MTL - Accompanying the Phoenix-Chapter 53

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Shenli had previous experience with this kind of weirdo, but I don’t know if these strangers have become more powerful. In case, just in case, Shenli deliberately went with the three military generals. They all had a trick with those geeks a few days ago, and they are more experienced and more powerful than others.

"This trip is not to kill the enemy, but to catch it, even if it only catches one person. Bring back the magic to study and find out their deadly points, in case they are attacked again." Before the departure, Shen Liuzhen They said, "Don't be forced to act."

General Knife Mu smiled: "Was the prince still we are recruits? We are the most incompetent on the battlefield, we know."

Shen Glass nodded: "Several generals are elites in the military, and our family can no longer lose one."

Feelings, starting from the whole set, Shen Li did not return to the palace, she has always been a light armor. Driven by the clouds, the four people did not have large units dragged down, and they traveled extremely fast. From time to time, they chased the red land of the demon in the intelligence. Without exploration, the four people saw the glare in the air. They were anxious. Anxious to rush, not far from the north is the market, and they can no longer be allowed to move forward.

The tip of the glass was on the top of the cloud, and I saw a demon person holding a child. His hands were pulling his arm and his mouth was wide open. It seemed to tear the child to eat, and the child was scared to forget. Weeping, staring at the big mouth.

Between the electric and the flint, a silver light smashed from the right side, and the blade was like a knife, and it was cut down, and the hand of the devil was cut off. Shenli knows how strong their body is, so this gun did not hesitate to force, cut off the hand of the devil, the gun blade beaten on the ground, its force poured into the earth, the grass was trembled, the earth was The humming sound. The devil screamed, and the blood from the two broken arms splashed the child's face. However, the child just looked up and looked at the back of the glass. It seemed that he had not been reacted and he had been saved.

The glass didn't have time to take care of the child. He just threw him behind him and threw it into the grass. She took the gun and went forward, not giving the devil a chance to react. The gun tip was covered with fierce mana and penetrated his heart straight.

But just such an attack can't kill the devil, and Shen Li doesn't want to kill it, just let him not move. However, she has not pulled out the gun tip, and suddenly heard someone shouting in the air: "Wang Ye is careful!"

Behind him, a fierce palm of the hand screamed, and the shape of the glass was short. He escaped a blow, pulled out the tip of the gun, smashed it across the neck, and cut the neck of the man behind him. The blood spewed, but for a moment, the glass had been The blood was red.

In the air, there was a sound of fighting, and Shen Li looked up. There were three demons who had handed over to the three generals in the air. When did these guys learn the skills of the clouds... They really grew stronger... Shen The heart of the glass was amazed at the beginning, and suddenly there was a strange movement behind it.

"Do not come to the king of Bi Cang?"

When... The silver gun in the hand of the glass is tight, the head has not yet returned, and the gun has been killed. However, the tip of the gun has been cut into the cotton, and the force has been removed. The glass quickly flies away and goes straight back. When he was ten feet away, he only looked back and looked at the people. He had a green dress and his face had not changed: "Hey?"

"Oh, I have to remember the king of the king, so I am blessed."

He did a good job, but he knew that this person had a deep heart. He must have a conspiracy in person. Her eyebrows sink, and the ears heard that the battle between the three generals and the devils continued. Now the situation of the devil It’s not necessary to sink it with him now, and it hurts and hurts. However, she only resigned and listened to her life: "It’s not awkward, this time I saw Bi Cang Wang, but there is a material desire like Bi Cang. Wang asked for it." Shen Li sneered, not yet speaking, he smiled again. "Nature, I know that Bi Cang Wang will not agree, so..."

Everywhere he was murderous and sullen, his eyes were cold and sorrowful: "The troubled king will leave."

"Daydreaming." So red|naked|naked provocation makes the chill in the glaze even worse. The two of them did not start first, but the surrounding airflow gradually became smashed. The vegetation between the two had been shredded silently and turned into ashes. . The airflow expanded more and more, spread to the side, the trees sprinkled, the leaves shivered in the wind, sometimes trembled to the left, and sometimes trembled to the right, between the left and right, without a moment, the leaves flew away, and the trunk was " The card slammed and burst.

"Ah!" The child hiding behind the tree screamed, and the trunk that was blown up was shot two feet away.

Can't go on like this!

The child's cry is like a signal that touches the nerves of the glass. Her toes slammed forward with a gun, and the whole person flew out like an arrow. The twins did not avoid hiding, and when Shen was attacked by his side, he felt a strong breath on the ground, and the glass was slightly biased. The twins suddenly turned sideways, and the hands were the main paws. The heart, but the back of the glass seems to have long eyes, the silver gun is back, the gun tail is straight in the hands of the twins, seemingly light, but touches the palm of the twin, but his skin is directly Got black.

