MTL - Accompanying the Phoenix-Chapter 25

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According to the words, the remaining two seals were sealed under the training platform of the camp. They were the stone statues of the town's beasts. She let the soldiers in the camps evade to the Sanli area outside the camp. When they wanted to leave, they only waved. Let her leave: "Blessing this seal is a bit time-consuming and can't be interrupted. You are there to protect me from the side, don't let people bother me."

The soldiers all retreated to Sanli, and who would dare to bother you... Shen Li opened his mouth, but this sentence broke into his stomach. She stood silently on the side, quietly watching her hand on the head of the town beast. Like the previous two seals, Guanghua was up and the land was shaking, but this time the glass did not pay attention to the changes around him. I only looked at the side of the line and looked at it. I didn’t know what emotions were deposited in the dark eyes.

The dry land such as yellow sand is gradually moist, and the grass grows slowly from the corners of the camps. The air gradually gradually becomes clean. However, the difference between the two times is that the glass does not feel much lighter, but instead There is a feeling of being exhausted by this clean air.

Only this feeling only appeared for a moment, and Shen Li did not care. After the end of the operation, she faintly regained her gaze and turned and walked forward: "Go to the market, and when the matter is over, I should return to the sin."

Looking at the back of her indifference, her eyes were slightly condensed.

Shen Li did not really go to the market before the sky, the last time to kill the Shanwei fox is still a long way from the market. Therefore, when the glazed glass looked up at the huge black gap that extended to the sky, it could not help but smash God. The rich black suffocating spurts out of the gap, but the three-way seal has been reawakened, suppressing the speed of the smog, causing it to disappear very quickly after it emerges. Even so, the suffocation here still makes the people close to it dull, and it is conceivable that the situation here is awkward before the seal wakes up.

The market is different from the snow temple built according to the natural forces. The sky is a space that has been torn from the world. It is a huge cage that is torn by her own person. It is a monster monster that is several times or even hundreds of times stronger than the Shanwei Fox.

The glazed eyes were so shallow that they turned a little and saw the people beside them step forward. The wind blown by the suffocation disturbed his robes and hair, but he could not mess with the firmness and indifference between his eyebrows.

Really... exactly the same.

Shen Lier was lost, but when he saw the face looking up at the sky, his brow was slightly stunned. Shen Limin | asked: "What happened?"

"It's okay, it's just a little worse than I expected." The last two steps, the right hand went forward and the five fingers slowly tightened. "But it doesn't matter." His voice fell and he only listened to "唰" With a bang, a light shines out of the ground, and the palm of the hand is slammed.

The glass was fixed and looked at it. It was actually a chain of rust-covered chains. The chain was stopped at one end and the other end was still in the ground. The mantra in the mouth was moved, the wrist was gently moved, and the chain was chained. The rust on the rust disappeared, the chain was tight, and the frost heard the sound of the rumble coming from the bottom of the earth. The huge black gaps also had chain rotation on both sides. The airflow was blocked, and no suffocation obstructed the line of sight. The gap is actually two feet wide and slowly narrows under the pull of the chain.

Suddenly, there was a very harsh embarrassment in the market. The heart of the glass was tight, and the hand was explored. When the red dragonfly was shot in the palm of her hand, she was alert, but she listened to the unhurried road: "Don't worry, they can't come out."

The voice did not fall, and there was another screaming in the inside, accompanied by a huge crash, shaking the gaps in the market, causing the earthquake to tremble. The glaze almost felt the murderous murder that was leaking out of it, and it was caught in the hatred of the millennium, and wanted to rush out and kill it.

The frown of the glass frown was crumpled, and the hand holding the red scorpion gun forced the whitening. Suddenly, the chain of the hand was shaken. The sound of the beast was like a vocal voice. The first is very small, and the vagueness is unclear. In the slogan of the curse, the chain of the chain shines with a very glaring white light, and the tremors from the market are getting more and more fierce. The heartbeat of the glass involuntarily followed the tremor to speed up, and the voice of the man rushed out of the seal and screamed in his ear:

"I will swear to God! I will blaspheme!"

Its voice is very confusing, like a magic sound, plunging into the ear of the glass, and it keeps echoing in her mind, causing her to have a splitting headache. Even if the glass is stubborn, it is not supported by one hand. Forehead. She closed her eyes and waited for another opening. The pupils turned out to be a blush, and the bottom of my heart seemed to have been smashed by the murderous murderousness. I wanted to find a battlefield to kill a hurriedly, eager for blood to wash my heart. commotion……

The white clothes flew, and he didn't look back at him. He only finished the last spell without changing his color. He loosened the chain and pulled it into the land with a chain of blazing light. Immediately after the chain on both sides of the chain, the ray of light swelled, and the inside of the beast was almost screaming, but it stopped at the most noisy time!

