MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 517 Fruits that are overbearing

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Yu Xiaoqi squeezed her daughter's face and teased her. "So little thing, crying, losing face?"

If she saw that her mother did not help herself, she became more and more wronged. She looked at Shen Qingyi, "Hey."

Shen Qingxi just smiled. In this case, she can't help the fruit.

Instead, quiet mother first spoke up, "quietly give the toy to my sister."

Quietness is an obedient child. Although some people do not want to, they still handed the toy to the fruit. The fruit was taken over and finally broke into laughter. He said to Anan with a toy. "An An brother, let's play the game."

When Yu Xiaotong saw it, he frowned and said to his daughter softly, "Fruit, my sister will give you the toy, what do you want to say?"

"Thank you, my sister." The little face was full of smiles.

"You're welcome."

Yu Xiaotong is not satisfied. " Fruit, you have to play with your sister, you have to learn to share and know?"

The fruit nodded and took the initiative to pull the quiet hand. "Sister, let's play together."

When Shen Qingxi saw it, he said to Anan, "Do you bring quiet and fruit to play, is your mother ready to eat for you?"

Anan nodded, one hand was quiet, one handed the fruit, took them to the side to sit down.

The three adults looked at them and saw that they sat together in a harmonious manner. They were relieved to go underground. Shen Qing went to the kitchen. She planned to prepare some fruits for several children.

It was only after a long time that there was a cry again in the children's room. This time it was quietly crying. Shen Qingzhen was carrying the fruit out of the kitchen and was going to send it to them. It was quicker to see it.

In the room, quietly opened her mouth and cried, An An wiped her tears at the side, and looked at her face, while the fruit was standing on one side and watching quietly, holding a car in her hand.

Quietly, one hand rubbed his head, one hand wiped his tears, and he was not wronged.

Shen Qingyi put down the fruit plate and will quietly take it in his arms. "What is wrong with this? How suddenly cried?"

Quietly speaking, just looking at the fruit.

Anan saw her mother coming, and immediately said, "Quietly want us to play with the car, the fruit will not let quiet play, but also beat her."

The Xiaoyu, who came in with him, just heard Anan’s words, and his face suddenly changed to look at his daughter.

Quietly, Mom did not say anything. She would quietly hold her arms in her arms and comfort her. She took a quiet little hand and found that her forehead was red, but it was not serious.

Yu Xiaoying was full of faces and even apologized. Jing Jing Ma did not put it in her heart, said with a smile, "It's okay, it's normal for children to fight, don't worry."

Shen Qing did not think that the fruit of the fruit was so overbearing, but this is not a child of his own, naturally can not say anything.

Quietly crying in my mother's arms for a while, and gradually calmed down.

Yu Xiaotong pulled her daughter and looked at her. "Why are you going to fight your sister?" Her look was serious and fruitful. I was scared when I watched my mother, and shrank back. Yu Xiaotong fixed her body and stared at her tightly. "Tell Mom why you want to beat someone?"

The fruit is head down. "I just want to play with An Ange." Her voice was very small, but Yu Xiaotong heard it clearly.

Yu Xiaotong’s expression was very serious. She pulled her daughter to the balcony. “You told Mom, why not play with your sister? Is your sister bullying you?”

The fruit shakes his head.

"Since my sister didn't bully you, I also gave you the toy. Why don't you play with her?" Yu Xiaotong also thought that her daughter's young age was so overbearing. Did they spoil her?

"An An brother only played with her, not playing with me." Fruits lowered their heads, small hands twisted, a look of grievances.

Yu Xiaotong seems to have not seen her grievances, serious expression, "fruit, children have to learn to share, just now my sister and An An brother are playing games, see you came, I will give you the toy, she is so to you Ok, how can you hit her? If you do, then my mother will not take you to see An An brother, you will stay alone at home."

When the fruit heard the words, I immediately cried. The quiet mother heard the crying and quickly came over. "Xiao Xiao is a small contradiction between the children. No need to do this."

"This child is too overbearing. If it is not good to tell her reason, I will still have it later." Yu Xiaotong also did not want to teach her daughter in the face of outsiders, but the fruit can not be used.

