MTL - Accompanying the Phoenix-Chapter 75

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Her father...

This title is too strange for Shen Li. The cognition of this person comes only from the description of the devil's words. Even before the demon tells her everything, she simply does not know that her father is a monster.

But the blood is so wonderful, just standing on this side, looking at the existence similar to the prototype's own, Shen can be fully affirmed, there is a connection between them.

The eye swayed to the light ball. He didn't know what was sung by the low voice. Then the light ball trembled fiercely: "Good boy, good boy." Six meditation was almost broken: "You should wake up Wake up, it’s time to go out."

The glazed body was moving, but the black gas that wrapped her body was even more forceful to drag her, even wrapped in her nose and mouth, so that she could not speak.

The sleeping Phoenix 倏 睁 双 , , , , , , , , , , , , 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏 倏Liu Ming's sharp smile, the eyes are full of crazy look: "Get up, the rest of the four seals I have ordered people to replace, after you replace them, you do not have to do the seal of the market. You will be free soon."

Use her instead of her... sorrowful smile, so that she refuses, and refuses to be uneasy...

The flames above the phoenix feathers are burning, he can't open his wings in the ball of light, but he is not angry when he is jealous, but the flames on his body are almost white, and the glare makes the glass impossible to look straight. However, in a blink of an eye, the radiant heat was slightly reduced. The glazed glass returned to see the phoenix body deformed. His wings slowly turned into arms, and five fingers were separated. The face grew out of the skin, and the facial features of the person were transformed. The feathers turned into a piece of orange-red clothes, which fits like a seam.

He leaned his head, and the throat was gently slid between the necks of the line, and a very fine sigh sighed from the lips. The breath seemed to be with the enthusiasm accumulated for thousands of years, sprayed on the inner wall of the light ball, causing the light ball to suddenly make a "Kala" sound.

"琉羽......" He opened his eyes and called the name first, and then the look in his eyes slowly became clear. "Hey."

Liu Ming slowly floated to the place in front of his eyes: "Good boy, look at me." Feng Lai’s eyes slowly condensed and fell on Liu Ming, and Liu Ming was so excited that "You wait, I This will release you."

"Where is the feather?"

"Yu Yu... has been dead for a long time."

The phoenix came to a stiff shape and quietly lowered his head: "Dead?"

"Yeah." Six sighs, "Abandoned by the world, died because of the gods, and those who killed her are outside this market..."

"She won't die." Feng Lai clenched his fists. "I haven't waited for me to return. How can she die?" His flames flickered and stunned, and the mask was trembled. Shen Li wants to explain and stop, but the black gas that surrounds her is like using the power of life to keep her from moving.

The light ball split open, and the eyes of Liu Ming were so great that the sound of excitement was trembled fiercely: "Come out, kill the **** outside, take revenge for Yu Yu, come out!"

The light ball ruptured, and the phoenix came like a sharp arrow. He rushed straight in one direction, and the six meditations in front of him were still laughing, but the laughter stopped abruptly, because the phoenix came to the flames. The only remaining mess of his soul burned out!

Feng Lai left a very bright light in the direction of leaving. The frost only heard a loud noise from the distance. The light from the outside world leaked into the darkness of the market. The atmosphere in the sky was greatly changed, and the trembling of the collapse Come, the beast riots, crazy to the direction of the phoenix to leave.

Shen glass was shocked and wanted to rush to stop. However, the twins dragged her stubbornly and pulled her toward the chain. Shen Li was furious: "Six meditation is dead! Why bother to do this for him?" !"

Close to the chain, the twins no longer entangled the frost, but her flames of the whole body immediately attracted the chains, which tied the hands and feet of the glass like self-consciousness. It seems that something will be received from her blood, and Shen Li feels that she is weak, like the power of the chain.

The tremors of the market Tianyuan stopped, everything was quiet for a while, and the twins floated around the glaze, and the sounds were filled with the deadness that seemed to be dead: "Congratulations to the Lord, the great willingness will end."

But in addition to achieving their goals, they have nothing else.

"It’s a group of madmen who are stubborn." Shen Li said coldly, only for the endless silence of the twins.

Outside the market, two figures are fighting together. The extremely cold ice collides with the extremely hot fire. Every time the force touches, it is a tremor between heaven and earth.

Suddenly, the red figure was slammed into the offensive. The white **** shook his sword in the hand. The phoenix was blown down from the air and hit a big pit on the ground. However, the dust did not settle, and the pursuit was long. Between the yellow sands, the strength of the two figures fighting will tear the earth out of the huge crack.

