MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 534 Fu Ye romance

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An An went to the summer camp, and Shen Qingyi was not used to it for a while. He didn’t have the sound of An An’s voice in his ear and felt that life was less fun.

"I want to be safe?" Fu Hengyi saw Shen Qingyu in this state and knew what she was thinking. She spoke slowly. He is now coming back at a chance.

Shen Qingyi nodded honestly. "Well, I don't know if he can adapt to life there." Although he was born from Anan to the present, Shen Qingyi has had several experiences of throwing An An at home to let Chu Yunrong help, but this The second time is not the same, count it, this is the first time in the true sense of Anan.

"Clear, sooner or later there is such a day, and when Ann grows up, it will be farther away from us, you have to get used to it." Fu Hengyi advised her.

This truth Shen Qingyi naturally understands, "I know, but I can't worry, maybe I won't worry so much when he grows up." She blamed this worry on Anan's age is too small.

"If you don't know what to do, just go with me to trim the flowers and plants in the yard. The flowers in the grandfather's warm room should be trimmed." In order to transfer Shen Qingyi's attention, Fu Hengyi said.

Shen Qingyi thought for a moment, nodded, was about to get up, Fu Hengyi first stepped on her arm, Shen Qingyi looked at him silently, this man recently treated her as a porcelain doll, be careful everywhere.

"Be careful, it's always right." Fu Hengyi said softly.

Shen Qingyi knows that there is no point in arguing with Fu Hengyi, and faintly said, "Let's go."

In the summer, the flowers in the garden have already been opened, and the air has a faint scent of gardenia.

Shen Qingyi stood in front of a large gardenia, with a touch of nostalgia in the depths of her eyes. This is the favorite flower of her grandmother.

"Fu Hengyi, look, another year's flowers." Shen Qing said with amazement, Fu Hengyi took her shoulders. "Grandma saw you in the sky so happy now, and you will feel at ease."

Shen Qingyi smiled slightly. "I know." Her grandmother is most worried about her. Now her life is full, Grandma is naturally reassuring, just remembering that this old man was good to himself, and his heart could not help but rise to nostalgia.

There are no more varieties of flowers and plants in the flower room of Father Fu, but only a few sporadic plants, and because they are not often taken care of, one plant has even withered.

"Fu Hengyi, you will move this potted flower out." Shen Qingyi only pointed to the flower that had already withered.

Fu Hengyi was about to move forward, and Shen Qingyi called him again. "Wait."

Fu Hengyi paused and asked, "Can't move?"

"Don't move, you dig up this withered plant." She had a better idea.

What Shen Qingyu said, what Fu Hengyi did, went to find the tool, and according to the instructions of Shen Qingyi, the wilted plants inside were dug out with the soil, leaving only an empty flower pot.

Shen Qingyi walked to a longevity flower, and the longevity flower grew very lush, and the flowerpots could not fit it. She picked up the scissors and cut a few plants without hesitation. She directed Fu Hengyi to fill the empty pots with soil, and then inserted the flowers of the longevity flower into the soil and poured water.

"Longevity flowers are very good to feed, as long as you can give some soil and sunshine to live, there will be a new pot in a while." Shen Qingyi said faintly, she was not interested in these flowers and plants, just because she likes grandmother She learned something with her grandmother.

"Just like this?" Fu Hengyi asked her.

Shen Qingyi nodded. "Just let it go. It will take a while for it to grow."

While pruning the squid, while chatting, Shen Qing was temporarily throwing An An behind. There are not a few plants in the greenhouse, and the two will soon be finished.

"Tomorrow we go out to travel." From the greenhouse, Fu Hengyi suddenly suggested.

Shen Qingyi turned to look at him, "Travel? Do you have a holiday?" Fu Hengyi's holiday is generally very short, no more than three days.

"I came back for a week's vacation this time. I will take you out for a walk and go for a few days tomorrow. When I come back, the summer camp for Anan is over." Fu Hengyi said, staying at home, Shen Qingyi will inevitably think of Anan. It is better to go out and walk, just as they can live a two-person world.

