MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 530 Luyao production

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When Fu Hengyi came out of the bathroom, Shen Qingzhen was lying in bed waiting for him. Her hands held her head, so she looked at him quietly. Under the pajamas, there was a faint white skin, Fu Hengyi’s eyelid moment. Become deep.

He slowly walked to Shen Qingyi's side, so he looked at her quietly, Shen Qingyi was not in a hurry, and he was opposite to him. After all, Fu Hengyi couldn't help it. He turned over the bed and looked at her eyes fixedly. "Think of me?" His mouth twitched and his eyes twitched slightly, so that he had a fascinating smell on his body.

Shen Qingyi smiled and reached out to grab his neck. He pushed the distance between the two with a little force. "What do you say?"

Fu Hengyi laughed, and laughter echoed in the chest. "I miss you too." He said, bowing his head and kissing Shen Qing's red lips.

After a long night, I only heard the red charge.


Shen Qingyi originally planned to stay in the military area for a while, but after all, he only left for a week, because Wen Yuyao produced it.

When she received the call, Wen Yanyao was being taken to the hospital on the way, she started in advance.

"Brother, don't worry, I will come over now." Shen Qingyu said, then gave Fu Hengyi a phone call and told him that he was walking with Anan.

"Mom, are we going to go back?" Anan asked curiously.

Shen Qingyi nodded. "Your aunt wants to have a baby, let's go back to see the baby."

Anan’s eyes lit up. “Sister is coming out?”

Shen Qingyi smiled slightly. "How do you know that you are a younger sister? What if you are a younger brother?"

An An’s face is taken for granted. “It must be a younger sister. I have dreamed.”

Shen Qingyi laughed. "Do you like your sister?"

"Yeah, my sister is cute."

“Why don’t you like your brother?”

"My brother is too noisy, quietly saying that her brother is cute and crying, crying all day, can be annoying." Quietly has a younger brother, just a year old.

Already talked about this topic, Shen Qing asked him calmly. "If the father and mother regenerate a child, add a younger brother and sister to you, are you willing?" She had wanted to ask An An before, but she forgot it every time.

Anan Shantou, looking at Shen Qingyi, "I can just be a sister, not a younger brother?"

"But the younger brother or the biological sister is not decided by the father and mother. What if the younger brother is a brother?" Shen Qingyi is a bit embarrassed. How do the men in her family like girls?

An An heard the words, the little brow screwed up, thought about it, and sighed very helplessly. "Well, as long as it is a mother, I will accept it." The little face is clearly disgusted.

Shen Qing met, I don't know why, I thought of the expression of Fu Hengyi when he saw An An, it was just the synchronization of God. Shaking his head and laughing, "Mom also hopes to give An An a sister."

An An looked at Shen Qing’s stomach. "Is that mother, is your sister now in your stomach?"

"This mother doesn't know." Shen Qing whispered softly, although everything was the same as what she planned, but the child's kind of thing relied on fate, not what she wanted, she would come.

When he arrived at the hospital, Shen Qingyi saw Shen Junyi and Chu Yunrong standing outside the delivery room. Shen’s father was originally coming, but was stopped by Chu Yunrong. Production was a long process, and the body of the father could not be eaten for a long time. Consumption, let him wait for news at home.

Shen Junyi walked around the door of the delivery room. He listened to the shouting of Wen Yuyao in the delivery room. His expression was very anxious. Relatively speaking, Chu Yunrong was nervous, but he was more calm than his son.

"How do you bring Anan to you?" Chu Yunrong saw Anan, and some disagreed.

"I didn't have time to go home, I brought it. Mom, how long has the scorpion entered?"

"It’s only half an hour, still early."

"Isn't the scorpion supposed to be hospitalized two days ago? How can I be rushed to the hospital today?" Shen Qingyi is very strange. Wen Yuyao's expected date of birth is in these days. The family made preparations early, doctors, wards. They are all arranged in advance, and it is reasonable to say that there will be no such rush.

