MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 527 Green hat

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For Lu Jincai, nothing is more important than freedom. After all, only people are free, there are other possibilities. If he is sent to prison, there is no hope.

"I know that the time person is Junjie, I like this kind of happiness." Shen Junze said with a smile, took a document from his bag and handed it to him. "If that's the case, then sign it."

Lu Jincai took the file and saw that Shen Junze’s eyes were cold. “You really don’t hide your thoughts.”

"I am so prepared, so that it saves us a lot of trouble."

Shen Junze took a look at the time, "Sign it, I am in a hurry."

Lu Jincai shook his hand with his pen and screamed at the final signature. This is everything he has worked hard for so many years. Now he has to put his hands on it, saying that his heart is bleeding, it is all light.

"If you don't sign again, I can leave. There is only one chance. If I miss this opportunity, we can only see it in court." Shen Junze urged.

Lu Jincai closed his eyes and gritted his teeth to sign his name on the document. Shen Junze smiled with satisfaction. "Congratulations, I am about to regain my freedom."

Lu Jincai snorted and closed his eyes. He did not want to see Shen Junze. Shen Junze shrugged indifferently and picked up the documents and turned away. Halfway through, I stopped and turned back to Lu Jincai. "You don't have to worry about your future life. You are my relatives. I naturally can't watch you starve to death. The cost of living will still be given to you." Of course, if you can please me, the cost of living will double."

Lu Jincai opened his eyes fiercely and witnessed the splitting. "Shen Junze, you bastard."

Shen Junze smiled, "Hey, these are all your words and deeds. If I am a bastard, what are you?"

Lu Jincai’s face was white for a while, and finally turned black, watching Shen Junze’s back. I hate to almost bite my teeth.

Waiting, one day...

After Zhang Wenli learned that Lu Jincai had exchanged his shares for free, he was shocked to be in the same place. After a long time, he had a reaction. "What can we do if we have no income after living?"

“Is there a deposit at home? Those deposits are enough to support for a while.” Lu Jincai is not worried at all. In the past few years, he has taken power and has a lot of assets. Although there are not hundreds of millions, there are still tens of millions.

At this time, Lu Jincai did not see the confusion of Zhang Wenli’s eyes.

"But sitting on the mountain is not the way." Zhang Wenli looked sad.

"You don't have to worry about these things, I will find a solution." Lu Jincai said faintly, he did not intend to sit on the mountain. Although the company lost its shares, it is a matter of time to re-establish a company with the deposit in his hands. As for the size of the company, it is not necessary to force it. In short, it is no problem to have enough food and clothing. Although he is very unwilling, he can only accept reality.

"I remember that there are tens of millions of deposits in my family. I will give half of it to me. I want to start my own business."

"Creating... Entrepreneurship?" Zhang Wenli stunned. "It’s not good. It’s not good. Now, if the risk of starting a business is too big, if it’s lost, then our family will really want to drink the northwest wind.”

"In fact, this money is enough for our family to live. If you save a little, it will be enough for a lifetime, or else." Zhang Wenli tried to persuade Lu Jincai.

Lu Jincai fixedly looked at her. "Wen Li, you are very strange today." When it comes to deposits, Zhang Wenli is nervous, which makes Lu Jincai can not help but have doubts.

"Where is weird, you want more." Zhang Wenli pulled a corner of her mouth and pulled out a smile. "I still feel that I have to think about starting a business. You have no money, you have no money. Human, the risk of starting a business is really too big, we are such a big family, really not suitable for adventure."

Lu Jincai's eyes fell on Zhang Wenli's face, faintly opening. "These things are naturally me to find a way. You just have to take care of your family and be my strong backing. You tell me, how much is our family now?" ”

The finances of the family are controlled by Zhang Wenli, and Lu Jincai does not know how much his assets are.

"Despite these years, you have earned a lot, but our family has spent a lot of money. In fact, there is not much left."

"How much is left?"

"Probably a few ... hundreds of thousands." Zhang Wenli, did not dare to look at Lu Jincai's expression.

Lu Jincai's eyes widened. "Hundreds of thousands?! Zhang Wenli, you tell me clearly, where did the family's money go?" He just thought that the money at home might have been spent by Zhang Wenli, but Unexpectedly, there are hundreds of thousands of deposits left. According to his estimation, there are no 50 million, and at least 10 million.

