MTL - Accidentally Entangled with the Rich-Chapter 60

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Looking at his back, Zhou Guang suddenly called out, "Meng Yungui."

Meng Yungui stopped in his tracks, turned his head and looked over after a while, his black eyes were quiet. They looked at each other, Zhou Guang raised the corners of his mouth and raised his chin: "I will wait for you to come back, be careful."

Meng Yungui paused, and without saying anything for a while, he turned around and strode towards the parking lot.

After a while, the black off-road vehicle drove out of the hospital and headed for the distance.

Zhou Guang rolled his eyes, took out his cell phone and called Gu Fanchen.

She walked outside the hospital, and the old man of the Meng family died, because she had a little impression of the old man, so she had no feelings for him. But the old man's death may have dealt a heavy blow to Meng Yungui.

Although he didn't say anything, he still walked out of the emergency room resolutely. Zhou Guang could see his panic, his father had just passed away, Zhou Guang wanted to say something, but he didn't give Zhou Guang a chance.

The wind blows on the cheeks, cold.

Gu Fanchen answered the phone, and Zhou Guang said, "Director Gu, I want to ask something."


"Excuse me?"


Zhou Guang pursed his lower lip, raised his hand to stop a taxi, opened the door and got in: "About Meng Yungui, do you want to meet and talk?"

"Where? I'll pick you up."

"No need." Zhou Guang reported the address to the taxi driver and said, "I'll go to your house."

Gu Fanchen on the other end of the phone paused, and then said, "Okay."

Hanging up the phone, Zhou Guang turned his head to look at the flashing neon lights outside the window. There is no pure night in this city, tall buildings stand tall, and the flickering lights illuminate the world. Zhou Guang raised her hand and pressed the center of her eyebrows, walking and walking, she ran counter to her original intention.

As she walked farther and farther, she finally changed.

Half an hour later, Zhou Guang got off the car at the gate of Gu Fanchen's community. Gu Fanchen walked over in casual home clothes and waved: "Here."

Zhou Guang trotted in front of Gu Fanchen. He still wore glasses on the bridge of his nose, as if he was working. Zhou Guang squinted his eyes to look at him, Gu Fanchen had already turned around and walked into the community: "What's going on?"

"Just now I saw Meng Yun returned."

Gu Fanchen frowned, and looked back with a crazy expression: "What's so strange about this?"

"The old man of the Meng family has passed away."

Zhou Guang looked at his expression, and then said, "Director Gu, this will be the headline tomorrow, right?"

Gu Fanchen frowned and thought for a while, then turned around and walked quickly to the stairwell.

After entering the bedroom, sitting on the sofa and turning on the computer, his fingers quickly tapped on the computer.

It wasn't the first time Zhou Guang came here, and he wasn't so polite, so he went to the refrigerator and dug out two bottles of water. After opening it and taking a couple of sips, she finally calmed down. She looked like a fool just now.

Sitting on the sofa opposite Gu Fanchen, Zhou Guang pursed his lips, looked up at Gu Fanchen in silence for a while.

"How much do you know about Meng Yungui?"

Gu Fanchen closed the computer with a snap, leaned on the sofa, and looked up at Zhou Guang: "What do you want to know?"

He opened the water and took a sip, rubbing the water bottle.

"How many shares does he have in our company?" Zhou Shiguang pursed her lips, and after a while she laughed, and she clenched her fingers tightly: "Does he have a chance of winning in this battle of the Meng family?"

Gu Fanchen looked away, was silent for a moment, and said, "He injected the last capital of the company, and the synthetic shares are about 30%, and he is responsible for this matter. What? What do you mean now?"

Zhou Guang was uncertain, took a deep breath, and shook his head.

"Now Meng Yungui is under a lot of pressure."

"Do you still want to help him?" Gu Fanchen laughed out loud, raised his head and drank most of the bottle of water in one breath, and leaned on the sofa: "Do you know what class the Meng family belongs to? What class do you belong to? You can't even protect yourself now." .”