"Not your brother, what the hospital smells bad, worried that Yaoyao is not used to it, insisted on going to the day before the expected date of birth, and who knows that this morning, Luyao started ahead of schedule." Speaking of this, Chu Yunrong I was angry, and if I stayed early, I wouldn’t be so rushed.

"My brother is also a distressed wife, Mom, don't say him, my nephew is usually in good health. The first two days of pregnancy test also said that there is no problem, this production will not have any problems, right, you give Wen Jia Have you ever called?"

Chu Yunrong slaps his head. "You see my brain. You don't say that I really forgot. I am going to call my parents now." She said, holding a mobile phone and calling Wen. .

Shen Qingyi looked at his brother's look of anxiety and walked over to pat him on the shoulder. "Brother, don't worry, the blind man will be fine."

Can Shen Junyi not worry, Wen Yuyao is already 30 years old, and is the first child. In addition, Shen Qingyi had a **** collapse in his production. He is now full of such pictures.

"Oh, I am afraid." His hands are shaking.

Shen Qingyi has never seen his brother look like this, slowing down the voice. "Brother, the nephew is different from my situation. I was a man, and the children in the throat and the stomach will be safe."

Shen Junyi nodded. "Yes, it will be fine, they will come out safely."

Shen Junyi stared at the door of the delivery room, his eyes were unscrupulous. He wanted to go in to accompany the birth, but Wen Yuyao did not allow him to live in and disagree with Shen Junyu. At this time, Shen Junyi did not dare to talk to Wen Yuyao, although The heart was nervous and scared, but still pressed his footsteps.

"Hey, my aunt and my little sister will be fine." An An said to Shen Junxi, his face was serious.

Shen Junyi looked down and looked at An An, suddenly squatting down and holding An An into his arms. "Yes, it will be fine. We are an angel, and God will hear what you say."

An An’s little man patted Shen Jun’s back. “I have dreamed, my aunt has a very beautiful sister, so don’t worry.”

Shen Junyi heard the words, and finally a smile appeared on his face, and he kissed him on Anan’s little face. "Thank you baby."

There was a cry of Wen Yuyao in the delivery room, and it was the beginning of the pain.

"Yuyao, how are you doing in Yaoyao, Luyao, you tell me something." Shen Junyi stood outside the door and slammed the door, shouting, Shen Qingyi saw it, and quickly pulled him back, "Brother You will affect the production of the scorpion, don't mess around here."

"Hey, your nephew is so powerful, it must be a pain, I want to know her situation, I am worried about her." Shen Junyi began to sweat on his forehead.

Looking at Shen Junyi's appearance, Shen Qingyi could not help but think of Fu Hengyi. When she was producing, Fu Hengyi's fear was more than Shen Junyi's fear.

"Ah..." There was another cry from Wenyu Yao in the ward. Shen Qingyi inadvertently turned back and saw Anan’s body shrinking. She slightly twisted her eyebrows and walked over to hold Anan. "Don’t be afraid. ""

"Mom, I am not afraid."

Shen Qingxi kissed his little face. "It is a brave child."

An An’s little face is tangled. “Mom, was this the same when you first gave birth to me?”

Shen Qingyi did not expect that he thought it was this, but did not evade, nodded, "Yes, every mother has a baby."

"That mom, are you hurting?"

"It’s not hurting now, especially when I see you coming to this world, my mother feels particularly happy, and the pain I have experienced is worth it."

An An hugged Shen Qingyu and left a big kiss on her face. "Mom, I will definitely obey afterwards, and never make you angry again, Mom, I love you."

"Mom also loves you."

"Mom, you are my baby." An An said seriously, he has never seen pregnant women produce, naturally do not know that every baby is coming to this world, my mother has to experience so much pain, this moment, small The child remembers that it is not easy for her mother to give birth to him.

"You are also my baby, mother will take you home first?" Worried that the son will be scared, Shen Qingyi wants the driver of the house to send Anan back first.

Who knows that Anan has shaken his head. "I want to be with my mother here."

"Mom doesn't need you to accompany you. You go back to accompany your grandfather. If your grandfather is at home, you will be worried. You will accompany him."

"Good." Anan nodded.

Shen Qingyi called the driver at home and asked him to pick him up.

