MTL - Accidentally Entangled with the Rich-Chapter 44

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Zhou Guang paused, stood up and put his hands on Shen Mengfei's shoulders, looking into her eyes. The black and white eyes were gradually covered with sadness, sighed and said quietly: "What a cruel heart."

After all, turn around and leave.

Shen Mengfei was stunned for a moment, and then came back to his senses, gnashing his teeth: Zhou Guang is your uncle! Waiting for my old lady to kill you.

They went to eat first, and then moved to nightclubs. The seniors were all there, and they couldn't disappoint the time on weekdays. Shen Mengfei entered the door holding the microphone and began to sing, Xu Dewen leaned over and slightly raised his eyebrows and raised his glass at Zhou Guangguang: "Drink?"

Zhou Guang picked up the wine glass and touched him in a low profile, raised his glass and took two sips.

Xu Dewen finished his drink in one gulp, and looked at Zhou Guang meaningfully: "It's against the rules."

"I have a stomach problem recently." Zhou Guang pointed to himself, Shen Mengfei sang from Cantonese to English, and now he has started to sing in Japanese. Why doesn't she go to the music scene? Carry forward the spirit of Maiba.

Xu Dewen still looked at her. He looked like a mixed race, with a high nose and deep eye sockets, staring at Zhou Guang. Xu Dewen is very handsome, but it's a pity that Zhou Guang raised his head and finished drinking from the wine glass.

"Mr. Xu."

"Is the next play set?"

Because the sound in the private room was turned on very loudly, Xu Dewen spoke close to Zhou Guang's ear: "You are in good condition. If you play a supporting role, you should play the leading role. In the company, you are suppressed by Shen Mengfei, and you will not be able to get ahead."

Zhou Guang stepped back a little, creating a distance.

When she was filming in the early stage, she admired Xu Dewen the most, the actor, idol. It's a pity that after working together for a while, he has a big temper and bullied the starlets of the crew. He likes to snag money and take advantage of female stars.

Because of his status, most people turned a blind eye and turned a blind eye, and the crew also had low-level supporting roles who accepted his invitation. This was a tacit secret among the crew.

"Do you want to be famous?"

Zhou Guang turned his head to look into his eyes, seeing that Xu Dewen was about to approach again, and said, "I'm an art school student who just left school. What do you think is the reason why I have come so far?"

Xu Dewen narrowed his eyes, the two confronted each other, Zhou Guang poured himself a glass of wine, and poured him a glass too. Hold it up and toast him. My own affairs have become a bit big recently, and these people must know about it.

Xu Dewen took good care of herself before, probably thinking that she had some background, but now that she knows the truth, she starts to make trouble.

"Mr. Xu, I respect you."

Zhou Guang raised the corners of his mouth and clinked glasses with him with a smile, and finished drinking with his head raised.

Standing up neatly and walking to Shen Mengfei's side: "Sister Shen, shall I sing a duet with you?"

Zhou Guang's singing is average, but the voice is nice. After singing two songs, Shen Mengfei threw the microphone away: "Stop singing, drink."

This group of people's eyes fell on Zhou Guang, what else are they singing? What's the point?

After Zhou Guang sang for a while, the microphone was transferred to the director, and several people in the box were in a mess, sitting and drinking together. The director sang an old song, and his hoarse voice echoed in the box.

After finishing the song, he paused and said, "Thank you very much, everyone, the palace plan has been completed!"

The box is very large, there are thirty or forty people, and all the backstage staff are there. For a moment, everyone stopped their actions and looked at the director. It took nearly half a year to shoot. Zhou Guang was a latecomer to the group, so he was a bit sad.

The director sold his feelings for a while, and the box became excited again.

Not long after, a girl came over with a wine glass. She was wearing black-rimmed glasses and looked very popular. A little shyly glanced at Zhou Guang, and whispered: "I like you very much, can I toast you a glass of wine?"

Zhou Guang looked at her with a smile, just now the waiter brought in the wine, and she poured it for Zhou Guang.

"Thank you." Zhou Guang clinked glasses with her. The girl looked up and finished drinking. Zhou Guang was too embarrassed not to drink. After drinking, he stared at her for a while: "Which department are you from?" Why didn't you have any impression? Zhou Guang glanced at Yao Shan beside her, she didn't notice this side at all with her hair lowered.

"Special effects team." The girl poured wine for Zhou Guangguang again, stood up and bowed sincerely to Zhou Guangguang: "Thank you, you have such a good temper, I like you very much, and I will always support you. I hope you can shoot Produce more and better works."