Shen Qingyi thought for a moment, and there was really nothing to do recently, and she and Fu Hengyi did not go out together for a long time, so she nodded with a smile and looked forward to an extra look. "Where?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. I will check it in the evening and tell you tomorrow." Traveling is a temporary decision. The destination is where Fu Hengyi didn't think about it.

Shen Qingyan’s eyes turned. “If you didn’t think about it, then let’s go to Hangzhou. I’ve been there before, the scenery in Hangzhou is good.” She went to Hangzhou a few years ago and had a good impression on it. Ok, I always wanted to see it again, but I have been stalked by trivial things for so many years.

"Well, listen to you. I am going to book a hotel and a ticket now." Fu Hengyi said that he would do it.

The trip was settled like this.

When I was eating at night, Fu Hengyi said to Fu Fu, because Fu Hengyi was accompanied, and Fu Laozi did not have anything to worry about. He just said, "Qingtou is now a double person. When you take her out, you must Take care of it."

"Grandpa, I have a measure."

Fu Hengyi is the ticket for tomorrow at noon. The time to arrive in Hangzhou is already two o'clock in the afternoon. Because the car was rented in advance, Fu Hengyi took the ceremony and went to the car rental office to pick up the car.

Shen Qingyi does nothing, just follow Fu Hengyi.

I went to the hotel to put my luggage, and then Fu Hengyi took out a map. "I haven’t been here yet. You can see where you want to go."

"Let's go boating on the lake." Shen Qingyi pointed to the blue piece on the map. "The last time I came alone, I just walked around the lake and didn't go to the lake. This time we are together. Go to the heart of the lake."

"Good." Fu Hengyi did not have any opinions.

Compared with the last time, the change in Hangzhou is even greater. Shen Qingyi has a feeling of being separated from the world. She inquired with the lady at the front desk of the hotel, knowing that there were light shows in many places in Hangzhou at night, so after eating dinner, she pulled Fu Hengyi out.

The surface of the Qiantang River is still wide open. Standing on the riverside, you can see an obvious light belt on the other side of the river. The opposite building is showing a colorful light show.

"I didn't have this when I last came." Shen Qing said softly.

“Do you have a good impression of the city?” Fu Hengyi asked her.

Shen Qingyi nodded. "This is a very gentle city." This is the most profound impression she has on Hangzhou when she came to Hangzhou a few years ago.

“The pace of life here is very slow, people walk through a kind of leisure, unlike in the capital, taking an elevator, people are also rushing.” Shen Qing said slowly, slowly describing his original to the city. impression.

"Fu Hengyi, if you can, I want to support the elderly in such a place in the future."

Fu Hengyi took her hand and walked on the edge of the river. The river wind was blowing on the body with the hot summer wind, but it was wrapped in the coldness of the night, and it would not make people feel stuffy. The wind blows the longness of Shen Qing. hair. Fu Hengyi looked at her sideways, her eyebrows soft and a slight smile, "There will be."

"When you came last time, have you ever eaten food that you will never forget? I will take you to eat tomorrow." Fu Hengyi said as he walked.

Shen Qingzhen thought about it and remembered the piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake in that alley that year. "It's really there, but I don't know if the old woman is still there."

"I will see it tomorrow."

The two walked on the river for almost an hour. Fu Hengyi worried about Shen Qing’s body and would not be allowed to take her back to the hotel. The two returned to the hotel and lay down to sleep. Early the next morning, Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi went to the West Lake.

It is not a tourist season, and there are not many people at the West Lake. Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi went straight to the dock.

"Do you want to take the boat?" asked the boatman.

Shen Qingyi nodded, Fu Hengyi took her hand and took her to the boat. "Go to the Three Pools."

The second person chose to shake the boat. The boatman stood on the bow of the boat and shook the paddle. Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi were sitting in the cabin, and the boat swayed on the lake.

At this time, the sunshine was not fierce. Shen Qingyi suddenly became interested in playing. She stood sideways and put her hand into the water. Fu Hengyi sat next to her, balancing the gravity of the ship and preventing the hull from tilting and falling. In the water.

The water passed through the palm of the hand to bring a cool touch. Shen Qingqi raised his hand, and the fingertips still carried water drops. Her eyes blinked slightly, and the waterdrops flew over Fu Hengyi's face.

