MTL - Accidentally Entangled with the Rich-Chapter 41

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Zhou Guang was scanning the webpage when Wang Mei called and she answered without even looking at it.



When Zhou Guang came back to his senses, he realized that he hadn't contacted Wang Mei for a long time: "Wang Mei?"

"I saw what happened to you, don't be sad about time."

"Well, it's okay, it's over, I can face it now." Zhou Guang smiled: "Wang Mei, don't comfort me, I don't need comfort now."

"Well, I won't bother you. Do you have time recently? Come to the school and say hello, don't you want to graduate properly?"

Zhou Guang was silent for a while, and said, "Okay, let's go there tomorrow."

Zhou Guang was a little thirsty, so he stood up and went outside to drink water, when he walked out the door, Gu Fanchen and Yao Shan walked in together carrying convenience bags. Zhou Guang was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and went to the kitchen to get a bottle of water, opened it and took a sip: "That's it, I'll contact you tomorrow."

"Well, don't think so much, take care."

Hanging up the phone, Zhou Guang walked over and sat on the sofa: "Are you back?"

Gu Fanchen frowned and gave her a look: "Since when did this become your home?" Turning to Yao Shan who was going to the kitchen to put the ingredients, he said, "Make me a cup of tea, thank you."

"Can the company arrange a place to live?" Zhou Guang drank most of the bottle of water, sat upright, and looked straight into Gu Fanchen's eyes: "I want to move out, but the house I found might not be safe."

"I've already arranged this matter. You can live in it when you come back from City B, but you need to pay a part of the rent." Gu Fanchen leaned back on the sofa, tapped his fingers on his folded knees, and narrowed his black eyes: " Who called just now?"

"College classmate." Zhou Guang said, "She asked me to go to school tomorrow."

"It's more chaotic now, and your safety cannot be guaranteed in the past."

"Can I go with Yao Shan?"

Yao Shan has already brought the tea and put it in front of Gu Fanchen: "I'm with Shi Shi, it should be fine."

Gu Fanchen glanced at her and frowned: "Go do your business."

Yao Shan smiled mischievously, and got up to distribute the ingredients.

"Then you pay attention to safety."

Zhou Guang always felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere between Gu Fanchen and Yao Shan, but she couldn't tell exactly where. After thinking about it for a while, I didn't figure out why, so I nodded.

"I see."

The two were silent, and Zhou Guang turned on the TV to watch the news broadcast.

Gu Fanchen glanced at her: "You are really boring."

"Ask you something." Zhou Guang pinched the remote control with his fingers, squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then turned to look at Gu Fanchen: "Is the general manager of Meng's now Meng Hao?"


Gu Fanchen stared at her calmly. Did Meng Yungui really break up with her? Otherwise, why doesn't she know about this?

As if seeing Gu Fanchen's inner drama, Zhou Guang smiled and shook his head: "I was very busy filming before, and I'm also a very nerdy person. I really don't want to take these things off."

"After that, you don't need to know so much, just shoot your own scenes well."

Zhou Guang was silent for a while, then dropped the remote control and leaned on the sofa: "It's easy to keep your ears from hearing things outside the window, but how far can you go?" She sighed a lot of helplessness.

Gu Fanchen picked up the teacup and rubbed it on his fingers, raised his head for a while and drank the hot tea in the cup.

"What do you want a broker to do?"

Zhou Guang laughed out loud, staring at Gu Fanchen's eyes. They are all businessmen, if they don't make money, he will definitely abandon Zhou Time. It's just that interests are involved now, one pretends to be innocent, and the other is not really innocent.

"Mr. Meng has invested in our company? How much?"

"You can check the exact numbers yourself, but he is currently the largest shareholder of our company." Gu Fanchen put the cup on the table, picked up the remote control and turned off the TV, making his head hurt from the noise. "So, I urge you not to offend Meng Yungui too much."