Zhou Guang saw her sitting back in the crowd, so he relaxed his vigilance.

Sitting in the box for a while, Zhou Guang was a little dizzy. She doesn't drink well, but she really didn't drink much today. A thought flashed by, and my dizzy head ran quickly, trying to find the glimmer of light just now, but I couldn't find it.

Turning to Yao Shan, she said, "Accompany me to the bathroom, okay?"

Yao Shan's face was a little red when she saw Zhou Guang, and she was taken aback. She kept looking at Zhou Guang and didn't drink much: "Drink too much?"


Yao Shan put the phone back into her pocket and asked, "Do you want to help you?"

"No need." Zhou Guang shook her head, and the two of them left the box together. She pressed the center of her eyebrows, and her head became more and more dizzy after walking for a while. It wasn't like this when I was drunk before, Zhou Guang thought to himself and asked, "Where is the bathroom?"

"Let me take a look." Yao Shan squinted her eyes looking for the sign, and suddenly a small trolley came straight over, Yao Shan suddenly regained her senses and went to pull Zhou Shi: "Be careful!" The small cart passed by, Yao Shan was a little annoyed, pointed at the waiter and said, "What are you doing? Are you blind? Such a big man didn't even see it."

Zhou Guang suddenly felt that something was wrong, and suddenly four or five men came out of a room behind him, and the waiter threw Yao Shan to the ground with a flash, and raised his hand to cover her mouth.

Zhou Guang was almost a conditioned reflex. Before he could bring a few men to pick up the wine bottle on the cart, he threw it on the head of the waiter, and there was a loud noise: "Yao Shan, run!"

Yao Shan was stunned. She had been experiencing these terrible things since Zhou Guang was her assistant. The waiter was completely unprepared and was knocked down by Zhou Guang. Yao Shan touched the blood on his hand and screamed. Those people also moved very quickly, and quickly covered Yao Shan's mouth.

Seeing that Zhou Guang couldn't pull Yao Shan out, she was in a daze. This was a thorough plan. There must be something wrong with the glass of wine she just drank, Zhou Guang couldn't stand still and watched a man come to hit him, shook the remaining half of the bottle in his hand, swiped it, turned around and ran back and forth.

In the blink of an eye, there were all double images, Zhou Guang yelled for help and was thrown to the ground, the sharp pain from the glass piercing her palm woke her chaotic head slightly. Turning around, he tried his best to swipe the glass towards the face of the person in front of him, but he didn't know where he slashed. The man let go of her with a scream.

None of them expected Zhou Guang to run so fast, and a girl who looked weak ran unambiguously. She rushed more than ten meters away, shouted with all her strength, and then was held down by two men and gagged. They looked around, and there was someone coming from the other end of the corridor, and the woman was already unconscious.

"Go, get rid of both of you."

After all, a woman's strength is no match for a man's. After opening the door of the private room, there are still two men waiting inside. The camera has already been set up. Impatiently said: "Are you idiots, you have been playing with a powerless woman for so long."

"Why don't you **** do it, this **** has black hands."

Zhou Guang's head was in a mess, and he didn't know if he was in a coma or awake.

"Hurry up and take off your clothes and do some business. Damn, it's 800,000 yuan. You don't want to make money, do you? What's wrong with this woman? What are you bringing her here for?" The person holding the camera saw Yao Shan and became angry: "A Can someone do something?"

"The two of them are together, but it's not bad to have two, this woman is also a bit pretty. Feed her some medicine, and everything will be fine."

Yao Shan shivered in the corner, her face pale.


Shen Mengfei was stunned. She had been in the entertainment industry for a long time, and she was also frightened that there was nothing left in the Three Views. I was only stunned for a moment, and quickly opened the door of the nearest private room to go in, ignoring the shock of the people inside, and quickly took out my mobile phone to make a call.

"Brother, something happened to Shi Shi, Xincheng Club. Just now, several people dragged her to a box. There are several people, and I don't have enough people here." She didn't know if it was from the crew, so she might not be good for Shi Shi if she went back and called someone rashly. :"what to do?"

"What floor?"

"Hey, are you the hostess lady? What are you doing at the door?" The guests in the box saw the woman standing at the door and started making calls, all shouting, "What's going on?"

"The third floor."

Shen Mengfei opened the door of the box to go out, she took a deep breath: "Should I call the police?"

The phone had been hung up, and Shen Mengfei stood there with a blank mind. Zhou Guang might have been drugged, if she made a sound, she might put herself in it, because Zhou Guang is not worth it. In less than a minute, Shen Mengfei saw a man running quickly from the other end of the corridor. She took a closer look and subconsciously turned around and wanted to run.