Fu Hengyi only saw the light smile of her mouth, with the innocence of the child, he smiled softly, and did not care about the water on the face.

The boat docked, Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi went to the small island in the center of the lake.

“Fu Hengyi, do you think that there is such a pure land in the city? Is it a wonderful thing?” Shen Qingyi stood in the center of the lake and looked at the mountains around the lake, smiling. Said to Fu Hengyi around.

Fu Hengyi really didn't have any special feelings about these. Only Shen Qingyi liked it and nodded. "Alright."

Shen Qingyi couldn't help but smile. "Do you only have this simple word for its evaluation?" Hangzhou City is also a famous tourist city in the country. It has become so common in Fu Hengyi's mouth.

Fu Hengyi looked at her. "In my eyes, there are more beautiful scenery than this city."

Shen Qing’s heart slammed, and the man’s love is now handy. Turning his head slightly, avoiding the gaze of Fu Hengyi, looking at the surface of the water, just saw a pair of cockroaches cuddling each other.

The island is not big, Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi have finished in less than half an hour. When the boatman did not leave, he stopped at the shore and waited for Fu Hengyi and Shen Qingyi to tour and take them back.

The sun gradually rose and the temperature gradually rose. Fu Hengyi was afraid of Shen Qingyu's heatstroke, so she did not let her continue to expose to the sun. Instead, she took her to a tea house on the shore, where she could see the whole lake.

In front of Shen Qingyi, there was a dish of delicate pastries. She picked up a piece and tasted it, frowning slightly. ..

Fu Hengyi saw it and asked softly, "I don't like it?"

"Too sweet." She still likes the sweet-scented osmanthus cake made by the old woman.

Fu Hengyi knew what she was thinking about, asked the address clearly, and got up and took her to find the delicious food.

He held an umbrella on his hand, mostly on the top of Shen Qingying’s head. The two men walked into an alley in accordance with the route in Shen Qingyi’s memory.

"Is there a lady who is making a sweet-scented osmanthus cake nearby?" Shen Qingyi stopped a passerby and asked.

Passers-by saw Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi, and the eyes flashed a stunning, this pair of men and women looked really good, "I am sorry, I also travel here, it is not clear to this." Passers-by are embarrassed to touch the head.

Shen Qingyi smiled slightly, "Excuse me."

Fu Hengyi looked around and looked for a younger old man to ask for directions. The old man pointed to the front. "Go ahead, go a few tens of meters, but the old lady has passed away. It is her daughter who makes cakes now."

It was said that Shen Qing’s eyes flashed a sigh of relief.

"Are you still going?" Fu Hengyi asked her.

Shen Qingyi nodded. "I have come here, let's see."

Going forward less than 50 meters, I saw a small store, not the address in memory, but the decoration in memory.

Shen Qingyi walked in. There was only a woman of about 50 years old in the store. She recognized the daughter of the old lady at that time and had a relationship.

However, the woman had no memory of her. She saw someone coming in, stood up, and greeted with enthusiasm. "What do you want to buy?"

Shen Qingyi looked at the dazzling cakes on the table and pointed to one of them. "Give me some."

"This is the signature of our family. The taste is absolutely the most authentic in Hangzhou." The woman is very enthusiastic. In order to prove her own words, she also deliberately took out a piece of cake and cut it into small pieces. "You can try it first, if you like it." You can buy more."

Shen Qingyi took good care of the flow and took a small piece of toothpick. The entrance to the pastry is still the same as the taste in memory, but it is slightly different, but it also has a similarity of nine points.

"Buy me two pounds." Shen Qingyi said.

"Good, wait a moment."

Waiting for the boss to pack, Shen Qingyi asked like unintentionally, "I remember this shop did not seem to be here."

The proprietress heard the words and looked up at Shen Qingyi. "It turns out that you are an old customer. This shop was not really here. I have to go a long way. It was my mother’s, but my mother died. The house gave it. My brother, this is my house. I like to make cakes and I will reopen my mom's shop."

"When I came to Hangzhou in the past few years, I had eaten the cakes made by your mother and I have been obsessed with it. I went to Hangzhou with my husband this time and went to buy some."