People taught their daughter, quiet mother can not say anything, sighed and turned into the room, Yu Xiaolan looked at her daughter, "Don't think that you cry, my mother will not say you, fruit, today's thing Mom must tell you clearly, you are quiet now and listen to your mother, or if your mother waits for you to cry, then you choose."

In the past, when I cried, my mother was soft, but now, this trick is useless. The fruit tears are hanging on the face, crying is not, not crying, Yu Xiaoying looks at her daughter like that. Gradually calm down.

"Do you know where you are wrong today?" Yu Xiaotong asked seriously.

The fruit reached out and wiped her tears and nodded. "Know it."

“Where is the wrong place?”

"You shouldn't call your sister."

"anything else?"

"To play with your sister."

"anything else?"

Guo Guo looked at Yu Xiaoyu silently, I don't know what else is wrong.

"The fruit, others are willing to play with you is someone else's business, you can not be angry because people do not play with you, hit people, this thing is wrong." Yu Xiaotong does not know how to follow a two The oldest child made it clear that the person can't be so overbearing. He can only use her own words to explain the truth to her as much as possible. I don't expect her to understand all of it, but it is a point to understand one point.

The fruit still feels aggrieved. "But before, An An brother was playing with me alone."

"An An brother is not your own, he will also know other children. Fruit, good children who are obedient know how to share with others, such as you have something delicious to share with other children, have fun Toys also play with other children, can't think of yourself, understand?"

The fruit seems to understand, "but mom..."

"No, but fruit, An An brother also likes children who are willing to share with others. If you are like today, then An Ange will never like you anymore, and will not play with you in the future. Mom is not here. Frighten you, my mother is true."

The fruit's small face wrinkled into a ball.

"And it’s not right to beat people. If you hit your sister today, you have to apologize to your sister, understand?"

Fruit looks at her mother, Yu Xiaotong looks at her with encouragement. "Now go in and apologize to my sister. You have to say sorry to your sister, do you know?"

The fruit nodded and went to the quiet. "Sister sorry! I shouldn't beat you, this toy is for you."

Quietly glanced at my mother and took the toy. "It doesn't matter, I don't hurt."

The strength of the fruit is not great. At that time, the quiet forehead was red because the child's skin was delicate, so it was so hard that the red mark on his forehead had faded a lot.

"Sister, you are not angry, are you?"

Shaking his head quietly, "I am not angry." She took the initiative to pull up the fruit's hand. "Let's play together." The fruit nodded and followed quietly to play games with Anan. After a while, there were three people laughing in the room, obviously playing very happy. Children are prone to conflicts, but in the twinkling of an eye it will be reconciled.

Although Jing Ma did not put today's things in her heart, Yu Xiaotong remembered it in her heart. When she returned home at night, she said to Han.

Just as Han Zhengshan is also there, listening to Yu Xiaolan’s words is not a concern. “I’m just touching it. As for being so serious, I’m also apologizing. You’re also doing it. He’s only a few years old. overbearing?"

Yu Xiaotong looked at Han Zhengshan unwillingly. "Dad, this is not the case. It is because the fruit is young, so it should be more educated. If it is now let her develop a hegemonic temperament, it will be even more embarrassing." But she is, she is a girl."

"What happened to our Korean grandmother's grandmother? She has overbearing capital." Han Zhengshan didn't feel that his fruit was wrong at all. "I think the fruit is doing well today, it is my own thing." You should be in your own hands, how can you give it to others? How do you educate your mother, and teach your daughter in front of others."

Han Zhengshan is somewhat dissatisfied with Xiao's practice today. In his opinion, what fruit is doing right is right. If you are a mother, you should help your child.

Han Yu sank his face. "You don't say a few words." The words are directed at Han Zhengshan.

Han Wei looked at Han Zhengshan. "If you are okay, go back. We have two couples to educate the children without you."

Han Zhengshan heard the words, and Tie Qing had a face. "I am your sister. The fruit is my granddaughter. I have no power to manage it?"

"You have no opinion on the fruit, but the education of the fruit does not require you to intervene. I and Xiao can educate her."

"Your education is to teach your daughter in front of outsiders?" Han Zhengshan was very angry.

Han Wei thinks that Yu Xiaotong is doing right today. If he is taught in the way of Han Zhengshan, the fruit may not be taught.