Why is he here? Brother called him? "Shen Mengfei, stop!"

When he roared, Shen Mengfei immediately stood on the spot and turned around: "Meng—"

"Where is the person?" Meng Yungui's black eyes were full of murderous intent, completely ruthless.

"Boss Meng?"

A few people chased after him, "What's going on?" Meng Yungui's expression turned ugly, he grabbed Shen Mengfei's arm, and his voice almost came through his teeth: "Take me there."

"Ah! Zhou Guang!"

Before the voice fell, a person stumbled out of a box, she was disheveled and still holding half a wine bottle in her hand. Soon a few men rushed out of the box, and Meng Yungui's head burst into flames.

Oh shit! Think he is dead.

Shen Mengfei didn't react at all, Meng Yungui went to the door of the private room and hit him immediately. With one punch, the person who was about to catch Zhou Guang was sent flying, and hit the door panel for a long time without getting up, half of his face was covered in blood.

Zhou Guang fell into his arms, his face was flushed, his ears were red, his breathing was heavy, and there were scratches and blood on his body. Meng Yungui narrowed his eyes, and patted Xia Zhou's face, she was unconscious.

"Shen Mengfei, look at her."

Meng Yungui took off his suit jacket and put it on Zhou Guang's body and forced it into Shen Mengfei's arms, after which several of his subordinates had already come.

"We're all waiting here."

Meng Yungui directly pushed open the door of the box, untied his tie and wrapped it around his hands.

A minute later, Meng Yungui took the person in Shen Mengfei's arms and wrapped her clothes tightly.

"Xiao Zhu, let Lao Liu come over and take the man away, investigate to the end, this matter is endless."

Shen Mengfei was about to catch up, but Meng Yungui glanced at her: "Take that woman in the room to the hospital, and your brother will be here in a while."

Turn around and stride away.

Throwing Zhou Guang into the car, Meng Yungui had the urge to strangle her to death.

"Did I warn you that your brain forgot its home?"

Zhou Guang was no longer awake in his head, his whole body was burning from the inside out, and his palms were clenched tightly. Blood dripped down her hands and landed on the car seat. Meng Yungui pulled the seat belt to fix her. Not long after, she twisted her body and slid off the seat.

Meng Yungui is not some innocent young man, he has never seen anything in the past few years. Zhou Guang had taken medicine. When he went in, he saw the camera. It was very cruel.

Zhou Guang mixes in the entertainment industry, if this scandal gets out, it will be completely over.

It was too late to get to the residence, Meng Yungui, the nearest hotel, hugged her head in a suit, opened the room and forcibly hugged her in his arms, turned around and went upstairs.

Since she can't live well without her, it's better to keep her by her side.

Damn, if you want to come, come, what else is he playing if he can't even protect a woman?

Crazy night, she was simply crazy.

There was blood everywhere, Meng Yungui felt that he was crazy too, and followed her torment.

Meng Yungui didn't fight uncertain battles, so it was a very sensible choice to give up Zhou Guang. Things about this woman are too complicated, it doesn't matter if she confronts Meng Hao, sooner or later, if she offends the Zhou family and offends the Wang family, the old man's choice for him is not negotiable.

The plan was advanced, disrupting his rhythm, so when Gu Chen extended an olive branch to him, he made a choice.

There is no need to stay on weekdays.

Meng Yungui broke her hand and took out the shards of glass and put them on the table. She had already passed out, and there was still a lingering charm on her face. For such a woman, her beauty is not high-quality, and her skills and IQ have been hovering on the passing line, falling down from time to time.

What is the use?

He lit a cigarette and smoked, leaning against the head of the bed and squinting his eyes to look into the distance, his eyes were misty.

Will she die? Ever since he met her, Meng Yungui had always had this kind of worry. She is so thin, how much can she bear? I was afraid of breaking her up when I went to bed. For such a woman, you can hide behind and find a safe place, and live a stable life by judging the situation, but you must go to others.

She underestimated the ugliness of human nature and the means of others.

Meng Yungui smoked a pack of cigarettes, the sky was bright, and the sun gradually shone in through the windows, spreading across the floor. He pressed out the last cigarette butt, lifted the quilt and went into the bathroom.

Zhou Guang slowly opened her eyes, the tingling pain in her palm woke her up. He clenched his fists as if he was not afraid of pain, the wound split open and blood flowed onto the white sheet, his eyes were gradually covered with strong hatred.

Read The Duke's Passion