Zhou Guang gently tapped her knees with her fingers for a long while, then she looked up at Gu Fanchen and smiled: "I understand."

"You shouldn't worry about this matter. If Mr. Meng can handle it well, you don't have to worry about it. If Mr. Meng can't handle it well, it's useless for you to worry about it. Besides, with your relationship with Mr. Meng, should you consider the next step? "

Gu Fanchen frowned and sighed: "If, I mean just in case, Mr. Meng loses. What are your plans?"

Zhou Guang's temptations came to fruition, but she was not sure how true Gu Fanchen's words were, and whether she was also testing her.

Both of them were silent. After a while, Zhou Guang raised his head and looked into Gu Fanchen's eyes: "Director Gu."

Gu Fanchen waited for her next sentence, Zhou Guang stood up: "It's getting late, I have to film tomorrow, so I'll go back first. You go to bed early too, good night."

Gu Fanchen: "..."

When Zhou Guang walked to the door, Gu Fanchen also stood up: "You rushed here in the middle of the night just to tell me that Mr. Meng passed away?"


Zhou Guang nodded with a serious expression, "I think it's a big deal."

Gu Fanchen's breath got stuck in his throat, he couldn't get up and down, he was very broken, his brows were furrowed, and he said impatiently: "In that case, I'll take you back, it's so late."

"No, it's just troublesome." Zhou Guang smiled and had already walked to the door: "I'll just take a taxi."

"Let Ah K come and pick you up." Gu Fanchen frowned when he saw that Zhou Guangguang was about to open the door: "You stop, can you still do it? Zhou Guangguang."

Zhou Guang stopped, turned his head to look over, Gu Fanchen took out his mobile phone and called Ak.

"Ah K, come here to pick up Zhou Shi, she's here with me."

On the other end of the phone, Ah K didn't know what to say, Gu Fanchen paused for a while, raised his hand and pressed the center of his eyebrows: "Come here first, then we'll talk."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Fanchen said, "Come here and wait for a while, Ah K will be here soon."

Zhou Guang had to sit back.

Gu Fanchen lit a cigarette and handed over the cigarette case: "Huh?"

Zhou Guang took the cigarette case, took out one and lit it, took two puffs, raised his hand to cover his face, and let out a long breath.

Gu Fanchen raised his eyes and looked over: "Are you in love with Meng Yungui?"

Zhou Guang stopped smoking for a while, then leaned back on the sofa after a while, the smoke on his fingers was slowly burning, Zhou Guang giggled, staring into Gu Fanchen's eyes: "You think so?"

"Who doesn't think so?"

"Well, yes."

Zhou Guang narrowed his eyes, remained silent for a while, and raised his hand to extinguish the cigarette.

"I won't smoke anymore."


Gu Fanchen blew out a smoke ring, and glanced at Zhou Guang: "It's a good thing not to smoke."

Zhou Guang laughed and raised his hand to rub his cheek.

"I want to go on in the entertainment industry. I want to act. Even if I don't get anything, as long as I am allowed to act. I don't have much pursuit. I can have a house and have no worries about food and clothing. I can do what I like Work and live in peace and stability."

Zhou Guang shook his head, not knowing who he was laughing at: "Such a simple dream is a luxury for me today."

Gu Fanchen finished smoking a cigarette: "Is there any possibility of reconciliation between you and Zhou Meng?"

"What do you think?"

Zhou Guang raised his eyes and stared at Gu Fanchen's eyes: "I knelt in front of her and begged, and she might not forgive me. To be honest, if I were her, I would probably have the same mentality. But I am now Zhou Guang. I want to admit defeat, and I will not choose to go down this difficult path.”

"It's not time to lose yet, why are you discouraged?"

Gu Fanchen said: "Zhou Guang, in fact, the first time I saw you, I felt that way, very strong. You are a person with tenacious vitality. Even without Meng Yungui, without me, without Cheng Zihan, you will still leave To this day, you can still stand at the height of Zhou Meng, you come to me now, but you are not sure about your heart." Gu Fanchen stubbed out the cigarette butt: "I can't help you."

