MTL - Accompanying the Phoenix-Chapter 62

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The cold wind whistling, a huge stone gate embedded in the valley, all the roads up the mountain were sealed, many people waiting in front of the mountain gate, or closing their eyes to raise their spirits, or grouping in groups, talking softly.


"What do you think?" Shen Liu slammed her cloak on her fox, and put it in her arms. "You are wearing it yourself. I think this temperature is just right."

The words of glazed caused the side of the side. Those who come to this snowy mountain to buy and sell, who are not a little bit of being in the body, some are the monsters of the hegemony, some are the masters of the sects of the sects, and their bodies are hundreds of times stronger than ordinary people, but here The cold is not the same as elsewhere. The wind and snow seem to bring a bit of mana. If you have bone marrow, you can't stop the legal obstacles. You don't need foreign objects to avoid the cold here. It is really too eye-catching.

I was holding the fox, and I was unkind myself, but I was so impatient, and I looked at the huge stone door in front of me and said, "Isn’t it going to open the door in the dark? This sun has long since fell a long time. Why don't you let people go in?"

I looked at the sky: "Probably the master... forgot."

His voice just fell, the fire automatically lit up on the mountain gate, the mountain door "Oh," rang, opened inward, and the inside step stepped upwards. The torches on both sides of the road were lighted by themselves, and the crowd slowly walked inside. The long mountain road couldn’t be seen at first, and the glass was raised with an eyebrow: "What is this snow mountain golden snake demon? The shelf is so high. How have I not heard of it before?"

I stopped smiling: "That can only show that you don't like to buy or sell treasures." The road is stopped. "The age of this demon may be longer than mine. You should follow these arrangements, and you should respect your elders."

Shen Li is a bit strange: "Is it older than you? It was a demon in ancient times!"

After listening to the four words in front of the glazed, the figure was a stiff, slightly turned around, brows slightly, staring at the face of the glass. The glazed glass was seen by him, and he looked back. He finally confirmed that the action was after staring at her. Shen Gang just wanted to ask him what happened, but suddenly reacted, and he was not blurted out what should not be said...

"Oh..." Shen Jiao pondered for a while and comforted. "I feel that no one who is as old as you can grow like you..." This is not the case... Shen Shi scratched his head and let her She is arrogant and kills her. But when it comes to comforting people, she is really a little powerless. "I mean... Actually, your age, you don't say, no one can see it."

Seeing the movement of the eyebrows, Shen Lanfu sighed: "Well, sorry, I said the wrong thing." Sure enough, it is not suitable for her to comfort the person!

"Do you mind?"

After being stopped watching for a long time, he asked faintly.

Suddenly, he waved his hand: "I don't mind, of course I don't mind." As soon as she looked up, she looked up at the eyes with a light smile, the slightly curved eyes, and the bright eyes of the jumping fire. I laughed and my heart trembled, and my heartbeat was a bit confusing.

The line is no longer entangled in this topic: "The mountain road is too long, you hurt, it is not suitable for mountain climbing, I will carry you up."

He reached out and slammed it for a long time. He slammed back. She took a step back and said: "This, how can this be done? This is the way I am going."

Like the expectation that she would refuse, the hand that walked was handed a little more forward: "Then I am holding you." I didn't wait for the glass to shake my head, and I stopped the hand and grabbed the hand of the glass into the palm of my hand. Look at her second look, a natural look.

From the initial stun to the stunned, she couldn’t think of how easy it would be to pull out her hand. It would be like a spell in the palm of her hand, so that she could not break away anyway. Only looking at his back followed his footsteps, step by step. His hair brushed softly across her cheeks, and Shen Li felt that the line in front of her eyes was not the same as before.

This way, how can she draw a line with him?

On the top of the mountain, the snow is even worse. The people who made the deal went along the guide of the torch and entered a palace-like hall. The glass was also followed by the crowd, but the palm of the hand was tight, pointing to the side. Weedy path: "Let's go here."

It’s true that the line is right, and Shen Li’s words go away. Sure enough, when I stepped on the path, I took two steps. The scenery in front of me was flowing, and there was a sparkling lake on the top of the snow-covered hall. A very beautiful loft stands quietly, and this peach blossom willow in the side of the building is so beautiful that it is like a fantasy.

"噗噗" sounded twice, and the glass looked down. I saw a little girl crawling out of the ground. She stood up and patted the ash on her body. A tiny tail swayed back and forth behind her: "The front is the owner. In the home, idlers are not allowed to enter!"

"Trouble the bulletin and stop visiting the gods."

The little girl looked at it for a long time, and her body was stiff, her eyes were blue, and her voice changed like a seductive woman: "Hey, this is what the wind blows the gods."

The glaze was scared by the change of the child. He took some precautions and looked back at her. He said, "No matter, it is a soul-soul."

"Oh, God Jun has brought a pretty girl, please come in and please come in." After that, the little girl waved a hand, and a channel with a faint blue light extended to the center of the lake. Succeeded by the glass: "Is this golden snake big demon a woman?" She asked as she stepped on the blue light, only to see the surrounding scene turn around, and in the blink of an eye, she reached the center of the lake.

"Why can't it be a woman." The soft voice rang in the ear of the glass, and the glass stunned and looked at him. A glamorous woman dressed in a gorgeous red dress and holding a fan was standing behind her. She smiled. Looking at the glaze, "The slave family is golden, and it is polite."

Shen Li did not like to be too close to the first sighted person, and took a step back. The golden lady smiled and moved like a figure to the side of the line: "The girl brought by Shen Jun is very wary."

