MTL - Accidentally Entangled with the Rich-Chapter 22

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"Then who am I?"

When the main course came, Zhou Guang looked up and laughed, "That's the kind of person I am."

In an instant, Wang An's face was very ugly.

She is the kind of person who loves vanity and sells her body and soul for money.

Zhou Guang smiled and shook his head, picked up the red wine and shook it lightly, the bright red liquid was bright under the light, Zhou Guang took a sip.

"It's easy to be extravagant and difficult to be frugal. It's not easy for me to leave the Zhou family."

The medium-rare steak is fresh and tender, and the aroma is full of juice when cut with a knife. Zhou Guang chewed beef, squinted her eyes slightly, she was wearing a goose yellow skirt, her slightly curly hair was loosened over her shoulders, her pretty face was clean and calm, she smiled lightly.

"I can live without luxury cars and clothes, go to expensive restaurants and look down on a concert, but I can't get used to not having it for the rest of my life. I'm such a vain person."

Wang An gritted his teeth, his eyes were dark and full of anger, and he almost exploded.

"Week time!"

After a while, he gritted his teeth and stood up: "You are not the Zhou Guang I know at all!"


Zhou Guang smiled calmly, still cutting the steak in an orderly manner.

"Zhou Guang, do you know? How much I want to hear you say that everything is a misunderstanding." Wang An swallowed his throat, his eyes glared at Zhou Guang, his fists were clenched tightly, and he lost Zhou Guang. "How I wish you were still the old you."

Who is Meng Yungui? Everyone in the circle probably knows that the second generation of prodigal rich, the women around them change more frequently than their clothes. Zhou Guang followed him, by his side, and admitted that she was doing it for money.

Wang An almost gritted his teeth, angrily trying to drive the smiling woman in front of him away.

"Zhou Guang, you really disgust me now."

Wang An threw the napkin in his hand, turned around and walked outside in big strides, knocking over a chair in a hurry. The rest of the diners turned their heads to look over, Zhou Guang shook his head, took a tissue to wipe his lips, and snorted.

"The Zhouguang you know is only seventeen years old, carefree."

It's the twenty-second of the week now, and I can sell anything for money.

How could it be the same? How can it be.

Wang An left in a hurry and didn't pay the bill. Zhou Guang paid the bill, and the meal cost of several thousand was really painful.

Disgusting is disgusting, and we will never see each other again.

Wang An didn't know her family yet, so she couldn't eat for half a year.

Zhou Guang took a taxi to Cheng Zihan's agency, and it took half a day to sign the contract. Cheng Zihan attended the event, and Gu Fanchen received her. Hearing this name, Zhou Guang sized up the stylishly dressed person in front of him, but he didn't match her. Number.

Gu Fanchen, the gold medal manager, is only in his early thirties.

"Hi, I'm Zhou Guang."

"The manager in charge of your future, Gu Fanchen, I hope we can have a happy cooperation."

Gu Fanchen was a little cold, glanced at Zhou Guang, sat down and his assistant brought over coffee, he took a sip and found the information from his bag: "Zhou Guang, twenty-two years old, a third-year acting student in the drama department."


"The only faceless scene I ever filmed was The Splendid Family. It was wrapped up within a few days of filming. Your part should be almost cut."

When he spoke, his voice was cold and rigid, and Zhou Guang pursed his lower lip in embarrassment.


"How are you doing in school?"

Gu Fanchen suddenly changed the subject, Taohua stared at Zhou Guangguang.

Zhou Guang was taken aback for a moment, and quickly said, "Not bad."

"I have seen your works, and your lines are good, but the rest of your grades should not be good."

Zhou Guang was ashamed and didn't know what to say for a while.

"What image do you plan to debut with?"

Zhou Guang was silent for a while, then looked up at Gu Fanchen: "What style do you think I am suitable for?"

