MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 509 Luyao has a happy

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Shen Junze continued, "Uncle Wang, if I get the company, I will only drive Lu Jincai and his people out of the company. You look at the uncle who grew up, I have to respect, how was my dad? For you, how will I be against you in the future. Or do you not believe that I have this ability?"

Wang Fu did not consider it for a long time, and soon made a decision. "Jun Ze, your ability uncle has seen it. Uncle believes that if you bring the company back, you can manage the company very well. I can help you with this matter. But it takes a little time."

"how long will it takes?"

"One month." In the past few years, Lu Jincai has arranged his own confidante in the important departments of the company. His power has been overhead, and even if he wants to do anything, he needs a little time to prepare.

"Good." Shen Junze promised that he had waited for more than two years, and did not care to wait a month.

Shen Junze has long wanted to understand that Bokai Real Estate, even if it develops faster, will not be able to surpass Lloyd's real estate in the next three years. If you want to recover the company in a short time, you must start from the inside of Lloyd Real Estate. The problem within the company is the fastest way. And these require the help of people inside the company. Those old shareholders are the best candidates. He also wants to thank Lu Jincai.

If Lu Jincai did not cross the river to break the bridge, these old shareholders would not be chilling to him, and he was not so easy to shake.

Persuading Wang Fu is the first and most easiest step, because Wang Fu’s relationship with his father Shen is the deepest, and Wang Fu’s personality is the most serious compared to other shareholders.

Shen Junze still remembers that when he first entered the Shen family, Wang Fu was actually the first person to help him, but he was really... It made Wang Fu disappointed.

"Jun Ze, if you really intend to take back the company and treat our old shareholders kindly, then the uncle is sure to help you. This thing, the uncle will go back and plan well, wait for the uncle to think about how to operate, the uncle will turn back. Contact you again."

"Thank you, Uncle Wang. With your help, I believe I can get back to my dad's company very quickly."

"Don't thank me, it counts that I owe you. If I help you one more year, you won't be able to be ... forget it, don't say anything about the past."

"Uncle Wang, you don't feel guilty. In the past, I didn't live up to myself. Since it is already in the past, it is no longer important. It is the most important thing." Shen Junze said with warm voice.

"You and your father are more and more like that. He is also a very open-minded person. I really miss the days when I started a business with your father." Wang Fu said with emotion, he is really blessed to Shen. The man is ambitious and ambitious, but he is honest and kind, but unfortunately helped a white-eyed wolf.

And Wang Fu also followed Shen to return to China, only to know that Shen Jean was actually a Shen family.

"Uncle Wang, you will miss the days of working with me in the future." Shen Junze said with a smile.

The two men smiled and reached a consensus on certain things.

Since he decided to help Shen Junze, Wang Fu also gave several sincere suggestions. "Jun Ze, if you really want to take back the company, it is not enough to convince me that you have to maintain good relations with the shareholders of the company."

Shen Junze originally had this plan. Now when Wang Fu came forward, he said, "Uncle Wang, I haven't contacted the uncles and uncles for a long time. When did you get together, let's have a meal together?"

"This is no problem. When I change the day, I will ask some of their old guys to have a meal. Besides those who are not willing to come back in the US, I will be familiar with these few companies. I will definitely sell them. I have this face, but after I come, how can I convince them? It depends on your own skills."

"This is of course, Uncle Wang has already set up a ladder for me. If I can't climb it up, it will be incompetent, and I will live up to the trust of Uncle Wang."

"It's good to say that today is not too early, I will go back first."

"Uncle Wang, I will send you out."

"No, I go by myself, you go out later."

Shen Junze immediately understood the meaning of Wang Fu's words. Now that the plan has not yet started, they should indeed avoid the suspicion, and Lu Jincai, who is exempted, has prepared for it, and that matter is tricky.

"Okay, then I will not send Uncle Wang, you are careful on the road."

Wang Fu waved his hand and walked out of the box slowly, holding two bottles of Shen Junze's wine in his hand.

The reason why Wang Fu would agree to Shen Junze so quickly, in fact, he also had his own considerations. In the past two years, his power in the company was overtaken by Lu Jincai. He is equivalent to a director who has no real power and does not clearly occupy the most important position of the company. There is no power at all, and it is vulgar, and this is what it takes.

He knows that Lu Jincai is doing this to force him to resign from the company, so that Lu Jincai will not carry the nickname of crossing the river. In the company, Lu Jincai’s confession intentionally or unintentionally in front of him or behind his gossip, is nothing more than saying that he does not know the current affairs.

