinking. He said coldly, "This gentleman, Han Nanyan What kind of person, you probably still don't know? I advise you, before you go with this woman, it is best to investigate her past, so that you don't know if you are wearing a green hat!"

Said, she hated the glance of the fruit, the eyes are full of embarrassment, why such a good man would like such a woman? Is this woman in the world dead?

She thought angrily, then took Ning Xiujie and left. Ning Xiujie did not want to leave, but the face that was indifferent to the fruit, and a deep glimpse of the bottom of the eye.

When the two left, Fu Yuxuan released the fruit and looked at her. "Han Nanyan, I didn't see it, there was a lot of rotten peaches." He just managed to handle two of her two days.

Fruits look awkward, "宸轩哥, you don't bother me, I am bothered."

"What happened to the man just now?"

"Don't mention it, I will be angry when I mention him. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be entangled by the crazy woman Chen Anya." The fruit was very angry.

"Come, tell me what is going on? Maybe I can help you out."

This thing has been in the fruit for a long time, and today it has been met by Fu Yuxuan anyway, she said directly.

Things have to start when the fruit goes to college.

Because the fruit grows more like Han Han, it can be said that from small to large, it is a little girl. At the beginning of elementary school, someone wrote her love letter.

And she has always dealt with the pursuer strategy, either to ignore it or to refuse it directly. Some refused, and took Fu Xuan as a shield. Just after going to college, Fu Yuxuan took the military school and then went far. Study abroad, the fruit will stay in the country.

Beautiful looks, good temper, good family life, such a fruit just attracted to a university, it attracted a large number of opposite **** eyes. There are countless pursuers. The most closely chased is the Ning Xiujie, the chairman of Shuangcheng International.

Ning Xiujie can be said to be fruit at first sight, and he can't extricate himself. From time to time, he will come to the fruit and see it. Shuangcheng International is carried forward in the hands of his mother, Ning, and is a company that can be side by side with the Han Group.

Ning Xiujie believes that the fruit and fruit are right, and it is also an unusual obsession in the pursuit of fruit. Even if the fruit has never promised, it has also been chased from the freshman to the senior.

After graduating, he learned that the fruit had to enter his father's business. He also tried to ask his mother to let him go to the Han Group for an internship. The purpose is self-evident.

Ning Hao is happy to see his son like the Han Group. After all, Han Group and Shuangcheng International have been good partners for many years. So I very much agreed to Ning Xiujie’s request for Han’s, and personally called Han Yu, hoping that he would agree to his son’s entry into Han’s family, learn from his name, and gain experience.

Although Ning Xiujie is chasing after the fruit, she is also a gentleman who has never done anything excessive to her. Over time, the fruit does not regard him as a pursuer, but a friend who can talk more. It’s just that Chen Anya doesn’t know when she’s on Ning Xiujie, because Ning Xiujie likes fruit and is opposite to her.

The fruit is too much for her. It is only because Ning Xiujie has always refused Chen Anya, and has not had any relationship with Chen Anya. Apart from proper distance with Ning Xiujie, she did not do anything.

Just half a year ago, wearing Anya used a little means to have a relationship with Ning Xiujie. Ning Xiujie consciously succumbed to the fruit, so he left the Han Group and gave up the pursuit of fruit. However, every time Chen Anya saw the fruit, she was still ridiculous, and she was like a thief.

After listening to the fruit, Fu Xiaoxuan smiled innocently, and the fruit did not look at him with a good spirit. "Don't laugh, 宸轩哥, don't say that you have never experienced such a thing."

On Fu Yanxuan's face, she is also a beekeeper.

"Cough." Fu Yuxuan tried to hold back the smile, but the shoulders still shivered slightly, and the fruit turned straight, and finally fortunate enough to look at her with her arms, she wanted to see how long this person can laugh.

Fu Yuxuan looked at the fruit. "No, it is such a wonderful thing that you met." That day the cafe man was like this, now this is the case again.

Fruit turned white, "Maybe I am such a physique, 宸轩哥, you said what should I do, this Chen Anya sees me every time, it is very annoying."

Fu Yanxuan was very expressive. "It's very simple. It's like violence. Just like people just want to hit you, are you stupidly standing in the same place and letting her fight?"

"I was not so stupid, I originally wanted to hide." It was only Fu Yuxuan who took the first step to stop it.