Chu Yunrong has returned. "My mother is already on the way to the airport, but it takes a few hours to come, not so fast." Haicheng needs three hours from Beijing.

Wen Yuyao, a child, had some tossing. After three or four hours of birth, she was not born. Shen Junyi had already rushed to turn around. When she saw a doctor, she quickly took the doctor’s hand. "Doctor, how is my wife? How? Didn't come out?"

"Your wife's pelvis is small, the child's head is big, and some are difficult to produce."

When Shen Junyi heard the words "difficult to produce", his face suddenly became white. "Difficult to produce, doctor, I want to protect the adult, you must keep my wife." He said he did not hesitate.

The doctor can't smile. "It's not so serious. It's really impossible for us to practice caesarean section."

"Good, caesarean section, now caesarean section, doctor, we have a caesarean section." Shen Jun said busy.

"Mr. Shen, you should calm down first. Now the mother wants to try it for herself. If you don't cut it, don't worry, if you have no choice, we will definitely choose a Caesarean section."

The doctor actually wants to have a Caesarean section, but Wen Yuyao insists on going to the birth, and the doctor can only try it first, but the preparation for caesarean section still needs to be done. If you can't get it, you need to have surgery at any time.

"Doctor, you said to the doctor about the maternal, I said that it is what I meant. We chose Caesarean section and did not give birth." Shen Junyi listened to Wen Yuyao’s screaming louder and louder, and the picture of Shen Qing’s production. Constantly repeating in his mind.

"I will convey your words, but we will also respect the mother's own wishes." The doctor went in and said.

Shen Qingyi looked at Shen Junyi, who was lost, and comforted him softly. "Brother, you calm down. If you are so calm, you will make your voice more tense. You are sitting down now."

Shen Junyi sat down in the chair, but just sat down for less than five minutes, Wen family arrived, came Wen Jiachuan and Wenmu.

"How is it, is the child born?" Wenmu could not wait to ask.

Shen Qingyu said, "Not yet, the scorpion is somewhat difficult to produce, but the situation is still optimistic, doctors and nephews are still working hard."

Wen’s father and Wen’s mother heard the words, and the heart was put down a little, but they were not completely relieved. They stood there and walked anxiously and nervously. Shen Qing’s uncomfortable feelings were affected by them and they were instantly tense.

"Wow, wow, wow." Suddenly the baby screamed in the delivery room, and Shen Qingyi saw Shen Junyi’s tears fall instantly.

"I was born, very good, born." Wenmu and Chu Yunrong are all a look of joy, even the serious Wen's face is full of laughter.

"Hey, have you heard it? Born." Shen Junyi grabbed Shen Qing's hand and said excitedly.

Shen Qingxiao nodded with a smile. "Yes, I was born."

The doctor came out of the delivery room. "Congratulations, the mother and daughter are safe."

Shen Junmai’s face finally appeared today’s first smile. “Doctor, my wife?”

The Wenmu on the side heard this and looked at Shen Junyi’s eyes very gratified. Although even the first sentence that Shen Junyi asked was about the child, she could understand it, but seeing his first concern was his daughter, being a mother. The heart is always happy.

"Shen Tai is fine, wait until the next time, the child is six pounds and eighty, congratulations to Mr. Shen."

"Thank you, thank you, the doctor has worked hard." Shen Junyi was happy and incoherent.

Wen Yuyao was soon introduced. Her hair was completely wet with sweat. It looked very embarrassing, but it was the most beautiful scenery in the eyes of Shen Junyi. He looked at Wen Yuyao, his eyes were different and gentle. "Wife, hard work."

Wen Yuyao was very tired. She actually suffered a lot of crimes during this production. However, when she saw Shen Junyi’s eyes at this time, she felt that everything was worth it. “You have worked hard.” She has noticed that Shen Junyi’s clothes were wet with sweat. Collar, presumably he is not good at outside.

"Jun, I am very tired now, I want to sleep for a while." Wen Yanyao said tiredly.

"Well, you sleep, I am here to accompany you." Shen Jun said softly.

Wen Yuyao was promoted to the ward, Shen Junyi followed her incessantly, stayed in front of her bed, and never left.