I didn’t know when it was, and Shen Li applied fire spells on the red scorpion gun, making the whole silver gun hot.

The child rescued by the glaze looked brightly at the glaze, and the adoration was admired and admired. The glazed wave waved, and the child knew her meaning intelligently, and immediately the cat ran away. The glass rolled over and took the gun body and landed at the distance of ten steps away. She danced with a gun. She said, "This is your gift." In the heavens, it was burned by fire, and the glass still remembered clearly. Chu.

Hygiene looked at his dark-eyed hand and smiled happily. "It's fun and interesting. It's just for my opponent." The voice fell, and there was no point to stop. His body was moving and his movements were quick. Ten times more than rushing forward, there is no knife and no sword, only the fingers are claws, and the empty hand and the glass are fighting.

The two bodies are staggered, sometimes turned into wind and wrestle into the sky, and sometimes turned into light and disappeared.

In the twinkling of an eye, Shen Li will have no more than a hundred strokes with him. The more he feels the more he is in the heart of the glass, the more he is surprised. This person’s tricks are similar to her own, but the details are different. The same tactics of opening and closing the big deal, it should have been extremely staunch, but he made it a bit sinister and sinister.

"Can the Bi Cang Wang be serious?" After a move, the two men were standing on both sides of the air. He smiled awkwardly. "I think that your subordinates are more careful than you."

After seeing it, I went down and saw that the three generals were only fighting with the three devils. At this time, the demon who was only scratched by the glass was joined. Four to three, so that the generals who are struggling are even more unable to parry. At this time, two people are obviously injured, and they are weak and in a dangerous situation!

The heart of the glass was anxious, leaning down and rushing to the side, but how could she let her go, then followed, entangled, and glazed: "Get out!"

"It's hard to be alive." The raw hand stretched forward, his nails skyrocketed, his fingers were close together, and his nails were like a knife in front of the glass. "Wang is my opponent." When he spoke, there was a boxer hitting the bottom. In the abdomen of General Knife Mu, I saw a general spit out of blood, and the glass was anxious and coke. The red light in the eyes was full of anger and the whole body swelled.

"I said, go away!" She waved her silver gun and raised her hand to stop. The nails of the twins were harder than the imaginary of the glaze. The guns of the glaze were even more unexpected, and the two men met. They were all shaken a few meters by the other side's strength. Shenli did not hesitate to continue to rush like the general, but the twins looked at their nails, and the light slammed into it and chased them again.

The glass was low-spoken, and the head of one of the devils was cut off with a gun blade. A gap was opened and three generals were placed on the ground. The red scorpion gun plunged into the ground, and the red flame condensed into a barrier to separate itself. The three generals were guarded in it: "The bandits, withdraw. I am behind the temple."

She ordered the party to fall. The three generals had not yet opened. They suddenly saw the flame barrier being torn out of the mouth. Five sharp nails penetrated into the barrier. Five fingers, the flame barrier broke, and the frosted one bite the teeth. The light is even worse, the rifle goes everywhere, and the heat waves roll. She will take a few steps back from the surviving twins and shouted: "Withdraw!"

Without worries, she can find the way to escape.

The three generals also understood the situation at this time. The most difficult thing to deal with now is not the few devils, but the young men. They have been injured, and then dragged on, they will only be tired. The three men looked at each other, and the bandits had just smashed their heads. A demon man interrupted them, and two of the devils rushed out of the bushes and ran straight into the three generals.

Knife Mu has been injured, and the other two generals guarded him, blocking him in front of him, blocking the attack in front, but no one noticed that the demon who was the first to be pierced by the glass and pierced the heart, actually Struggling on the ground, at this time climbed to the footsteps of the knife, biting his calf in one bite, the knife bite his teeth to endure the pain, lift the big knife in the hand, slash down, straight down the head of the devil, do not want to just get the result One person, some of the demons who had previously fought in the air once again fell, and the two former generals couldn’t get back. They only listened to the screams that the knife couldn’t stand, and they were smashed by the few people. The limbs, the blood splashed, and he divided his flesh into the abdomen.

Shen Lifang led the students to scream, and suddenly heard the screams behind him. In the light, I saw such a scene. When I was on the head, I couldn’t feel the five fingers on my back.

It turns out... they actually would eat people.

It turned out that her generals in the Devil... were killed from such a Shura field...

Twins madly smiled: "This scene can be beautiful? In the last battle, my pets, can be so delicious and delicious!"

The generals she valued, the living life, the people who guarded the land with her... so arrogant...

"Mixed..." The glazed fingertips were white, and the silver gun was tight. "There was something mixed." She lowered her head and said that she was gnashing her teeth. She was just heading in the direction of the general. She reached out and stopped her again: "Return If you are not finished, you are not allowed to save people..."