"Only the usual rice and oil salt. Our family's spending has always been big, you don't care if you don't know." Zhang Wenli tried to hide, but is Lu Jincai so deceptive?

"You can use tens of millions of rice oil? You give me the truth, what exactly is the money going to do?" Lu Jincai looked at his wife with a gloomy look.

Zhang Wenli was seen by her in the cold. "Entering, you listen to me, the money is actually..." She hesitated.

"In fact, continue to say." Lu Jincai is chilly.

"I failed to make an investment before, and all the money was lost." Zhang Wenli bit his teeth and said all the way.

"啪", a slap in the face fell on her face, "tens of millions lost! Zhang Wenli, you defeated the girl, I killed you!" Lu Jin was angry.

Zhang Wenli did not think that Lu Jin would suddenly start. They had been married for so many years. Lu Jincai did not even tell her a heavy word. This sudden slap in the face, she was blinded in an instant.

Seeing Lu Jincai to do it again, Zhang Wenli went hiding behind, "Lu Jincai, you dare!"

"You dare not dare to see!" Lu Jin was angry and attacked. He dared to transfer all of the shares to Shen Junze because he knew that there were tens of millions of deposits in the family. Even if they didn’t have these shares, he would have the means to reopen a company with the money in a short time. After all, he also I have accumulated some contacts, but now the money is gone, which means that his last hope is gone, how can he not be angry? If he can, he can't wait to see this woman in front of her eyes.

"Then I am not deliberate. I just want to make our family's life better and share your pressure. Who knows that it will be like this, what fire do you send me?" Zhang Wenli pleaded.

"You still have a face to say! Do you have this ability yourself, do you have any points in your heart?" She did not say okay, and Lu Jin was even more angry.

Zhang Wenli is not a woman with an investment vision. In the past few years, she has held the finances of her family and put all the money in the bank. Even the property has not set a few sets, except for the villa they live in now. There is also an apartment in the west of the city, but the location is not very valuable, and the apartment can’t be sold even if it is sold.

"Lu Jincai, you are killing me today and the money will not come back."

"Then I will kill you." Lu Jincai picked up the ashtray on the table and slammed it. The cries of the child came suddenly behind him. Lu Jincai acted, and then he saw his two sons standing. Looking at them at the door of the bedroom, the younger son was crying, he looked stiff and put down the ashtray.

Zhang Wenli saw it and immediately climbed up and ran to hug two children. "Don't look, go in."

She pushed the two children into the bedroom and locked the bedroom door. "I don't really want to enter the talent. After I lost the money, I dare not tell you." Zhang Wenli tears her eyes.

Lu Jincai was sitting on the sofa smoking, and things had exceeded his expectations.

“Is the apartment in the west of the city still there?” Lu Jincai asked.

Zhang Wenli nodded, "Yes."

"Sold, change money."

Zhang Wenli did not dare to refute, "Okay, but enter the talent, the location of the apartment that day is not good, at most a few million."

"Do you mean to sell this?" Lu Jincai looked at her coldly.

Zhang Wenli, she doesn't mean this. If the house is sold, where does the family live?

"Into the talent, or else, you still have to find a job, just relying on your management experience for many years, I am sure many companies are willing to ask you." Zhang Wenli saw that he had not spoken, whispered.

Lu Jincai looked at her coldly. She thought that the job was so good to find? Big companies don't lack people like him, and small companies don't look good. To take a step back, even if he is willing to go to a small company, can people get the corresponding compensation?

"Give me the deposit at home."

Where is Zhang Wenli now dare to say no words, and quickly go to get a bank card, "all here."

"How much is it inside?"

Zhang Wenli hesitated.

"Ask you, how much is it inside?"


Lu Jincai was black-faced. "I was really blind when I saw you like a defeated girl." Tens of millions of family property gave him only 200,000.

Zhang Wenli is guilty of guilty. Where can he say any rebuttal, let Lu Jincai fall.

Lu Jincai did not bother to count her down, took the bank card to go, "Just enter, what do you do?"

Lu Jincai simply ignored her and went straight out. He went to find Lu Yaqin.

Lu Yaqin saw him, without a good face, even the door did not let in, "What are you doing?"

When Lu Jincai heard this, he immediately turned black. "Is this your attitude towards me?"

"What you have done yourself is clear to you, and my attitude towards you is already polite."

"Oh, it’s really straight up, how do you think that I have handed over the shares in my hand and I have no way to take Shen Junze? Yaqin, are you too young to see your brother?"