"This is my daughter, I want to educate how to educate, do not need you to control." Han Yu said coldly.

"Well, your children can't control me, I am leaving, I will leave immediately." Han Zhengshan stood up and left, he wanted to let Han Hao or Yu Xiaotong stay, but these two people did not have this time. Retain his mind.

"Han Wei, I don't agree with what your dad said. The problem of fruit must be over. If it is so small, it will be so overbearing. If it is not corrected in time, it will only become more and more overbearing in the future. I don't want my child to be a future." The suspected female overlord." Yu Xiaotong frowned, said dissatisfied.

"I know, I know, I agree with your approach. My dad is nonsense. Don't listen to him. The fruit is really not customary."

Yu Xiaoyan eyes, "I have been used to it, I have already told you that fruit should be educated when I was educated, but what about you? When she cries, you will be soft, how can this be educated?"

Han Wei, he knows that he usually loves the fruit. "That, are we not only this one child?" Just like a child, he doesn't hurt who she hurts.

"Qingyi's family is also a child. Why don't you see Qingyu so much love An'an?" To be strict, Anan is far more favored than fruit, but Anan is well educated and very sensible.

Speaking of the educational problem of fruit, Yu Xiaotong was angry, and Han Han was a typical daughter slave. What the daughter said is what it is. Whenever the fruit is doing the wrong thing and wants to educate her, Han Han is playing round the field.

"Han Han, I am telling you very seriously today that the fruit must be severely criticized. When I educate the fruit, you will not help her again."

Han Yu helped Yu Xiaoqi to sigh with anger. "Well, I must stand on your side. How do you teach how to educate?"

Yu Xiaotong has already seen his essence. "You are the right thing to say now." When the fruit cries, the man immediately becomes soft, and remembers what he said now.

The Koreans touched their noses. "The next time I promise to educate her, I am absolutely not soft."

Yu Xiaolan snorted and went upstairs to see her daughter. "You better do it."


Since the day when Ling came to look after Gu Jiajia, Gu Jiajia thought that Duan Ling would come back to her soon, but after waiting for three days, Ling did not appear in front of her. Not only that, but even a phone call and a text message. No, Gu Jiajia suddenly panicked.

She wants to call Duan Ling, but she doesn't know what to say. She can't ask her to ask Duan Ling to take responsibility. She obviously said that she would not let him be responsible. Now, let's say, it is not to beat yourself. Face? When should Duan Ling see her? But the light waited this way, and it was too tough for Gu Jiajia. I want to come and think. Gu Jiajia did not think of a better way, but could stay at home and be anxious.

Duan Ling is trying to make himself forget what happened that day. As Cui Zeyu said, since Gu Jiajia does not care about it, and he does not want to marry her, then it is a wind and snow, forget it. And Gu Jiajia did not seem to want to see him. When she went to the house to look for her that day, she directly refused him. He thought that maybe both of them should calm down. It is also such a big misunderstanding that Gu Jiajia has passed the ants on the hot pot in the past few days.

How did Gu Jiajia know how Duan Ling was, he was busy with work these days, only busy can make him forget all of this.

After waiting for two more days, Gu Jiajia finally couldn't sit still and appeared in Duan Ling's company.

"Miss Gu, Duan always is in a meeting, you can't go in." The secretary stopped Gu Jiajia outside the office.

Gu Jiajia frowned, she didn't like this secretary of Duan Ling. Every time she saw her, she didn't have a good face. "I am going to the office to wait for my brother-in-law."

"Miss Gu, now the paragraph is always absent, I can't let you in, please forgive me." The secretary stopped at the door and did not let Gu Jiajia enter.

Gu Jiajia sinks his face. "Duan Ling is my brother-in-law. I just went in and waited for him. I didn't do anything to steal secret documents. What do you mean by stopping me?"

"Miss Gu, I am just doing my job. Duan always said that in the absence of time, no one can let anyone in." The secretary did not let her know, she knew Gu Jiajia, and she also knew that Gu Jiajia was Duan Ling. Xiaozizi, logically speaking, she should not treat her with such an attitude, but Duan Ling is her boss. She could not ignore the boss's orders and listen to an outsider's words.