On such a day, Wang Fu was also very tormented, and recently Lu Jincai already had the intention to take back the shares of several old guys. If they didn’t move anymore, I’m afraid that they would only end up being driven out of the company by Lu Jincai. This situation is why Wang Fu is not willing to see it.

Moreover, the development of Shen Junze in the past two years, he is in the eyes, the ability is beyond doubt. Even if Shen Junze finally chose to cross the bridge with Lu Jincai, they could also negotiate the conditions in advance and directly sell the company's shares to Shen Junze at the market price. This is also a good choice.

However, Wang Fu still wants to gamble. He does not say that people are very accurate, but there are eight points. The character of Shen Junze is not seen in the past. Today, when it comes to contact, it is similar to Shen.

Another point is that Wang Fu’s heart is really a bit of a sigh for Shen. When he did not stand on the side of Shen Junze, he allowed Lu Jincai to drive him out of the company. He was sorry for Shen. After that, Shen let him die before he died, but he hoped that they would help Junze to stand firm.

After sending away Wang Fu, Shen Junze also breathed a sigh of relief. At least the first step of the plan went very smoothly. This shows that he chose Wang Fu as the first object to be considered correctly. Wang Fu did not expect what he expected and promised to help him. In this way, his plan would be much smoother.

Things finally progressed, Shen Junze's mood is very good, he wants to call Shen Qingyi, pick up the phone and think of Shen Qingyi this time abroad, but helplessly let go.

In the past few years in Beijing, he had no friends at all, and even a person who was drinking could not find it. Thinking of this, Shen Junze suddenly fell a bit, and he actually failed quite a man.

No one can share the joy of Shen Junze. He has no other place to go. If he thinks about it, he simply goes to Shenjia to visit Shen’s father.

"Jun Ze, how come suddenly today?" Chu Yunrong saw Shen Junze, asked with a smile.

"I didn't see Grandpa for a while, come over to see Grandpa today, grandfather at home?"

"Your grandfather is here, in the study room upstairs, go up and find him."

Shen Junze nodded and went upstairs to find Shen’s father, and Shen’s father was practicing the brush.

"Grandpa, I am coming over to see you today. Have you been in good health recently?"

"My body is very good. Listen to your brother saying that you have been busy with the new company recently. How is it? Is everything going well?" Shen Junze himself went out to the office and Shen Junyi reported to him.

"It's quite smooth. Big brother has helped me a lot. I don't know if I don't understand."

"That's fine. If you have a new goal, you should work hard, don't be as guilty as before." Shen said with a strong heart, this grandson's character is a bit extreme, although the two years are much better, but not squatting One point, the old man is afraid that he will take the road.

"Grandpa, I used to let you down." Shen Junze, he did not know how he would be so confusing at the time, to see who has conspiracy theory.

"Don't mention it in the past. If you do well in the future, don't hesitate me to promise that your father will look after you."

"Grandpa, I understand, I will work hard, will not let you down, will not lose the face of Shen family, Grandpa, thank you for your tolerance."

"You don't have to thank me. I am tolerant of you because you are my grandson. What you really should thank is you and Jun."

"I always remember their help to me. If I didn't have them, I would rather confuse them." Shen Junze said.

When eating at night, Chu Yunrong suddenly asked Shen Junze's personal question, "Jun Ze, do you have a girlfriend now?"

Shen Junze was drinking soup. He heard the words of Chu Yunrong and almost squirted it out. However, although it was not sprayed out, it was picked up.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough."

Chu Yunrong saw it and quickly reached out to help him pat the back. "Just ask if you have a girlfriend, what are you doing so excitedly."

Shen Junze is so easy to slow down, "big aunt, I am still small, no hurry."

"What is still small, you are two or three years younger than Qingyi, Anan can now play soy sauce, you should also find a girlfriend."

Shen Junze has turned red. "Auntie, my current focus is on my career."

"There is nothing wrong with career and love. When a man is married and a woman is married, there is nothing to be embarrassed about."

Chu Yunrong has been relatively busy recently. When she went to school in Anan during the day, she had nothing to do. Several children in the family, except Shen Junze, had already become married, and she did not need to worry about it. Today, she saw Shen Junze as a medium. The mind.

This incident was also mentioned to Shen Shenzi some time ago. At that time, she just said a word, Shen’s father meant to let her look at him.

The thought of Shen Laozi, Chu Yunrong actually understands, nothing more than worrying that Shen Junze will be like Shen Shen, looking for a wife who is not the right person.

"Jun Ze, my aunt knows a lot of good girls. If you want to find a girlfriend, the aunt can help you introduce. You tell the aunt, what kind of do you like? It is gentle, lively, or cute. Or it is a sage, as long as you say it, the aunt will promise to help you find it."