The smile on the woman's face is full of points. "Although the cake I made is not as delicious as my mother, the taste is definitely the most authentic in Hangzhou. You must have known it before."

Shen Qingxiao nodded with a smile. "You have got your mother's true biography, it is really delicious."

During the talk, the woman has packaged the pastry, and Fu Hengyi took the pastry and said, “Thank you.”

Shen Qingyi walked down the alley to the end, looked at the familiar street, and his eyes flashed a sigh of relief. "I saved Yan Xi from here when I last came." She looked at the corner of the street and whispered.

Fu Hengyi took her shoulder. "Clearly, Yan Xi's thing is not your fault, you don't want to think so much." Yan Xi's thing has always been a wound in Shen Qing's heart, Yan Xi is not good, this day of injury Will not heal.

Shen Qingyi nodded. "I know, I just revisited the place and saw this scene. I suddenly thought of Yan Xi. I don't know how she is doing now." Shen Qingyi has not seen Yan Xi for a long time, not that she does not want to go. But Yan Xi does not want to see them now.

"Yan Xi's side has Dougs, Dougs will accompany her, don't worry." Compared with Shen Qingyi, Fu Hengyi's heart does not have much feeling for Yan Xi, although he also sympathizes with the girl's experience. At the end of the day, Shen Qing’s experience in those years is not much better than her. Yan Xi has been unable to come out because she is not strong enough. Perhaps this is too cold-blooded, but Fu Hengyi really can't spend too much thought on women other than Shen Qing.

It is inevitable that Shen Qingyi will continue to touch the scene, Fu Hengyi took her away from this place, "We go to eat the special food here. People say that eating can make people feel cheerful."

Hearing, Shen Qing smiled and looked at him. "I don't believe this is what you said."

“Do you feel that I have become more and more considerate?” Fu Hengyi asked with a smile, this is a joke, but did not expect Shen Qingyi to nod. “Well, Fu Hengyi, you have always been considerate.”

Fu Hengyi raised his eyebrow slightly. "Are you boasting about me?"

"Isn't it?" Shen Qing's mouth twitched, and the smudge that had just risen in his heart disappeared.

The two had a full meal and strolled on Nanshan Road. The Nanshan Road at night was more attractive than the daytime. Shen Qingyi looked at the two hands and fingers, and lifted it slightly, and looked at the back of Fu Hengyi. Fu Hengyi, what is the most important thing you want to do?"

"To accompany you to the old." Fu Hengyi said without hesitation, this is the only thought in his heart.

"I told you seriously."

"What I said is serious, clear, for me, the rest of my life with you watching our children born, growing up, accompanying you to become old is what I want to do." I do not know when, Fu Hengyi stopped Steps, looking down at Shen Qingyi, look serious.

To his eyes, Shen Qingmei glimmered, and looked around. Suddenly, he stepped on Fu Hengyi’s face and kissed him like a young girl, then touched it and then pretended to go forward without incident. go.

Fu Hengyi reached out and touched the place that had just been kissed, slowly smiled, and lifted her foot to her footsteps.

They stayed in Hangzhou for three days. On the fourth day of the morning, Fu Hengyi set off with Shen Qingyi again. "Where are we going again?" Shen Qingyi asked on the way.

Fu Hengyi smiled. "You will know when you arrive."

When Shen Qingxi saw his mysterious appearance, he no longer asked, but turned his head and looked out the window. The scenery quickly retreated in front of his eyes. Shen Qingyi said again, "Would you take me to the mountains?" Driving away from the remote, watching the situation they are going to enter the mountain.

"Don't you still afraid that I sold you?" Fu Hengyi made a joke.

When Shen Qing saw him, he still refused to say, simply shut up, and the scenery along the road is quite beautiful, and appreciate the scenery. Fu Hengyi saw her interest in the scenery along the road, reducing the speed of the car, and they were not in a hurry.

On the road, Fu Hengyi’s cell phone rang, “Clear, help me pick up the phone.”

Shen Qingyi took the mobile phone out of his pocket. It was a strange number. Shen Qingyi picked it up. "Hello, who?"