Gu Jiajia stared at the secretary, her face was not good-looking. "If I have to go in?" Her rebellious mentality also came up. The more the secretary refused to let her in, the more she wanted to go in, and the secretary’s attitude today was very strange. She came to find Duan Ling and did not see her like this, which made her wonder whether Duan Ling really was not inside. Or the meeting is just an excuse. Duan Ling actually does not want to see her. Whether the attitude behind the invisible attitude represents Duan Ling actually does not want to be responsible for her. What happened that night, did he really intend to do it as if it had not happened? Thinking of this, Gu Jiajia will open the secretary and go in, the secretary will hold her.

"Miss Gu, you make it difficult for us to do this. If you come back, you will blame us. If it is serious, it will even let us leave the company directly, so please contact Miss Gu, don't go in, or you can Take a break here and wait for the paragraph to come back."

"You give me away, I still have to go in today." The secretary stopped at the door, and Gu Jiajia flashed an anger in his eyes. He pushed the secretary directly and pushed open the door of the office.

There are people in the office, but it is not Duan Ling, but hehe. He is sitting in the position of Duan Ling and kneeling on the desk to write homework.

Gu Jiajia pushed the door very hard. The door fell directly on the wall, and a loud bang was heard. The scream of the homework was scared. The pen crossed the book and directly broke the book. Gu Jiajia did not think that he was actually here.

"Miss Gu, please go out." The secretary was also angered by Gu Jiajia's behavior. No one has ever been like a hard-working office like Gu Jiajia.

Gu Jiajia did not seem to hear her words. She looked at her and frowned. "How come you are here today?" In the tone, there is no disguise.

I already knew that Gu Jiajia didn't like him, so I didn't feel uncomfortable with Gu Jiajia's cold and disgusted tone. Just pick up the eraser on the side and wipe the trace of the pencil on the book.

Gu Jiajia saw her ignoring her, and the anger of flashing through her eyes was really a kind of cockroach, which was as annoying as his mother.

"There is nothing wrong with you here, go out." Gu Jiajia said to the secretary.

The secretary did not leave, "Miss Gu, here is the general office of the section, the total number of people is not here, you can not come in, please go out."

"My sister is not there, other people can't come in, why can he come in?" She pointed at her.

The secretary knows that he is the son of Duan Ling. After all, Duan Ling brought the company to the company for the first time. "The young son was brought to the office personally, and he also told him before the meeting. During his meeting, No one else can come in and disturb the little son, so Miss Gu asks you to go out."

"I won't leave today." Gu Jiajia sat down on the sofa. "I am sitting here waiting for my brother-in-law to come back." Why can I come in and she can't come in.

The secretary looked embarrassed. "Miss Gu, if you do this again, I will call the security guard."

Gu Jiajia looked gloomy and stared at the secretary. "If you believe that my brother-in-law will come back, I will let him fire you." But it is a secretary. To put it bluntly, he is working for Duan Ling. When he becomes the boss of this company, he One thing is to fire this woman.

The two couldn’t argue, and they couldn’t concentrate on doing their homework. They frowned and said to the secretary, “Aunt Zhu, let her stay here.”

The secretary looked at him and eased his expression. "Are you alone?"

Nodded noddedly, the secretary looked at Gu Jiajia again. Gu Jiajia looked very annoyed. "What do you mean by this? Can I still bully a child?"

This can be said to be inaccurate, the secretary secretly.

Gu Jiajia read her meaning from the secretary's eyes, and she hated it. She only hated that she is not the boss of the company now, or else let this woman go out now.

"Miss Gu, Duan will come back soon." The secretary said, the meaning of the words, you still don't have any small moves, so as not to be seen by the general.

Gu Jiajia’s face was impatient and waved. “Hurry out. It’s just a secretary. It’s really wide.”

The secretary did not feel relieved and turned and went out.

When the secretary left, Gu Jiajia looked at him, but he kept his head down and ignored her. Gu Jiajia stood up and walked to the side of the donkey. "Hey, write homework."

He bowed his head and said nothing.

"I am talking to you, how can your child not be a me."

I didn't put down my pen, even if I didn't even lift my head, I said aloud, "Don't you already see that I am writing homework?"

I was stunned, and Gu Jiajia looked a little uncomfortable. "You shouldn’t be at school today? How can you be here?"

