MTL - Accidentally Entangled with the Rich-Chapter 28

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At eleven o'clock, the assistant called: "Mr. Meng, something happened to the riverside project."

Meng Yungui's face changed suddenly, and he sat up immediately: "I'll go over right away."

The infusion needle was pulled out, bringing up a string of blood beads.

"What are you doing sir?"

"Get me out of the hospital." He is in charge of the riverside villas. If something goes wrong, he, the general manager, should not do it. Meng Yungui changed his clothes, covered his stomach for a while, wiped the blood on the back of his hands, and frowned: "I have something urgent."

"Sir, your current body—"

Meng Yungui had already strode out of the ward.

At 12:30, Zhou Guang went to the hospital with a lunch box, and an elderly person was already in the ward. Zhou Guang was taken aback for a moment, and exited to check the ward number, that's right, that's it.

"Miss, who are you looking for?"

"Did Mr. Meng Yungui live here in the morning?"

"He has been discharged from the hospital."

Zhou Guang paused, he was discharged from the hospital?

Swallowing his throat, he nodded, "Thank you."

Zhou Guang was drenched and embarrassed. After standing in the hospital for a while, I took the subway back to the villa. She was wrong, wrong in the first place. Meng Yungui is the beneficiary, the one she has to carefully curry favor with, how can she offend him? What right does she have to offend? Can she bear the consequences of being offended? idiot!

There are not many people in the subway, Zhou Guang leans against the door. The subway passed through the tunnel, whizzing, the glass reflected his pale face, Zhou Guang stared at it, and after a while, he lowered his head and suddenly smiled.

I have always pretended to be sensible and cute, why can't I pretend now?

The overhead broadcast reminded him to arrive at the station, and Zhou Guang went down with his bag on his back. As the crowd walked forward, everyone dispersed after exiting the subway entrance, so she turned and went to the villa area. Now that she has decided, she has to endure no matter how harsh Meng Yungui says.

It takes ten minutes from the subway station to the community, when the phone rang suddenly, Zhou Guang was startled, he quickly took out his phone, saw that the call was Gu Fanchen, and connected it.

"Director Gu."

"Tomorrow, I'll go to the crew to audition for the play, and the script will be twinned."

Zhou Guang had a meal, and then joy flooded up: "What time is it tomorrow?"

"At nine o'clock to the company."


"Although it is not the case that the agency needs to control the artist's private life, I still want to remind you, don't be too messy."

Zhou Guang's heart froze, and he pursed his lower lip. These words were quite insulting to her, but they were also true. She nodded after a while: "Director Gu, thank you for reminding me."

Hanging up the phone, Zhou Guang put the phone back in the bag, took out the key and went to the villa.


Zhou Guang turned his head abruptly, Liu Cuihua was wearing a loose old shirt, the wrinkles on his face were getting more and more, and his hair was all gray. She kept rubbing her fingers, and quickly looked away from last week's time.

In fact, Zhou Guang's appearance is similar to Liu Cuihua's. Judging from her current outline, she should have been a beautiful woman when she was young.

Liu Cuihua covered her mouth and coughed violently. Zhou Guang really didn't know what to say to such a poor person. No matter whether she has affection or not, she can't be cruel to this woman.

"Are... what's wrong?"

"Can I have a few words with you?"

Her tone of voice was a little humble, her eyes flickered, and she was cautiously flattering. She is only in her forties, and her back is very bent. Zhou Guang looked at her for a while, feeling a little sad.

Liu Cuihua lowered her head, pursed her dry lips, and rubbed the skirt of her clothes with rough and dry fingers.

"I know you don't like me and don't want to see me—"

"There are chairs over there, go and sit first." Zhou Guang glanced at the security guard who was staring at Liu Cuihua from a distance, she didn't want to talk about these things at the door. Turning around and walking towards the small garden in the square, Liu Cuihua looked at her daughter and followed after a moment of silence.

Zhou Guang took out a tissue and wiped the bench, sat down, took out a wallet from his bag, took out a thousand and handed it to her: "If you really want to follow him, I can't interfere with your freedom. Keep the money, don't give him."

Liu Cuihua squeezed her fingers, her face flushed a little.

"I'm not here to ask you for money..."

The voice is very low.

"Then forget it."

Zhou Guang made a gesture to put the money back, but Liu Cuihua suddenly raised her head, and she didn't ask for Zhou Guang's money either. Looking around, still embarrassed, he took a deep breath.

"Why are you here?"

"Sell yourself."