There was a low male voice on the other end of the phone. "Is Fu Hengyi there?"

Shen Qingyi quiet for a second, "wait." She handed the phone to Fu Hengyi's ear, the other party did not know what to say, Fu Hengyi's twilight was very cold, "I am on vacation now, there are things you go directly to the commander. ”

After that, he hangs up directly with his mobile phone, and by the way, he shuts down the phone and puts the phone on one side. Fu Hengyi’s face slowly returns to normal.

"Is there an emergency in the military region?" Shen Qingyi asked.

Fu Hengyi shook his head. "Don't care, it's not something I can't do."

"If the situation is urgent, we can come again next time." This time Fu Hengyi can accompany her to go out, Shen Qingyi is already very satisfied, and it is not mandatory for whether to continue here.

"It doesn't really matter, but some people can't afford the responsibility of doing the wrong things. I want to help me to ask for help. I don't bother to mix things like this."

Shen Qingyi was a thing that had nothing to do with Fu Hengyi. She was relieved. She closed her eyes and rested. She was a little sleepy.

Fu Hengyi saw it and reached for a thin blanket. "Cover, don't catch a cold."

Shen Qing opened his eyes and glanced at the burning sun outside the window. He took another look at Fu Hengyi. "Fu Hengyi, today's outdoor temperature is thirty-seven degrees Celsius." He even let her cover the blanket!

"In case, you are weak now, and the air conditioner is turned on in the car, no more than before." Fu Hengyi said softly, "And we are one and a half hours away from the destination, you can sleep."

Shen Qingyi wanted to take a rest with his eyes open and heard that there was still more than an hour's journey. He stared at the blanket for two seconds and silently covered the blanket.

The road gradually became bumpy, and Shen Qingyi was woken up. When he blinked, he saw a large piece of green, a rice, and he couldn’t see his head at first glance.

A village soon appeared in the field of vision, Shen Qingzhen understood that this should be the destination of their trip.

"Wake up?" Fu Hengyi looked at her sideways, Shen Qing blinked, his eyes instantly recovered, "Where is this?"


Shen Qingyi is very strange to this place name, and does not know how the people around him found the village. Fu Hengyi did not specifically explain it. He took out a number on the mobile phone. "Well, we arrived. Ok.... I saw it, Then let's do this first."

The car stopped in front of a house, and Shen Qingyi saw a tall man standing in front of the house, his skin dark, and he looked at them nervously.

Fu Hengyi opened the door, Shen Qingyi also followed the car, but saw the man standing upright and respected Fu Hengyi for a military ceremony. "The captain is good."

Fu Hengyi looked indifferent, but his eyes were mild. "This is not a unit. You call me Fu Ge directly."

"Yes, Fu Ge." The man shouted and looked at Shen Qingyi. "The scorpion is good. My name is Li Min. It is the former soldier of Fu Ge."

Shen Qingyi smiled slightly, "Hello." But I did not expect that Fu Hengyi went to the south to know someone.

"Fu Ge, the room has been prepared for you, do you want to take a break?" Li Min asked Fu Hengyi for advice, and Fu Hengyi nodded. "Working hard."

Li Min’s face showed a thick smile. “Fu Ge, you can come to my house. I am very happy. There is no hard work.” Li Min has taken them to a room on the third floor, the room is very clean. An application is placed neatly and obviously has been specially cleaned.

"Fu Ge, nephew, my wife is cooking, you should take a break and wait until you can eat."

Fu Hengyi put down the luggage and glanced at the room. "Thank you."

"Fu Ge, don't be so polite with me, if it is not you, where is my present." Li Minle said happily.

When Li Min left the room, Shen Qingyi asked, "Is he the soldier you used to be?"

Fu Hengyi nodded. "Well, he was the first soldier I brought. Li Min is one of the best. He was seriously injured in a mission. He is not suitable to stay in the army. He can only return to his hometown. A few years ago. I occasionally heard other people talk about his situation, and if he knew that he was not doing well, he gave him some advice."

Shen Qingzhen suddenly understood that when she came, she noticed that the house was more conspicuous in the whole village. I wanted Li Min to make a fortune because of Fu Hengyi’s suggestion.

