MTL - Accompanying the Phoenix-Chapter 49

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The flower banquet will open tomorrow, and since that day, after talking with the line, Shen Li has not seen it again. Even under the same roof, it is extremely easy for the two people with mana to avoid each other.

After that, there was still cooking to the door of the Shenli room. It was just the food that was placed at noon. It would not move until the night. After two days, the meal would no longer be delivered.

However, Shen Li can't make herself hungry. Although she doesn't like the immortals of the heavens, she still has to go out and sway every day. On this day, she dangled the venue with a hundred flower banquets. I didn't expect to take a peach with my hand, and when I turned around, Luo Tianshen was just standing behind her and staring at her.

The glass slammed and coughed: "The peaches in the heavens grow quite big." They said they would throw the peaches back. Youlan said: "This peach is not too big, but it is the peach tree of the result of one hundred years. It is not a rare thing. Wang Ye can try this peach and try the five hundred years of the result." Peach, high and low, has a judgment."

This is... let her eat whatever she wants? The glazed glare looked at the orchid, and the orchid was slightly unnatural. He turned his head and turned to the side. She went to the side of the glaze, took three peaches, took a pot of wine and poured it into the glass, and quickly walked with her head. gone.

Shen Li looked at the food in his arms, and some did not respond. What is the meaning of this goddess now? Want to die with these few fairy peaches? Still have to frame her to steal the fairy fruit? There was a little fairy beside him busy, and the glass turned and asked: "Is the thing that your goddess gave me, I took it, didn't I steal it?"

Xiao Xianyi said: "Wang Ye said, laughing, it is a goddess, and naturally it is not stealing."

Shen Li raised an eyebrow and decisively took a peach and put it in his mouth.

All the way to the wine to eat this peach slowly back to Xiyuan, but when I went to the room, the glass was not right, and the heavens were not too strong, too much, and when I fell on the bed, I couldn’t open my eyes. I slammed my face in the quilt and said, "I know that I am not well, waiting for me here..."

When the glass was asleep, it didn't wake up again. Until the bell of the second day of the flower banquet was heard, it was nine days. After knocking it all over nine hundred and eighty-one, it would wake up the glass. The glazed stretched out his head in the quilt, and when he looked at the sky outside, he woke up.

She is the representative of the devil, and it is a big joke when she is late. She rolled over and sat up, quickly plucked her hair, pushed the door open, and the line was long gone, and the guy didn't call her! The heart of the glass is together with the evil fire, but it is helplessly pressed down. They are better not to have the roommate’s love.

Going to the front yard, Shen Liu wants to fly in the clouds, but suddenly a red light passes through the sky, and the frown of the glass frowns. At first, I thought it was the fireworks of the heavens, but the closer the red light is, the more straight. This Xiyuan came, and the frown of the glass frowned, still hesitating to stop it, and saw that the red light suddenly accelerated on the roof of the Xiyuan lobby, only to hear the "bang", the earth shivered, west The lobby of the park collapsed, and the fiery flames spread instantly, burning a red-orange day.

Heaven... was attacked?

The thought flashed in my mind, and the glass looked up into the distance. I saw that the fireball that I did not know where to shoot went to Xiyuan again, and one of the places where it fell was the wing room where the spirit was placed!

The true smile of the lips and lips was crossed in the heart of the glass. She barely hesitated, and her body flashed on the roof of the square.

The magical spirit that was washed away in the washing pool has not yet been recovered, and the glass is low and low, and barely stretches out a semicircular enchantment to protect the house below. However, the power of this fireball is beyond her imagination, extremely hot, carrying this tremendous pressure, if not the Phoenix is ​​born with fire, perhaps before she catches this pressure has been burned to ashes.

At the foot of the "Kara", it is the cracking of the tile cracking, the sinking of the glass, the red light of the eye, the sound of the sound, the body of the man turned into a golden light, carrying the power of the mountain to the fire, It was shattered from the inside and turned into a dusty fire spot, scattered around the wing.

The glaze was only standing on the roof, and the hanging hand slowly dripped out the blood, and the wound behind it was broken.