Zhou Guang smiled, and finally pushed the money in front of her: "Anyway, you also gave birth to me, don't give him the money for medical treatment."

Liu Cuihua didn't go to pick up the money, she lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking, so Zhou Guang put the money on the bench. She raised her hand to brush the broken hair beside her ear, raised her eyes to look into the distance, narrowed her eyes slightly, and raised the corner of her mouth: "Why did you give birth to me in the first place?"

Since there is no way to raise them well, why give birth?

Is it for investment? Zhou Guang pinched his finger, it really hurt.


Liu Cuihua's voice trembled, her muddy eyes were red, and she stared at Zhou Guangguang: "You really—"

"He came to me and asked for money. I got money from a poor school? Don't you think so?"

Zhou Guang turned to look at her: "Why did you send me to Zhou's house?"

She had never discussed these matters with Liu Cuihua. Chen Jianwei made it clear back then that Zhou Guang didn't know how much money he got. But Zhou Guangguang didn't believe it. Chen Jianwei couldn't be that great. He sent himself to Zhou's family to enjoy the blessings, and he didn't look for him for eighteen years. It didn't fit Chen Jianwei's personality at all. If he had known that Zhou Guang was there, he would have threatened to blackmail him for money.

From the Zhou family's parents, they learned the truth, they wanted the Chen couple to go to jail, Zhou Meng interceded, Zhou Guang left the Zhou family, and nothing happened. Zhou Guang knew what Zhou Meng was up to. It's not that she didn't want to take revenge, but it was Zhou Guang who she wanted to take revenge on more.

After a long silence, Zhou Guang spoke again: "Have you ever done anything clear in your life?"

Liu Cuihua's tears fell on the back of her hand unexpectedly, her shoulders trembled. Zhou Guang turned his face away and didn't look at her: "Why do you insist on living with him? If you can separate from him, I will pay for your future living expenses."

"Time, I'm sorry for you."

Liu Cuihua's throat was choked, and she lowered her head.

"I gave birth to a daughter at that time, and their family was yelling to kill you. I was afraid. I didn't know who the child was at the time, so I hugged Xiaomeng. Later, I went to see you secretly, and then I found out about your adoption. The parents are from the Zhou family. They are rich, so you shouldn’t suffer.” Liu Cuihua was a temporary nurse in the hospital at the time, and the newborn children all looked similar, and the Zhou family had only one pregnant woman in the delivery room at that time. By the time they saw the child, Liu Cuihua had already exchanged the weekly time. The mother-in-law was angry and ran back to the countryside. He just beat him up and didn't pursue the girl anymore. She thought about returning the child. But the Zhou family is really rich, and her daughter has a very good life there, very well. She couldn't bear the suffering of her own daughter, so she hugged Xiaomeng and left with a cruel heart.

Zhou Guang gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly.

She couldn't understand this person's worldview. A poor person must have something to hate. She really couldn't understand, and her head was full of anger. For Zhou Meng, but also for himself.

"I kept it a secret. Later, your father asked for money in an accident. I just told him about it. He wanted to find you, and Zhou's family came to the door... Time, I just hope you have a good life..."

Zhou Guang took a deep breath, stood up abruptly, turned around and left.


"Whether it's Zhou Meng or me, you killed us, you are the chief culprit. I will never be grateful to you for sending me to Zhou's house. If you can't afford a child, don't have a child. Born but not raised, raised but not taught , I can’t admit that a person like you is my mother.” Zhou Guang turned her head and became extremely angry. She calmed down and her mind was very clear. She looked down at Liu Cuihua: “No matter what purpose you are looking for now, please don’t come here again in the future. Find me. I'll send the money to your card, it's a charity, but I don't want to see you again."

Zhou Guang didn't look at Liu Cuihua, turned around and strode away.

what is she a tool. Maybe Liu Cuihua loved her, but Zhou Guang couldn't accept a woman who was so weak that she couldn't even protect her own daughter.

"Time, I'm not here to ask you for money. I only have one daughter, and I'm afraid that if something happens to you, he will come to you. He will kill you. Listen to me, time, get out of here quickly, and never come back. "

Hiding forever? Always hide and live in the dark? If she doesn't hide, why should she hide? Why is she living in the sewers like a rat? What's wrong with her? If she could choose the right to be born, she would rather not be reborn forever than join the Chen family.

"Time, you are obedient—"

"Also tell him that if he comes to harass me again, then I will not be polite."