"This time I came to Hangzhou, I suddenly thought that I was very close to here, I will take you to see it." Fu Hengyi said slowly, of course, also came to see the meaning of the former comrades.

"This place is really beautiful." It is far from the city, and even the air is full of fragrance, green mountains and green water. In addition to the smoke is green, the environment is really bad.

"We can stay here for two days."

Li Min soon came up again and came to call them to eat.

Li Min’s wife is a very ordinary woman, but she loves to laugh. She smiles and has a shallow pear vortex on her face. It looks very kind. “Fu Ge, nephew, you have to sit down.”

Shen Qingyi looked at the dishes on the table. The chicken, duck and fish were all there. The plate was not delicate, but the color and flavor were full. Li Min’s wife said with a smile, “There is nothing in the countryside, just some chickens raised at home. Duck, don't give up."

Shen Qingyi smiled slightly. "This is very difficult. You can't eat such delicious food in the city." The entire capital is now without live birds, and only has been killed.

"When you are gone, I will let Li Min grab a few of them for you to take away. They are all raised by their own families. They will not give them some messy things. They are absolutely safe and green."

Shen Qing’s mouth is lightly swayed. “Your kindness is our heart, but we are going back to the plane, and we are not allowed to bring these on the plane.”

Li Min’s wife has some regrets. “Then you will eat more this time.” She warmly greeted them.

"Fu Ge, we haven't seen each other for so many years, this time it's hard to see, you can have a good drink." Li Min is very excited.

Fu Hengyi did not refuse. Li Min took out his own rice wine. He poured a cup of Fu Hengyi and was about to give Shen Qing a trip. But he was stopped by Fu Hengyi. "She is pregnant now, can't drink."

"Is the nephew pregnant? Congratulations to Fu Ge." Li Min is very happy, smile is sincere.

Shen Qing’s face was always filled with a smile. Li Min’s wife heard the words and moved a bowl of soup to her. “Yunzi, you are pregnant and drink this chicken soup. This chicken is the old hen I have raised for several years. Very nourishing." She gave Shen Qing a bowl.

Shen Qingxi does not like to drink soup, but the hospitality is difficult. "Thank you, I will come by myself." She took a sip and the chicken soup was delicious. She did not put any extra seasoning. The taste was very good. Even Shen Qing, who was unwilling to drink soup. They all finished drinking a bowl of soup.

When a man drinks alcohol, he will have more words. Li Min, while drinking, talks with Fu Hengyi about the past when he was a soldier. Fu Hengyi did not listen to Li Min, and occasionally echoed two sentences.

Although chatting and drinking, Fu Hengyi did not ignore Shen Qingyi. She looked at her from time to time and saw that she had eaten well. Without any discomfort, she was relieved.

Li Min’s wife noticed this scene, and she was envious of her eyes. Although the couple in front of her eyes looked at the age gap, it was obvious that Fu Hengyi loved his wife very much.

When he met the old man in his hometown, Li Minyi drank too much. Fu Hengyi helped his wife to help him into the room. Li Min’s wife looked at Fu Hengyi apologetically. “Fu Ge, I am really embarrassed.”

Fu Hengyi smiled. "Nothing, let him sleep. I took my wife to walk around."

"Then I will accompany you."

"No, we are walking around, Li Min is not drunk, you give him some hangover."

"Then I will not greet you, you are free, the scenery in the vicinity is not bad."

Although she was drinking with Li Min, Fu Hengyi was very restrained and did not get drunk. She took Shen Qing’s hand and took her out.

"It's very quiet here." Shen Qingyi opened his mouth and his eyes fell in the distance. Unlike the town in the capital, it was truly quiet. On the road, you can see the villagers who came back from the field with their hoes and gait leisurely.

The village is not big, Shen Qingyi Fu Fu Hengyi's appearance is outstanding, but also two strange faces, naturally all the way, all the way to attract a large number of sight, but these sights are curious, there is no malicious.

"Is this the life of the legendary male peasant woman?" Shen Qing squatted, watching Fu Hengyi, with a shallow smile on his lips.

Fu Hengyi smiled, "Like here?"

