MTL - Across the Sky From the Stop of Time-v5 Chapter 984 Xiaoqian, what you should learn is not serving tea and pouring water, but

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  If it was when she was still under the hand of the dryad grandma and was forced to be a prostitute by her, someone told Nie Xiaoqian whether she would like to be reincarnated~~

  Nie Xiaoqian at that time must have not even thought about it, and categorically agreed.

  After all, at that time, she had had enough days of forced smiles and conscience condemnation every day~~

   But as the saying goes, people's desires and needs will change with time and environmental changes.

  When Hao Shuai suddenly appeared and broke into her world, she was fascinated, and her thoughts began to change. When she saw Hao Shuai's changed strength, her thoughts became firmer.

  Reincarnation is good, but what is the world like now?

  In today's world, there is no way in the world, ghosts are impermanent, ghosts are rampant, evildoers are in power, and the common people are in dire straits. Is it really better to be reincarnated as a human than to be a ghost?

  Even if reincarnated, it's just a trip in the sea of ​​suffering~~

   With better luck, you can be a ghost again!

   I'm almost unlucky, I'm afraid that life is worse than death, and I can't even be a ghost!

   It is better to follow the strong side with tyrannical strength, the most secure!

   Most importantly, if reincarnated, is she still her?

  Are you afraid that it will be another person by then?

  So there was no need to think about it, Nie Xiaoqian bowed to Hao Shuaiying, and said softly: "I want to stay with the young master, even if I am a slave or a handmaid, I will not hesitate. I hope the young master will be successful."

   Hao Shuai was not surprised by Nie Xiaoqian's choice, and he also hoped that Nie Xiaoqian would choose to stay.

  After all, the feeling of being an undead knight is really cool~~

  Among Hao Shuai's many wives, only Nie Xiaoqian is a ghost.

   As the saying goes, rare things are more expensive! Hao Shuai is naturally very rare!

  As for the question that it is difficult to cultivate a ghost body to become a fairy~~

   It may be difficult for others, but for Hao Shuai, this is not a problem at all.

  He firmly believes in massive resources, and piles up Nie Xiaoqian into a ghost!

  Of course, as an open-minded person, Hao Shuai still respects Xiaoqian's choice.

  If she really chooses to reincarnate, Hao Shuai will let her go.

  Anyway, there are so many poor (beautiful) life (bright) girls, Ah Piao, without Nie Xiaoqian, I can still save others!

   Like the cute girl Yue Qiluo in "Wuxin Mage", the kind and lovely nightshade in "Legend of Sword 3", etc., they are still generous.

  If Hao Shuai finds it troublesome, there are Mei Sanniang (Zeng Li), Xiao Xie (Tang Ning), Qiu Rong (Huo Siyan) and other Ah Piao in the world of Liaozhai!

   Even, if he wants to change his taste, then Reiko Asakawa from "Midnight Ring", Kayako from "The Grudge", Chu Renmei from "The Old Corpse in the Mountain Village", etc. can also be considered.

   (I have read a novel in which the boss really accepted Chu Renmei, he is really a role model for my generation!)


Looking at Xiaoqian's hopeful eyes, Hao Shuai pretended to think for a while, and then said: "I happen to be short of a maid by my side, if you want, you can stay by my side and be a maid! From now on, I will serve tea and water, wash and cook These~~""

   "Xiaoqian will study hard and strive to become a qualified maid as soon as possible." Before Hao Shuai could finish speaking, Nie Xiaoqian promised.

   "What I said is that you don't need to do these things!" Hao Shuai gave Xiaoqian a white look, and said angrily.

  This kid really has no eyesight at all~~

  Hao Shuai looks like someone who lacks a maid? !

  Not to mention Lu Ding Yitian and other maids in the world selected by sea, which one has not been trained to serve others since childhood? !

  Nie Xiaoqian, the former eldest lady, no matter how hard she learns, she doesn't have the majors of those court ladies!

   "Huh?? Don't do these?" Nie Xiaoqian couldn't turn the corner for a while.

   "Compared to serving tea and pouring water, doing laundry and cooking, I hope you will learn practical skills such as 'White Tiger Teng', 'Wild Horse Leap', and 'Sheep Climbing Tree'." Hao Shuai said meaningfully.

  Nie Xiaoqian: "???"

  Looking at Xiaoqian who looked confused and didn't know what Hao Shuai was talking about, Hao Shuai could only remind him: "It's what I taught you last night~~"

   "Young Master~~"

  Hao Shuai hadn't finished speaking, the smart Nie Xiaoqian immediately understood what he was talking about, her pretty face turned red and purple in an instant, and ran back into the room without turning her head after a coquettish cry.

   Hao Shuai looked at Xiaoqian's graceful back, and couldn't help but have a question in his heart: Is it a woman's unique habit to run back to the room when she is shy? Besides, aren't you a female Apiao? Shouldn't you use flying to go back to your room?


  No words all night~~

   While having breakfast, Yan Chixia, who had rested overnight and regained some energy, suddenly said, "Brother Hao, I won't be with you for the rest of the time."

   "Ah? Brother Yan, didn't we agree to slay demons and demons together?" Hao Shuai was a little anxious when he heard that, since he hadn't fooled Xuanyuanjian himself, how could he just separate from Yan Chixia like this!

"Brother Hao, I have figured it out. The gap between our strengths is too great. Following you is not so much about slaying demons together, but rather that you are slaying demons and I am watching the fun." Yan Chixia explained : "So I plan to retreat and practice, and I will not leave the mountain until I break through the golden core stage."

   "This~~" Hao Shuai pondered for a while, not knowing what to say.

  He knew that what Yan Chixia said was right. From Lanruo Temple to the underworld, all the way down, any big monster with a higher cultivation level was basically wiped out by Hao Shuai.

  Yan Chixia was in charge of shouting six six six!

  In the long run, the lack of fighting with masters is indeed not conducive to the improvement of Yan Chixia's strength.

  Thinking about this, Hao Shuai couldn't say anything to persuade him to stay.

  But not staying doesn't mean Hao Shuai gave up Xuanyuan Sword. Hao Shuai changed the subject and said, "Brother Yan, what do you think of my strength?"

   "Brother Hao's strength can be said to be extraordinary, which is something Yan has never seen in his life." Yan Chixia praised sincerely.

   "Actually, Wanjian Guizong and Bahuang Xuanhuo Formation are all things I have practiced in my free time." Hao Shuai said: "What I am best at is actually Leifa."

   "What? I practiced when I was bored? I majored in Leifa?" Yan Chixia asked with a look of shock and disbelief.

  If she didn’t know that Hao Shuai was not a braggart B, Yan Chixia would have thought that Hao Shuai was talking big. But it was because he knew Hao Shuai's personality that he was surprised.

   "That's right~ it's Lei Fa." Hao Shuai swallowed the bun in his hand, and suggested: "Go ~ find a place where no one is around, and let you experience my Lei Fa's cultivation."

   After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yan Chixia to say anything, she grabbed him and ran towards the deep mountain not far away.

  When Hao Shuai and Yan Chixia sat in the inn again, it was already half an hour later~~

  Just learning from Hao Shuai's leisurely attitude, Yan Chixia seemed a little out of her mind.

  No way~~

  Who made him see Hao Shuai's pretending X just now, no, it was Lei Fa!

  Anyone who sees Hao Shuai's Lightning Ben Lei Fist and Excalibur Yu Lei Zhen Jue with all his strength will have the same expression as Yan Chixia.

  Of course, apart from being shown off, a suggestion made by Hao Shuai after the demonstration was also one of the reasons why Yan Chixia was so out of her mind...