At the same time, a clear-cut qi also slammed into the glazed body, and its power was quite arrogant. It was not like the previous seals that made people feel like spring breeze, but it was sinking straight in the chest of the glass, and the killing was inexplicable. The meaning. Forcing Shen Sansheng to spit out a black blood, blood fell into the ground, actually into the boiling water, generally rose a white gas, disappeared.

When the breeze is over, everything is quiet.

The huge gap is also on the distance of only **** wide, and the sky is clear. If you don't pay attention, you can't find it. This is the market of thousands of monsters.

Suspense: "This is..."

Stop taking a white towel from the sleeve and hand it to the glass: "The filth."

The glazed glaze took the white towel and held it in his hand. After watching it for a while, he put it on his lips and wiped the blood stains on his mouth. She looked up and saw, but he saw that he had walked to the front of the market. The explorer stroking the two chains next to the gap: "You used to fight with the foxtail, and swallowed it into the belly. You are suffocating, because you are The Mozu is a man, so it is easily eroded by suffocation. When I reshape the seal, I can also remove the suffocation in your body."

Shen Li stunned: "So, do you want me to lead the way?" She fixed her eyes and stopped, and the light sank. "Only so?"

"Well, just for that."

Silence is silent. I stopped looking back at the glass, and the sound was light and shallow: "The seal of the fire is in the sky, and the scorpion in the body of the king has been removed. You don't have to follow me. You can go back to the camp and reorganize the army. I will return to Heaven. I will not bother to worry about the prince."

The wind traversed between the two, blowing off the white towel in the hands of the sinking glass. She stared straight at the line, clenched her fists, and her voice was indifferent and alienated: "Thank you for the help of the gods to help the devil." The words, the hair in the air made a beautiful arc, she turned and left without hesitation.

Because she didn't look back, she didn't know how to stop quietly and watched how far she had gone.

It was night, the moon was bright, and the glass was packed up in the camp. I was about to lie down. When I saw someone walking around the curtain, she screamed, "Come in." The outside figure was stiff and the curtain was finally Account, Shangbei saw Shenli, thinking of euphemism in my heart, but the words are still rushing out: "Little lord, you will let go of the gods!"

The glare looked at him faintly: "God is going to go, and I can stop it."

"Oh!" Shangbei repented. "I knew this, I should have talked to the gods!"

"How?" Shen Lan sneered, "However, in a few days, did you see the upright gods?" After the exit, Shen Li was stunned by himself, Shangbei also followed, and then scratched his head. Dao, "Small prince is more and more amazing when he speaks. Shangbei 岂 dare to have that thought. But it is felt that now the king is also troubled by anger. If you can ask the **** to go to the king, even if it is not cast. Except for the suffocating gas, the king can be cleaned for some time." He shook his head and sighed. "I wanted to bring my wife and the moon."

Suddenly silent.

After the Shangbei walk, Shen Li suddenly fell asleep. She walked out of the camp alone and walked around the military camp for a few laps. Tomorrow, the soldiers from Wangdu had to go back to the dynasty. Everyone could not bear the breeze and the moon. Most of them sat outside the camp, or chatted, or drunk, thinking about the devil. How good is this. Shen Li only walked quietly from them, and thought that he should have left the devil world. Out of the military camp, she looked up at the bright moon, I do not know what to think, an impulse in my heart actually drove straight to the market.

The breath here has been much cleaner. If it weren't for the two rows of chains that had a faint glow in the dark, the frost would barely see the narrow gap.

The trip has already gone. Stretching her hand and touching the two chains, Shen Li felt that she had something wrong. Knowing no one, but still ran over. She laughed at herself and just wanted to leave her hand. The wind from the cracks shook her hair.

A glimpse of the glass, the nose of the nose smelled a strange breath. Her brow wrinkled and looked up into the darkness in the gap, and another gust of wind blew from it.

This breath... is very familiar.

Suijing is concentrating on the memory of God. Suddenly, one eye appears in the gap, and the glass is shocked. The body wants to go backwards, but the ankle is like being caught, and she can't escape if she struggles. There was a strong emotion in the eyes, and it seemed like happiness.

The battle experience of the glaze was extremely rich. Except for the initial surprise, she immediately stabilized her mind, and the palm of her hand passed. The silver gun reflected the moonlight in her hand and did not hesitate to squint into the gap. go with. Unexpectedly, the shot of the glass was not put down, but instead it was like plunging into the swamp. When she wanted to pull out the gun, she felt that there was a strong stock holding the silver. gun.

The glazed teeth are trying to move the force, but the strength of the foot dragging suddenly increases. Without the glare, the whole person is dragged in.

The breeze passed, and there was nothing left outside the gap of the market.

Read The Duke's Passion