I don't want to explain to her, so I didn't make a sound. He was supposed to be in class today, but five or six children in their class were found to be infected with the latest flu virus. They have been quarantined. The school is worried that other students will have an accident, so they will stop other students. I have been staying at home for a few days. After Duan Ling learned, I called Yu Yining and wanted to take a trip to the movies. I met an important meeting in a temporary meeting and asked him to wait in the office. He waited until the end of the meeting to take the movie to the cinema.

"Hey, how is your child so rude, I am talking to you, how can you say it, what do you mean by not talking?" Seeing her again and again, Gu Jiajia was annoyed. "You are just like your mother, not educated."

When the voice just fell, he suddenly raised his head and decided to look at Gu Jiajia. "You are not allowed to say my mother."

"I said what happened to your mother? What is wrong with me? Your mother is not only uncultivated, your mother is still shameless, and if she is not married, she will give birth to a child." Gu Jiajia said disdainfully, never thought about it. Just a seven-year-old child, it is appropriate to say this to a child.

He swelled his face and stared at Gu Jiajia. "You are not allowed to say my mother, my mother is not."

"It's not what, isn't your mother born without you?" Gu Jiajia asked.

This is an ironclad fact. Even if you are embarrassed, you can't refute it. "In short, I don't want you to say my mother. My mother is the best person in the world."

"You said this is a ridiculous death. If your mother is the best person in the world, there is no good woman in the world. People like your mother should have been immersed in pig cages in ancient times, oh, I am afraid you still don't know what it means to soak the pig cage. I will explain to you that if an ancient woman does not keep her way, such as your mother, it will be kept in a cage and immersed in the river to drown. This is dip. Pig cage. Your mother is losing life in modern times, if there is you in ancient times."

"But it’s also a loss to your mother’s face. I dare to give birth to you. If it’s for me, it’s dead, and living is also a shame.”

"Hey." The teacup was at the foot of Gu Jiajia.

He was angry and his face was red, and he glared at Gu Jiajia. "You are a bad woman. You are not allowed to say my mother. You are the worst woman in the world. You are not shameless." Forced to marry someone

Gu Jiajia was shocked. He didn't think that the temper was small, his temper was not small, and he immediately became angry. "Well, you are a little kid, not only dare to marry me, but dare to follow me, you think I am afraid to beat you. No, today I will teach you lessons for your father."

"If you dare to beat me, I will tell my father." He leaned his neck and did not fear.

"I am still afraid of telling you? If you believe it or not, even if you beat you, your dad would not dare to say anything about me." Gu Jiajia said with hatred, she has long been dissatisfied, if not his presence, Duan Ling Can you forget about you? This child, like his mother, never put her in her eyes. It is not a day or two for her to teach him. This time, it is hard to catch the opportunity, and naturally will not let go.

"If you dare to come to me, my dad will be angry."

"Hah, your father won't be angry. I will marry him soon. I will be your little mother in the future. My mother will discipline my son, even if your father can say anything."

Gu Jiajia’s sleeves are going to start, and naturally it’s impossible to sit there and let her play, and stand up and run.

Gu Jiajia catches up, she must teach this stinky boy today. When I ran to the door, I turned around and looked at Gu Jiajia. As a result, I ran into a wall of meat and saw that I would fall to the ground.

Duan Ling’s eyes were fast, and he grabbed it. “What are you running?”

Gu Jiajia did not expect Duan Ling to come back at this time, looking nervous at the face, for fear that he would complain, he would not be expected, see Duan Lingma with him, pointing to Gu Jiajia said, "She wants to fight I."

Duan Lingyi listened, his face suddenly changed, looking at Gu Jiajia, "Sister, don't listen to him nonsense, I have no need to beat him. Besides, I have no reason to beat him."

"She just married my mother. I don't want her to marry, she will hit me."

Gu Jiajia is annoyed, this **** little boy, "Sister, you listen to me, I really don't want to beat him, but he is, I am rushing at me, and throwing a cup at me, you look at the cup on the floor." The debris is what he threw. If I didn't hide, the cup would be thrown on me."

Gu Jiajia explained that it was just that Duan Ling looked at her eyes but it was not the case. "Let's go out."