Zhou Guang strode away, almost running in the end, she ran back to the villa quickly, her hands were shaking when she opened the door, and it took a long time to open it. Closing the door with his backhand, leaning against the door panel, Zhou Guang slowly knelt down and hugged his head.

She was terrified, and that couple was horrific.

Zhou Guang sat on the sofa until dark, Meng Yungui did not come back. She cooked noodles and ate them, feeling numb inside. She didn't want to escape, she didn't want to live like a mouse for the rest of her life.

At eleven o'clock, Meng Yungui had not returned. Zhou Guang went upstairs to take a shower, changed into clean clothes and went downstairs to sit on the sofa and wait for Meng Yun to return.

At twelve o'clock, Meng Yungui still didn't come back, maybe he was with someone else. Zhou Guang thought for a while and fell asleep on the sofa with his clothes on. If she leaves here, where will she go?

She is willing to live like a mouse?

No matter how embarrassing or disgusting, she had to endure it. Otherwise, more disgusting and embarrassing things will follow.

At five o'clock in the morning, the door suddenly rang. Zhou Guang felt light, and he woke up almost instantly. He sat up from the sofa suddenly, his eyes were fixed on the door panel, and his heart was beating fast.

The sky outside was gray and bright, and it was dawn. In the cold and quiet living room, the sound of the door lock opening was crisp and clear, which clearly fell into Zhou Guang's ears. She gritted her teeth, no matter how ugly Meng Yungui said, she would not leave.

Clenching fingers tightly, the door was pushed open.

"Boss Meng—"

A voice came from outside: "Are you okay?"

Zhou Guang immediately jumped up from the sofa and stood up straight.

Meng Yungui waved his hand: "Go back."

Frowning, a little impatient.

"The ten-thirty meeting was on time."

Turn around and go into the house.

"Okay, then I'll go first."

Meng Yun turned around and saw the woman standing in the living room at a glance. She stood upright, the dim light came in from the floor-to-ceiling glass, her face was a little pale, and her eyes were black and white.

Meng Yungui immediately changed his face: "Why haven't you left yet?"

Zhou Guang watched the door close behind him, swallowed his throat, walked over quickly and bent over to help him take out the slippers, put them in front of him, took two steps back, and stuck his neck: "I won't go."

The voice was as low as a mosquito humming, Meng Yungui was furious, and kicked the slippers flying: "You repeat it again!"

"I do not go."

Zhou Guang stepped back to a safe distance, pursed his lips, still stuck his neck, and gritted his teeth: "Mr. Meng." There was a buzzing in his head, and he fought it out: "What happened yesterday was my fault. You can scold me whatever you want. don't go."

Meng Yungui's black eyes were full of anger, and he almost jumped into a rage.

Zhou Guang lowered his head, drooped his shoulders, and sobbed: "I won't go, I have nowhere to go..."

There was a long silence, cramped and depressing.

After a long time, Meng Yungui strode towards the living room. Zhou Guang was taken aback and quickly backed away.

"God **** strangle you."

Murder is against the law. Zhou Guang's heart was beating hard, and he was in a panic. He couldn't really hit someone, right? If he wanted to beat someone, he would sue Meng Yungui and ask him to pay compensation. Anyway, I'm asleep, so I can't leave without getting anything. But if she walked out of this door now, Meng Yungui's line would probably be broken. He has no shortage of women, and Zhou Guang is not too beautiful to find a second one.

Take a gamble.

Zhou Guang stood aside and didn't speak, she was very sober now, weighing the pros and cons. It must be better to stay than to leave. I have paid so much, and now I am gone to fetch water from the bamboo basket.

The living room was very quiet, Meng Yungui leaned on the sofa, took out a cigarette and squinted his eyes to light it.

"You'd better not smoke now, it irritates your stomach, and you vomit blood again."

Meng Yungui raised his hand and threw the cigarette case and lighter at Zhou Guang. He didn't sleep all night, something went wrong with the project, and two people died. At this turmoil, with the media watching everywhere, Meng Yungui quickly activated public relations and held an emergency meeting. I have been busy until dawn, my stomach hurts badly, and I have to face this annoying thing when I come back.

Zhou Guang hurriedly dodged, the lighter and cigarette case fell on the floor with a loud crash.

Zhou Guang said nothing, Meng Yungui narrowed his eyes and stared at her angrily.

"Do you drink water?"

Zhou Guang took another step back, his eyes fixed on Meng Yungui.

Behind him is an antique shelf, and Zhou Guang will hit it even if he retreats.