The blush on Shen Junze's face has not retreated. "The big aunt, I am really not in a hurry now."

Chu Yunrong only thought that he was embarrassed. "What is embarrassing about this, you should first talk to the aunt, the aunt will help you to pay attention to it. After you want to talk about it, the aunt knows which direction to go. Look for it."

Father Shen also helped me. "Your aunt is right. This person is old. It is normal to talk about marriage. Don't be embarrassed. You are married to Junjie." You are left behind in Shen’s children. You should also hurry. You are busy with work on weekdays. You definitely don’t have time to meet girls. Just as your aunt knows more, let her introduce you. If you feel comfortable, you can communicate. If you feel unsuitable, look at it again."

It’s hard to be grateful, Shen Junze’s, and he just said a few mate selection criteria. Chu Yunrong remembers this in his heart. "Cheng, the aunt remembers, and introduces you to your heart."

Shen Junze laughed. He had not considered his lifelong events before. In recent years, his mind has been reclaiming his father’s company. Even now, his mind is still on this, and there is no such thing as love for men and women. Too much interest. It’s just that Chu Yunrong has already come up this evening, so he can’t refute the face of Chu Yunrong. The left is that when he invites the girl to have a meal, he still has the money to eat.

Shen Junze accompanied Shen’s father to finish his dinner. He was planning to go back and met Shen Junyi and Wen Yuyao.

Today, Shen Junyi is particularly happy. When she enters the door, she is full of smiles. Although he still laughs on his face, it is different from today. Today's laugh is from the heart, and Wen Yanyao is with him, slightly coveted, with a hint of shame on his face.

"Brother, nephew, you are back." Shen Junze took the initiative to say hello.

"Today, Junze is also there, that is just right, I want to announce a good news." Shen Jun said with a smile, everyone looked at him.

"What good news?" Chu Yunrong asked with a smile.

Shen Junyi smashed over Wen’s shoulder. “The good news is that she is pregnant.”

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Yunrong immediately greeted him with a look of surprise. "Really? You Yao really have it?"

Wen Yanyao nodded with a smile.

"A few months? Go to the hospital for inspection?"

Wen Yuyao was embarrassed to bow his head. "It’s just six weeks, it’s still early. I’m just coming back from the hospital with Jun Hao.”

Wen Yuyao is also pregnant today. Her vacation has always been inaccurate, so when the holiday was delayed, Wen Yuyao did not associate with pregnancy.

When I have lunch at noon. Shen Junyi gave her a piece of fish. She just put it in her mouth and raised a strong sense of nausea. Shen Junyi was not at ease. She took her to the hospital for gastroenterology examination. As a result, the doctor suggested that they go to the obstetrics and gynaecology department. Once they were examined, they were really pregnant.

Wen Yuyao is pregnant, that is definitely a big thing in the Shen family, this is the first great grandson of Shen.

Shen Qingyi received the news even in foreign countries. "Xunzi, congratulations."

Wen Yanyao smiled and looked gentle. "Thank you. Are you still going well abroad?"

Shen Qingxiao nodded with a smile. "It's quite smooth. We will go back in four days. I will go to the mall the day after tomorrow and bring a meeting to my little nephew."

"How do you know that it must be a little bitch? What if it is a prostitute?"

"It's a prostitute better, and my daughter looks like my brother will hold it in my hand." Just like her family, she can guarantee that if she had a daughter, Fu Hengyi would definitely be a proper daughter slave.

"Do you feel uncomfortable with the scorpion? For example, what do you want to vomit?" Her pregnancy reaction caused her to suffer a lot of crimes.

"No, probably the current month is still shallow, there is no feeling for the time being."

"That's good, if there is any discomfort, you have to tell my mom, don't endure it yourself."

"In your eyes, I am such a wronged temper." Wen Yanyao laughed, if she was really uncomfortable, she would not endure.

"Right, my brother?" Shen Qingyi is in the video with Wen Yuyao, did not see his brother, some strange.

"You brother him..." Wen Yanyao paused, his face full of smiles. "Your brother is still excited, not slowing down." From the hospital, Shen Junyi has been in excitement, Just like playing chicken blood, I am running in the gym now.

"My brother, this is the first time to be a father, and it is inevitable to be excited."

Shen Junyi has already come out of the gym. Now I am checking the precautions of pregnant women online. I have a book in my hand. If I see something useful, I will write it down first. He plans to ask the doctor tomorrow.

------Off topic ------

I have been here today. I have been sleeping for three hours every night for six consecutive days. In the past few days, I have been rushing to work very hard. I have to go to work during the day. I can’t write it anymore. I will add another day tomorrow and then resume. Normally updated.

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