Shen Qingyi went to look at Wen Yuyao first, and then went to see Shen's little princess with Wenmu.

"This child looks really good." Wenmu looked at the child's face of love, in fact, the child is now wrinkled skin, his body is red, looking like a little monkey, can't see where it looks good, But in their opinion, this child looks good anywhere.

Shen Qingyi smiled a little, "It's really nice."

Knowing that my sister was born, Anan was clamoring to come to the hospital to come to the sister. When Shen Qingyi went home to change clothes, he would bring Anan by the way.

"Hey, what about my sister?" When Anan saw Shen Junyi's first look, he asked his sister.

Shen Junxi is talking to Wen Haoyao who has already woken up. After listening to this, she smiled. "My sister is doing a physical examination now and I am coming back soon."

An An heard the words and walked over to Wen Yaoyao. "Aunt, do you still hurt?"

Wen Yanyao smiled softly and shook his head. "It doesn't hurt anymore." It still hurts, but compared with the pain during production, these are nothing.

"Aunt, you are great."

Wen Yanyao reached out and touched his head. "Who did these words teach you?"

"My father said that every mother is a great person."

"Your father is right. Every mother is a great person, so you must be nice to your mother in the future."

An An Zheng’s key point, “Well, I will, I will tell my sister later, let her be a little better to her aunt.”

Wen Yanyao smiled and said to Shen Qingyu, who came in later. "Qingyi, this is a little warm man."

Shen Qingyi smiled slightly and glanced at his son gently. "How do you feel?"

"Not bad, I usually have exercise, and my body is good." Because I understand my physical condition, Wen Yuyao dared to insist on production in such a situation, because I know I can persist.

"What about children?" Shen Qingyi asked a question like Anan.

"The doctor took it for a physical examination." Shen Junyi said, just talking, the doctor came in with the child.

An An went one step ahead. "Doctor Auntie, I want to see my sister."

The doctor did not dare to hand the child to him, and Shen Qing took it. "Give me."

"Doctor, the child's body is no problem?" Wen Yuyao cares.

The doctor laughed, "very healthy."

An An pulled Shen Qing’s trousers. "Mom, I want to see my sister."

Shen Qingyi sat down on the sofa on one side, "Let's see."

An An stretched his neck and looked at the child in Shen Qing’s arms. When he saw the child’s appearance, he frowned. “Mom, how is the sister not good at all?”

Shen Qingyi laughed. "You were like this when you were born. Just look up when you grow up. Isn't that the same when the fruit sister was born?"

Anan is embarrassed to touch his head. "I forgot, will my sister grow up like aunt?"

"of course."

"Mom, can I touch my sister?" Anan looked eager to try.

Shen Qingyi nodded. "Yes, but you have to be lighter, my sister is sleeping, you can't wake her up."

"Well, I will be very light." Anan said, carefully reaching out and touching the baby's face, his face showing a big smile. "Mom, my sister's face is slippery, just like jelly."

"The same is true when you were born." Shen Qing said with a smile.

"Mom, in fact, take a closer look, my sister is also very good-looking, not ugly." An An smiled, revealing eight small white teeth.

Shen Qingxiao smiled.

"Mom, can I take a photo with my sister?"

"You should ask your sister and aunt."

An An heard the words and immediately ran to the side of Shen Junyi. "Hey, can I take a photo with my sister? I want to quietly check my sister."

Shen Junyi raised his eyebrows. "Who is quiet?"

"Quiet is my girlfriend, it looks so beautiful."

Shen Junyi was surprised. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Hey, I am four years old." An An took four fingers.

"An An, don't you want to take pictures with your sister?" The son said that he had to say something earth-shattering. Shen Qingyi quickly transferred the topic.

"Yeah, hey, can you take photos of me and my sister?"

Shen Junxiao smiled and got up. "Of course."

Shen Qingying holds the child, An An stands by Shen Qingyi, laughing at the baby, compared to the scissors.

"Hey, come one more." An An asked.

Shen Jun’s rumors came to me, and even after helping An’an took more than a dozen sheets, he stopped. “Hey, which one is the best, what is the most handsome?”

