MTL - Across the Sky From the Stop of Time-v5 Chapter 1008 Hao Shuai: I can detoxify, but what do I need~~

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"The fog is poisonous, everyone evacuate outside." Hao Shuai reminded loudly, and at the same time, with a wave of his right hand, a palm wind flew out, and the head of the demon corpse was still a little distance away from Fu Yuechi before it shattered, and Yu Jin curled it up. Poisonous mist rushed out of the door.

   Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, a green light flew out from the shattered demon corpse's head, and got into Fu Yuechi's forehead before everyone could react.

   "Not good!" When Hao Shuai came to his senses, he found Fu Yuechi lying on the ground with his eyes closed, his pretty face glowing with a faint green light.

   "Yuechi~~~" Fu Qingfeng stepped forward and hugged Fu Yuechi tightly, feeling her weak breathing, and asked with tears in his eyes, "Brother Hao, what's wrong with Yuechi?"

   "Let me take a look first," Hao Shuai knelt down, took his pulse for a while, checked Fu Yuechi's complexion, opened her eyelids, and finally scanned Fu Yuechi completely with his divine sense.

  The next second, Hao Shuai solemnly took out a purple talisman and pasted it on Fu Yuechi's forehead, and then said: "Miss Yuechi was poisoned by the corpse, and~~"

   "And what?" Fu Qingfeng was anxious.

   "And the ghost of the corpse ran into Miss Yuechi's sea of ​​consciousness, trying to take away Yuechi's body." Hao Shuai said with an ugly face: "I have temporarily stabilized her situation with the soul-suppressing talisman."

Although Fu Qingfeng didn't know about demon spirits or seizing homes, she knew that Fu Yuechi's situation was serious when she saw Hao Shuai's face. She became anxious and begged, "Brother Hao, you must find a way to save Yuechi. ah!"

  As soon as Hao Shuai heard Fu Qingfeng's tone, he knew that she had misunderstood. The reason why his face was ugly was not because it was difficult to treat Fu Yuechi, but because he was angry that he was played by the corpse demon.

   "Yaoxiu~~ This world in Liao Zhai is really unreasonable, even the corpse demon knows how to pretend to be dead!" Hao Shuai complained silently in his heart.

  Actually, the corpse monster cannot be blamed for this at all, the responsibility is still on Hao Shuai.

  Hao Shuai's vigilance has been greatly reduced due to the smooth sailing all the time.

   Otherwise, if he is more cautious, he will definitely remember that in the original plot, even if Zuo Qianhu chopped the corpse into several sections, it can still make waves.

   Fortunately, the corpse demon has not yet condensed the primordial spirit, but just a touch of consciousness invaded Fu Yuechi's sea of ​​consciousness, and it was easy for Hao Shuai to get rid of it.

  Just looking at Fu Qingfeng who was hugging Fu Yuechi tightly and looking worried, Hao Shuai rolled his eyes and said with a distressed face, "Miss Qingfeng, I have a way to get rid of Yuechi, but~~"

   "Just what?" Fu Qingfeng was overjoyed and asked eagerly.

Hao/Shuai didn't answer right away, but leaned closer to Fu Qingfeng, and whispered in his ear: "Yuechi was entered by the evil, resentment and consciousness of the corpse demon. If you want to get rid of it, you need to use my pure yang energy to get rid of it." Only when the Qi enters her body."

   "It's just that when entering the pure yang energy, Yuechi and I need not wear clothes."

   "Huh?" Hao Shuai's words immediately made Fu Qingfeng's mind go blank. She didn't doubt Hao Shuai's words, but Fu Qingfeng fell into a deep entanglement with her favorite object on the one hand and her own sister on the other.

   "Miss Qingfeng, you have to make a decision quickly, you won't be able to save it if you drag it down to Yuechi." Hao Shuai pointed to Fu Yuechi's face and urged.

  Fu Qingfeng looked at his younger sister whose pretty face was turning green and her face became hideous because of the attack of resentment, and finally handed Fu Yuechi into Hao Shuai's hands, and said, "Then I'll leave it to Brother Hao."

   "I will do my best." Hao Shuai took Fu Yuechi and returned to the room he lived in without delay.

  Placing Fu Yuechi on the bed where he rested on the ground, Hao Shuai stretched out his big hand without hesitation~~

  The so-called practice makes perfect, with Hao Shuai's technique, he can start healing in just a few seconds.

  In the beginning, Hao Shuai actually wanted to save some effort and directly use the healing machine to clear the corpse poison in Fu Yuechi's body, but he didn't know whether the healing machine didn't have information about the existence of corpse poison or something, but it didn't work.

   This made Hao Shuai realize that he needed to speed up the replacement of the treatment machine, otherwise he would not be able to keep up with his pace.

  Hao Shuai, who had no choice but to detoxify by himself, saw him hugging Fu Yuechi, lowered his head, and slowly passed the pure yang qi in his body.

  After taking a mouthful of true essence, Fu Yuechi, whose face was originally glowing green, gradually became normal, opened his eyes, and regained his sanity.

  The weak Fu Yuechi asked curiously when he saw Hao Shuai for the first time: "Brother Hao, why are you here? What's wrong with me?"

   "Miss Yuechi, you have inhaled the poisonous gas from the corpse demon, and you have been invaded by the corpse demon's consciousness. I am saving you." Hao Shuai explained solemnly.

  Fu Yuechi looked down carefully according to his words, and found that the jade-like skin of his body from his chest to his limbs had begun to turn green.

  At this time, she also realized her situation, her face blushed instantly, and she said intermittently: "Save~save me~why~~"

   "This is to make it easier for me to transfer the pure yang into your body before, so as to detoxify your body." Hao Shuai explained: "The situation was urgent at the time. After obtaining the consent of Qingfeng girl, I can only~~"

  Hao Shuai hadn't finished explaining, the poisonous gas in Fu Yuechi's body had the upper hand again, and traces of green gas were spreading to her neck.

  Fu Yuechi also realized his situation, and hurriedly said: "Now I don't blame you anymore, I just hope you can do it~~"

   "Can I call you Yuechi?" Hao Shuai interrupted Fu Yuechi directly, and said seriously: "Yuechi, I will take responsibility for you."

   "Hmm~~" After getting the answer he wanted, Fu Yuechi fell into a coma again before he could say anything in the future.

  Looking at Fu Qingfeng who fell into a coma again, Hao Shuai kissed Fu Yuechi again, and the pure yang energy was poured into Fu Yuechi's body continuously.

  Some people may think that Hao Shuai’s behavior is a bit despicable~~

  But Hao Shuai never felt that way. Ever since he saw Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi, he had already regarded the Fu sisters as his wives in his heart.

   After all, normal people can’t look at Xiaoqian and Ake who look exactly like Xiaoqian and Ake flirting with other men, let alone Hao Shuai who is so possessive.

  So Hao Shuai felt that he just accelerated the emotional communication with the Fu sisters.

   Let’s talk~~

  The kind of people who are irresponsible after being in vain need to be despised~~

  Hao Shuai is at best eating what’s in the bowl and looking at what’s in the pot. It’s a scumbag!

  Hao Shuai didn’t know, he was taking advantage of the house in Zhengqi Villa, no, it was when he was using his skills to detoxify, but Fu Qingfeng, who was worried outside, received a report from a spy:

   "The convoy escorting Fu Tianchou has arrived outside Zhengqi Villa!"

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