"The next time I meet her, if she does this again, you will be beaten directly. I am responsible for the accident." Fu Yuxuan said faintly.

"I think so too, this woman is too owed." Here, the fruit stared at Fu Xuan's face, his eyes were stunned, and Fu Yuxuan looked funny. "The eyes are pumping? If you have something to say."

"Yu Xuan, do you have any people you like in your heart?"

"How come the topic suddenly came to me?"

"Don't shift the topic, I want to know this. You tell me honestly, do you have a girl you like?"

"How are the children's family so gossip." Fu Yuxuan avoided talking.

Fruits pout, "Cut, Xuan Xuan, for so many years, you are still old, and you like to transfer topics for problems you don't like."

"Then you should tell me first, so many pursuers, you don't like one, is there anyone in your heart?"

"宸轩哥, you are not interested in this, I asked you first. You were very good at the military academy, why did you suddenly drop out of school, and then went abroad to study? Have you ever wanted to be a soldier from childhood to big? Speaking of this topic, Guo Guo looked at Fu Yuxuan seriously. She thought about this for a long time and asked him many times, but he was not willing to answer every time.

Fu Yanxuan’s face was a little faded, and I didn’t know what it was, and my eyes flashed a touch of unknown emotions, and it was fleeting.

"I can have someone I like, I don't want to go to the military school because I feel that the soldiers are too bitter, and suddenly they shrink back." Fu Yuxuan said casually, but he also lost interest in the people who asked the fruit.

The fruit is cold, "I believe you have a ghost." A child who was mixed in the military camp from an early age. Everyone who goes to the military camp every winter and summer vacation to experience the training of the recruits will say that the soldiers are too bitter? Even if there are people who are ignorant and uninformed, she must be unbelievable.

"Okay, young, I want so many easy wrinkles."

Fruit black line, "I said that you are like the old and the old. For the 宸轩哥, 裴浩哥 will come to your company?" When asked this, the fruit is full of eyes, even the hand holding the phone Something tightened up, but Fu Xuan Xuan remembered some past events at this time, did not notice the abnormality of the fruit, heard her words, casually said, "He will not come, his father gave the company to He manages, he is busy."

"Oh." The fruit was somewhat disappointing.

"You are not very familiar with him, why don't you ask him personally?" Fu Yuxuan is a bit strange. From small to large, the fruit has the best relationship with him, followed by Hao Hao, but this girl is more to Hao Hao. Worship, treats Hao Hao as his idol.

"You are not here by me, I ask how convenient it is." Fruit is perfunctory.

Fu Yixuan did not doubt, and said to himself, "But I haven't eaten with him this time. I will come out to gather him again. You have to come together and meet your idol."

"I won't go, the party between your boys, what do I do, if I see Hao Haoge, help me to say hello to him." Fruit refused.

Fu Yanxuan looked at her unexpectedly. "This is not like what you said. You used to be with me."

"You said it was before, now that I grow up, naturally I don't understand things as I used to."

This reason is very reasonable, but Fu Yuxuan always feels strange, but did not expect that it is wrong.

Because the office building has been selected, the next thing will be very smooth. After running for a few days with Fu Yuxuan, the fruit will be ready for everything, and even the house will be found.

"Yu Xuan, when are your friends?"

"I have already called them. I will arrive tomorrow. You will remember to drive tomorrow and pick them up with me."

"Yes, but you can't drive too fast, let me see you." Otherwise she will be lost halfway.

Fu Yuxuan, who knows the nature of her road idiots, naturally agreed. "Let's go, I have worked hard these days, please eat at night."

Fruits follow Fu Xiaoxuan with a smile. He is a very quality-conscious person. The taste of the place where he chooses to eat is very good. Fruits like to follow him behind him.

Fu Yanxuan took her to a Chinese restaurant and saw that the facade was more like a private kitchen. When she walked in, she saw an unexpected person.

Hao Hao saw the fruit and smiled. "See me stupid?"

The fruit returned, and whispered a whisper, "裴浩哥." Then looked at Fu Yuxuan, the meaning in the eyes is very obvious, why don't you tell me that Hao Haoge is also?

Fu Yanxuan’s face is calm and old, and what is the relationship.

Fruit knot, there is a relationship, of course, if there is a relationship, if she knows that Hao Hao is also, she will not come here, but now it is too late to say, she can not leave the chopsticks at this time, so in Fu Yuxuan Sitting next to it, it is just the opposite of Hao Hao.

