MTL - Across the Sky From the Stop of Time-v5 Chapter 1062 Raton: Fortunately, I know the current affairs, and I hugged the big one in time.

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   "Hey~~ (I must have not woken up, so I was dazzled, otherwise how could I see Godzilla and King Kong!

  Ladon shook its huge forehead, trying hard to wake himself up.

  It's a pity that no matter how much it shakes its forehead, there are always four giant beasts staring at it.

   "Hey~~ (you play with that, I'll go back to sleep.

  Radon pretended not to wake up, and prepared to climb back to the crater and continue pretending to be asleep.


   Unexpectedly, as soon as Raton took action, a huge metal stick knocked on its forehead, and the huge force immediately knocked Radon to the ground.

  At this time, Hao Shuai floated in front of Raton, telepathically said: "Either surrender, or they beat you to surrender?"


  As soon as Hao Shuai’s voice fell, Godzilla Pipi Shrimp and them all moved towards Raton, and there was a burst of noise, and the voice was full of expectation.

  They hope that Raton will be tougher, so they have a new toy to play with for a while.

  That is to say, Hao Shuai protected his eardrums in advance, otherwise, the roar of Godzilla's four beasts would definitely damage his eardrums.

  Actually, Hao Shuai also hoped that Raton would be tougher. After all, he hadn’t seen Godzilla and the others fight to the flesh for several days.


Raton snarled at Godzilla and the others, and just when the four Godzilla beasts were about to make a move, Raton lowered his head in Hao Shuai's direction, and turned his body to Hao Shuai. The meaning of surrender to please is self-evident.


   Godzilla and the four beasts all expressed disdain for Raton's surrender without resistance.

  Radon, who heard Godzilla's contempt, lit up a subtle fierce light in his eyes, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Raton comforted himself in his heart and said: Raton, I will never be a slave, but I am outnumbered and outnumbered, so I can only make compromises for the time being, surrender to this little one in front of me, and wait until Godzilla pulls the four of them. When he's not around, hum~ See if I don't swallow him in one gulp.

   Poor Laton, he didn't know that his little thoughts had already been clearly known in front of the telepathic Hao Shuai.

  Even if there is no telepathy, Hao Shuai understands Raton's character of a boy or a boy thoroughly.

  Radon is very powerful. Although it was seriously injured by Mothra's backstab in the movie, in terms of combat effectiveness, Raton is a titan second only to Godzilla and Ghidorah.

   Just imagine with such strength and character, how could Hao Shuai not be careful.

  So when Raton expressed his surrender, he had already begun to engrave the curse seal of the beast control art in Radon's sea of ​​consciousness.

When Hao Shuai's beast control technique was completed, Raton, who understood the power of the beast control technique and Hao Shuai's strength, was full of resentment in his eyes: "TNND, you have already said that you have such strength. You surrendered a long time ago, why bring Godzilla and the four of them to threaten me!"

   After complaining, Raton suddenly felt a little sad. He knew that he really lost his freedom, and the King of the Sky would become a caged bird from now on.

"Sad ass! I just occasionally ride you to pretend to be X, and you should do whatever you want at other times." Hao Shuai, who sensed Laton's heart, scolded without curiosity: "And there are great benefits to following me. , didn’t you see that Godzilla and King Kong have become my subordinates!”

  Hao Shuai's words made Raton's eyes brighten, yes! Even the arrogant Godzilla and King Kong have become underlings of the little ones, so why should I be so depressed!

   And the little one, no, the master also said, follow him, there are great benefits!

  Thinking of the benefits that Hao Shuai promised just now, Raton's mood immediately brightened again, and he said in his heart: "Sure enough, I, Raton, know the most about current affairs! Swearing to die is a wrong choice for me!"


Hao Shuai didn't know that Raton had so many inner activities. After subduing Raton, Hao Shuai sent the four Godzilla beasts back to the earth's core world, and then he was going to sit on Raton and go to the place where the next titan was located. area.

  At this time, he noticed that the volcano erupted because of Raton's awakening, and the hot magma was rolling towards the city below the mountain with overwhelming force.

  Thinking that the tens of thousands of people living in the city below might suffer unwarranted disasters because of himself, Hao Shuai, feeling a little sad, immediately flew into the air, took a deep breath, and blew down condescendingly.

  Superman's unique skill - frozen breath activation.

  In an instant, the entire island of Mara was dark and full of flying sand and rocks!

In the gloomy world covered by volcanic ash, the sudden drop in temperature caused everything to be covered with a thick layer of ice, and bursts of bitter cold wind blew down like knives, easily knocking down rows of big trees like matches. Generally broken.

   Frost visible to the naked eye sprinkled the ground, and soon built up high, forming a vast ice sheet, covering the entire volcano.

   This scene shocked all the people in the city below, and some people even kept worshiping in Hao Shuai's direction.

   And the picture of Hao Shuai suffocating into ice is naturally seen by the high-level officials of various countries.

  God knows what these high-level executives were thinking after receiving reports from their subordinates that Hao Shuai appeared again.

  But no matter what mood they were in, at this moment, their hearts were shaking violently, and their faces were serious.

   Know Hao Shuaimeng, but every time Hao Shuai can refresh their cognition.

  If the titanic beasts like Mutogozilla are legendary demons, then the man standing in the air is a **** above.

  Actually let alone human beings, even Raton, who was almost hit by the fish pond and flew into the air, was scared out of his wits by Hao Shuai's move.

   Frozen a volcano in one breath!

   How can such a feat not make Raton feel extremely shocked!

It is one thing to know Hao Shuai's strength, but another to see it with his own eyes. From this moment on, Raton began to be cautious when facing Hao Shuai, for fear that the master who had just landed on top of his head would give him a slap in the face if he didn't agree with him. Breathing out a breath, he froze himself.

  God knows that the flame Balrog Raton hates water and ice the most.

   Raton was very grateful: Fortunately, I knew the current affairs and hugged my thigh in time!

  Hao Shuai didn't know that Raton was thinking wildly again. Seeing that the volcanic eruption had stopped, he landed on Raton's head and directed Raton to fly westward.

   As for whether the volcano will continue to erupt after Hao Shuai leaves~~

   Isn't this nonsense!

  Hao Shuai's frozen breath only temporarily stopped the momentum. Without Hao Shuai's continuous output, the ice sheet will melt sooner or later, and the accumulation of energy inside the volcano will accelerate this process.

  But this is not what Hao Shuai should care about.

He has already done what he can, and he has won two or three hours for the evacuation of the people in the city below. If the local government is so stupid and doesn't take advantage of this time to evacuate the crowd as soon as possible, then when the volcano erupts again, it will have nothing to do with Hao Shuai .

   After all, this is just a small island in Mexico, not a flower planter's territory, and the rabbits with yellow skin and black hair don't live on it...
