MTL - Accompanying the Phoenix-Chapter 36

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The girl’s body was really shaking, and she had to let her go.

Fang was so happy that she forgot that the little lotus she had known had sacrificed herself for the person he liked, and whether it was just like Xiao He, even if she was really a reincarnation of Xiao He, not everyone At the end of the trip, Meng Po Tang is a poison for ordinary people. It is also a relief. In this world, she no longer knows the person named Rui Wang, nor has she been hurt by such calculations.

Suspended the silence for a moment, and took a step forward. He asked the girl: "You are not high-ranking, but you dare to blatantly spread the victim. If you are a bit arrogant, you are not afraid of the land of the gods here to ask you to sin?"

The girl slammed her neck around her legs and whispered, "The mountain **** land here has been taken away."

Hearing the words, Shen Li and his line of sights looked at each other. Shen Li asked: "When was it taken, did you see where it was caught?" When she asked, her voice was unconsciously slightly stern, and she was scared. No, a pink lip trembled for a long time, but did not squeeze out a word.

"I did not beat you, ah ......" Shen glass sigh, some slumped. Hanging aside and laughing.

When the glass was helpless, the green head of the girl’s leg moved, and she was slightly dumb and said: “The great fairy is forgiving.” It struggled to hold up his head, and Shen only shook her twice, which made her so unbearable. I know the difference in strength, and my brother is respectful: "Our mother and daughter don't want to do this kind of harm business, but it is really forced by reality, and nothing has been done before. But in these few In the middle of the month, we have absolutely no harm in life! Just taking away the money will put the person away, never hurt a person! Also hope that the big fairy is desperate."

"When are you posing here?" Shen Li asked, "Why are you forced to do this?"

When I talked about this, I sighed with a sigh: "It is also because of the disappearance of the land of the mountain gods. We lived in the forest outside the 30-mile land of Yangzhou City. The father of this child is a mortal. We relied on him before. The food that my father had planted, and the wild game that I brought back on the mountain, barely lived. But three months ago, the mountain we lived in did not know what happened, the trees were withered, the suffocating, the grass was not born..." The scene, the green 蟒 looks like a remnant. She sighed. "The land **** is not there. Later, I heard other monsters on the mountain saying that they were taken away by some guys called floating gates."

It is a floating door. The glass frowned, it seems that they not only caught people around the capital. The fact that a small cultivar that has risen in recent years has come up with so many things. And there is such a magical spirit. At this time, even the glaze began to doubt, is there anyone in the devil world who has misconduct?

"So I had to take this child to hide here. I don't think there is much to eat in this mountain. In desperation, we only think of this policy and rob the passerby's money and food for the sake of subsistence."

"What about your husband?" whispered, but it was not about the floating gate. "He doesn't follow, how does a mortal life?"

"He..." Qingyi said with a little hesitation or honestly, "He was a Taoist before he became a relative to me. Although he usually lives with me, the responsibility of the demon guard in his heart has not been put down. This time, the mountain is full of anger. Overflow, he took his disciples to Yangzhou City before our mother and daughter ran out. He said that the anger was so powerful that the city would definitely be affected..."

The glass of glass screams, this snake demon, with the mortal to give birth to a child, and the man is still a Taoist? The **** has a different way, coupled with the shackles of identity, the two together must be extremely difficult. Shen Li had some admiration for this time.

At this moment of the silence of the glass, the line suddenly decided: "If this is the case, let's go to Yangzhou now." He smiled. "This meal will be eaten for you again in the next day." His unconscious relatives listened. I had a glimpse of it, then turned my head and coughed unnaturally.

"Big...大仙!" The girl suddenly said, "Can you take me to Yangzhou? I miss you and my brother." Her cheeks are red, I don't know if it is urgent or shy.

If there is suffocation in the city, the impact on the little demon is still quite big. Just stop it, but the glaze is taken down: "Let's go." She looked back and said, "Give her a suffocating charm." The paper will do." The tone is decisive, without any negotiation. She didn't want to go on alone with her.

Looking at the glass, I felt a little stunned. Then I smiled and went to the girl. I wrote a word on her head and said, "If you are in the city, if you feel unwell, remember to tell me."

The girl nodded gratefully. Then the body shape changed, turned into a small green snake, and got into the sleeve of the glass. She showed her head and looked at the glass. She smiled and said, "Let's go."

When I arrived in Yangzhou, it was the time when the sun set, but I couldn't see the beautiful shadow of the sunset. The sky was covered with black suffocating air. If I didn't look carefully, Shen Liu thought that I had reached the devil's place. According to the Qingshen Jingxi, the land fairy outside the city of Yangzhou was caught without one, and the surrounding mountain forest was full of anger. The suffocating air that floated from the mountain every day accumulated in the city, and it became like this.

The frown fringe: "The people of the Mozu are naturally adapted to the suffocating temper, but the mortal body must not be able to withstand such suffocation."