Hao Hao looked at the fruit. She saw her keep her head down and couldn't help but smile. This girl is still minding the last thing. I will contact him several times a week. Now it has been several months, even once. The phone was not called to him.

Pass the menu to her. "Want to eat whatever you want, this taste is very good, you should like it."

Some fruits are absent-minded. I saw the menu in front of me and I came back and shook my head. "Hey, please, let me eat anything, not picky food."

Fu Yanxuan glanced at him and looked at Hao Hao again. His eyes flashed a bit of thoughtfulness and took the menu. "It’s all old acquaintances, still so polite, when will you wait until you can eat, or Let me order."

He ordered a few dishes, basically all of them loved to eat.

"Hao Ge, I haven't contacted for several months. Is your job still suitable?" Fu Yuxuan ordered the dishes and chatted with Hao Hao.

Hao Hao nodded with a smile. "Yes, I used to work in the company before. There is nothing wrong with it. It is you, how is the new company getting?"

"Everything is only owed to the east wind, hehe, unfortunately, if you have not taken over your dad's company, I really want to get you to my company. Our brothers can definitely sweep the capital shopping mall." Fu Yixuan regretted He really wants Hao Hao, but unfortunately...

Hao Hao smiled, "With your own skills, you can sweep the Beijing business community."

When the dish comes up, the fruit is only immersed in the food, and the person who usually loves it is particularly quiet today. In this case, there is no problem, then there is a ghost.

Fu Yuxuan's gaze circled around Hao Hao's body and saw him look calm, so he looked at the fruit. As a result, the girl only looked at the rice.

"Don't patronize eating, eat more food." Fu Yuxuan gave her a chopsticks dish.

The fruit sighed and still didn’t look up. Fu Yuxuan said, “What happened today, dumb?”

If the fruit reaches out and twists a piece on his leg, can't you ignore her?

"The people say that they don't talk about food." The fruit was faint.

Fu Xiaoxuan sneered, "When did you keep this rule?"

"I can't start now?" The fruit looked up and smacked him. After he finished, he was on the sly eyes of Yan Hao. He panicked and bowed his head.

"Drink some soup, don't lie." The slender hand appeared in front of her eyes, and the ear was a gentle voice. The fruit looked up and looked at Hao Hao slyly. The tip of the ear covered by the hair was quietly red. "Thank you, Hao Hao."

Hao Hao took back his hand and turned his head to continue talking to Fu Yuxuan, as if it was just an action.

Fu Yuxuan took this scene into the eye, and there was a faint guess in his heart. When the fruit was in the soup, he asked like an unintentional question. "Hao Ge, how are you with your girlfriend? Why didn’t you take her today? stand up?"

The fruit's body jerked stiffly, and the hand holding the spoon tightened and the ear slid quietly.

Hao Hao smiled. "She is on a business trip and it will take a few days to come back."

"Oh, this way, when are you engaged with her, is there a plan?"

"Not yet, but it should be faster. I just have time next weekend and I am going to visit her parents at her home."

Has the heart of the fruit been tight, has it reached the point of seeing the parents? So she really has no hope, right? She looked at the bowl of soup in front of her, suddenly lost her appetite and put down the spoon.

"Is it full? Just eat it so much?" I have been whispering with a lot of her eyes.

The fruit nodded, "宸轩哥,裴浩哥, I will leave if I have something to do."

Fu Yanxuan raised his eyebrows. "What else do you wait for? Why don't I know?"

"I have an appointment with my little sister to go shopping. She is already in the mall. I am going to find her now."

"You can find it?"

The fruit blinked. "I won't take a taxi?"

Fu Xuan Xuan has actually eaten almost, put down the chopsticks, "Hao Ge, this girl is the road idiot, I am afraid she is lost in the middle of the road, I will send her first, we will talk again the next day."

Hao Hao nodded with a smile. "Well, let's go, drive carefully on the road." He looked down on his head and deliberately didn't look at his fruit. He wanted to say something, hesitated, or said nothing.

Walking out of the restaurant, Fu Yuxuan looked at the fruit with his head down and sighed. "I have to hit the pole and go."

The fruit continued to move forward, and did not hear him at all. Fu Yuxuan grabbed her arm, "fruit."