Anan flipped the photo in the phone and asked Shen Junyi, Shen Qingyi had already taken the child to Wen Yaoyao, and whispered with Wen Yuyao, but the ear noticed the movement on the side of Anan, seeing An An began to smell beautiful, helpless Shaking his head, she and Fu Hengyi are not the scent of love, who is with Anan.

"Is it with you?" Chu Yunrong heard Shen Qingyu’s self-talking words and said casually, "When you were a child, you could be more smug than An An. Every day, I would like to confuse me with what clothes I wear, what kind of hairstyles I have to wear. Even if the shoes are matched with the clothes, they have to think for a long time. It is not good to take a photo.

Wen Yuyao did not expect Shen Qingyi to be such a temper when he was a child. Looking at Shen Qingyi, his eyes were full of laughter.

Shen Qingyu looked suspiciously at Chu Yunrong. "Mom, the person you said is not me?"

"Why not you, I remember your things clearly." Chu Yunrong said, "I still remember that there was a performance in the kindergarten. You have to go up and dance. I got up at 6 in the morning and took me to you. Picking the clothes, the result has not been picked for an hour, not to disappoint the color is not good, the style is not satisfied, you can toss people."

"What then?" Wen Yanyao listened with gusto, Shen Qingyi's face calm, as if Chu Yunrong said that the person is not her, but the tip of the ear is red.

"It was later that Hengyi came and gave her a light blue princess dress, and then she stopped."

Shen Qingyi did not expect that there was such a thing, she never heard Fu Hengyi talk about this.

“When Qingyi was a child, I met Hengyi?” Wen Yuyao asked. After asking himself to laugh, this is not nonsense. Fu Jia and Shen Jia are world exchanges. Shen Junyi and Fu Hengyi are small, can you not know Shen Qingyu? Well.

"Of course I know that Hengyi will have time to run to our house. Qingyi likes to follow Hengyi and Junxi, and my brother and brother are screaming." Chu Yunrong said a few things about Shen Qing’s childhood, she did I remember very clearly, even the details of it were remembered. Shen Qingyi did not interrupt her, and quietly listened to Chu Yunrong’s interesting story about her childhood with Fu Hengyi.

On the other side, Shen Junyi did not know when he had stopped communicating with Anan. He sat quietly and listened to Chu Yunrong talking about the past. Some things he remembered, and even some things he even forgot.

"I still remember that my favorite little brother when I was a child was Hengyi. If Hengyi was there, I couldn't do this with my brother." Shen Junxiao said with a smile.

Shen Qingyi heard the words, and glanced at his brother, did you have to dismantle her desk?

Shen Junyi did not care at all. Looking at Shen Qing’s eyes, who could have thought that the younger sister had grown up, and had such a deep fate with Fu Hengyi.

"Grandma, my mother will dance when she was a child?" Anan also heard the funny things, but he is not the same as others.

Chu Yunrong smiled softly. "Your mother will not only dance when she is a child, she will have more, sing, play the piano, play chess, and will." Shen Qingyi has a wide range of interests when he was young, and he wants to learn anything. Chu Yunrong I also want to cultivate my daughter's hobbies. Basically, she would ask the teacher to teach her what she wants to learn. Apart from the piano she taught herself, other subjects were taught by her teacher. She did not expect her daughter to become a teacher. All-rounder, just want Shen Qingyi to choose one of his favorite ones for further study. Others should be interested in understanding.

"Wow, my mother is very good." An An looked at Shen Qingyi with a look of admiration.

In fact, An An has learned a lot of things now. Even when he was young, he learned more things because he learned more things. Shen Qingyi worried that his son was tired. This took half a month's vacation. Take him to the military area to relax.

"Xunzi, I am going to buy you some fruit." Shen Qingyi finally couldn't sit still, stood up and said.

"Clearly, there are a lot of fruits here." Wen Yuyao said that she produced a lot of people who came to see her. The ward was full of fruit, and there was still a need to buy it, but Shen Qingyi had already left.