Gu Fanchen stared at Zhou Guangguang for a while, closed the file, raised his chin, narrowed his eyes slightly, and raised his mouth: "Recently, don't take the bus or subway when you go out, it's not appropriate to be photographed. I'll post it in a few days. Regarding your training itinerary, you must be clear about your debut and positioning, and the pre-packaging is very important.”

Zhou Guang nodded.

"I'll arrange an assistant for you in a few days, and you will pay the assistant's salary."

The corner of Zhou Guang's mouth twitched, can I have an assistant?

"Any questions?"

Zhou Guang shook his head: "No."

"Then go back first and call back."

Zhou Guang walked out of the company building, looking at the vicious sun above his head, the white sky was dazzling. The thing she'd always dreamed of had finally come true, and finally came true. It was decided lightly like this, neither excited nor surprised, because the result was known before.

I squeezed my fingers, my heart felt a little empty, is it worth it? have no idea.

Raising her head and looking ahead, she took a deep breath, her dream had just begun.

I bought a few daily necessities in the supermarket at the gate of the community on weekdays, and it was already 5:30 in the afternoon when I went back with the things. In summer, the days are long, and the sun is still scorching the earth in mid-air.

Zhou Guang opened the door and went in, but there was no one in the living room, and the crazy Meng Yungui did not come back. He went into the kitchen with a bag of food, sorted it in the refrigerator, turned around and went out to take the bag of food up and put it in the bedroom. Open it separately, before going downstairs to the first floor, the sound of keys suddenly sounded at the door, and I was taken aback, my nerves tensed up.

The door opened, and Meng Yungui's tall figure appeared against the backlight, his eyes met.

Meng Yungui threw the car keys on the cabinet in the entrance, changed his shoes and walked inside.

"Pour me a glass of water."


With yesterday's cake throwing incident, Zhou Guang understood where he was angry. He didn't like others not paying attention to his words.

Oh shit! What a psycho!

After pouring a glass of boiled water and bringing it out, Meng Yungui sat on the sofa with a stack of documents in his hand, looking at them with a serious expression. Zhou Guang put the tea on the table and took two steps back: "The cup is here."


Meng Yun didn't even lift his head.

Zhou Guang didn't want to be in front of Meng Yungui, he was in heat anytime, and he came here just to do it.

Seeing that it was getting late, Zhou Guang went to the kitchen to dig out the vegetables he just bought in the afternoon. The aunt who does hygiene here will come to clean the refrigerator in a few days, and put some fresh ones in by the way. The weekly time is just to supplement, she ignores the things she doesn't like to eat, and then goes to the supermarket to buy some foods she likes to eat.

The peaches and melons in this season are very good. Zhou Guang cut up the fruits and served them out.

Meng Yungui didn't even look at her, he had a thick case file at hand. Zhou Guang glanced at some financial data, she couldn't understand it, so she turned and went to the kitchen.

Zhou Guang has a talent for cooking. She dug out the cookbook she just bought and opened it to find out how to make chicken soup. After researching for a while, she cooked it. It was very simple, just need to control the heat.

Zhou Guang put the ingredients into the pot to cook, and began to study other dishes.

There is a handful of fresh green vegetables, which can be fried with garlic. She really has no experience in making meat, so she studied it for a long time and decided to make twice-cooked pork that would never fail. In the end, it still failed. The pepper was put too much, which made her almost cry, and it was useless to turn on the range hood.

Before the dishes came out of the pot, Meng Yungui's voice came from the living room, with anger: "Zhou Guang!"


Zhou Guang quickly turned off the fire, the dishes should be cooked, ready to serve.

He coughed sharply: "You **** want to sell the house?"


Zhou Guang hurriedly went to open the window and the door of the living room, and after a lot of tossing, the smoke was almost gone when he came back.

Meng Yungui stood at the door for a moment, a little irritable, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lit it, and took two puffs, which made him feel much better. As the hot air rushed in from outside, Meng Yungui squinted his eyes to see the slanting sun, and shook off the soot with a sigh.

His brows were frowned tightly. The old man wanted to shovel him out of the Meng family and pave the way for the boss to take over the company.