Fruits subconsciously looked up, Fu Yuxuan saw a pair of red eyes, with tears, on his eyes, and lowered his head in a panic.

"Fruit, the person you like is Haohaoge?" Although Fu Xuanxuan asked her, but she has already confirmed that the fruit tonight is very abnormal, and such an abnormal source is Hao Hao.

The fruit shook his head sharply. "No, I don't like people." There was a hint of whimper in the voice.

Fu Yuxuan looked at her sophistry, her heart hurts, this silly girl, "when is it?" They grew up together, but they did not see that the fruit likes Hao Hao.

Although I also like to follow behind Hao Hao when I was a child, it is more dependent on my brother. Just like him, when did this feeling deteriorate?

"宸轩哥, don't ask." The fruit's tears fell.

Fu Yanxuan raised her head and wiped her tears. "Stupid girl, like him, why don't you tell him?" Now everyone has a girlfriend, and they have to meet with the parents. You are alone here. God hurts people and does not know.

"I said it, but it was rejected." Guoguo whispered, she confessed to Hao Hao on her birthday, and at that time, she knew that Hao Hao had a girlfriend, although she had been in contact for a week.

Fu Yanxuan raised his eyebrows. Did he really leave for too long? There have been so many things that he didn't know.

"Xuan Xuan, he doesn't like me, hehe." Fruit finally couldn't help but cry out.

Fu Yanxuan sighed and gently hugged her, "Cry, shoulder to borrow you."

The fruit was crying in Fu Yanxuan's tears, and he quickly smacked the clothes on his chest. Fu Yixuan seemed to be unassuming, gently patted her back, like Normal when I was young.

At the entrance of the restaurant, Hao Hao looked at this scene from a distance, and his eyes looked dark. After all, he did not go over and walked to the parking lot from the other direction.

The fruit cried for a long time before stopping, looking at the messy clothes that she was crying, and embarrassedly lowered her head. "Yu Xuan, the clothes are wet."

Fu Yixuan took a look and didn't care. "Is it better now?"

The fruit nodded, sighed.

"Go, let me go home."

The fruit pulls his sleeve, "宸轩哥, I don't want to go home. Are we going to the bar?" Because she just cried, her nose was red, her eyes were wet, so looking at him, a pitiful The look of Fu, Xu Yixuan’s heart is soft, “Well, get on the bus.”

They didn't go to the charm, there is the site of Han Han, the manager knows the fruit. As long as she goes to the bar, Han Yu will know, so the fruit will not choose the charm when going to the bar.

“宸轩哥, this cocktail is good.” Fruit took a cocktail in his hand and took a sip.

Fu Yanxuan looked at her indefinitely. "Drinking can, but you can't drink too much. Otherwise, if you are drunk, I can't explain it to your parents."

"Xuan Xuan, when did you become such a mother-in-law, rest assured, I will taste it, not drunk."

Fu Yuxuan didn't believe her at all. The amount of alcohol in this person was very shallow. If he didn't look at it, he might get drunk. When he thought of it, he faintly regretted taking her to the bar.

"Xuanxuan brother, I feel bad in my heart." She looked at Fu Yuxuan pitifully, she knew that he could not stand her like this.

Fu Yixuan really immediately felt soft, knowing that this matter should have been in her heart for a long time, and it is difficult for her screaming temper to be so fascinated for so long. "Forget it, drink it." Big deal, she is drunk. He will go back to her and will never let people bully her.

The fruit is on Fu Xuan's body. "Yu Xuan, you are the best for me."

She took the wine in front of her and drank half of the cup in one breath, scaring Fu Yixuan. "I am letting you drink, but I didn't let you drink it. If you are like this, then we will go back now."

"Well, well, I will drink slowly." Guoguo said, took a drink and took a sip.

She looked at the direction of the dance floor and suddenly spoke. "宸轩哥, you dance with me."

Fu Yanxuan glanced in the direction of the dance floor and shook his head. "Don't go."

"Well, go, you should be with me, 宸轩哥, please." Fruit drags his sleeves, just like when he was a child.

"Well, I am living with my gentleman today, grandma, please." Fu Yixuan made a gesture of please, and the fruit smiled and dragged him into the dance floor.

In the dance floor, the fruit squirms its body with the beat of the music. Fu Yuxuan can see that she is more venting, just silently accompanying her.