He's good at pretending? Dare to Go Around and Go Around Time has always been in his hands, and he can't get rid of his control. Regardless of whether it is the beginning or the end, he alone is in charge.

Oh shit! It was rare for Zhou Guang to swear a dirty word in his heart.

The next day, Zhou Guang went to school with Yao Shan at seven o'clock.

Go directly to the dormitory, open the door, and a sour smell comes from the dormitory. Zhou Guang was stunned and almost fainted. Yao Shan rolled his eyes behind him.

"What does it smell like?"

In the past, the dormitory was cleaned up most of the time on weekdays, and recently the time on weekdays did not come back. They turned the dormitory into a garbage dump, which is really terrible.

Zhou Guang opened the door completely to diffuse the smell, and called, "Wang Mei?"

Guo Xiaomei squirmed under the quilt on the bed, and replied impatiently: "Who? She went to class!"


"Don't disturb my sleep!" Guo Xiaomei scolded without opening her eyes. The voice stopped abruptly, and he opened his eyes in a daze: "Zhou Guang?"

Zhou Guang bypassed the moldy bento box and walked to his bed, which was covered in dust. She pulled out the suitcase to organize things, Guo Xiaomei stretched out a chicken nest wrapped in the quilt, and stared at Zhou Guang: "What are you doing? Why are you back?"

"Get something."

Zhou Guang didn't have anything, in fact, she didn't have to have these old things, it's just that there were too many things here that she couldn't bear to throw away. Yao Shan also helped her tidy up, picking up a doll that had been around for a while.

"Is this still okay?"

Zhou Guang was startled, pursed his lower lip and took the doll. Zhou Quan bought this for her. It has been kept in the suitcase for many years, and she takes it with her wherever she goes. She lowered her head and put it in the suitcase: "Yes, yes."

"Are you moving out too?"

Guo Xiaomei stared at Zhou Guang for a while, and said in a sour and envious tone: "You are the second person to move out of the dormitory. Don't forget your sisters when you get rich in the future."

"What about prosperity?" Zhou Guang didn't want to answer this question. Guo Xiaomei's EQ is not high, and if she said something more, it would definitely cause a war of words. She didn't have that leisure time.

Guo Xiaomei lifted the quilt to get up, turned around and went to the bathroom to wash up.

"I stopped saying that your next film will be the leading actress. Our dormitory originally thought that Dong Hui would develop the best, but I didn't expect you to rise to the top in one step." Guo Xiaomei's vague voice came from the bathroom, Yao Shan covered her nose and winked at Zhou Shiguang : "Your classmate is a bit sour."

Zhou Guang shook his head and smiled: "Don't talk to her."

Simply tidy up, pile the suitcases on the ground, raise your wrist to see that the time is almost eight o'clock. Send a text message to Wang Mei: "I'm at school, in the dormitory."

Before she had time to leave, Guo Xiaomei had already come out of the bathroom, blocking Zhou Guang's way.

"What's the rush when we just met? The old classmates have deep feelings, let's chat."

Zhou Guang looked back at Yao Shan: "You go out and wait for me first?"

"Okay." Yao Shan wanted to leave in a hurry, the smell here was too bad, it would kill me. "I'll wait for you outside."

"who is she?"

"My assistant." Zhou Guang said with a smile, "How are you doing recently?"

"It's still not like that. Run--I'm living a good life, and the scenes I'm filming are also not very popular, but recently a director approached me and wanted me to shoot the second female lead."

"Good opportunity." Zhou Guang said: "Seize the opportunity."

Guo Xiaomei went to the table to pick up skin care products, and Zhou Guang saw that one of the bottles was the lotion she bought herself. Zhou Guang looked away and looked at the time again.


"Do you know that Wang Mei is in love?"

"Well, I heard a little bit."

"That guy is so useless, he's so ugly, I don't know why Wang Mei likes him? Is it because no one wants to find someone casually." Guo Xiaomei's tone began to sneer: "Hey, I heard Dong Hui said you found a rich boyfriend, is that true or not?"

