MTL - Accompanying the Phoenix-Chapter 77

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In the sky outside, the unchanging loneliness of the ancient times, walking on the steps of the sapphire board, the blood on the shoulders dragged a little bit. Suddenly, I don’t know if it’s a gaze or a soft leg. I fell to the top of the long line, and the wound that was frozen by the water stop cracked fiercely. A flame burned and smashed out, and the brow wrinkled and condensed again. The spell suppresses the flame forcibly.

The wound can't heal... It turns out that his power has degenerated to this point...

It seems that even if there is no such thing, his life as a **** is coming to an end.

God... It has been abandoned by Heaven!

When I looked up at the Xinghe, which was hanging over the sky, I laughed out loudly: "If you are indifferent, what is better than you in the world, use it, and abandon it... What is the power of God? It’s ridiculous, it’s just nonsense, now I want to come, no matter who it is, it’s all the things you have in your hands.” He sighed, and the breath seemed to sway out in the empty sky. “It’s not heaven. !"

However, after feeling, I stopped looking at the long-term steps that seemed to have no end. I held the wound on my shoulder with one hand and held the flame down. I continued to walk step by step.

I don’t know how long it took, the long-term end is the end, there is a wide platform, and it is on the altar, taking the steps of the condensate and walking to the center of the altar. The golden light immediately wraps his Around the body, he printed a pair of black radiance.

He squatted, kneeling on the ground, and diligently poured into the gemstone slab. On the circular altar, there was another radiance appearing on the ground, as if it were reflected in the order of the stars in the sky. Arranged disorderly but out of harmony. The more the mana is poured in, the more faintly visible in the golden light, they are dressed in a large robe, but their postures are different.

This is the place where the gods come when they discuss major events. Each of the gods has their own position. These images are the afterimages that they have stayed here for thousands of years. In the long-term past, the gods are still there, and a resolution must always be implemented by the consent of the majority. However, now, only one person is here...

He placed the four seals outside the market in the sky.

It is not difficult to connect the seal to the heavens. However, for a moment, I felt a slight breeze in the air that was still moving for thousands of years. It was extremely small, but it was too easy to capture.

He can imagine how the happy people will be happy when they get the sky at this time. The temporary enchantment is broken. However, the gates of the market are smashed, and the monsters will not escape.

I stopped some of the force on the ground for a while, and finally only pressed down all the pain, stared my eyes, never looked at the attitude of the past friends, only stared at the stairs, as always, step by step, anyone can be weak, who They can all remember the past, but they can't do it. He still has things to do, and others have to save.

The blood on his shoulders soaked the clothes, slipped his finger to the tip of his finger, dripping on the ground, too focused on walking his own way, and he didn't look back, so he didn't see the altar that was contaminated with his blood, those The golden light is enduring.

When I left the jade step, I started to stand up. Now Tiantiantian has been connected with the market. He is looking for a strong direction, but it has entered the market in a moment, and it is extremely difficult to distinguish the direction in the dark. He looked for a long time before he saw a little like a star. He hurried forward, but he slowed down when he arrived at Shen.

He saw her eyes closed, quietly asleep, and looked calm, as if she had a dream.

She couldn't bear to wake her up for a while. He had seen the way of sleeping in the glass, his brows were tight, his breathing was very shallow, and he was always prepared for it, but when someone around him dared to plot it, she could immediately jump up and pinch the other side.

This quiet sleep is really rare.

He stood quietly beside her. It was only a spell to destroy the market. However, after the spell was destroyed, every part of the market would take away some of the power from him. If it was before, take away those powers. However, it is a bit exhausting for him, but now it is not working. The disappearance of the market will exhaust all his power...

The glazed eyelashes moved, and she slowly opened her eyes. She saw her smile and stood in front of her. She couldn’t help but smile and smiled. "I made a dream, I woke up and saw you. It’s really good."

After that, I promised you a dream every day, and I will let you wake up beside me every day...

The corner of the mouth is moving, and this promise is finally impossible to say. He just smiled and whispered, "What did you dream of, so happy?"

"I just..." she said, and her mouth was already raised and she couldn’t help but smile. "I saw you lying in the rocking chair under the vines, basking in the sun, holding a book that I had not finished reading, and sleeping. It can be stabilized. The sun is so warm, through the grape rack, the stars are sprinkled on your face, so beautiful that I can't move my eyes."

The detective touched her cheeky cheek, and he followed the smile, but the throat was a bit stuffy and speechless.

Knowing the emotions in his heart, Shen Li was busy asking: "Why did you bring me back at that time?"

When I stopped thinking about something, I shook my head and smiled. "I have never seen a phoenix that is so ugly, so I want to come back and observe it carefully." He said with a sigh of relief. "But, fortunately, I was so curious." ."

There is some dissatisfaction in the glaze: "I am pretty after my hair..."