"宸轩哥, jump up." Guoguo shouted loudly, her face filled with a smile, but Fu Yuxuan saw deep sadness and sigh from her eyes. This silly girl is really likes it. Hey Hao.

He didn't know what happened, and he didn't know what attitude Hao Hao had about the fruit. He knew that Hao Hao had a girlfriend, and it was a month ago. However, since he has made a girlfriend, it must have no meaning in the fruit. This girl is mostly unrequited.

The fruit jumped three dances in a row, because Fu Xiaoxuan was by her side, and there were no people who didn’t have long eyes to dare to provoke her. Until she couldn’t jump anymore, she came out of the dance floor and returned. On the bar, the bartender gave her two glasses of wine. The color was very beautiful. She didn't like to drink spirits, but she liked the beautiful cocktails.

"Fruit, drink less, this drink is strong, if you get drunk, you should have a headache tomorrow morning." Fu Yanxuan held her hand and whispered a warning.

The fruit shook his head. "It's okay, wait for me to go back and have a cup of honey water. Hey, I am a little thirsty, let me have a drink first."

Fu Yanxuan did not let go of her hand. "If you feel thirsty, I will let the bartender give you a cup of boiling water."

Fruits laugh, "宸轩哥, are you kidding? Here is the bar, you let me drink boiled water?"

Fu Yixuan did not pay attention to this, but asked, "If you are drunk, can you go back to the house at night?" Han Han is not allowed to drink, let alone drunk.

Fruits pout, "宸轩哥, I don't like to come to the bar with you. Every time you are like my dad, hey, I don't finish it. Isn't it good to let me drink today?" There is a little dissatisfaction in it, like a child with a temper.

Fu Yuxuan looked at her, her eyes were faint. Where did he dare to let her drink so much? She was drunk, and she was not guilty of her own sin. When she thought about it, he wanted to leave the bar with fruit.

The fruit suddenly red eyes, licking his chest, "Yu Xuan brother, I am so painful here, so uncomfortable. You let me get drunk, people are not saying that a drunken solution, maybe drunk I am not that uncomfortable."

Fu Yuxuan couldn't see her like this. She raised her hand and rubbed her head and compromised. "Let's go. Drink, wait for me to take you home." Then, let the bartender give her a cup of wine and put it on. In front of her.

Fruit looks at the two cups of beautiful liquid in front of him, smiles, lifts a cup, and drinks it all. Fu Yixuan lets the bartender give him a glass of white water. Tonight, the fruit is destined to be drunk, and he must always stay awake.

A phone call came from the middle of the road. It was called by a small partner in the UK. Fu Yanxuan glanced at the fruit and said something in her ear, "I am going to pick up the phone." Also holding the mobile phone in front of the fruit. Shaking, the fruit nodded.

When Fu Xiaoxuan just left, the two men gathered around. "Little sister, one person, my brothers will accompany you."

The fruit is too lazy to give them a voice, silently spit out a word, "roll."

The two men changed their faces and looked at each other. They had already stared at the fruit, but she always had a handsome man around her, and she looked very uncomfortable. Seeing that the man is gone now, where will the opportunity be missed.

One of the thin men's hands inadvertently put on the shoulders of the fruit. "Little sister, don't talk so much, everyone is out to play, what's wrong with a drink?"

The fruit squinted and glanced at the hand on his shoulder. "Give me your salty pig's trotters."

The thin man listened to this, his face was dull, and he was again and again ruined by his fruit. His face was so good that he was a beautiful girl. After all, he was resistant to the heart. Temper, said with a smile, "Little sister, is it something unhappy? Say my brother to help you."

Fruits from the side of Fu Yuxuan put aside the white water poured into the man's face, "You must be a faceless person! Open your sister to close your sister, who is your sister, grow up with melons, and dare to hook up People, do not look in the mirror to think about whether this honor of their own will scare others! Hurry and roll." She is in a bad mood tonight, this man has repeatedly provoked her, her The temper instantly exploded.

The man did not expect that the fruit would suddenly turn his face and be splashed by her. Although it was summer, even if it was splashed with a glass of water, it would not be a problem, but it was a face problem, and the face immediately sank. The wrist of the fruit, "the stinky girl, give you a bit of a face, you are still starting to dye the room, today I want to let you know what is known."

He pulled the fruit and dragged her away, but suddenly he put a hand on his shoulder. "Who are you going to teach?"