"Do you think it's true?" Zhou Guang couldn't help laughing, staring into Guo Xiaomei's eyes: "Don't follow others."

"I think so too. If you found a rich boyfriend and we have such a good relationship, how could you not tell us?" Guo Xiaomei looked back at Zhou Guangguang, narrowed her eyes, and suddenly became angry: "Chen Wei has a crush on you I've been asking for your contact information with me, do you want to give it to him?"

Zhou Guang's face suddenly changed, and he almost forgot who Chen Wei was.

"who is it?"

"Stop pretending."

"What am I pretending to be?" Zhou Guang was also a little annoyed, she still hadn't finished.

"My ex-boyfriend, we had dinner together." Guo Xiaomei said, "We broke up, and he said he likes you."

Guo Xiaomei's hand holding the bottle of barrier cream was a little tight, she pursed her eyes, her smile was not funny, and she was a little sarcastic: "You still say you don't remember?"

The phone rang suddenly. Zhou Guang glanced at Wang Mei's caller and pressed mute.

"I really can't remember the people I hate." Zhou Guang's expression was serious, and his tone became cold: "I can't remember all the people who like me, then I have too many people to remember. If I still I'm a friend, so don't mention this matter again. It's disgusting that you also disgusted me. It's really not an honorable thing. I'll go first and contact you when I have time. "

The crime of pregnant?

Zhou Guang couldn't carry all the luggage, so he planned to go down and ask the driver to come and pick it up.


Zhou Guang turned around and left until there was no trace of him leaving.

Guo Xiaomei's face changed suddenly, and she raised her hand and threw the barrier cream on the ground. With a sound of touching, the barrier cream shattered all over the ground, and the white liquid splashed into flowers.

She must make Zhou Guang look good. Thinking of what Chen Wei said when he kicked her, she hated Zhou Guang even more.

When Zhou Guang went out, he answered Wang Mei's call: "Wang Mei."

"Time, you come downstairs, I'm under the dormitory."


Yao Shan came up to meet her, and glanced behind her: "That roommate of yours has bad eyesight."

"I won't contact you in the future." Zhou Guang patted her on the shoulder with a smile, and said with a smile, "Let's go."

The two went downstairs one after the other. Yao Shan said, "I booked a plane ticket at 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and I will go to city b to record."

"Well, you arrange."

Yao Shan looked up at the teaching building, lost for a moment.

When Zhou Guang arrived on the first floor, he saw Wang Mei, and immediately burst into a smile: "Wang Mei!"

There was a tall, thin and handsome man standing next to Wang Mei. As soon as she saw Zhou Guangguang, she quickly shook off the man and ran over to hug Zhou Guangguang: "I'm finally back, I miss you so much."

Zhou Guang hugged her back, her best friend for three years in college: "Me too."

After the sensationalism was over, Wang Mei pulled Zhou Guangguang towards the man, and pointed, "My boyfriend Chi Bin, you definitely won't remember the level of cerebral palsy, you're in the class next door."

"Time, there is probably no one in our school who doesn't recognize him."

Zhou Guang couldn't help laughing: "It's not that exaggerated."

"I know, I've met." Chi Bin nodded towards Zhou Guang, smiling a little shyly: "Hello."

The attitude is alienated and clear, this is the attitude that a good girlfriend and boyfriend should have, and you can pass.

"Will you eat?"

"Go ask for leave first, and treat you to a big meal later."

Wang Mei held Zhou Shiguang's arm: "Okay." As she approached, she whispered, "Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing? It hurts me to carry it alone."

"It's not as serious as I imagined." Zhou Guang patted her arm and said, "Your boyfriend is quite reliable, not bad."

"Yes, he is a nice person, and he is also very kind to me."

The two went to complete the formalities together, and walked outside the school together. Wang Mei said: "There are many people who are popular, no matter how popular you are in the future, the most important thing is to protect yourself and don't be bullied." go."