"Sister, you believe me, I really don't..."

"You go out." Duan Ling did not want to listen to what Gu Jiajia said, apparently already believed in what he said.

"Sister, do you rather believe in a child, don't want to believe that I am? This child has never liked me. Can he believe in his words?" Gu Jiajia looked at Duan Ling with disappointment.

"Gu Jiajia, don't let me say the third time." Duan Ling sinks his face.

Gu Jiajia’s glance at her, she walked away. She originally wanted to test the attitude of Duan Ling. I didn’t expect it to be hit by Duan Ling. Now, Duan Ling thought she was really bullied. This stinky boy, may not know how to think about her. It’s all blameless, even if you don’t want to face it, the son you gave birth is not a good thing. In the heart of Gu Jiajia, he greeted the eighteen generations of the ancestors of Yin and Ning.

When Gu Jiajia left, Duan Ling looked down at him, but he was not willing to go with Duan Ling. "I want to go home, you send me back."

"How are you really angry? The uncle apologized to you."

"I don't want your apology. My mother is the best woman in the world. She is not shameless." He is already seven years old. He has actually understood some things. For those who said that Gu Jiajia said today, he remembers In my heart. In his opinion, it was because Duan Ling had not given birth to his mother and gave birth to him. For so many years, people outside looked down on his mother because of Duan Ling.

Therefore, the original good feelings for Duan Ling were destroyed by the words of Gu Jiajia today.

When Duan Ling heard the words, his face sank, but this emotion, but not the confrontation, but the departure of Gu Jiajia, he did not think that Gu Jiajia would actually say this.

"Hey, you can't listen to your uncle to explain to you. In the heart of your uncle, your mother is also the best woman in the world. Just don't mind the aunt's words. Don't you be angry with her uncle because of her words? ”

I don't talk.

"Uncle said sorry to you, don't you be angry, or, my uncle took you to the playground to play?" Just whatever Duan Ling? I insisted on going home. ..

Duan Ling had no choice but to promise to send it back. On the way back, I have been silent. No matter what topic Duan Ling said, he did not talk.

As soon as I got home, I said, "I hate that woman."

Duan Ling reacted and he said Gu Jiajia, so he said, "Uncle knows, next time you come, she promises that it will not appear in front of you."

"Will you marry him?" he asked, his face was a little tangled.

"Who told you this?" Duan Ling glanced at him from the rearview mirror.

To be honest, "she just said it herself, she said that you will get married soon, is it true?"

Duan Ling’s eyes flashed a glare, but the look at Yu’s eyes was mild. “Not really, she lied to you, my uncle would not marry her.”

Nodded, "If you marry her, then I can't come to see you. I don't like her."

Duan Ling parked the car aside and looked at him seriously. "Hey, my uncle will not get married. This uncle will not marry anyone. As for the aunt, you don't have to worry about it. She said Every word is not true, whether it is marriage, or what she said about your mother, you can forget it all."

"So you really won't marry him?" I still don't feel at ease.

"Yes, I won't marry her."

"That's good." I feel relieved. Duan Ling is actually very good to him. He does not really hate Duan Ling, but if Duan Ling is married to Gu Jiajia, then he will even be separated from Duan Ling.

After sending the donkey back home, Duan Ling did not return to the company, but called Gu Jiajia. "Where are you?"

Gu Jiajia is angry, the tone will not be good, Duan Ling actually drove her away in the face of the little boy. "Where am I going to shut you down? Are you not fierce me?"

"Where are you now? I am coming to see you now." Duan Ling asked again.

Gu Jiajia's eyes brightened, thinking that Duan Ling was coming to marry her, and her expression was somewhat proud. She knew that Duan Ling did not care about her completely. After all, they already had skin pros, right? So pretending to be unwilling to report the address.

Duan Ling soon arrived, just a face, Gu Jiajia snorted, a bad feeling.

"What did you say to you today?" Duan Ling opened the door.

"Brother, are you here to question me?"

"Allison. You know my temper."

Gu Jiajia whispered, and his face was wronged. "Brother, this is really not blaming me today. I saw him sitting alone doing homework, and asked him kindly, and he was not irritated to me. Then, when I was angry, I said a few unpleasant words. Who knows that this little ghost has a big temper, and throws the teacup and throws it on me. Do you say that I can bear it? Besides, I didn’t really beat him. I just scared and scared him."