"Hey, is my mother shy?" An An looked up at Shen Junyi, and his eyes widened and asked curiously.

Shen Junxi chuckled. "Yes, your mother is shy."

Shen Qingyi went downstairs to the hospital. Of course she wouldn’t really buy fruit. She found a bench and sat down, thinking about the things that Chu Yunrong just said about her and Fu Hengyi’s childhood. I thought for a long time. Still not found in the memory, she frowned in distress, some regret.

Originally, Wen’s heart was still faintly worried that Wen’s mother’s head was born, and her daughter would be disappointed by her husband’s family. Although Shen’s family was not the kind of daughter-in-law’s family, she even loved Shen Qing’s daughter, but the premise was Shen Qing. You are a young girl.

Beibei is the first child of Shen Junyi, and the first great granddaughter of Shen family. The big family pays attention to the incense inheritance.

Fortunately, even Shen’s father saw Babe if he didn’t smile, and there was no disappointment. Her heart was put down.

Shen Jia’s little princess, Beibei, was born. This is definitely a big event in Shen’s family. Shen Junyi even sent red envelopes to the whole company, and built a public welfare fund in the name of her daughter, which is quite a bit of a common celebration. Among them, Shen Junyi’s love for this daughter can also be seen.

Wen Yuyao's body recovered very well. After living in the hospital for a week, she returned to the Shenjia old house to sit on the moon.

When Fu Hengyi came back to Shenjia to see the children, Shen Qingyi looked at the envy of his eyes and sympathetically glanced at his son, Anan, and estimated that your father would dislike you again.

Fu Hengyi only had a snack, and the brothers around him were all daughters, and he was a son. Ugh!

He sighed and looked at his sister's son with a sigh of disappointment. Can he still exchange goods now?

This scene just happened to be paid by Shen Qingyu. She glanced at her stomach, and soon, she could do early pregnancy check in a week. She hopes to be pregnant this time.

In order to be pregnant this time, she took Fu Hengyi to nurse the body for a period of time, and strived to adjust the body state to the best, one hit, or according to Fu Hengyi's savvy, fooling once, okay, twice difficult If this is not successful, I don’t know what time it will be next time.

"Dad, when did you give me a baby with my mother?" Anan saw enough of the baby and ran over and hugged his father's legs.

Fu Hengyi looked down at his son. "Why should I have a sister?"

"Mom said to give me a sister."

Not far away, Shen Qingyi heard this, and the black line on his face did not mean that the person who loves the most was the mother. Is it really her son who sold her in a blink of an eye?

Fu Hengyi looked at Shen Qingyi with a smile and smile, Shen Qingyi calmly looked back, she just wanted a daughter, what happened.

Fu Hengyi was helpless and four years old. Shen Qingyi had not dispelled this idea. He couldn’t help but wonder if he should go to an operation and completely break Shen Qing’s mind.

Thinking of this, Fu Hengyi did not have the feeling of envy, but was thinking about which day is more appropriate, go to the hospital to ask, if you can, then take Shen Qingyi to do the surgery.


An An let Shen Qingyi help him wash the photos out. He wants to take the kindergarten to quietly watch.

"Quiet, look, this is my sister, cute?" An An took the photo and gave it a quiet look.

Quietly frowning, a look disgusted, "not good-looking, like a little old man."

Anan is not happy. "My mother said that the newborn child is like this. When she grows up, she will look good. It must be like this when you were a child."

"Isn't it, I was so good when I was young, I was not so ugly."

"You are also so ugly, all the children are like this, my mother said." Anan insisted on his own point of view.

"No, no, I am not ugly." See An An said that she is ugly, quiet and unwilling.

"Quiet, you have to face the reality. When you are young, ugly has nothing to do with it. You are beautiful now." An An Xiaoren seems to be quiet and quiet.

But quietly, I didn’t feel comforted at all. She remembered that Anan said that she was ugly. "Oh, stinky, I don’t care about you anymore." Quietly speaking, turning back, no matter what An An She said nothing to ignore.

In the evening, Shen Qingyi came to pick up his son. When he saw An’an’s sullenness, he couldn’t help but ask, “Anan, what happened?” Usually, this child likes to tell her about the time when the kindergarten happened, but today she is particularly silent.