However, without giving a half break, the fireball came on again. The face of the glazed glass is condensed, and it is not evasive. The fist is a grip, and the fundus is never retreating.

Eighty-one bells rang, and the Emperor said that he was squatting on the road: "God is in the seat." On such an occasion, even the Emperor could not sit in the highest position, but no one knew that the trip was the most unpleasant. Position, the white jade on the steps, too cool...

A touch of red light swept through the sky, and all the celestial eyes followed. Some immortals smiled: "Which is the car, it looks beautiful and beautiful." The voice did not fall, suddenly heard a loud noise, the sky in the west Brilliant red, the clouds of the misty mist trembled, the cups and pans fell, and the smashed slammed into a mess, the fairy palace could not help but whispered. However, after the panic, there was a terrible silence, and the heavenly world that Shutan used to, at this time, no one reacted to what happened.

The line was not seated in the white jade, and looked up, but seeing a few fireballs in the distance chasing the previous red light. His eyes were sinking, and his heart was inexplicably a little confused.

"Report!" The long voice of the guards was particularly harsh at the silent flower banquet. He ran all the way to the gorgeous and cumbersome armor and made a crisp creaking sound. The celestial people had good music, but no one thought at this time. The sound of jade, only the guards shouted in amazement: "There is a fire attack! Go to Xiyuan!"

The crowd was shocked. The guards trembled and trembled: "It’s burning!"

When the breeze passed, no one saw when the person on the seat disappeared. When everyone came back to the gods, where the sacred banquet was still found to be able to stop the gods, the Emperor of Heaven came back to the world and was busy recruiting the generals. The task of rushing to distribute, he personally led a team of people to fly to Xiyuan.

Bi Cang Wang on behalf of the demon world to feast, but this time has not yet arrived, should still be in Xiyuan, if she is attacked in the heavens, it is not good to explain with the devil world, and, Xiyuan also enshrines the spiritual position of the ancient gods... The look of anxiously knows that those spiritual places are extremely important to him, and one cannot lose. If the guard is not enough, then the gods are angry, then it is terrible.

The fireballs squatted one by one, and the roof tiles under the feet of the glass had been broken. She had cursed and stopped the idiots in the heavens more than once. So important, I didn’t know how to set up an enchantment guard, and they didn’t have it for so long. Who saw that something is wrong here! Such a high-profile attack with a fireball in the air, no one to find the attacker, kill it!

It’s been a long time since the Heavenly People’s leisure people have been comfortable, and their brains have been taken for a long time! If he wants to attack the heavens in the devil world, Shen Li feels that he can make this group of wine bags bow down for a day!

It was a fireball falling down. This force was a bit heavier than before. Shenli heard the beams under his feet screaming in the "Oops". Obviously, this room could not be supported for a long time, and these attacks are still endless... Sinking teeth, my heart feels extremely incomprehensible, she has always been good at not good, and likes to make quick decisions. Today, let her open the enchantment for so long, it is better to let her be cut directly by the enemy to get a comfortable knife.

The wound behind it cracked open, the blood had soaked the clothes on the back, and the excessive blood loss of the mana gradually prevented the glass from being able to hold up. The body was like a hollow, and the fireball hit her enchantment. Huge pressure made her bend her knees slightly, and the more troublesome was the burning flames, the lack of mana, the fragmentation of the fireballs plunged into the thin enchantment of the glaze, and the red mark on her cheeks. However, the glass has always been indifferent to skin trauma, I am afraid that if the Mars is burning into the eyeballs... She is thinking, a piece of Mars whistling to her pupils, and the glass closed her eyes subconsciously, hiding her head.

However, at this moment, it was a fireball that hit the ground where the glass stood. The huge impact caused the sole of the glass to be soft, and one knee squatted on the beam of the house. With the sound of the "card", the beam of the house was broken and it was sunk in a place where it was scattered.