"So you really said that this is a shameless face?" Duan Ling caught the point.

Gu Jiajia looks a little unnatural. Duan Ling suddenly understood, "Gu Jiajia, you actually said this to a seven-year-old child? What is your heart?"

"Sister, I am, he is a child, I can have any heart, but I am insane under the anger. I regret it after I said it. I originally wanted to apologize to him. As a result, this kid beat me. ""

"You still told me that we are getting married?" Duan Ling was very angry and his face was dark.

Gu Jiajia's face was a stiff face. I didn't expect Qilian to say this. "Brother, I am joking with him."

"Gu Jiajia, I don't care if it's your joke, or if it's serious, you can hear it clearly, I won't marry you, I hope you won't say it again."

Gu Jiajia looked at Duan Ling unbelievably, "Sister, you..."

"The thing that night was my fault. What kind of compensation do you want? I can give you some compensation. But the idea of ​​getting married is too early. I won't agree."

The original attitude of Duan Ling was not so determined. That happened that night. He was deeply embarrassed about Gu Jiajia, but today Gu Jiajia’s attitude toward him made him see something clearly and made him make up his mind.

Gu Jiajia absolutely couldn’t think of it, because of his own words today, he completely dispelled the concerns of Duan Ling’s heart.

"Compensation? Brother-in-law, do you think that I am greedy for your money?"

"Besides the money, I have nothing else to give you."

"Duan Ling, what do you think of me, I am Miss? You used money to send me?" Gu Jiajia looked blue.

"Then what do you want? That day is what you said, you don't need me to be responsible." Duan Ling said straightforwardly.

Gu Jiajia decided to look at him. "I am changing my mind now. Duan Ling, I want you to marry me. Since you have slept me, you are responsible for me. I said that it was just a male girl." Love, so you don't have to put this in your heart, but now I regret it, I want you to marry me."

Originally, Gu Jiajia did not want to force Duan Ling, but Duan Ling’s attitude today made her heart very scared. Even if it is forced, she must first force Duan Ling to marry her, and the rest will wait until later, she can't take care of it now.

Duan Ling was fixed to look at her, his eyes were a little strange. He once seemed to never really recognize the woman in front of her. She was no longer the simple girl. "I will not marry you, except for marriage." I can promise you." In the face of Gu Jiajia's sudden change of attitude, Duan Ling has strengthened his mind.

"I don't want other conditions, I will marry you. Besides marriage, I don't want any compensation. Before I was with you, I was a big yellow niece. You are my first man. I am clear with you." You can't recognize people if you can't put on your pants." Faced with Duan Ling, it is like a stranger's derivative. Gu Jiajia's heart is more flustered.

"Duan Ling, in the strict sense that night, you forced me, you should be responsible for me."

Duan Ling stared at Gu Jiajia's eyes. "In fact, this is your real purpose? Is that really what I forced you that night?" He suddenly doubted Gu Jiajia's remarks.

Gu Jiajia looks like a stiff, tears falling down. "Duan Ling, what do you mean by that? You were drunk that night, not me drunk, you used to treat me as a cockroach, I am still full of grievances. That was my first time, the most important first time for a girl, but the result was taken away by you in that situation. Who is wrong with my grievances and insults?"

Duan Ling couldn't stand the tears of a woman. He saw the tone and eased his tone. "Jia Jia, I am sorry for you. You want to beat me. I can do it. How much can I do, but I am married, sorry, I really can't do it. I don't love you, I won't fall in love with you in the future. If you marry me, you won't be happy."

"Duan Ling, why are you so cruel to me, I just love you, should I be hurt by you? Well, you don't want to marry me, yes, I hope you will not regret it later!"

------Off topic ------

I still feel that Gu Jiajia and Duan Ling are together, too cheap Gu Jiajia.

PS: These days I have been entangled in the new man's name, do you have a good idea? (to be domineering)

Come and come, the new man’s name is collected, and everyone is very cute and enthusiastic.

(The new man is a neuropathy, the appearance is very mild, but the inner heart is dark, it is a metamorphosis, but it is a deep affection for the woman.)

Read The Duke's Passion