"You have a bad stomach."

Meng Yungui took a deep breath, Zhou Guang turned around and ran to the kitchen just before he was about to get angry. Meng Yungui closed his eyes, frowning tightly, this brat.

Why does the more I look at it, the more I owe it, I want to kill her.

Tired, he raised his hand to pinch the center of his eyebrows and leaned back on the sofa. The little **** really thought he didn't dare to carry her out and throw her away.

There was a ding ding ding ding in the kitchen, and Zhou Guang came back after a while and put a cup of warm water soaked in honey on the table.

"You drink some water."

Meng Yungui raised his eyes, Zhou Guangguang immediately distanced himself, and stood there with lowered eyes.

"Mr. Meng, I apologize to you."


Zhou Guang stopped talking and pursed his lips tightly. Meng Yungui Dama Jindao sat on the sofa, raised his head and drank half of the glass, and then remembered that the medicine was still in the car.

After sweeping around the room, the living people who can move are only a week away.

After a while of silence, he put the cup on the coffee table, and raised his chin with a loud clink.

"Week time."

"Hmm." Zhou Guang's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly looked at Meng Yungui.

"Why don't you go?"

Meng Yungui's voice was low and hoarse.

"You don't have much backbone."

"I didn't wake up in the morning to talk nonsense." His gaze made Zhou Guang a little scared, cramped and oppressive, very intimidating. Zhou Guang swallowed his throat, and said bravely: "Go out and wake up in the rain, and you have been discharged from the hospital when you go back."

"I asked you why you still don't get out, you talk so much?"

Zhou Guang didn't speak, Meng Yungui wanted to splash water on her face. The little brat's wings are stiff, and she dares to point at his nose and scold, who gave her the courage?

Picking up the remaining half glass of water and drinking it up, leaning on the sofa and waving his hands, he said impatiently, "Don't be an eyesore."

The air was silent for five minutes. Zhou Guang suddenly said, "Do you still drink water?"

Meng Yungui stood up abruptly, and approached her aggressively. Zhou Guang was startled, but he still met his gaze and pursed his lips: "I don't want anything to happen to you."

Zhou Guang's voice was still very low and soft.

Meng Yungui's heart froze, and he raised his hand to pinch her chin. Zhou Guang suddenly closed her eyes, and her fingers trembled a little and pressed tightly to her side: "At any rate, we also met once, Mr. Meng, if you vomit blood again, who will drive you to the hospital!"

Meng Yungui almost laughed angrily, but this kid can talk. I want to torment her, but I really can't find any time now, thinking angrily. There will be a long time in the future, so I will clean her up severely.

"Did I die before you came?"

Meng Yungui lowered his voice, still pinching her chin with his fingers, scraping her lips with his rough fingertips: "It's a lifeless thing."

Zhou Guang's eyelashes trembled, and he didn't wait for the pain after a while, and opened his eyes and bumped into Meng Yungui's dark and deep eyes.

"Do you want to die?"

Zhou Guang quickly shook his head, Meng Yungui pressed his thumb on her lips, looking down at her.

"Even if I'm the illegitimate son of the Meng family, it won't take much effort to kill you."

He put his fingers into Zhou Guang's lips, and narrowed his eyes. "If you dare to say the wrong thing again, all your teeth will be knocked out, try it if you don't believe me."

Zhou Guang was cold all over, he teased enough, and then let go, his wet fingers scraped next Zhou Guang's cheek, turned and walked upstairs: "Go to the car and bring in my medicine."

Zhou Guang lost, from the inside out. But she also won the bet, and Meng Yun would follow suit.

Meng Yungui went upstairs, the door panel closed with a loud knock, Zhou Guang's legs gave way and he almost sat on the ground.

Grabbing her mind, she turned around and rushed to the kitchen to take a big mouthful of water to rinse her mouth. Her fingers were still trembling, and she spat out the water in the trash can. She shivered inexplicably. After a while, he calmed down, took the car keys at the entrance and went out to get the medicine for the old man upstairs.

Zhou Guang took the medicine and went upstairs. Meng Yungui was standing by the window smoking a cigarette. He was standing straight, with white smoke shrouded in front of him, and his eyes were looking far and long into the distance. Zhou Guang came in and put the medicine and the cup on the table. This man was too unpredictable, and she couldn't make an inch of it.

"Mr. Meng."

"Put the medicine there and go out."


When the time came to Zhou's mouth, he swallowed back the words, as long as he doesn't die, let him **** himself!

Read The Duke's Passion