Suddenly this blow, the unstable atmosphere in the glass is even more chaotic, the blood is surging, Rao is her death, and there is still blood spilling from the corner of her mouth. However, I don't know if it was an illusion in this critical moment. It seems that there is a cool air that has been pulled out from the broken beam of the house, wrapped around her body, and relieved the burning pain.

But when the glass still has the heart to feel the coolness of the silk, I only think that this is the first time in my life that even the enemy did not see it, it was forced to such a situation, it is really wrong! There was gas in the heart of the glass, and when he looked up, he saw a fireball that was bigger than before.

Her heart flashed the word "Oops", and suddenly she felt the breath of the whole body, the huge pressure was instantly removed, the white dress was placed in front of her eyes, and the frost on one knee only saw one in the backlight. Back view.

Because of attending the flower banquet, the shackles on his head were more than usual, but they were still lazy and scattered. The hot wind blew, letting his clothes and long hair fly together, so good. His figure blocked all the heat waves and pressure. The glazed hand rubbed his chest and felt the heart that was madly mad because of the battle. At this time, as if it was comforted, it eased.

This back... can bring too much security.

For Bi Cang Wang, I rarely feel the sense of security...

The heat wave is approaching, the huge fireball carries the power that seems to turn all of it into ashes, and the rushing face, the face is quiet, only a light hand, the fireball has suddenly stopped coming, like a dog that is wrapped around the neck I earned the limit of the rope and could no longer move forward.

"Roll!" Stops a low drink, and the sleeves are waved, but seeing the huge fireballs at the speed of coming, according to the trajectory of the coming, it is easily thrown back...

Throw... Go back.

Shen Li did not understand why Heaven does not allow God to express his feelings. If such a powerful force, if you want to do whatever you want, let it be private, and that day, don’t you mess?

The party that the fireball flew back ignited the blazing fire, and sure enough no fireballs came. Thinking of the other party's rushing look at this time, Shen Li's heart only feels funny, but the heart is loose, the whole body feels tired, and she loses blood too much, she can no longer control her body, lean back and roll from the ruined roof. .

But before falling on the ground, it was unexpectedly caught, and unexpectedly, the person who held her was not only holding her.

The warm palm was stuck on the back that she had already wet, and the wound on her cheek was gently stroking with a cool hand. The face that was stopped was magnified in front of her eyes, even though the glass had been stunned and could not see anything else, but the eyes were closed.

He is angry, he is saying, "Stain, do you want to live?"

"I can't die." She heard her ambiguous voice. "It's just a little tired."

"For this room, I will force myself into this..." He seems to be trying to bear the emotion. "You don't have much to worry about."

"I can't..." The eyes were about to close, and the tired muscles couldn't hold her head. Her head was planted forward, her forehead against the shoulders, and the voice was small and fuzzy. "I can't... that you have nothing to think about."

When I saw the shining eyes and the temperature smile, I saw the glass only in my heart, and I couldn’t forget it anymore.

The fingertips were slightly trembling, and it seemed to be struggling for a long time. He had a hand around the glass quilt, and one hand grabbed her back of the head and held her in her arms. And loose, he... can't control himself.

It turned out that there was such a person, so that he could not grasp the strength of the hand in front of her...

The finger touched her hair gently, and his lip was just falling on the ear of the ear. He stopped his eyes and lowered his voice. He couldn’t help but feel bitter. He only said to Shen Li: "Wang Ye Are you really helping me control..."

The Emperor led the guards and rushed. In addition to the room where the glass is desperately guarded, other places have burned to the ashes, and the gods will hold the king of the king before a pile of broken walls. He is facing everyone, no one can see the face of God. The expression on the face.

The Emperor of Heaven is slightly shocked: "Stop the gods..."

"Don't come over." The sound was light and faint. "I am helping Bi Cang Wang to heal." He said, "No one is allowed to come."

Sure enough, no one dares to step forward.

In front of everyone, it will be held in the glass, holding the green king who looks so strong on weekdays, and everyone will see it. It turns out that compared with the god, the king of Bi Cang is so petite... right. Bi Cong Wang is also a woman, she should be slender and petite...

Read The Duke's Passion