"Oh, very fresh." Although Shen Qingyi has suffered a lot of hardships, the countryside like this is strange to her, plus the two styles of the South and the North are completely different, so I can see at a glance. Naturally, it is a bit fresh.

"It will be more beautiful in the evening." Fu Hengyi mysteriously smiled.

Shen Qingyi is somewhat puzzled. Is there any activity at night? In the evening, she realized what the beauty of Fu Hengyi said.

As night fell, the darkness enveloped the entire village and had dinner. Fu Hengyi went out with Shen Qingyi again, and he still had a thin bamboo pole in his hand.

Walking in the field, Shen Qing’s ear rang with frogs, accompanied by occasional howling, a natural summer Rhapsody.

"What are we going to do?" Shen Qingyi looked at the man in front of him.

"You will know when you wait." Fu Hengyi sells Guanzi.

Shen Qingyi no longer speaks, silently follows Fu Hengyi's side, listening to the frogs in his ears, and his heart is calm as never before. Suddenly, there was a little bit of light in front of her eyes, and Shen Qing was condensed, and it turned out to be a firefly.

The fireflies flew in the rice fields, emitting a faint light.

"You are waiting here." Fu Hengyi said softly, and he himself went to the rice field in the field.

The bamboo poles in the hand gently glided over the rice fields, and the field suddenly raised a piece of fireflies, and the stars were just like the stars in the sky.

Shen Qingying's eyes are full of stunning colors, such a scene is like a shot in a movie.

Today's weather is fine, the sky is clear, the sky is covered with stars, and the fire on the ground shines.

Shen Qingyi stood in Tiantou and looked across Fu Hengyi. In fact, she could not see Fu Hengyi's appearance, but she could imagine that Fu Hengyi's expression on his face would be gentle and embarrassing.

“Like?” Fu Hengyi walked to Shen Qing’s side and asked softly.

Shen Qingyi nodded, "very beautiful." It feels like being in a fairy tale world.

Fu Hengyi put her hand in front of her. In the palm of her hand, there was a firefly. The tail flashed and flashed. It was probably a good opportunity to escape. The firefly wings flew away.

"Go," Fu Hengyi said.

"Would you like to go back?" Shen Qingyi was a bit sad.

Fu Hengyi smiled, "Take you to see something else."

Wen Yan, Shen Qingyi's heart is a little faint, and he is next to Fu Hengyi, and he is not asked where he wants to take himself.

Fu Hengyi took her to a small river, and a rocking ship quietly docked on the shore. Fu Hengyi first jumped on the boat and then reached out, "Come up."

Shen Qingyi was on his hand and easily boarded the ship. Fu Hengyi shook the paddle and the boat swayed gently in the river.

Shen Qingyi saw it, unexpectedly raised his eyebrows. He did not expect that Fu Hengyi would even shake the boat. To say that Fu Hengyi would open a warship, she was not surprised at all, but this boat... she wanted to know what else he would not .

The waves of water swayed gently. Wherever they passed, the fireflies flew from the paddy fields and the grass between the shores. Some of the fireflies were probably not afraid of life. They even flew to her side, and Shen Qing’s sorrows, but it’s shaking. The oar man, the fundus is gentle like water.

The boat swayed in a circle, the tip of the nose lingered with a touch of rice, and the ear was a frog. Shen Qingyi gently closed his eyes. The whole person leaned back and leaned on the side of the ship. Fu Hengyi changed a position and balanced. With a boat.

There is no moonlight tonight. In addition to the fireworks and stars in the field of vision, I can't see other things, but Fu Hengyi seems to see the silence of Shen Qingying's face at this time. He smiles slightly. In fact, his requirements are always simple, as long as The woman in front of me is just as happy.

When the boat was docked again, Shen Qingyi did not know how long the time had passed. He only remembered that the starlight and the firefly of the night reflected each other. The fairy tale that Fu Hengyi sent was very beautiful.

------Off topic ------

Do you like this Fuye? I think I may have fangs, are you fangs?

Ps: When I was a child, I lived in rural Ningbo. My favorite thing is summer. One night, the frog sounds like insects, and the fireflies flying in the rice fields. The picture is engraved in the depths of my mind.

Read The Duke's Passion