Behind the two, although the market has stopped the collapse of the market, but the door opened, the behemoth inside the face to be thrown out, but it seems to be blocked by the invisible force, can not escape. At that time, he stopped the enchantment of the temporary knot. He had blocked the thousand-headed monsters by one person and fought against the phoenix alone. It was already the limit, but when he was fighting against the phoenix, a monster was suddenly clawed. Grabbing to the enchantment.

The enchantment broke a small hole! The look of the line has not changed. He only waved his hand in the air, and the cracks in the enchantment made up for it. However, this delay, the phoenix’s long sword in the hands of the phoenix smashed and slashed, but the sword was blocked, but where is it, The sword with the poisonous flame slashed into the shoulder and the blood spilled. This was already a very serious injury, but he did not wrinkle even his brow, and he defensively attacked, forcing the phoenix to retreat. .

The poisonous flame burned on the shoulders, stopping the left hand to condense on the water stop, holding the wound, extinguishing the fireworks and stopping the blood. However, when he finished these things and looked up again, Feng Lai had disappeared and he did not know where to go.

Frowning, I don't have time to chase him now. As soon as he turned back, the monsters in the market were struggling to come out, knowing that behind them, in the darkness of the market, the glass was still there.

He took the Excalibur and walked toward the market, but it was so gentle, the wound on his shoulder cracked again, and the blood wet his half of his clothes. He stopped the wound and stopped the blood with blood. Condensed.

Standing in front of the market, the beasts licked their faces, and the resentment almost swallowed. He looked up at them and looked cold. "I don't want to die, I will go away." He no longer looks at them, his eyes are on the front, one step. Stepping into the enchantment, the monsters crowded in the doorway sneaked aside and sneaked away, kicking off a road, letting the stagnation step into the darkness of the sky, with a skinny beast seeing the right He had a shoulder injury, and he quietly hid behind him. He rushed forward as he walked past, but no one saw how to stop, but when he returned, the monster had become a mass. The flesh, floating in the sky and then turned into ashes.

No one dares to come forward.

The beasts are crowded into the gates of the market, and the deeper the silence is. And when he saw a place with a slight flare, there was only a chain of people hanging a lonely figure.

"Sinking." He whispered.

The person who closed his eyes and opened his eyes opened his eyes. He stood too far. The fire on the glazed glass could not shine on him. He smiled and said: "You are late, count ours, the one who harms us, no one is We personally removed it."

Just a moment before the trip, the twins who had only the blackness of the regiment had turned into ashes and disappeared into the endless darkness of the market.

After walking slowly, Shen Li saw the injury on his shoulder. She was surprised and immediately lowered her eyebrows: "Yes...he hurt you?"

The detective touched her cheek, but the blood on her hand was inadvertently applied to her face. She saw her face being smeared with her own face and said: "Yes, I was beaten by my father-in-law." Then the father-in-law ran away."

Shen Li did not laugh, but she sighed for a moment, sighing: "I was only able to hold back here for a while. I felt lonely and lonely. I didn’t have anything around me. Just like the five senses, I even It’s unclear whether death is alive. This taste is really uncomfortable. However, I think he was kept here for more than a thousand years..."

Stop and let go, whispered, "Can you blame me?"

It was he who opened up the market, and he trapped Fenglai as a seal of fire for more than a thousand years. Now, because of this, Shenli will be in this dilemma and be used as a substitute...

"Resentment? Maybe there is something."

The throat is tight and the eyelids are slightly drooping. The glass was trapped, but when she saw it, she smiled and took her head at his chin and said, "I am just out of private feelings."

"Do you think that the glaze is so stupid that you can't see the situation?" Shen Lidao, "What you do is, from your point of view, it is understandable, change your position. If it is standing on the same day, I will only do it." The same thing as you. You took up the responsibility you should bear, did what you should do, saved so many people like a hero, you are the greatest **** in the world."

When he stopped his mind, he explored the head of Shen Li and put her on his uninjured shoulder: "This long life, you can meet a sinking glass, it is a great fortune."

Silence is silent, she knows that he must have something to say. In the face of today's game, there must be a solution to it. Sure enough, after a while, I took a shot of her back and said, "Stained glass, I..."

"I will be with you." Shen Lidao, "I will be with you no matter what."

After a trip, I nodded and said: "Okay."

Read The Duke's Passion