Without letting him finish his words, Shen Liu looked up and his eyes were slightly shocked. He saw a blush from the bottom of the glass, dyed her black and white eyes, and then accumulated a bright red liquid, like blood. The viscous slipping down from her eyes, across the cheeks, and smashing a strange trace, plunging into the land, between the time, the glare of the glazed body, like a hurricane swirling across the heavens and the earth, the golden head of the glazed head The headband is broken and the black hair is scattered. In the strong air current, the black hair is poured into the magma at the root of the hair, and slowly becomes red.

The glaze only felt that there was a very hot breath in the belly, which slowly burned her blood and burned the reason in her mind.

The red scorpion silver gun swelled out the white mist, and as the air flow stirred around the glass, suddenly, the breath stopped, but in the blink of an eye, the glaze disappeared into the place and went straight to the side where the devil gathered. She did not With a gun, a palm was shot on top of one of the devil's heads. The man's head ignited a big fire. He only listened to the screaming squeaky eardrum, but the glare seemed to have heard nothing. Turning around was another palm. Above the chest of a demon, the flames burned in his chest.

However, in the time of three or two strokes, she touched all the demons who were present. They all burned without exception. Finally, when the devils burned to the ashes, they waved their palms and shot at a general. However, the palm of the car with a burning temperature stopped at the entrance of the general's heart three inches, did not touch.

The glass was slightly stunned, and some of the confusion smashed his head. It seemed to be trying to find the reason. Finally, she turned her head and the blushing eyes were twinning. In the blink of an eye, her figure fell on the front of the twins: "You **** it!" She said it very hard, and when the voice fell, she swung her fingers to the twins.

The twins stretched out their hands and felt that the hard, iron-like nails were soft, and the hands of the glass were unrestrained on his cheeks. This one was very loud, and the twins retreated a few feet away and immediately condensed. With ice condensing, licking the cheeks that he was hit by the frost, ice and fire collided on his cheeks. The pain did not make him show much pain, but it made the eyes look even colder.

"It’s not... Phoenix."

His tone is difficult to distinguish, and he does not wait to adjust the damage on his face. Shen Li once again attacked. The silver gun with the glare of the glare carried the thunder and the hurricane, and it was unstoppable, and it was a slap in the face. It was hard to find a gap. He set up the cloud and turned and fled.

The glass is chased and killed.

A general shouted on the ground: "Wang Shang! Poor to chase! Terrorist!"

He could still hear his words, chasing the shadow of the twins, disappearing into the air in tandem.

All the way to the human world, Shen Liu suddenly felt that the water vapor around it was a lot heavy, and she was distracted to see that the twins escaped to the sea.

Taking advantage of the timing of the distraction, a signal was sent to the sky. Not a moment, a few black people appeared on his side.

When the glass was turned back, the red scorpion gun swept away from the air, and the flames rushed to the black people. Two people reacted in the future and were burned to ashes on the spot. Several other people quickly evaded and separated, and they cooperated with each other to spell out the spell.

The moisture in the air instantly becomes cold and turns into a tiny ice slag. It sticks to the glazed body and seems to surround her. The corner of the sinking glass suddenly burst into an inexplicable curvature. Her abdomen was even hotter. The heat was running in the body for a week, causing a cluster of flames on her skin.

The heat wave rolled and all the water vapor was burned.

The black people were shocked, and the microstriped gaze looked at the twins: "Adult, the water stop works have no effect on her!"

Water stop surgery...

These three slightly familiar words sting the indulgent eardrum, a white figure slowly emerged in a more chaotic mind, she seemed to hear him sigh: "You make yourself so embarrassed."

How can these guys stop the water... It is obviously a magical spell.

The glass was slightly stunned, and the twins saw that her distraction suddenly shouted: "Call the devils!"

Under a command, the black man took out a strange instrument in his hand, but blew two or three sounds, and there was a snoring in the distance to meet it. With a wave of hand, the twins turned a wave into an ice arrow and sharply stabbed it.

The murderous air is approaching, suddenly let the glaze come back to God, she does not hide or not, the flames of the whole body swell up, and the ice is burned out in an instant, even the twins have not had time to see her movements, only to feel that his jaw is hot, Shen The glass has already caught his clothes: "Say, I am so small, how do I learn to stop the water?"

Twins smiled: "Wang Ye is very concerned about the gods."

The glass was cold and staring at him, his hand on his heart, and with only a little effort, she could burn his heart.

Between the electric and the flint, a scorpion descended from the sky, forcing the glaze to throw a twin, pushing a few feet, and then turning back, the square set up a black-haired young man, his face, glazed I am familiar with it.


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