It was also a smile: "In front of the Golden Lady, I can't relax my guard."

"How can God say good or bad, how can we say slaves like this, outside is cold, let's go into the house and talk about it." Then, the golden lady turned into the house. She also wanted to follow, but she was stunned by Shen Li. Her brow frowned: "Is this person really no problem?

I thought about what it meant in the words of the glazed words. I asked, "What is the problem you are talking about?"

Sutra’s answer: “Will she have a technique like enchantment...”

After stopping the news and burying his head, he laughed as if he couldn’t control it. He patted the head of Shenli: "Reassuring, I won’t be taken away." This is too intimate and healed. The cheeks were reddish, and the hair that caught the glass was smashed and whispered softly. "It is... if she will be a singer, the person who is worried will only be replaced by me..."

In the small building, although the brazier was not warm, the temperature inside the house and the outside of the house were simply two heavens. I took the fox and stopped the little girl who was serving. The golden lady had sat down at the table and had a chess game on the table. She waved at the glass: "Can the girl be willing to play the next game with the slave?"

"Sorry, the play is not ugly."

Jin Niangzi grinned: "Okay, okay, that **** is coming." The smile did not move, and the golden lady put the chess piece down: "Nothing goes to the Three Treasure Hall, let's say, God, this is a trouble, even you can't solve it." I have to come to a slave."

"Can the Golden Lady have a way to cure her?"

"Sexual girl is sick?" The golden lady walked slowly to the front of the glaze. She looked up and down the glass: "Hey, the color is weak. I want to be seriously injured some time ago, but the injury has been restored. It should be no problem. What does God want me to rule?"

"She has no mana, and the five senses will disappear from time to time."

"Oh, this is a miracle." The golden lady smiled. "Come, girl, reach out and let the slaves take the pulse."

Shen Liyan extended her hand, and the golden lady turned her sleeves, but when she saw the scar on her wrist, she sighed a little: "This...this hurts like this!" The fingers touched the crumpled lightly. The flesh of the flesh was just a touch, and her fingers were pumped back: "The girl's skin is so hot."

Very... hot?

These days, I stopped a lot of contact with her. Every time I didn’t change my face, she thought that her body was just hotter than usual. It was no longer as hot as before. I didn’t expect it to be burning. That line...

I was thinking, the golden snake lady had a white gas in her hand, and she dared to touch the wrist of the glass. "No pain, no pain, the lady will blow you." A child's posture.

This banshee... is teasing her!

The mouth of the glazed mouth is pumping: "Thank you, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Jin Niangzi took this seriously, and Shen only felt a very fine breath from the wrist into the body, along the meridian, slowly walked through the body, and while doing business, the golden lady was busy complaining : "I haven't seen you for many years. The gods are not used much more than before. Even the individual can't protect them. The girl's family is hurt like this, and it's not that you feel distressed. It's really insane."

I only laughed and said nothing. When the golden lady saw her and ignored her, she went to Shen Lidao: "The girl will not be happy with him. It is better to smash him and follow the slaves. If you are a woman, the slaves will be more intimate."

On the frosted glass, she was silent, and she finally knew what it was like to stop before the entry. This golden snake demon...the interest in women is more than the interest in men...

"Oh." The Golden Lady suddenly snarled. "It turned out to be the case."

Shen Li looked up at her, Jin Niangzi said: "The girl is the body of the phoenix. As far as the slaves are concerned, the girl must have been nirvana not long ago. It is reasonable to say that both the body and the spiritual power will grow bigger, but in the girl's body. It seems that there is a powerful thing. When you are nirvana, the robbery incinerates this material and melts it into your blood, causing this object to oppose the original spiritual power in your body, and the two phases resist, thus causing your mana to temporarily Lost, the five senses are good and bad. If this is the case for a long time, this situation will only intensify. The girl may really become a waste person and she is not sure."

Shen Huang thought of the loss of the five senses of that day, a glimpse of the heart.

"Only the current law, only by letting the two forces in your body merge with each other and clear the meridians, can you truly complete your nirvana rebirth."

The glaze of the glaze is bright: "Can the golden lady have a way? If the maiden is willing to help, the glaze will be rewarded in the future."

The golden lady smiled and smiled: "The slave family does have a method. As for this repayment... The girl will make a decision, but what?"

"This..." The throat of the glass was stunned, but the sound of the singer stopped. "The stars of Tianwaitian are brighter than usual in recent years. If the golden lady is willing to cure the glaze, she will wish to pick up the stars to report."

The eyes of the golden lady are bright: "Hey, hey, hey! The starry slaves of Tiantiantian asked the gods and gods for thousands of years before they refused to give them. This is so easy to agree." Her eyes turned, Smiled and squinted: "Before you were a slave, you can misunderstand the gods. You have seen this girl so heavy! How can you not show up earlier, or the slaves can't dare to hook up this girl with such a bright light."

The glazed side looked at the side and opened his mouth. He wanted to ask, those stars, shouldn’t you pick it up? If it is picked, will you have something?

I also looked at the glass, and shook my head with a smile. All the doubts about the glass were swallowed in the shallow smile. He does not let her speak, just like the accountability of the fear of the mission.

"Chen, the slaves help the girl to cure the disease, but it is not too early today. You are tired when you go up the mountain. Go back to sleep and say tomorrow." The golden lady went back two steps, like what she remembered. I turned my head and told Shen Li. "I almost forgot to say that once treatment begins, the day and day must be treated on the 9th, and the day must not be less. If it is less, the former will not give up, maybe the girl will die. Hurt Huang Quan."

Shen Li holds a fist: "Working tired of the golden lady."