Because of Wang Mei's arrival, Yao Shan and the driver went to help Zhou Guang carry the luggage.

"Ok, I know."

"Chi Bin." Wang Mei turned her head to look at Chi Bin, their eyes met, and a sudden call came from a consonant glance, and Zhou Guang, who was next to him, only felt that he was redundant.

"You have caused one hundred points of damage to the single dog."

"Shall I introduce you? We are the grass of the acting department!"

Wang Mei let go of Zhou Shiguang and stood beside Chi Bin. Chi Bin stroked his hair with a simple smile, and said, "Student Zhou Guangguang is no better than before."

"What's wrong?" Wang Mei snorted, "Isn't that your good friend? Tell my girlfriend what's wrong?"

Zhou Guang looked at the two of them for a long time, and only thought it was funny. Wang Mei has a hot temper and Chi Bin is gentle, which is a perfect match.

Just as he was about to speak, Chi Bin's face suddenly changed, and he raised his hand to pull Zhou Shiguang: "Be careful!" But in the end, his movements were still half a step slow, and Zhou Guang felt that the stench and cold liquid splashed on his face. Seeing a plastic bucket being thrown over his head, Zhou Guang dodged a slip of his foot and fell heavily to the ground.

Chen Jianwei's ferocious face appeared in sight, and he kicked Zhou Guangguang's leg with his foot, very ruthlessly: "You are **** looking for death, come and see this heartless bitch. She doesn't even have parents to support her!" , you are not as good as a beast? Raising a son to guard against old age, you are harming me like this, what is the use of raising you?"

A stinky girl who dared to plot against him should have drowned in the dung bucket as soon as she was born.

Zhou Guang didn't react at all, and was kicked several times in succession. The reporter who had been following Zhou Guang rushed over at this moment, held up the camera, and snapped.

"What are you doing to time!"

Wang Mei was stunned for a moment, then she came back to her senses and rushed over to pull Chen Jianwei. He threw Wang Mei out and kicked Zhou Guang one after another: "I raised you for nothing. It's useless at all. Fuck you!" What happened to the money you gave me? You were born by me, so you should give me money. You can live without me? Now that you have grown up and learned to work hard? Dare to sue me, if I don’t kill me today, I won’t be named Chen. I just want your life, so what? You were born by me!"

Wang Mei fell to the ground, Chi Bin had already reacted and hurried to pull Wang Mei, Wang Mei's eyes were red: "Go and save Shi Shi! Go!" She shouted at the top of her voice, Chi Bin looked ferociously and struck fiercely Chen Jianwei hesitated for a moment.

Wang Mei pushed him away and saw that Chen Jianwei had greeted Zhou Guang. Zhou Guang got up and fought with him, and was thrown out again, and rushed forward in a burst of annoyance.

There are more and more people watching, but there is no one to help.

Wang Mei's head became hot, and she rushed to the flower bed to pick up a brick that fell from the construction, ran over and slapped Chen Jianwei on the head. She has grown up so much, she has never seen such a disgusting person, and she almost tried her best. The brick broke in half and fell to the ground.

Chen Jianwei stopped his movements and turned his head. The blood on his head slowly flowed down. He raised his hand to touch it, then suddenly turned around and kicked Wang Mei to the ground. Zhou Guang's eyes were on fire, he turned over and picked up the brick and greeted Chen Jianwei in the face, his arms were hugged violently.


Zhou Guang's face was full of filth, she stared at the person in front of her in a daze, her head gradually regained her sanity. The security guards of the school swarmed up and pushed Chen Jianwei to the ground. Zhou Guang stood in the middle of the crowd with a stench all over his body, accepting pointing and pointing.

Tears rolled out of her eyes, and Yao Shan tried her best to hold Zhou Guang's arm so that she didn't rush to hit Chen Jianwei.

"The police will come right away, come right away, don't be afraid, time is fine." She lowered her voice: "You have to calm down, the law won't take him easy..."

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