Lu Yaqin's face changed. "What do you want to do?"

Lu Jincai laughed and smiled gloomyly. "I don't have anything at all. I am not afraid of wearing shoes. What do you say I can do?"

"Big brother, Junze is your relatives, you can't do this to him." Lu Yaqin softly whispered, whispering, for fear that Lu Jin would do anything for Shen Junze.

"Then I am still his relatives, how did he treat me?" Lu Jincai looked stunned, thinking of Shen Junze, he hated to gnash his teeth, this white-eyed wolf.

"Big Brother, you were first indifferent to Jun Ze, you can't blame him." Lu Yaqin tried to defend Shen Junze.

Lu Jincai sneered. "I was helping him. With his ability, can he manage the company? If the company really didn't have it in his hands, the company survived because of me. Do you understand?" It's me! But what about him? How did he repay me?"

"Big brother, what kind of thoughts did you hold on the company at the beginning, you and I know it well. Before that, Junze had no ability, and I didn't want to watch Agen's company paying for it, but let you do it. Now Junze just takes back what he should have. Why should you do this, and then, Junze told me that he will guarantee your life."

Shen Junze told her that Lu Jin could come out of the prison because he exchanged the shares in his hand. As long as Lu Jin did not leave the moth, he would pay for it.

"So you want me to live a life of life? Ask Shen Junze a little bit of pity and charity every day?" Lu Jincai looked gloomy.

"Jun Ze will not do this."

"Haha, really worthy of being a mother and child, you are still your son at the crucial time. Lu Yaqin, have you forgotten me or your only brother?"

"I have not forgotten, if I really forgot that you are my brother, I will not be stranger to Junze. Big Brother, I beg you, don't do anything any more, as long as you are safe, Junze will not be ill-treated. Yours." Lu Yaqin pleaded, she really did not want to see her big brother fighting with her son, it was just tormenting her. At first she was for her big brother, her son almost broke off her mother-child relationship, and now it is her turn, she really feels very tired.

"If you really don't want to see me against Junze, then do something for me."

"What is it?" Lu Yaqin asked.

"Help me get a company file."

Lu Yaqin frowned. "Big Brother, you are not a company now. What do you want the company's documents to do?"

"Now I left the company and I have no shares in my hands. You can't let me all sit down and eat. I want to open a company myself, but I need a network in the early stage. That document is customer information. You can help me." Lu Jincai said the purpose of coming here today.

"No, Big Brother, I can't do this. If it is known to Junze, can he still recognize me as this mother?" Lu Yaqin refused.

"If you don't help me, then don't blame me for being ruthless. Anyway, I have nothing at all. If you are too big, let Shen Junze give me a funeral."

"Big Brother, don't force me." Lu Yaqin is afraid that her older brother is a mixed person when she was young, and that is really the master who dared to do anything.

Lu Jincai pinched Lu Yaqin's back neck and pulled her to his front. He whispered, "I forced you or are you pushing me? Shen Junze used so despicable means to take 30% of the shares from my hands. Go. I have nothing but a poor deposit at home. There are still a few mouths waiting for me to feed. I am so old, even if I go out to work, which company wants me? Do you want to let us Is it starving to death? I didn't want to take back the company. I just want to take a few customers and let our family have enough food and clothing. Is this demand too much? Lu Yaqin, you patted me on your conscience, I am not king. Isn’t Ze is not good enough?”

Lu Yaqin was so embarrassed by him that it was a heart and liver tremor, his heartbeat accelerated, and even the blood on his face retreated two points. "Big brother, Junze knows that he will hate me."

Even so, she still can't really follow what Lu Jincai said. She couldn't easily ease the relationship with Shen Junze with this incident. If she did, then Shen Junze would not care about her again in her life.

"Jun Ze hated you long ago. Since you started with Fan Yanghong, he hated you. You still care a little more." Lu Jincai did not care.

"But I can't let him hate me forever."

"Yaqin, don't be stupid. From the moment you are with Fan Yanghong, you will betray his father in the eyes of Shen Junze. He will not forgive you. Your relationship will not be back. He is again I hate you, but I don’t care about you like this, but you can still get a considerable living expenses and live a life of Mrs. Fu. But I am different. If I don’t have these customer resources, my two sons, yours Relatives will starve to death. Do you have the heart to watch them suffer so much when they are young?"