The thin man turned his head and saw Fu Yinxuan's gloomy face. The eyes were so cold that he could freeze the dead. When he stayed, his hands were released.

The man has recognized that Fu Xuan is the man who is accompanying the fruit. Is this person gone? How come back? He just saw Fu Yuxuan gone, only to come over and pick up the fruit.

"Roll." Fu Yuxuan said coldly.

The man’s heart was cold, he said nothing, and he took his companion and left.

Fu Yuxuan looked at the fruit. "I just left less than ten minutes." His tone was helpless, and he had no cold feelings.

The fruit is innocent, "This is not my business, I am so good at drinking here."

Fu Yixuan took a look at the bar, just after this time, there were three empty glasses in front of the fruit. He glanced, "Do you drink all?"

The fruit glanced and then nodded. "Drink. This cup tastes the best." She pointed to one of the empty glasses and said, "Sweet, fruity, sipping, like...fruit wine ""

Fu Yuxuan’s support, some headaches, “Okay, since the wine is enough, the play is enough, we are going home.” Let’s get back and say, if you let this girl drink again, it’s estimated that problem occurs.

This time, the fruit was obedient, and did not say that she continued to stay, mainly because the two men had already destroyed her mood, and she wanted to leave. She got up, took two steps, and was a little embarrassed.

Fu Yuxuan held her in time. "Is it for you to go home at night, or go to my apartment?" The house in the center of Shen Qingyi was transferred to his name on the day of his son's adulthood. Now it is Fu Wei. Xuan's.

"I don't want to go home." The fruit still keeps a bit of reason, knowing that he is going back like this now, is to worry parents.

"That line, I will send you to my apartment for one night. When I call your mom, I will say that you live in my house tonight." Fu Yuxuan said casually, from small to large, the fruit is not less. He lives in the house, and Han Hao is used to it, let alone Yu Xiaoyu.

The fruit is half on Fu Xuan's body. "Huan Xuan, I am still a good friend."

Fu Yuxuan worried that she was not stable and held her directly. "You only have to say that I am good at this time."

"I always think that you are very good, 宸轩哥, you said that the person I like is not you? If I like you, isn't I not so painful?" Her voice is a bit light, but still clear The ground passed to Fu Xuan's ear.

Fu Xiaoxuan sighed and knew the fruit for so many years. He had never seen her like this, like a wounded deer, but desperately pretended to be a okay look, then hid in the corner and secretly cried. .

He was thinking, if he was not discovered by him today, how long would this silly girl bury it in his heart? Whether you have to wait until the wound is sore and festering will be noticed.

Walking out of the bar's door, the wind in the night was a bit cold, and the fruit was restored to a bit of reason. She looked at the neon lights on the street and suddenly fell down and hugged her legs.

Fu Yanxuan followed her and whispered to her, "Why don't you go?"

The fruit shook his head. "My head is so dizzy that I can't walk."

Fu Yuxuan could not help but smile. "Come, I am carrying you."

The fruit continued to shake his head. "I don't want to, Xuan Xuan, I want to cry. My heart is particularly uncomfortable. You said, how can he get married?"

Fu Yuxuan was speechless for a moment, and his heart vaguely regretted today's temptation.

"The fruit, there are many good men in the world. There are many people who like you. We can always pick one who likes you and are willing to be good to you." Fu Yuxuan softly comforted her.

"They are not 裴浩." The fruit said sobbing, the eyes were filled with tears. "He Xuan brother, why doesn't he like me, where is it bad? So many people like me, I don't have Look, the only thing that makes me feel good, but I don't like me, Xuan Xuan, I told him that I like him, but he said that I will be my sister, go to his sister, who will be his sister, 呜呜呜呜Hey."

She cried helplessly, tears fell to the ground.

Off topic

Shen Qing is the daughter of Shen Junyi and Wen Yuyao. Shen Shuhan is not. The name is that I mistakenly mistakenly, and the parents directly ignore it. I have already changed it in the text.

Therefore, the relationship between the characters is as follows: Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi have two sons and one daughter, respectively, Fu Xiaoxuan An An, Fu Shuyi Sugar and Fu Shuzhen Chen Chen, Shen Junyi and Wen Yuyao, a son and a daughter, respectively, Shen Qing Beibei and Shen Rui Han Yuhe Xiao Xiao is a son and a daughter, respectively, Han Nanyan fruit and Han Siwei. Others will appear one after another.

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