Oh shit!

After Meng Yungui finished smoking a cigarette, he closed the door and walked back. Zhou Guang had already put the dishes on the table, bent over and collected all the documents on the sofa. Walking quickly to the dining room, there is a dark, choking thing that doesn't know what it is, and a serving of vegetables can still be seen.

Meng Yungui closed his eyes and the corners of his mouth twitched, as expected he couldn't expect anything from her.

It's enough to eat quietly and rely on your face, but you have to cook.

Zhou Guang came out with chicken soup. She simmered the chicken soup for a long time and only added a little salt. The taste was not good because it didn't have any technical content. When Zhou Guang served the rice, she found that the rice was a bit dry, which is a taboo in cooking. She blinked her eyes and looked helplessly at the dry rice.

Would you like some more water? Can you still eat it?

After a moment of hesitation, Meng Yungui's cold and stern voice came from the restaurant: "Where's the food?"

Zhou Guang shoveled two bowls of rice out and put them in front of Meng Yungui: "If you don't want to eat, you can have soup."

Meng Yungui poked the rice and looked up at her.

Zhou Guang buried his head in his meal, not daring to meet his gaze.

After eating the rice mixed with chicken soup, Meng Yungui decided that he would never come back to eat again, it was a waste of his own stomach.

"Has the contract been signed?"

"Yeah." Zhou Guang served him a bowl of soup: "The manager is Gu Fanchen, thank you."

Meng Yungui frowned as he watched her head almost buried under the table.

"When are you filming?"

"I don't know, wait for the notice." Zhou Guang swallowed the rice hard, looked up at Meng Yungui: "Filming is a rare thing to come by." She smiled: "It's useless to be anxious, just wait for the opportunity."

Meng Yungui looked away.

After dinner, Zhou Guang washed the dishes, and he also entered the kitchen and pressed Zhou Guang from behind to lean over to kiss her, and let go as soon as his lips touched her. His face was black and smelly, and he frowned, "Don't wash the dishes, and don't cook in the future, go upstairs and brush your teeth."

I ate garlic at night, that smell~

Meng Yungui is a master who knows how to do business. Zhou Guang wondered whether he would only be reconciled if he had to earn the two hundred thousand back? After doing it a few times, the tossing sound, fortunately, there are only two of them living in this villa.

Zhou Guang was so tired that he couldn't keep his eyes open before he let go.

In the early hours of the morning, Zhou Guang fell asleep in a daze, and suddenly heard a muffled groan, and suddenly woke up.


It was dark in the room, and she was a little scared.

"Mr. Meng?"

"Hiss, turn on the light—" Meng Yungui was sweating from pain, his voice hoarse.

Hearing the sound was wrong, Zhou Guang quickly got up and turned on the light, and when he turned his head, he saw Meng Yungui's pale face, and his lips had changed color. He was sweating profusely as he groped for clothes.

Zhou Guang's face was flushed red and he found a pajamas to put on. He was completely naked, revealing all his tyrannical muscles. Zhou Guang didn't dare to look at him, he lowered his head and took his pajamas and handed them over: "What's wrong with you?"

"Stomach hurts."

This time is different from before, Meng Yungui didn't dare to delay, he didn't accomplish anything and now he's dead, wouldn't it be cheaper for those bastards.

"Can you drive?"

He didn't take the pajamas in Zhouguang's hand, he stood up and opened the cabinet to take out the clean clothes and pants to put on. Stomach twisting pain, heart-piercing.

There was a bang in Zhou Guang's head. Could it be that he ate the food she cooked? Will this man retaliate?

"I have a driver's license."

"What are you doing so far? Come and help me." Meng Yungui's eyebrows were cold and hostile, Zhou Guang didn't dare to delay and hurried over to help him, Meng Yungui put his arm on her shoulder, gritted his teeth and walked outside :"Take me to a hospital."

The pain is like this, it must not be an ordinary stomach trouble.