Lu Yaqin looked hesitant, Lu Jincai saw her shaken, and immediately continued, "Yaqin, you listen to me, Junze now has 70% of the shares, no one can shake his position, and his relationship with Shen family now He will still be in this business? Yaqin, you should be the big brother beg you, help me this time, can't you?"

“Is the company losing these customers, will it really have no big impact?” Lu Yaqin hesitated.

Lu Jincai passed a touch of joy in the depths of his eyes, knowing that she was being said by herself, and making persistent efforts. "There will definitely be losses, but I promise that it will definitely not affect the normal operation of the company. After all, I am a small company that I just established. I can't eat it anymore. I took away some of the small lists that are dispensable on weekdays."

"Big Brother, if that's the case, then I can discuss it with Junze and let him give those small orders directly to you. Isn't that better?"

"Say you are stupid, you are really stupid, Junze now hates me with a tooth, even a rice grain is not willing to give me, will give me a small list? Do you let me a lot of age and still run business outside, Then humble and ask someone to order food?"

"Big brother, I don't mean this. You let me think about it."

"Yaqin, do you think about how I have been with you and Junze for so many years? Even three years ago, my approach was a bit more exciting. But if I didn't have the excitement that I gave him, can he grow to the present? At this point, I am the best person for him."

Lu Yaqin did not immediately agree to him, but said, "Big Brother, you let me think about it again. I will tell you if I think about it?"

"Well, you can consider it, but I don't have much time. In three days, I will give you three days. There is a blue folder at the bottom of the second drawer on the right side of the company's president's office desk. If you are Really want to help me, just give me the blue folder. There are some information about the company's small customers. Yaqin, the life of the older brother's family for the rest of his life depends on you." Lu Jincai left after he finished, Lu Yaqin did not wait for him to respond.

Lu Yaqin turned to the opposite side for one night. Fan Yanghong was originally asleep, but she was awakened by her hardship. Some unhappy said, "Why don't you sleep in the middle of the night, what are you doing?"

"You sleep, you want something," Lu Yaqin said.

"What can't be thought of during the day, lying in bed at night to pancakes, are you letting me sleep or not letting me sleep?"

"I don't want to quarrel with you. If you are too noisy, you will go to the room to sleep." Lu Yaqin is also on fire. She was angered by the things of Shen Junze and Lu Jincai. Fan Yanghong also came to look for it.

Fan Yanghong's eyes changed slightly and his face sank. "Lu Yaqin, do you want to quarrel with me?"

"I have no time to argue with you. You go to the room tonight to sleep."

"This is my room, why can't I sleep here?"

"Where, you are sleeping here, I am going." Lu Yaqin sat up and went straight to the room.

After Lu Jincai left, he went to the bar. He is very violent now. He doesn’t know what else to do except to drink alcohol. He has only 200,000 yuan in cash. Now, in this society, what can 200,000 do?

They all blame Zhang Wenli, the defeated girl. If it weren't for her, he still had a chance to make a comeback. Now he has to make a comeback. Even if Lu Yaqin gives him the information, he does not have this capital to make people believe in him.

In fact, he lied today. The information is the information of the company's important customers. He intends to sell the information to the rival company after he has obtained the information. They will be interested in this information, so that he will get The money, but also a major blow to Shen Junze, is simply a double-edged sword.

Lu Jincai’s wine is a cup and a cup. The more he drinks his brain, the more he is awake. Everything that happened during this time has been spent in his mind, and his heart is more reluctant. But then I am not reconciled, things have become a foregone conclusion, and he is powerless to change. He wants to avenge Shen Junze, but Shen Junze is a Shen family. After Shen, he can't afford it. If he is a lonely man, then he will stop. Even if he is not dying, he must first teach Shen Junze a lesson. There are three people waiting for him to feed, his wife can not, can the two sons still not? ”

Thinking of two sons, Lu Jincai stood up. He had to go home early. Today, his quarrel with Zhang Wenli has scared two sons. He wants to go back and comfort him.

Lu family.

After Zhang Wenli and other Lu Jincai left, they sent the two children to their parents' home.

The two children have never seen such a father. Today, they were really scared by Lu Jincai. After they arrived at home, they did not say a word. Zhang Wenli did not explain much. He asked his mother to take care of her son and leave. She still has something to do.

When Lu Jincai opened the door, he found that it was wrong. There was a pair of men's shoes at the door. When he realized what, his face sank and went straight in the direction of the bedroom.