As smart as Gu Fanchen, he knows Zhou Guang too well.

"I will never regret the path I choose."

Zhou Guang only had a flash of surprise in his initial eyes, and soon calmed down.

She was silent, and Gu Fanchen said: "Ah K, can I stay with you first tonight?"

Zhou Guang raised his eyes and frowned: "What's wrong?"

"He hasn't found a house yet. I called just now and he's still on the side of the road."

"Okay." Zhou Guang paused for a moment, and then said, "I may move out soon, and I can't let him live for too long. After all, it's not my house."

How long can Meng Yungui last? I don't know about Zhou Guang.


About half an hour later, Ah K came over.

Zhou Guang said goodbye to Gu Fanchen: "Good night."

After leaving the community, Zhou Guang turned to look at Ak: "Where do you live?"

"The rented place is a little far away—"

"Where?" Zhou Guang interrupted him: "How far?"

Ah K pursed his lips, his black face showed no expression, Zhou Guang turned his head and looked out the window: "Do you want to hang out in this city?"

Ah K suddenly turned his head to look at her, Zhou Guang said: "Pay attention to the road, I will deduct your wages if there is a car accident."

Ah K turned his head again, staring intently at the road ahead.

"Stay at my side first at night, you have to get up early to go to the set tomorrow, don't waste time."

Ah K's throat rolled, and he opened his mouth after a while, his voice was very low: "Director Gu told you?"

"say what?"

Zhou Guang looked back into his eyes: "What?"

Ah K is embarrassed to say, after all, he is a young man, and his age is very embarrassing. Not yet mixed into old fritters, unreasonable self-esteem is causing trouble, and life is not as good as a dog.

Ah K didn't speak, and Zhou Guang didn't challenge him anymore.

She is not satisfied with this assistant, but now there is no second candidate, so she can only train this assistant and use it smoothly. If he is not knowledgeable, Zhou Guang's patience is only two months.

Zhou Guang cleaned up a house for him to live in, and it was already one o'clock in the morning when he lay in bed, Zhou Guang couldn't sleep. I got up and walked to the window, took out the phone and wanted to send him a message, squeezed the phone tightly for a long time, but still didn't call, turned and went to sleep.

The next day, Zhou Guangshi woke up under the pressure of entering the mountain. The still-awake head was in a daze, the man's rough fingers were walking on her body, the sound of heavy breathing, and the fierce kiss. The man pressed on her and entered suddenly, Zhou Guang snorted and was completely awake.


"Huh?" The man's voice was hoarse, his fingers scratched Zhou Guang's cheek, he breathed heavily and lowered his head to kiss Zhou Guang, blocking all her subsequent voices.

Zhou Guang was really defeated by him, Lord, you are so energetic.

When he called for gold and retreated, Zhou Guang was covered in sweat, sticking to him stickily.

"Why are you back now?"

Zhou Guang was pressed against his rough thigh, and Zhou Guang couldn't move, so he had to let it go.

"Can't come back now?"

Zhou Guang didn't know what to say, he was afraid that if he said something serious, he would expose his wounds. When he moved his lower lip, his Adam's apple was in front of his eyes, and his heart was beating steadily. Zhou Guang was wrapped in his arms, quietly listening to his heartbeat.

"Is the matter settled?"

Zhou Guang thought for a while and said, "Are you still leaving?"

"Not leaving."

Meng Yungui rubbed Zhou Guang's hair, held her face up and kissed her. Turned over and got out of bed, picked up the underwear and put it on, and went straight to the bathroom: "Go to Mr. Cheng in a while and ask him to arrange a place for you. Don't come here soon."

After Zhou Guang had a meal, Meng Yungui had strode into the bathroom, and the door was closed.

Zhou Guang pursed his lower lip, pulled up the corner of his mouth and smiled, wanting to get up and get dressed. It was very uncomfortable to be sticky, she went to the next room to take a shower, and then realized, did he not wear a condom just now?

The head exploded with a bang, didn't it?

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