"This is the most beautiful thing." She took her into her arms and quietly snuggled for a while. "Sink, are you afraid?"

"Slightly a little. But it won't be held by you."

"I am very scared." Shen Li may have an afterlife, but after he died, it was either smouldering or smoldering, or turned into a vitality between heaven and earth... He held the glass more tightly. "You have to run with others. I can't figure it out..."

After a glimpse of the glass, he smiled and said, "When the gods are so unconfident about themselves, who among the three worlds can compare with you?"

There was no answer in the line, and Shen only heard the light cursing of the ear, and the curses seemed to turn into golden light, passing through the darkness of the market, disappearing around, and falling into the glass. Suddenly, the chain was slightly shaken from the chain that tied her, and Shen asked: "Is the market going to collapse?"

"The space in the market is too big. If there is any accident that will collapse immediately, this spell will let it collapse from the outside to the inside."

Shenli helplessly smiled: "When you look at yourself, how can you die slowly? It’s too much to worry about."

The most sour part of the apex seemed to be beaten by this, and with only one breath, the pain was squeezed into the limbs. The wound on his shoulder cracked, and he smothered it down, not even wrinkling his brow, only touching the head of the glass: "Sorry... let you be afraid too..."

Shen Li looked at him for a long time, and finally hit his chest with his head, and said helplessly: "Whoever made you apologize, I am distressed!"

Carrying so much, even death can not choose a more happy way, this life is bound by the invisible power of heaven... Stop listening to this, the eyes are fixed on her, and finally just smile : "It feels bad to be hurt."

The gods in the sky are too high, let alone mortals, even the immortals can only look up, they will admire, worship, fear, but they will not look at them with the mentality of the weak, who will be helpless because of the gods Sadness, who will be distressed by their helplessness, everyone forgets that God is ruthless, not that it is less emotional, but only too tightly bound.

She moved her hands, but she was restrained by the chain. The eyebrows fell down, but when I saw it, the chain was trembled again. The sound of the "Kaka" heard from the distance, the lock The chain that lived with her hands was broken and turned into a piece of scrap iron. I didn't know where it fell to the abyss.

The glare of Shen Liu’s gaze may be an illusion. She felt that the blood on her face was slowly faded in one minute. I stopped turning my head and avoided the glazed gaze. I didn’t know where to look: "The door to the market may have collapsed. This chain is connected from the gate, and it is used to control the seal of fire. It is also the power to extract the seal of fire, and balance each other." He slammed, "Stained glass... The door collapsed, meaning that we can't get out."

"Yeah." Shenguang nodded. She reached out and wrapped her arms around her waist. "I didn't plan to go out at the beginning. It was good." She found a stable position in his chest and put her face on it, comfortable. The sigh, "I thought about doing this early, you don't know how hard I endure."

The trip was awkward, and he smiled and hugged the glass.

The banging of the sky in the sky is getting closer and closer, but the slogan and the glaze seem to be inaudible, quietly cuddling, like hiding in the safest safe haven, no matter the storms outside. .

"Touch!" A loud bang from the previous collapsed sound came.

A glimpse of the brow, turning his head and seeing, a very hot burning light opened the darkness of chaos in the market. Shen Li went out in her own arms and saw the darkness burned out of a hole. She saw the fairy who was shocked outside and saw the phoenix coming from the dust step by step.

The glazed lips were slightly moving, and the light on his body was too dazzling, so that Shen Li could not see his appearance, but the breath, only once felt, she knew.

Every step of his life was not ruined, but he walked to the side of the glare, and his palm turned, and the poisonous flame on his shoulder was taken away by the palm of his hand. He looked at the line and immediately looked down. On Shen Li, she looked at her facial features carefully. Feng Lai moved her lips and turned her head. She looked at the darkness of the market and continued to move forward: "With your mother's share, live. Go on."

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Guang suddenly felt a strong roll on the whole body, and the red flame wrapped her and the wrap, dragging them to the light outside the market.

The glaze returned to God, and then he knew what he was going to do. Her heart was very chaotic. The barriers surrounded by flames only saw the dazzling figure getting farther and farther away. No... She hasn’t seen it yet, she hasn’t seen it yet. Feel clear, no...

She wants to escape the package of this flame, but the whole body can't make a little effort, and the darkness in the sky is getting farther and farther. This power has always placed them firmly on the ground before they disappear, and Shen Li reaches for it, but Only have time to touch the last warmth.

It is so a burning flame, but it does not hurt anyone at all...

Her eyes followed the direction of the disappearance of the flame. The market was not there. The black cave was left in the air, like tearing a tear out of the sky, and the light that the phoenix sent them out had long since disappeared. .

The faint fingertips trembled. It was the moment of sorrow. Suddenly, the shoulder was hot, and the glass suddenly looked back, but when she saw her, she leaned against her shoulder, and the blood in her mouth was like a spring.

Read The Duke's Passion