The door to the bedroom was not tight, and there was a seam. Just before the bedroom, I heard the voice coming from inside.

Just listen to a man and say, "He dared to hit you."

"I'm fine. He already knows what the money is gone. When he is in a hurry, he will slap a hand. It doesn't matter, it's not serious." This is a woman's voice, not who Zhang Wenli is.

The male voice continued, "But it shouldn't be hitting you. What is he? It's just a little punk. You can be a blessing with him for his predecessor."

"Well, don't say it, I'm really fine, you go quickly, don't know when he will come back, if he let him see it, then it's over." Zhang Wenli was very nervous, she did not expect that the man would actually be at this time. Run over, they used to never meet at home.

"Afraid of what, you are my woman, why should I go! These years let you follow him, do you know how painful my heart is? Especially watching our son yell at other people's father, My heart is bleeding."

Lu Jincai outside the door heard this, his face was already gloomy and dripping water. He never thought that Zhang Wenli would dare to wear a green hat for him, and listened to the meaning of the man’s words. They were not short together, even their son. There are.

It is very likely that the son who loves him and his family is not his own kind, and the anger in his heart will be more prosperous.

Zhang Wenli, she is a monk.

In the bedroom, the man continued, "Wen Li, he is now bankrupt, let's go, that tens of millions is enough for our family to have a good time."

"No, I can't go now, wait a little longer. After a while, I will find a chance to divorce him. After the divorce, I will go with you. My son will take it away. After that, our family will live together." Zhang Wenli still remembers himself. It is Lu Jincai’s wife. If you follow the man at this time, then the latter things will become very troublesome.

"But what is your use with him? I used to follow him for money. In the past few years, I have received tens of millions from his hands. I have the money. You go with me, we go to a stranger. The city, buying a big house, is it not good for a family of three to live together? Isn't this what you have been looking forward to?" The man is puzzled.

"This is indeed the life I am looking forward to. I have waited for many years on this day, but now I really can't do it. Only I divorced him. We can just be right together. If I am going with you now, then I am It’s still his wife, I can’t marry you justifiably. You wait for me for a while, one month, at most one month, and one month I promise to divorce him, then we leave.”

"Are you true? Just one month?"

"Yes, I promise that it will be a month." Zhang Wenli assured that she was also fed up with Lu Jincai's life. If Lu Jin was only rich, and she could not bear her own eldest son, she would have left.

"Without a month, I can fulfill you now." The murmurous voice came from the door, the bedroom door was opened, and Lu Jincai’s figure appeared at the door, with one hand behind his back.

Two people in the bedroom saw him and his expression changed suddenly.

Zhang Wenli looked pale and looked at Lu Jincai. "You, when did you come back?"

"How? Is it too early for me to come back? Also, I should not come back, so that you can complete this with you."

"No, come in, you listen to me, he is an ordinary friend." Zhang Wenli said, but this kind of words do not even believe her.

"Wen Li, don't explain it." The man took Zhang Wenli and said, then he looked at Lu Jincai. "Since you bumped into it, I will just say it. I have been with Wenli for many years. We are really in love, you Divorce him."

Lu Jincai laughed. "Is the Xiaosan now so arrogant? Really love? I want you to really love!" He took out his back in his hand and had a cold knife in his hand.

Zhang Wenli and the man saw that he had pulled out the kitchen knife and his face changed.

"Lu Jincai, you are calm, you listen to me explaining this."

Lu Jincai laughed and revealed his white teeth. "Without explanation, I have heard all your conversations."

The kitchen knife was lifted and he did not hesitate to cut it toward the two. When the man saw it, he pushed Zhang Wenli one by one. As a result, the kitchen knife was cut in his hand. He made a scream and the blood suddenly flowed out.

Lu Jincai pulled out the kitchen knife and cut it toward the man. If the man did not react quickly and hid in the past, it would fall on his neck.

Seeing the man escaping, Lu Jing only waved the kitchen knife and rushed toward Zhang Wenli. Zhang Wenli subconsciously hid, but he still had a knife on his shoulder. The wound was not deep, just crossed the skin.

The man hugged Lu Jincai from the back and rolled to the ground. He grabbed his hand and slammed into the foot of the bed. Lu Jin was hurt. The kitchen knife flew away and fell on the floor. The man reluctantly beaten with Lu Jincai.