As she said, the disease has risen in the city. Both young and old are sick, and occasionally a few physically strong people can walk a few steps on the street, but the legendary prosperous Jiangnan area has become like a dead city.

The snake trembled in the sleeves of the glazed glass, and the glass touched her in a soothing manner: "I will find your family."

They walked along the street for a while, and Shen Li asked: "Can there be a way to get rid of the suffocation?"

"It's natural, but the suffocation in the city is caused by the forest. It is only the cure for the suffocation. The suffocation between the forests is the cure."

"First cure the symptoms and then cure the problem." Shen Liguo cut off. "It is better to do more than nothing."

The glare of the glass was not falling, and the slanting rushed out of a person. He was covered in gray clothes, his hair was blown up, and his face was black and gray: "End... finally someone is coming!" He was so excited I almost cried so much, "I finally came to people!"

Shen Li asked: "Who are you?"

When the person touched his face, he almost cried out: "I am Graceful!" He wiped his dirty face with dirty clothes, made his face dirty, and then pointed at his face. Tao, "Yu Rongjun."

The frown of the glass frown is very disgusting: "Go away. There is no time for you."

Rong Rongjun looked at him and looked at him and looked at him. He didn’t look at his way. He said, "It’s too much!" he said with anger. "This fairy has saved his life and saved a city. You are like this to me! If it is not this fairy Arrived in Yangzhou City, everyone here has been swallowed up by the suffocation! It is Ben Xianjun who used the purification spell to control the situation! What is your disappointment?"

I looked up and looked at the sky: "There is a trace of purification."

Listening to the line affirmed him, and Rong Rongjun’s anger turned a little wronged: "This is to find a little happy, but I bumped into such a thing, but I bumped into it, I can’t let it go. I tried my best to purify it. The city’s suffocating air could not be spread in a day. The city’s sick number was too much, and the sickness was too heavy to be taken care of. I took the sickly ones to the Chengbei Temple and set up an enchantment to circle them. I am going out to purify my cockroaches every day, but the heavier the suffocating these days, I can’t do anything."

He said it was extremely sad, and he said: "Why didn't you report the heavens when you discovered it? You are afraid that you will be caught back. So I insist on pursuing my own efforts to purify my anger. Now I can't take it anymore, I think of it. Look for someone." Shen Li glanced at him. "What saved a city, I also said it."

Graceful Jun lived. At the time of embarrassment, I saw a flash of blue light, and the young girl suddenly stood in front of him. Because the foot was not stable, she took two steps into the arms of Rong Rongjun and quickly retired: "Xianjun, you can have Have you seen a Taoist in the city with an apprentice?"

This soft call called for a graceful gentleman. He looked up and down and looked at it with a glance. "There are naturally seen, all in the enchantment set by this prince."

"Can you take me in the past?"

"Of course." Saying that Rong Rong reached out and said, "I am holding you. It is awkward and unsightly."

Shen Li will cherish the waist and hold it on his shoulders. He then told Rong Jun: "Go, lead the way."

Yan Rongjun stunned the glass and turned his head to the front.

Shen Liu did not expect that she had always been used as a fireworks. She really had the ability to encircle the city in the north of the temple and protect the lives of at least hundreds of them. After waiting for the enchantment, the public smiled at the face of Grace, as if he was grateful to him.

Graceful smugly turned his head and glared, as if to show off his merits. The glazed turned his head and ignored him. However, Jingxi was smashed and smashed. He kept boasting all the way: "Xianjun is so powerful, Xianjun is really a good person." Rong Rongjun laughed happily.

Going to the temple, Jingxi glanced at the two people in the corner, yelled and ran over: "Hey, Jingyan brother!"

When the glass is heard, it looks like a slight glimpse. The sorrow of Jing Jing is just an ordinary Taoist, and her brother of the scene is too similar to the King of the last generation. At this time, there was a girl in a pink dress lying next to Jingyan. It seems that she is sick and is sleeping. The appearance of the woman is the same as that of the last century.

Jingxi rushed to the past, but in exchange for the scene, a low drink: "Don't make a noise, didn't you see someone falling asleep?"

After a sigh of relief, the grievances moved backwards and moved to the side to hold her shackles.

This scene made the glass strangely think of the subtle relationship between the three. Is this kind of thing going on again? Suddenly asked: "Are they just repeating their fate?"

Shaking his head: "It’s just a coincidence."

Looking at Jingxiu’s somewhat grievances, he suddenly thought of Xiaohe, and he couldn’t help but say to himself: “After the emperor’s emperor, in the days and nights of his life, is there any moment, I will recall that there was one The sharp-eyed woman has no chance to hold it in order to fulfill him."

"I will think of it." He replied, "After he called the emperor, the royal garden was full of lotus flowers."

After a glimpse of the glass, she did not expect to answer her, but afterwards, she sighed again: "Although it is useless, if Xiaohe knows it, he should be happy. At least, he was remembered."

Read The Duke's Passion