"Mom, quietly ignore me, she said not to be my girlfriend." An An sighed.

Shen Qingyi raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Because of what?"

"Today I showed her a picture of her sister. She said that her sister is so ugly. I said that she was so ugly when she was a child, and she was angry."

Hearing words, Shen Qingxiao chuckled, silly son, you said that the little girl is ugly, can people not be angry?

"Quiet and so beautiful, how can you say that parents are ugly?"

"But that was when she was a child. I didn't say she was ugly now. Why is she angry? Isn't that what I said is true?"

Shen Qing 澜 black line, usually your mouth is not very sweet, and those uncles and aunts, grandparents gave me a smile, how can I not open this time?

"An An, the girl is to be cared for, even if people really don't look good, you can't say that the parents are ugly, this will make people feel sad, know?"

Ann sighed, "Hey, your girls are really troublesome, and they want people to be jealous."

Shen Qingyi looked at him with a funny smile. "Do you still want your sister? Is it better for your brother?"

Who knows that Anan has shaken his head. "My brother is not good, or my sister is good. Although my sister is a girl, I want to be jealous, but my sister is obedient, and my sister looks good."

Just like the fruit and sister of the dry mother's family, it is cute and obedient, but it is good.

"Mom, when did you have a sister?" Since listening to Shen Qingqi’s mention of her sister, Anan has never forgotten about her sister. Although he now has two younger sisters, neither of these two sisters are born to his mother. Not a sister, he wants a sister born to his mother.

"Mom, if you have a sister, I will help you bring my sister together, it won't make you so hard."

Shen Qingyi’s son’s head, “Well, my mother must give you a sister.” She glanced at her flat stomach, and in a few days she went to the hospital to check.

However, she estimates that she is very likely to be pregnant. Although there is no such reaction as sleepiness, her vacation has been postponed for many days, but she is not sure. After all, the last time, the result is only checked. Because her vacation is unstable.

The next day, when Anan went to school, he specially put a few toffees in the bag. When he arrived at the kindergarten, Anan saw quietly. The first time the toffee was given to her. "Quiet, this is what I gave from abroad. I bought the toffee, it is delicious, I invite you to eat."

Quietly ignore him.

"Quiet, sorry, I shouldn't say that you are ugly yesterday. Actually, you are not ugly at all. You are very beautiful, just as beautiful as the fruit sister." An An said seriously.

"Do you really think I am beautiful?"

Anan nodded. "Although I think my mother is the most beautiful girl in the world, you are the second most beautiful."

Quietly smiled, "Then I will not be angry with you." She took a toffee. "Is it really delicious?"

"Of course, I bought everything that I bought very well. I like to eat it, but my mother said that eating too much will cause tooth decay, so you can't eat more quietly. You eat one every day." Give all the sugar to the silence, but don't forget the martyrdom.

"My mother said that if you have a fang, it hurts, so you must not eat more."

Quietly grows over the fangs, naturally know this, nodded, "Well, I don't eat much, I will eat one." She peeled a sugar into her mouth. "Really good, Anan, thank you. you."

An An smiled, you are welcome. In a blink of an eye, the two little guys who had quarreled yesterday were as good as ever.

------Off topic ------

These chapters are too sweet and there are woods. Can you fangs?


"Dark star: hello, Mr. Si! "Folding seven or nine: the international serial metamorphosis Su Jin was born again, reborn in a small transparent body of a woman dressed as a men's entertainment, and embarked on a enchanting superstar's no return to the road to bend a certain international film and international Psychologist.

Luis did not expect that one day he would be swayed by a glamorous man. Before that, he had always firmly believed that he was a straight man until a perverted enchanting man said to him:

"I am sorry, Mr. Si, I may not have told you all the time. I am a woman. In order to express my mistakes, I decided to give you my most cherished art, the Cannibal Flower Su Jin specimen!"

Luis: "..."

Then he said again, "So you want to accept my love?"


This is the text of a friend of my bookstore. I can go and see if I like it.

Read The Duke's Passion