Lu Jincai's age, after all, is much bigger than a man, not as good as a man, and he is quickly gaining the upper hand.

The fist of the man fell on Lu Jincai’s body. "I let you do it. I let you occupy my woman and my son. You are a old man, an old bastard, you should be cuckold."

Zhang Wenli licked the wound on his shoulder and watched Lu Jincai begin to turn his eyes. He quickly pulled the man. "Don't fight, it will kill people."

The man came back and came down from Lu Jincai’s body, panting and looking at Lu Jincai. “Wen Li, hurry to hit 110, he said that he had a life case.”

Zhang Wenli glanced, the man urged, "Hurry up." And Lu Jincai has been lying on the ground, people do not know.

Zhang Wenli subconsciously went to get the landline. The man sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the jacket over his arm. Lu Jincai just tried to force it again, and his bones would be cut off by him.

At this time, Zhang Wenli and the man did not see that Lu Jincai, who should have been in a coma, opened his eyes and picked up the kitchen knife that fell on the ground.

"Hey, go to hell." Lu Jin was roaring, and the kitchen knife went straight to Zhang Wenli.

The man first reacted, but he could only watch the kitchen knife inserted into Zhang Wenli's body, and the blood splattered Lu Jincai's face.

Lu Jincai looked at Zhang Wenli, who was in the pool of blood. The corner of his mouth raised a smile, and the **** monk dared to betray him.

After the incident, the man reported the police the first time. When the police came, Lu Jin did not run. Instead, he stayed at home and waited for the police to come to the door.

Zhang Wenli has been sent to the hospital for rescue. The specific situation is still unknown. The man followed the hospital.

In the police station, Lu Jincai confessed to his criminal facts, just asked the police, "Is that monk dead?"

The policeman is black-faced. "Please correct your attitude and say, why are you killing?"

"Because she gave me a green hat!" Lu Jincai looked awkward, as long as he thought of raising his son for others for so many years, and everything he was trying to plan was cheaper. A wild man who didn't know where to come from, he would I can’t wait to see Zhang Wenli’s knives.

Zhang Wenli did not die, but she was already seriously injured. Lu Jincai’s crime of attempting to kill is not going to run away.

The news that Shen Junze got Lu Jincai’s murder was one day later, still known from Lu Yaqin’s mouth. Lu Yaqin was the only relative of Lu Jincai. After the accident, the police naturally informed her.

Lu Yaqin did not think that his brother would dare to kill. When he heard the news, he was in the same place. She went to the police station to meet Lu Jincai. Compared with a day ago, Lu Jincai was like being taken away from the soul. I got numb, I saw her, and I didn’t even have the slightest expression.

"Big Brother, why are you..." Lu Yaqin just choked as soon as he opened his mouth, killing people, no matter what, this time the penalty is inevitable.

"You are very happy now, and finally no one can stop your son's road." Lu Jincai gently whispered, coldly said.

"Big brother, you know that I don't mean this, I am worried about you."

"You don't have to be careful, if you come to see my joke today, then the jokes are enough, you can go." Lu Jincai looked indifferent. After coming to the police station, his emotions were like being sealed. .

"Big brother, Zhang Wenli did not die, but was seriously injured. If you admit that you are a fault, the court will not sentence you." After all, Zhang Wenli was derailed first, and Lu Jincai was so drunk that he was understandable.

Who knows that Lu Jin’s face has been stunned by the expressionless face. “What, the monk didn’t die, why didn’t she die, **** slut.”

His emotions suddenly became excited. The policeman on the side saw him and took him away. Lu Yaqin went to Shen Junze directly.

"Jun Ze, you can find a way to help you." Lu Yaqin whispered.

Shen Junze accidentally raised his eyebrows. He did not expect that he was still waiting for Lu Jincai's next move. This person would first toss himself into the police station. It seems that it will not come out for a few years.

"Mom, according to your statement, whether he is murder or murder, it is already evidence. How can you help me? What I can do is help him find a lawyer." Shen Junze looked faint, he There is no interest in helping Lu Jincai.

"Jun Ze, I know that you hate you, my mother knows that I am embarrassing you, but anyway, you used to love you so much. You can't help him at the end? Mom doesn't ask him to Come out, just ask him to be able to judge for a few years." This is his only brother, Lu Yaqin is soft.

------Off topic ------

Well, Lu Jincai officially got the lunch box. This time he can't come out, can't make a demon.

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